Making a scene

We can think of a scene as a level in a game—it is the stage upon which we place our objects, so that the player can interact with them. We can create a scene by performing the following steps:

  1. Click on Edit | Scene | Create in the Game Editor window.
  2. Name the scene as Level1 and click on the OK button.
  3. The new scene is created and opened for immediate use, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Making a scene

We can tell Level1 is open, because the Game Editor window switched to the Scenes tab and now Level1 has a green check mark next to it; we can also see a grid in the Scene Viewer window. Additionally, the scene information is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the Scene Viewer window and the Scene tag says Level1.

So we were able to get a scene created, but it is sadly empty—it's not much of a level in even the worst of games. If we want this game to be worth playing, we better add something interesting. Let's start by importing a ship.

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