^= operator, 487
=> (goes to) operator, 655
About() method, 20-21
AcceptAjax attribute, 473-476
AcceptVerbs attribute (actions), 65-69
access, testing
with fake generic repository, 155-157
with mock repository, 150-155
overview, 149-150
Account controller, users and roles, 367-369
action filters
definition of, 207
FeaturedProductActionFilter, 316-318
log action filter, 237-240
overview, 236
Action() HTML helper, 161-162
ActionLink() HTML helper, 160-161
ActionMethodSelector attribute (actions), 72-75
ActionName attribute (actions), 70-71
ActionResults, returning
ContentResult, 57-59
FileResult, 63-65
JsonResult, 59-62
overview, 51-52
RedirectResult, 55-57
types of ActionResults, 51-52
ViewResult, 52-55
AcceptVerbs attribute, 65-69
action filters
definition of, 207
FeaturedProductActionFilter, 316-318
log action filter, 237-240
overview, 236
ActionMethodSelector attribute, 72-75
ActionName attribute, 70-71
ActionResults, returning
overview, 51-52
types of ActionResults, 51-52
invoking, 51
testing, 78-81
unknown actions, handling, 76-78
Add Controller dialog, 47-48
Add menu commands
Controller, 47
New Item, 26
New Test, 661
Add New Item dialog, 26
Add New Test dialog, 514, 660-661
Add Reference command (Project menu), 274
Add Reference dialog box, 274
Add View dialog, 37-45, 84, 83
AddAttribute() method, 180
AddCssClass() method, 176
AddModelError() method, 244
AddStyleAttribute() method, 180
ADO.NET Entity Designer, 123
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# (Martin and Martin), 10
AcceptAjax attribute, 473-476
AjaxOptions class
LoadingElementId property, 436
OnBegin property, 439
OnComplete property, 439
debugging routes, 428-429
helpers, 462
Ajax.ActionLink() helper, 454, 462, 468. See also asynchronous content retrieval
Ajax.BeginForm() helper, 430. See also posting forms asynchronously
Ajax.BlogPager() helper, 618-619
required libraries, 427-428
and jQuery, 491-498
MicrosoftAjax.js library, including in pages, 427-428
MicrosoftMvcAjax.js library, including, 427-428
overview, 426-427
posting forms asynchronously
displaying progress, 435-442
downlevel browser support, 452-455
sample application, 430-435
updating content after posting, 443-447
validation, 447-452
retrieving content asynchronously
creating delete links, 462-467
downlevel browser support, 468-473
highlighting selected link, 459-462
sample application, 454-459
supporting in UnleashedBlog application
Ajax.BlogPager() helper, 618-619
BlogEntries partial, 616-617
Index_Ajax() method, 614-615
Index_AjaxReturnsPartialViewResult() method, 614
modified Index view, 615-616
overview, 612-613
ajax() method, 491
Ajax.ActionLink() helper, 454, 462, 468. See also asynchronous content retrieval
Ajax.BeginForm() helper, 430. See also posting forms asynchronously
AjaxMethodAttribute class, 72
AjaxOptions class
LoadingElementId property, 436
OnBegin property, 439
OnComplete property, 439
ajaxSetup() method, 496
alternative view engines
Brail, 98
custom view engine
creating, 99-104
testing, 114-117
NHaml, 98
nVelocity, 98
overview, 97-98
Spark, 98
displaying as progress indicators, 439-442
jQuery animations, 489-491
anonymous types, 649-651
antiforgery tokens, 169-173
AntiForgeryToken() HTML helper, 169-173
App_Data folder, 19
Application_Start() method, 271
ApplicationController class, 308-309
ApplicationName setting, 378
architecture, 16-17
bin deployment, 424-425
blog. See UnleashedBlog application
MyFirstMvcApp sample application
code listings, 20-22
creating, 17-18
folder conventions, 19--19
running, 19-20
Toy Store. See Toy Store application
architecture of ASP.NET MVC applications, 16-17
ArchiveController class, 549-552
ArchiveControllerTests class, 544-549, 572-573
ArchiveYear test, 559
ArchiveYearMonth test, 559
ArchiveYearMonthDay test, 559
ArchiveYearMonthDayName() method, 559, 641-642
AreEqual() method, 669-670
AreEquivalent() method, 669
ASP.NET MVC 1.0, 1
ASP.NET Unleashed (Walther), 15
ASP.NET Web Forms,
combining with ASP.NET MVC, 424
modifying to support ASP.NET MVC
Global.asax file, 422-424
overview, 414
required assemblies, 415-416
Visual Studio project files, 415
web configuration files, 416-422
adding, 415-416
System.Web.Abstractions, 415
System.Web.Mvc, 415
System.Web.Routing assembly, 415
Assert class, 669
assertions, 669-672
asynchronous content retrieval
creating delete links, 462-467
downlevel browser support, 468-473
highlighting selected link, 459-462
sample application, 454-459
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. See Ajax
asynchronous posting of forms
displaying progress, 435-442
downlevel browser support, 452-455
sample application, 430-435
updating content after posting, 443-447
validation, 447-452
CSRF (cross-site request forgery) attacks, 169
JavaScript injection attacks, 95-97
Attributes property (TagBuilder class), 176
AuthenticatedConstraint, 280-283
authorizing users
with Authorize attribute, 368-370
authorizing particular roles, 371-372
authorizing particular users, 370-371
overview, 368
with User property, 372-374
membership, configuring
with Membership and Role Manager API, 381-385
membership database, 375-379
membership settings, 378-380
overview, 363-365
for Authorize attribute, 390-392
with user model binder, 393-400
users and roles, creating
with Account controller, 367-369
with Web Site Administration Tool, 365-366
Windows authentication
authenticating Windows users and groups, 386-390
configuring, 385-387
overview, 385
types of authentication, 386
AuthenticationType property (Identify object), 373
Authorize attribute, 368-370
testing for, 390-392
authorizing users
with Authorize attribute, 368-370
authorizing particular roles, 371-372
authorizing particular users, 370-371
overview, 368
with User property, 372-374
avoiding code smells, 9-10
Basic authentication, 386
Beck, Kent, 509
BeginForm() HTML helper, 162, 166-167
bin deployment, 424-425
Bind attribute (model binders)
applying to classes, 221-225
applying to method parameters, 218-221
prefixes, 225-228
binding to complex classes, 212-218
blog application. See UnleashedBlog application
blog entries, creating, 520-523
BlogArchive route, 276
BlogController class
BlogArchive route, 277
_blogEntries field, 522-523
BlogRepositoryBase class. See BlogRepositoryBase class
BlogService. See BlogService class
CreateNameFromTitle() method, 589-590
creating, 517-518
Entity Framework blog repository, 537-539
ignoring Id property, 580-581
Index_Ajax() method, 614-615
paging support, 597-601
validating blog entry title, 570-571
validating length of property, 577-578
CreateBlogEntry() method, 520-521
CreateNameIsValid() method, 587
CreateTitleMaximumLength500() method, 576-577
CreateTitleRequired() method, 568-569
FakeBlogRepository(), 528-530
Index_AjaxReturnsPartialViewResult() method, 614
IndexReturnsBlogEntriesByYear() test, 575
paging tests, 596-600
ShowNewBlogEntries() method, 515-516
_blogEntries field, 588-589
BlogEntries partial, 607-608, 616-617
BlogEntriesIncludeCommentCount() method, 631-632
BlogEntry class, 517
BlogEntryEntity class, 536-537
BlogEntryFactory class, 573-576
BlogLink() HTML helper, 608-609
BlogLinkHelper class, 608-609
BlogPager() Ajax helper, 618-619
BlogPager() HTML helper, 610-612
BlogPagerHelper class, 610-612
BlogRepositoryBase class
first iteration, 524-525
ListBlogEntries() method, 552-553
paging support, 602-605
BlogService class
blog entry Name property, 588-589
initial code listing, 581-583
ListBlogEntries() method, 601-603
Brail, 98
browsers, downlevel browser support
posting forms asynchronously, 452-455
retrieving content asynchronously, 468-473
BulletedListHelper class, 180-182
business rules in UnleashedBlog application, 586-591
C# language features
anonymous types, 649-651
extension methods, 652-654
generics, 654-655
lambda expressions, 655
LINQ (Language Integrated Query), 656-658
nullable types, 651-652
object initializers, 648
type inference, 647-648
Cache class, 347-353
Cache-Control HTTP header, 345
CacheControlController class, 345-346
CacheWrapper class, 360
caching, 333-335
with Cache class, 347-353
with HttpCachePolicy class, 345-346
with OutputCache attribute, 330-331
cache location, setting, 333-335
cache profiles, 343-344
Location property, 333-335
removing items from output cache, 341-343
sample application, 325-330
security issues, 330-331
VaryByContentEncoding property, 337
VaryByCustom property, 338-341
VaryByHeader property, 337-338
VaryByParam property, 335-337
varying output cache, 335-341
what gets cached, 331-333
overview, 323-325
sliding expiration cache policy, 351-352
testing cache
OutputCache attribute, 353-355
overview, 353
verifying that database data is cached, 355-362
call manager application case study, 7-8
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), error message styles, 247-248
CatalogController class, 77-78
catch-all parameter (routes), 285-288
Certification authentication, 386
ChangePassword() method, 367
ChangePasswordSuccess() method, 367
changing passwords, 368-369
CheckBox() HTML helper, 162-165
classes, 325-330
AjaxMethodAttribute, 72
LoadingElementId property, 436
OnBegin property, 439
OnComplete property, 439
ApplicationController, 308-309
ArchiveController, 549-552
ArchiveControllerTests, 544-549, 572-573
Assert, 669
binding to complex classes, 212-218
BlogArchive route, 277
_blogEntries field, 522-523
BlogRepositoryBase class. See BlogRepositoryBase class
BlogService. See BlogService class
CreateNameFromTitle() method, 589-590
creating, 517-518
Entity Framework blog repository, 537-539
ignoring Id property, 580-581
Index_Ajax() method, 614-615
paging support, 597-601
validating blog entry title, 570-571
validating length of property, 577-578
CreateBlogEntry() method, 520-521
CreateNameIsValid() method, 587
CreateTitleMaximumLength500() method, 576-577
CreateTitleRequired() method, 568-569
FakeBlogRepository(), 528-530
Index_AjaxReturnsPartialViewResult() method, 614
IndexReturnsBlogEntriesByYear() test, 575
paging tests, 596-600
ShowNewBlogEntries() method, 515-516
BlogEntry, 517
BlogEntryEntity, 536-537
BlogEntryFactory, 573-576
BlogLinkHelper, 608-609
BlogPagerHelper, 610-612
BlogRepositoryBase, 602-605
first iteration, 524-525
ListBlogEntries() method, 552-553
blog entry Name property, 588-589
initial code listing, 581-583
ListBlogEntries() method, 601-603
BulletedListHelper, 180-182
Cache, 347-353
CacheControlController, 345-346
CacheWrapper, 360
CatalogController, 77-78
CollectionAssert, 669
Comment, 624-625
CommentController, 625-626
BlogEntriesIncludeCommentCount() method, 631-632
CommentsOrderByDatePublished() method, 629-630
CreateAndThenGetComment() method, 627-629
CreateComment() method, 622-623
CompanyController, 369-372
ContentManagerController, 63-64
Controller, 372-374
controller classes, creating, 681-682
creating from interfaces, 681-690
Customer, binding to, 213-218
CustomerController, 53-54
data model classes. See data models
DataGridHelperBasic, 183-187
DataGridHelperTests, 201-205
DeleteController, 463-465
DownlevelController, 453-454
DownLinkController, 468-471
DynamicController, 302-303
EmployeeController, 65-67
EntityFrameworkBlogRepository, 534-537, 634-636
Enumerable, 656
FakeBlogRepository, 526-528, 632-633
FakeClass, 360
FakeIdentity, 398-400
FakeMovieRepository, 267
FakePrincipal, 396-398
generics, 654-655
GuestBookController, 446-447
HelloController, 58
HomeController, 20-21
caching, 325-330
creating, 30-37
HomeController class listing in C#, 31-32, 34-35
HomeController class listing in VB, 32-34, 35-36
testing, 106-108
HomeControllerTest, 106-108
HomeControllerTestFake, 155-157
HomeControllerTestMock, 153-155
HTMLTextWriter, 180-183
HttpCachePolicy, 345-346
ImageLinkHelper, 177-180
JackController, 391
JackControllerTests, 391-392
JillController, 393-394
JillControllerTests, 394-396
LogActionFilter, 237-239
LogController, 239-240
LookupController, 382-383
MasterDetailController, 457-458
MathUtility, 666
MathUtilityTests, 666-668
Membership, 381-385
MembershipUser, 381-385
MerchandiseController, 70-71
Movie2Controller, 252-253
Movie2ControllerTests, 264-266
MovieController, 684-686
model state, 242-244
posting forms asynchronously, 430-435
retrieving movies, 496-498
MovieRepository, 257-258, 347-349, 686-687
MovieService, 254-256, 684-686
MovieServiceTests, 688-689
NewsController, 73-74, 493-494
PagedList, 193-195
PageList, 594-596
PagingLinqExtensions, 195-197
PersonController, 78-81
Product, 261-263
ProductController, 48-51, 259-261, 318-319
C# code listing, 661-663
VB code listing, 663-664
ProductHelper, 110-112
ProductHelperTest, 112-114
ProductRepository, 133-136
ProfileController, 344
Queryable, 656-657
QuotationController, 59-60
RemoveController, 342-343
Repository, 148-149
Roles, 382
SelectorController, 457-476
ServerValidateController, 450-451
SimpleControllerTest, 114-116
SimpleMovieController, 358-359
SimpleMovieRepository, 356
SimpleMovieService, 356-358
SimpleView, 100-103
SimpleViewEngine, 99-104
SlidingController, 351-352
SortController, 288
StringAssert, 669
TagBuilder, 176-180
TheaterController, 319-320
UserController, 373-374
UserModelBinder, 233-236
VaryCustomController, 340
ViewDataDictionary, 91
VirtualPathProviderViewEngine, 99
WidgetController, 55-56
WindowsController, 387-390
classic mode (IIS), 402-403
code samples, downloading, 3
code smells, avoiding, 9-10
CollectionAssert class, 669
commands. See specific commands
Comment class, 624-625
CommentController class, 625-626
CommentControllerTests class
BlogEntriesIncludeCommentCount() method, 631-632
CommentsOrderByDatePublished() method, 629-630
CreateAndThenGetComment() method, 627-629
CreateComment() method, 622-623
comments, adding to blog application
adding comments to database, 633-637
BlogEntriesIncludeCommentCount() method, 631-632
Comment class, 624-625
CommentsOrderByDatePublished() method, 629-630
CreateAndThenGetComment() method, 627-629
CreateComment() method, 622-623, 627-628
displaying comments and comment counts, 637-643
modified FakeBlogRepository class, 632-633
overview, 619-622
Comments database table, adding comments to, 633-637
CommentsOrderByDatePublished() method, 629-630
CompanyController class, 369-372
complexity in software, 10
ASP.NET Web Forms to support ASP.NET MVC
Global.asax file, 422-424
overview, 414
required assemblies, 415-416
Visual Studio project files, 415
web configuration files, 416-422
default routes, 272-273
IIS (Internet Information Services)
hosted server, 408-410
integrated versus classic mode, 402-403
overview, 401-402
route table, adding extensions to, 403-408
wildcard script maps, 410-414
with Membership and Role Manager API, 381-385
membership database, 375-379
membership settings, 378-380
Windows authentication, 385-387
CONNECT operation (HTTP), 68, 462
route constraints, creating
AuthenticatedConstraint, 280-283
HttpMethod constraint, 280-281
NotEqual constraint, 283-285
regular expression constraints, 278-279
testing routes with, 292-294
Contains() method, 669
Content folder, 19
Content() method, overloading, 59
ContentManagerController class, 63-64
ContentResult, 52
returning, 57-59
Controller class, 372-374
Controller command (Add menu), 47
controllers, 16
ActionResults, returning
ContentResult, 57-59
FileResult, 63-65
JsonResult, 59-62
overview, 51-52
RedirectResult, 55-57
types of ActionResults, 51-52
ViewResult, 52-55
AcceptVerbs attribute, 65-69
ActionMethodSelector attribute, 72-75
ActionName attribute, 70-71
invoking, 51
testing, 78-81
unknown actions, handling, 76-78
ApplicationController class, 308-309
ArchiveController class, 549-552
BlogController class
BlogArchive route, 277
_blogEntries field, 522-523
BlogRepositoryBase class. See BlogRepositoryBase class
BlogService. See BlogService class
CreateNameFromTitle() method, 589-590
Entity Framework blog repository, 537-539
ignoring Id property, 580-581
Index_Ajax() method, 614-615
paging support, 597-601
validating blog entry title, 570-571
validating length of property, 577-578
CacheControlController class, 345-346
CatalogController class, 77-78
CommentController class, 625-626
CompanyController class, 369-372
ContentManagerController class, 63-64
Controller class, 372-374
CustomerController class, 53-54
DeleteController class, 463-465
DownlevelController class, 453-454
DownLinkController class, 468-471
DynamicController class, 302-303
EmployeeController class, 65-67
GuestBookController class, 446-447
HelloController class, 58
HomeController class, 20-21
caching, 325-330
creating, 30-37
HomeController class listing in C#, 31-32, 34-35
HomeController class listing in VB, 32-34, 35-36
testing, 106-108
JackController class, 391
JillController class, 393-394
LookupController class, 382-383
MasterDetailController class, 457-458
MerchandiseController class, 70-71
Movie2Controller class, 252-253
MovieController class, 684-686
model state, 242-244
posting forms asynchronously, 430-435
retrieving movies, 496-498
NewsController class, 73-74, 493-494
overview, 46-47
PersonController class, 78-81
ProductController class, 259-261, 318-319
ProfileController class, 344
QuotationController class, 59-60
RemoveController class, 342-343
SelectorController class, 457-476
ServerValidateController class, 450-451
setting view master pages from, 302-304
SimpleMovieController class, 358-359
SlidingController class, 351-352
SortController class, 288
TheaterController class, 319-320
UserController class, 373-374
VaryCustomController class, 340
WidgetController class, 55-56
WindowsController class, 387-390
Controllers folder, 19
controls. See user controls
ConvertCommentToCommentEntity() method, 637
Create() method, 65
creating records, 127-128
HomeController class, 34-37
UnleashedBlog application, 521-522
Create Unit Test Project dialog, 24, 513, 511, 660
Create view
Ajax posts, 432-435
for Toy Store application, 42-45
CreateAndThenGetComment() method, 627-629
createBeing() method, 442
CreateBlogEntry() method, 520-523, 536, 588-591, 627-628
CreateComment() method, 622-623, 627-628
createComplete() method, 442
CreateItems() method, 205
CreateMovie() method, 349
fake values, returning, 690-693
CreateNameFromTitle() method, 589-590
CreateNameIsValid() method, 587
createSuccess() method, 435
CreateTitleMaximumLength500() method, 576-577
CreateTitleRequired() method, 568-569
CreateWithBadMovieReturnsView() method, 693
CreateWithGoodMovieReturnsRedirect() method, 693
cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, 96
CSRF (cross-site request forgery) attacks, 169
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), error message styles, 247-248
HTML.DataGrid() helper, 183-201
C# code listing, 183-185
calling, 187-188
paging support, 192-201
reflection, 188-189
sorting suport, 190-192
testing, 201-205
VB code listing, 186-187
HTML.SubmitButton() example, 173-176
with HTMLTextWriter class, 180-183
with TagBuilder class, 176-180
custom model binders, creating, 233-236
custom routes, creating, 275-277
custom view engine
creating, 99-104
testing, 114-117
Customer class, binding to, 213-218
CustomerController class, 53-54
data access, testing
with fake generic repository, 155-157
with mock repository, 150-155
overview, 149-150
data models
creating with Microsoft Entity Framework, 120-124
data access, testing
with fake generic repository, 155-157
with mock repository, 150-155
overview, 149-150
for Entity Framework blog repository, 532-533
overview, 117-119
creating, 127-128
deleting, 131-132
editing, 128-130
listing, 124-126
retrieving single record, 126
Repository pattern
Dependency Injection pattern, 138-139
generic repositories, 139-149
overview, 132
product repositories, 133-138
for Toy Store application, 27-30
adding comments to, 633-637
database objects for Entity Framework blog repository, 531-532
membership database, configuring, 375-379
Toy Store database, creating, 23-27
DataGrid() HTML helper, 183-201
C# code listing, 183-185
calling, 187-188
paging support, 192-201
PagedList class, 193-195
PagedSortedProducts() action, 200-201
PagingLinqExtensions class, 195-197
reflection, 188-189
sorting support, 190-192
testing, 201-205
VB code listing, 186-187
DataGridHelperBasic class, 183-187
DataGridHelperTests class, 201-205
dateReleased variable, 651
Ajax, 428-429
routes, 274-275
binding to complex classes, 212-218
overview, 210-212
default routes
configuring, 272-273
Global.asax file, 269-271
DefaultRoute test, 559
DefaultRouteMatchesHome() method, 289-290
delete links, creating, 462-467
Delete() method, 131-132
DELETE operation (HTTP), 68-69, 462
Delete_GET() action, 465
Delete_POST() action, 465
DeleteController class, 463-465
deleting records, 131-132
Dependency Injection pattern, 138-139
deployment, bin, 424-425
Description setting, 378
design (software)
design patterns, 11-12
design principles, 10-11
short-term versus long-term planning, 14
test-driven development, 13
unit tests, 12-13
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, 11
Details() method, 34
retrieving single record, 126
Details view for UnleashedBlog application, 637-641
DetailsWithId() method, 80-81
DetailsWithoutId() method, 80-81
development, test-driven. See test-driven development
dialogs. See specific dialogs
Digest authentication, 386
disabling request validation, 97
divLoading element, 436
Domain-Driven Design (Evans), 11
doubles, 680
downlevel browser support
asynchronous content retrieval, 468-473
posting forms asynchronously, 452-455
DownlevelController class, 453-454
DownLinkController class, 468-471
code samples, 3
jQuery plug-ins, 498-499
NUnit, 672
drop-down lists, rendering, 167-168
DropDownList() HTML helper, 162, 167-168
DynamicController class, 302-303
Edit() method, 34
editing records, 128-130
EFGenericRepository project, 140
EFMvcApplication project, 142-144
embedding scripts in views, 86-87
EmployeeController class, 65-67
EmptyResult, 52
EnablePasswordReset setting, 379
EnablePasswordRetrieval setting, 379
Encode() HTML helper, 169
encoding HTML content, 169
EndForm() HTML helper, 162, 166-167
Entity Data Model Wizard, 28-30
Entity Framework. See Microsoft Entity Framework
EntityFrameworkBlogRepository class, 534-537, 634-636
Enumerable class, 656
Sys Is Undefined error, 428
Type Is Undefined error, 428
validation error messages
prebinding versus postbinding, 248-250
styling, 247-248
in UnleashedBlog application, 578-581
ETag HTTP header, 345
Evans, Eric, 11-12
event handlers in jQuery, 487-488. See also specific event handlers
evolutionary design, 507-508
Exclude property (Bind attribute), 218
Expires HTTP header, 345
expressions, lambda, 655
extending generic repositories, 147-149
extension methods, 652-654
extensions, adding to route table, 403-408
Factoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Fowler), 506
fake repositories
testing data access with, 155-157
for UnleashedBlog application, 526-530, 632-633
fake values, returning, 690-693
FakeBlogRepository class, 526-528, 632-633
FakeCache class, 360
FakeIdentity class, 398-400
FakeMovieRepository class, 267
FakePrincipal class, 396-398
fakes, definition of, 680
FeaturedProductActionFilter, 316-318
Fiddler, 428-429
File menu commands, New Project, 23
File() method, overloading, 64
files. See specific files
filters. See action filters
Firebug, 429
folders, conventions for, 19
form collection model binder, 228-231
form validation. See validation
form elements, rendering, 162-165
posting asynchronously
displaying progress, 435-442
downlevel browser support, 452-455
sample application, 430-435
updating content after posting, 443-447
validation, 447-452
rendering, 166-167
validating. See validation
fragility in software, 10
GenerateId() method, 176
generic repositories
creating, 139-141
extending, 147-149
with LINQ to SQL, 144-147
with Microsoft Entity Framework, 141-144
testing data access with fake generic repositories, 155-157
GenericRepository project, 140
GenericRepository.Tests project, 140
generics, 654-655
get() method, 491
GetProductCount() method, 148
GetRandomProducts() method, 318
getScript() method, 491
GetWithDatePublished() method, 574, 573
Global.asax file, 269-271
adding routes to, 561-563, 642
configuring ASP.NET Web Forms files to support ASP.NET MVC, 422-424
hosted server configuration, 408-410
registering custom view engines in, 103
route table, adding extensions to, 403-408
wildcard script maps, 412-413
goes to (=>) operator, 655
guestbook application
updating content after posting, 443-447
validation, 447-452
GuestBookController class, 446-447
Guthrie, Scott, 16
HandleUnknownAction() method, 76-78
HasErrorMessage() method, 569
Head First Design Patterns, 11
HEAD operation (HTTP), 67, 462
headers (HTTP), 345
HelloController class, 58
helpers, Ajax
Ajax.ActionLink() helper, 454-457, 462. See also asynchronous content retrieval
Ajax.BeginForm() helper, 430. See also posting forms asynchronously
Ajax.BlogPager() helper, 618-619
required libraries, 427-428
helpers, HTML. See HTML helpers
Heraclitus, 7
Hidden() HTML helper, 162-165
highlighting selected links, 459-462
HomeController class, 20-21
caching, 325-330
creating, 30-37
HomeController class listing in C#, 31-32, 34-35
HomeController class listing in VB, 32-34, 35-36
testing, 106-108
HomeControllerTest class, 106-108
HomeControllerTestFake class, 155-157
HomeControllerTestMock class, 153-155
host servers, 408-410
hover() method, 487-488
HTML content, encoding, 169
HTML helpers
custom HTML helpers, creating
HTML.ImageLink() example, 177-180
HTML.SubmitButton() example, 173-176
with HTMLTextWriter class, 180-183
with TagBuilder class, 176-180
HTML.ActionLink() helper, 160-161
HTML.AntiForgeryToken() helper, 169-173
HTML.BeginForm() helper, 162, 166-167
Html.BlogLink() helper, 608-609
Html.BlogPager() helper, 610-612
HTML.CheckBox() helper, 162-165
HTML.DataGrid() helper. See HTML.DataGrid() helper
HTML.DropDownList() helper, 162, 167-168
HTML.Encode() helper, 169
HTML.EndForm() helper, 162, 166-167
HTML.Hidden() helper, 162-165
HTML.ListBox() helper, 162-165
HTML.Password() helper, 162-165
HTML.RadioButton() helper, 162-165
HTML.TextArea() helper, 162-165
HTML.TextBox() helper, 162-165
overview, 157-160
URL.Action() helper, 161-162
HTML links
creating delete links, 462-467
highlighting selected link, 459-462
image links, rendering, 161-162
rendering, 160-161
HTML.ActionLink() helper, 160-161
HTML.AntiForgeryToken() helper, 169-173
HTML.BeginForm() helper, 162, 166-167
Html.BlogLink() helper, 608-609
Html.BlogPager() helper, 610-612
HTML.CheckBox() helper, 162-165
HTML.DataGrid() helper, 183-201
C# code listing, 183-185
calling, 187-188
paging support, 192-201
PagedList class, 193-195
PagedSortedProducts() action, 200-201
PagingLinqExtensions class, 195-197
reflection, 188-189
sorting support, 190-192
testing, 201-205
VB code listing, 186-187
HTML.DropDownList() helper, 162, 167-168
HTML.Encode() helper, 169
HTML.EndForm() helper, 162, 166-167
HTML.Hidden() helper, 162-165
HTML.ImageLink() helper, 177-180
HTML.ListBox() helper, 162-165
HTML.Password() helper, 162-165
HTML.RadioButton() helper, 162-165
HTML.SubmitButton() helper, 173-176
HTML.TextArea() helper, 162-165
HTML.TextBox() helper, 162-165
HTMLTextWriter class, 180-183
Html.ValidationMessage() helper, 245-247
Html.ValidationSummary() helper, 245-247
headers, 345
HTTP posted file base model binder, 231-233
HttpCachePolicy class, 345-346
HttpMethod constraint, 280-281
HttpUnauthorizedResult, 52
ICache interface, 359
IDataErrorInfo interface, validating form data with, 258-263
IdAttributeDotReplacement property (TagBuilder class), 176
Identity object, 373
IEnumerable interface, 91, 656
IGenericRepository interface, 140
IIS (Internet Information Services) configuration
hosted server, 408-410
integrated versus classic mode, 402-403
overview, 401-402
route table, adding extensions to, 403-408
wildcard script maps, 410-414
image links, rendering, 161-162
ImageLink() HTML helper, 177-180
ImageLinkHelper class, 177-180
importing namespaces
overview, 519
UnitTesting namespace, 665
Include property (Bind attribute), 218
including libraries. See libraries
Index() method, 20-21, 34-37, 49
listing records, 124-126
UnleashedBlog application, 519-520
Index view
MyFirstMvcApp sample application, 21-22
for Toy Store application, 37-42, 37-45, 39-42
for UnleashedBlog application, 605-611, 615-616
Index_Ajax() method, 614-615
Index_AjaxReturnsPartialViewResult() method, 614
IndexAcceptsPage() method, 597-600
IndexAddsMoviesToCache() method, 360-362
IndexedCached() method, 325
IndexRetrievesMoviesFromCache() method, 360-362
IndexReturnsBlogEntriesByYear() test, 571, 575
IndexReturnsBlogEntriesInOrderOfDatePublished() method, 597-600
IndexReturnsLessThan6BlogEntries() method, 597-600
IndexReturnsPagedListForPage() method, 597-600
initializers (object), 648
injection attacks, preventing, 95-97
InnerHTML property (TagBuilder class), 176
Moq, 680-681
NUnit, 673
integrated mode (IIS), 402-403
Integrated Windows authentication, 386
Intellisense (Visual Studio) and jQuery, 481-482
creating classes from, 681-690
generics, 654-655
ICache, 359
IDataErrorInfo, validating form data with, 258-263
IGenericRepository, 140
IProductRepository, 133
IQueryable, 657
IRepository, 147-148
Internet Information Services. See IIS (Internet Information Services) configuration
Archive controller, 564-565
controller actions, 51
IProductRepository interface, 133
IQueryable interface, 657
IRepository interface, 147-148
Is Design Dead? (Fowler), 509
IsAjaxRequest() method, 454
IsAuthenticated property (Identity object), 373
IsInRole() method, 373
IsInstanceOfType() method, 669
JackCanAccessIndex() method, 391-392
JackCannotAccessIndex() method, 394-396
JackController class, 391
JackControllerTests class, 391-392
JavaScript, injection attacks, preventing, 95-97
JavaScriptResult, 52
JillCanAccessIndex() method, 394-396
JillController class, 393-394
JillControllerTests class, 394-396
and Ajax, 491-498
animations, 489-491
event handlers, 487-488
including in views, 480-481
overview, 480
plug-ins, 498-501
downloading, 498-499
tablesorter, 499-501
selectors, 482-487
and Visual Studio Intellisense, 481-482
Json() method, overloading, 62
keyboard combinations for running unit tests, 665-666
KISS Principle (Keep It Simple Stupid), 507
lambda expressions, 655
Language Integrated Query (LINQ), 656-658
LINQ to SQL, 144-147
Last-Modified HTTP header, 345
launching Microsoft Web Platform Installer, 2
length of property, validating, 576-578
jQuery. See jQuery
MicrosoftAjax.js library, including, 427-428
MicrosoftMvcAjax.js library, including in pages, 427-428
limiting unit test results, 671-672
links (HTML)
creating delete links, 462-467
highlighting selected link, 459-462
image links, rendering, 161-162
rendering, 160-161
LINQ (Language Integrated Query), 656-658
LINQ to SQL, 144-147
ListBlogEntries() method, 536, 552, 553, 601
ListBox() HTML helper, 162-165
listing records, 124-126
ListMovies() method, 349
ListMoviesCached() method, 349
lists, drop-down lists, 167-168
load() method, 491
LoadingElementId property (AjaxOptions class), 436
location of cache, setting, 333-335
Location property (OutputCache attribute), 333-335
LogActionFilter class, 237-239
LogController class, 239-240
LogOff() method, 367
LogOn() method, 367
long-term versus short-term planning, 14
LookupController class, 382-383
LSGenericRepository project, 140
LSMvcApplication project, 144-147
MapRoute() method, 272
maps, wildcard script maps, 410-414
Martin, Micah, 10
Martin, Robert, 10
master pages. See view master pages
MasterDetailController class, 457-458
Matches() method, 669
MathUtility class
C# code listing, 667
VB code listing, 668
MathUtilityTests class
C# code listing, 675
VB code listing, 676
MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts settings, 379
membership, configuring
with Membership API, 381-385
membership database, 375-379
membership settings, 378-380
Membership API, 381-385
Membership class, 381-385
MembershipUser class, 381-385
memory caching. See caching
MerchandiseController class, 70-71
MerchandiseRepository() method, 70-71
MergeAttribute() method, 176
messages (error). See error messages
Meszaros, Gerard, 680
methods. See specific methods
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 1.0, 1
Microsoft Entity Framework
data models
creating models, 120-124
creating records, 127-128
deleting records, 131-132
editing records, 128-130
listing records, 124-126
retrieving single record, 126
Entity Framework blog repository, creating
database objects, 531-532
Entity Framework data model, 532-533
EntityFrameworkBlogRepository class, 534-537, 634-636
overview, 530-531
testing, 537-541
generic repositories, 141-144
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1, 1
Microsoft SQL Server Express, 25
Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Service Pack 1, 2
Microsoft Web Platform Installer, launching, 2
MicrosoftAjax.js library, including in pages, 427-428
MicrosoftMvcAjax.js library, including in pages, 427-428
MinRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters setting, 379
MinRequiredPasswordLength setting, 379
Mock Object Frameworks
doubles, 680
fake values, returning, 690-693
fakes, 680
mocks, 680
Moq, 679
classes, creating from interfaces, 681-690
installing, 680-681
unblocking, 681
overview, 679
Rhino Mocks, 679
stubs, 680
Typemock Isolator, 679
definition of, 680
mock repositories, testing data access with, 150-155
Mocks Aren’t Stubs (Fowler), 510
model binders
Bind attribute
applying to classes, 221-225
applying to method parameters, 218-221
prefixes, 225-228
custom model binders, creating, 233-236
default model binder
binding to complex classes, 212-218
overview, 210-212
form collection model binder, 228-231
HTTP posted file base model binder, 231-233
overview, 205-210
testing authentication with, 393-400
model state, 241-244
model state dictionary, 241
models. See data models
Models folder, 19
MonoRail, 16
Moq, 679
classes, creating from interfaces, 681-690
installing, 680-681
unblocking, 681
Movie2Controller class, 252-253
Movie2ControllerTests class, 264-266
MovieController class
C# code listing, 682-683
model state, 242-244
posting forms asynchronously, 430-435
retrieving movies, 496-498
VB code listing, 683-684
MovieMaster page, 310-311
MovieRepository class, 686-688
caching, 347-349
MovieRepository class, 257-258
MovieService class, 254-256
C# code listing, 684-685
VB code listing, 685-686
MovieServiceTests class, 688-689
MovieTemplate user control, 322-323
MVC pattern, 16
MVCFakes assembly, 289
MyFirstMvcApp sample application
code listings, 20-22
creating, 17-18
folder conventions, 19
running, 19-20
Name property (Identity object), 373
Name setting, 379
importing, 519
System.Linq namespace, 656
UnitTesting, importing, 665
naming conventions for views, 39
needless complexity in software, 10
needless repetition in software, 10
nested master pages, 306-307
.NET framework, 14
.NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1, 1
New Item command (Add menu), 26
New Project command (File menu), 23
New Test command (Add menu), 660-661
Newkirk, James, 510
NewsController class, 73-74, 493-494
NHaml, 98
NotEqual constraint, 283-285
NTLM authentication, 385-386
nullable types, 651-652
creating tests, 660-666
downloading, 672
installing, 673
running tests, 669-671
nVelocity, 98
object initializers, 648
database objects for Entity Framework blog repository, 531-532
Mock Object Frameworks. See Mock Object Frameworks
object initializers, 648
OnBegin property (AjaxOptions class), 439
OnComplete property (AjaxOptions class), 439
OnNameChanging() event handler, 263
OnPriceChanging() event handler, 263
opacity in software, 10
OPTIONS operation (HTTP), 67, 462
origins of ASP.NET MVC framework, 14
OutputCache attribute
cache location, setting, 333-335
cache profiles, 343-344
Location property, 333-335
removing items from output cache, 341-343
sample application, 325-330
security issues, 330-331
testing, 353-355
VaryByContentEncoding property, 337
VaryByCustom property, 338-341
VaryByHeader property, 337-338
VaryByParam property, 335-337
varying output cache, 335-341
what gets cached, 331-333
Content() method, 59
File() method, 64
Json() method, 62
RedirectToAction() method, 57
View() method, 55
PagedList class, 193-195
PagedSortedProducts() action, 200-187
PageList class, 594-596
supporting in HTML.DataGrid() HTML helper, 192-201
PagedList class, 193-195
PagedSortedProducts() action, 200-201
PagingLinqExtensions class, 195-197
supporting in UnleashedBlog application
BlogController Index() method, 600-601
BlogRepositoryBase class, 602-605
controller tests, 596-600
overview, 591
PageList class, 594-596
PagingLinqExtensions class, 195-197
PartialView() method, 52
PartialViewResult, 51
view data to user controls, 314-319
view data to view master pages, 308-311
Password() HTML helper, 162-165
PasswordAttemptWindow setting, 379
PasswordFormat setting, 379
passwords, changing, 368-369
PasswordStrengthRegularExpression setting, 379
Dependency Injection pattern, 138-139
Repository pattern. See Repository pattern
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Fowler), 11
PersonController class, 78-81
plug-ins (jQuery), 498-501
downloading, 498-499
tablesorter, 499-501
Poole, Charlie, 509
post() method, 491
POST operation (HTTP), 67, 462
postbinding validation error messages, 248-250
posting forms asynchronously
displaying progress, 435-442
downlevel browser support, 452-455
sample application, 430-435
updating content after posting, 443-447
validation, 447-452
prebinding validation error messages, 248-250
Prefix property (Bind attribute), 218, 225
prefixes when binding, 225-228
preventing JavaScript injection attacks, 95-97
private data, caching, 330-331
Product class, 261-263
product repositories, creating, 133-138
ProductController class, 48-51, 259-261, 318-319
ProductControllerTests class, 660-661
ProductHelper class, 110-112
ProductHelperTest class, 112-114
ProductInsertDoesNotMatchGet() method, 293-294
ProductInsertMatchesPost() method, 293-294
ProductRepository class, 133-136
Products table (ToyStoreDB), 27
ProfileController class, 344
profiles (cache), 343-344
progress indicators, displaying, 435-442
Project menu commands, Add Reference, 274
properties, validating length of, 576-578
Queryable class, 656-657
QuotationController class, 59-60
RadioButton() HTML helper, 162-165
creating, 127-128
deleting, 131-132
editing, 128-130
listing, 124-126
retrieving single record, 126
Red/Green/Reactor process, 505-506
RedirectResult, 52
returning, 55-57
RedirectToAction() method, 52
RedirectToRouteResult, 52
Reenskaug, Trygve, 15
Reeves, Jack, 509
UnleashedBlog application to use Repository pattern, 524-526
referencing jQuery, 480-481
reflection in HTML.DataGrid() helper, 188-189
Refresh() method, 494
Register() method, 367
RegisterRoutes() method, 271-272
regular expression constraints, 278-279
RemoveController class, 342-343
removing items from output cache, 341-343
Render() method, 103
RenderBeginTag() method, 180
RenderEndTag() method, 180
RenderHead() method, 190-191
drop-down lists, 167-168
form elements, 162-165
forms, 166-167
HTML links, 160-161
image links, 161-162
RenderPagerRow() method, 199
RenderPartial() method, 313
repetition in software, 10
data access, testing with mock repository, 150-155
FakeMovieRepository class, 267
generic repositories
creating, 139-141
extending, 147-149
with LINQ to SQL, 144-147
with Microsoft Entity Framework, 141-144
MovieRepository class, 257-258, 347-349
product repositories, creating, 133-138
Repository class, 148-149
repository classes, creating, 686-688
SimpleMovieRepository class, 356
for UnleashedBlog application
BlogRepositoryBase class, 552-553
Entity Framework repository, creating, 530-541
fake blog repository, creating, 526-530, 632-633
Repository class, 148-149
Repository pattern, 11-12
creating product repositories, 133-138
Dependency Injection pattern, 138-139
generic repositories
creating, 139-141
extending, 147-149
with LINQ to SQL, 144-147
with Microsoft Entity Framework, 141-144
overview, 132
refactoring UnleashedBlog application to use, 524-526
request validation, disabling, 97
RequiresQuestionAndAnswer setting, 379
retrieving content asynchronously. See asynchronous content retrieval
Rhino Mocks, 679
rigidity in software, 10
authorizing, 371-372
with Account controller, 367-369
with Web Site Administration Tool, 365-366
Roles class, 382
Roles class, 382
route constraints, creating
AuthenticatedConstraint, 280-283
HttpMethod constraint, 280-281
NotEqual constraint, 283-285
regular expression constraints, 278-279
Route Debugger, 274-275
route table, adding extensions to, 403-408
RouteDebugger, 289
routes. See routing
RouteTest class, 293-294, 289-290
RouteTests class, 554-558, 641-642
catch-all parameter, 285-288
custom routes, creating, 275-277
debugging routes, 274-275
default routes, 269-273
configuring, 272-273
Global.asax file, 269-271
overview, 268-269
route constraints, creating
AuthenticatedConstraint, 280-283
HttpMethod constraint, 280-281
NotEqual constraint, 283-285
regular expression constraints, 278-279
testing routes
with constraints, 292-294
MvcFakes and RouteDebugger assemblies, 289
overview, 288
testing if URL matches route, 289-292
UnleashedBlog application routes
adding to Global.asax file, 642
archive routes, 561-563
controller tests, 543-553
invoking Archive controller, 564-565
overview, 541-544
MyFirstMvcApp sample application, 19-20
unit tests
with NUnit, 669-671
with Visual Studio Unit Test, 669-671
SalesFigures() method, 389
SaveChanges() method, 128
scripts, embedding in views, 86-87
Scripts folder, 19
Secrets() method, 368-370
SecretStuff() method, 390
security issues
authentication. See authentication
caching private data, 330-331
passwords, 368-369
selectLink() method, 462
SelectorController class, 457-476
selectors (jQuery), 482-487
ServerValidateController class, 450-451
service layers
in UnleashedBlog application, 581-586
validation with, 251-258
BlogService class
blog entry Name property, 588-589
initial code listing, 581-583
ListBlogEntries() method, 601
MovieService class, 254-256, 684-686
SimpleMovieService class, 356-358
SetCacheability() method, 345-346
SetInnerText() method, 176
SetMaxAge() method, 346
Setup attribute (NUnit tests), 666
short-term versus long-term planning, 14
ShowNewBlogEntries() method, 515-516
SimpleControllerTest class, 114-116
SimpleMovieController class, 358-359
SimpleMovieRepository class, 356
SimpleMovieService class, 356-358
SimpleView class, 100-103
SimpleViewEngine class, 99-104
Single-Responsibility Principle (SRP), 581
slideDown() animation, 489-491
slideUp() animation, 489-491
sliding expiration cache policy, 351-352
SlidingController class, 351-352
characteristics of bad software, 10
code smells, avoiding, 9-10
design patterns, 11-12
design principles, 10-11
short-term versus long-term planning, 14
test-driven development, 13
unit tests, 12-13
nature of good software
call manager application case study, 7-8
definition of, 8-9
overview, 3-7
software requirements, 2
SOLID (design principles), 11
SortController class, 288
sorting, supporting in HTML.DataGrid() HTML helper, 190-192
Spark, 98
LINQ to SQL, 144-147
SQL Server Express, 25
SRP (Single-Responsibility Principle), 581
state, model state, 241-244
strongly typed views, 94-95
creating, 688-689
definition of, 680
styles for validation error messages, 247-248
SubmitButton() HTML helper, 173-176
SuperSecrets() method, 370-371
SuperSuperSecrets() method, 392-393
Sys Is Undefined error, 428
System.Linq namespace, 656
System.Web.Abstractions assembly, 415
System.Web.Mvc assembly, 415
System.Web.Routing assembly, 415
Products (ToyStoreDB), 27
route table, adding extensions to, 403-408
tablesorter plug-in (jQuery), 499-501
TagBuilder class, 176-180
TagName property (TagBuilder class), 176
TDD. See test-driven development
templates, user controls as, 319-323
Test attribute (NUnit tests), 666
test-driven development
benefits of, 506
bibliography and resources, 509
definition of, 505-506
KISS Principle (Keep It Simple Stupid), 507
Red/Green/Reactor process, 505-506
TDD tests versus unit tests, 508
test flow from user stories, 508-509
Unit Testing Frameworks, 508-509
in UnleashedBlog application, 514-520
waterfall versus evolutionary design, 507-508
YAGNI Principle (You Ain’t Gonna Need It), 507
Test-Driven Development by Example (Beck), 509
Test-Driven Development in Microsoft in .NET (Newkirk and Vorontsov),
TestFixture attribute (NUnit tests), 666
for Authorize attribute, 390-392
with user model binder, 393-400
OutputCache attribute, 353-355
overview, 353
verifying that database data is cached, 355-362
controller actions, 78-81
data access
with fake generic repository, 155-157
with mock repository, 150-155
overview, 149-150
Entity Framework blog repository, 537-541
HTML helpers, 201-205
with constraints, 292-294
MvcFakes and RouteDebugger assemblies, 289
testing if URL matches route, 289-292
test-driven development, 13, 506
bibliography and resources, 509
definition of, 505-506
KISS Principle (Keep It Simple Stupid), 507
overview, 502-505
Red/Green/Reactor process, 505-506
TDD tests versus unit tests, 508
test flow from user stories, 508-509
Unit Testing Frameworks, 508-509
in UnleashedBlog application, 514-520
waterfall versus evolutionary design, 507-508
YAGNI Principle (You Ain’t Gonna Need It), 507
unit tests. See unit tests
UnleashedBlog application. BlogControllerTests class
validation, 264-268
custom view engine, 114-117
HTML helpers, 108-114
overview, 105
view results, 105-108
TextArea() HTML helper, 162-165
TextBox() HTML helper, 162-165
TheaterController class, 319-320
Time() method, 353
TimeIsCached() method, 354-355
master page titles, 303-305
titles of blog entries, validating, 567-573
ArchiveControllerTests class, 572-573
BlogController class, 570-571
BlogControllerTests class, 568-569
IndexReturnsBlogEntriesByYear() test, 571
ToString() method, 176
Toy Store application
creating, 30-37
HomeController class listing in C#, 31-32, 34-35
HomeController class listing in VB, 32-34, 35-36
creating, 23-25
data model classes, 27-30
database, 23-27
overview, 22-23
Create view, 42-45
creating, 37-45
Index view, 37-42
naming conventions, 39
TRACE operation (HTTP), 68, 462
type inference, 647-648
Type Is Undefined error, 428
typed views, 88-95
anonymous types, 649-651
nullable types, 651-652
typed versus untyped views, 88-95
unblocking Moq, 681
unit testing frameworks, 508-509
NUnit, 672-678
creating tests, 660-666
downloading, 672
installing, 673
running tests, 669-671
overview, 659-660
Visual Studio Unit Test, 660-672
assertions, 669-672
creating unit tests, 660-664
limiting test results, 671-672
running tests, 669-671
test attributes, 666
Unit Test Wizard, 291
unit tests, 12-13
assertions, 669-672
compared to TDD tests, 508
with NUnit, 660-666
PersonController class example, 78-81
with Visual Studio Unit Test, 60-661
frameworks. See unit testing frameworks
limiting test results, 671-672
RouteTest class, 289-290
with NUnit, 669-671
with Visual Studio Unit Test, 669-671
test attributes, 666
Unit Test Wizard, 291
UnitTesting namespace, importing, 665
unknown actions, handling, 76-78
UnleashedBlog application, 205
Ajax support
Ajax.BlogPager() helper, 618-619
BlogEntries partial, 616-617
Index_Ajax() method, 614-615
Index_AjaxReturnsPartialViewResult() method, 614
modified Index view, 615-616
overview, 612-613
blog entries, creating, 520-523
blog projects, creating, 511-514
BlogArchive route, 276
BlogController class. See BlogController class
BlogControllerTests class. See BlogControllerTests class
adding to database, 633-637
BlogEntriesIncludeCommentCount() method, 631-632
Comment class, 624-625
CommentsOrderByDatePublished() method, 629-630
CreateAndThenGetComment() method, 627-629
CreateComment() method, 622-623, 627-628
displaying comments and comment counts, 637-643
modified FakeBlogRepository class, 632-633
overview, 619-622
Details view, 637-641
overview, 510-511
paging support
BlogController Index() method, 597-601
BlogRepositoryBase class, 602-605
controller tests, 596-600
overview, 591
PageList class, 594-596
refactoring to use Repository pattern, 524-526
BlogRepositoryBase class. See BlogRepositoryBase class
Entity Framework repository, creating, 530-541
fake blog repository, creating, 526-530, 632-633
adding to Global.asax file, 561-563
archive routes, 561-563
controller tests, 543-553
invoking Archive controller, 564-565
overview, 541-544
route tests, 553-560
tests, creating, 514-520
Add New Test dialog, 514
BlogController class, 517-518
BlogControllerTests class, 515-516
BlogEntry class, 517
Index() method, 519-520
namespaces, importing, 519
BlogEntryFactory class, 573-576
business rules, 586-591
overview, 565-568
refactoring to use service layer, 581-586
validating blog entry title, 567-573
validating length of property, 576-578
validation error messages, 578-581
views, 605-612
BlogEntries partial, 607-608
Html.BlogLink() helper, 608-609
Html.BlogPager() helper, 610-612
Index view, 605-611
untyped views, 88-95
UpdateModel() method, 228-230
updating form content, 443-447
URL.Action() helper, 161-162
URLs, testing if URL matches route, 289-292
user controls
adding to views, 313-314
creating, 312-313
MovieTemplate user control, 322-323
overview, 311-312
passing view data to, 314-319
as templates, 319-323
User property (Controller class), 372-374
user stories, test flow from, 508-509
UserController class, 373-374
UserModelBinder class, 233-234
users. See also user controls
authentication. See authentication
with Authorize attribute, 368-370
authorizing particular users, 371-372
overview, 368
with User property, 372-374
with Account controller, 367-369
with Web Site Administration Tool, 365-366
membership, configuring
with Membership and Roles Manager API, 381-385
membership database, 375-379
membership settings, 378-380
passwords, changing, 368-369
user stories, test flow from, 508-509
with Ajax posts, 447-452
error messages
prebinding versus postbinding, 248-250
styling, 247-248
with IDataErrorInfo interface, 258-263
model state, 241-244
overview, 240-241
request validation, disabling, 97
with service layers, 251-258
testing, 264-268
in UnleashedBlog application
BlogEntryFactory class, 573-576
business rules, 586-591
overview, 565-568
refactoring to use service layer, 581-586
validating blog entry title, 567-573
validating length of property, 576-578
validation error messages, 578-581
validation helpers, 245-247
A Value Is Required error message, 579-580
values, returning fake values, 690-693
variables, dateReleased, 651
VaryByContentEncoding property (OutputCache attribute), 337
VaryByCustom property (OutputCache attribute), 338-341
VaryByHeader property (OutputCache attribute), 337-338
VaryByParam property (OutputCache attribute), 335-337
VaryCustomController class, 340
VB language features
anonymous types, 649-651
extension methods, 652-654
generics, 654-655
lambda expressions, 655
LINQ (Language Integrated Query), 656-658
nullable types, 651-652
object initializers, 648
type inference, 647-648
verifying caching of database data, 355-362
view content pages, creating, 300-301
view data, 87-88
passing to user controls, 314-319
passing to view master pages, 308-311
view master pages
creating, 295-299
master page titles, 303-305
nested master pages, 306-307
overview, 294-295
passing view data to, 308-311
setting from controller, 302-304
view content pages, 300-301
view results, testing, 105-108
ViewDataDictionary class, 91
ViewResult, 52-55
views, 16. See also view master pages
alternative view engines
Brail, 98
custom view engines, 99-104, 114-117
NHaml, 98
nVelocity, 98
overview, 97-98
Spark, 98
Create, 432-435
creating, 83-87
embedding scripts in, 86-87
Index. See Index view
JavaScript injection attacks, preventing, 95-97
naming conventions, 39
overview, 82-83
custom view engines, 114-117
HTML helpers, 108-114
overview, 105
view results, 105-108
for Toy Store application
Create view, 42-45
creating, 37-45
Index view, 37-42
typed versus untyped views, 88-95
for UnleashedBlog application, 605-612
BlogEntries partial, 607-608
Html.BlogLink() helper, 608-609
Html.BlogPager() helper, 610-612
Index view, 605-611
user controls. See user controls
view data, 87-88
Views folder, 19
VirtualPathProviderViewEngine class, 99
Visual Studio Intellisense and jQuery, 481-482
Visual Studio project files, modifying to support ASP.NET MVC, 415
Visual Studio Unit Test, 660-672, 508
assertions, 669-672
creating unit tests, 60-661
limiting test results, 671-672
running tests, 669-671
test attributes, 666
Visual Web Developer 2008 Service Pack 1, 2
Vorontsov, Alexei, 510
waterfall design, 507-508
web configuration files, configuring ASP.NET Web Forms files to support ASP.NET MVC, 416-422
Web Forms. See ASP.NET Web Forms
Web Platform Installer, launching, 2
Web Site Adminstration Tool, 365-366
web.config files, configuring ASP.NET Web Forms files to support ASP.NET MVC, 416-422
What Is Software Engineering? (Reeves), 509
Where() method, 656
WidgetController class, 55-56
wildcard script maps, 410-414
Windows authentication
authenticating Windows users and groups, 386-390
configuring, 385-387
overview, 385
types of authentication, 386
WindowsController class, 387-388
wizards, Entity Data Model Wizard, 28-30
Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Feathers), 9, 12, 509
Write() method, 180
WriteLine() method, 180
XSS (cross-site scripting) attacks, 96
xUnit Design Patterns: Refactoring Test Code (Meszaros), 680
YAGNI Principle (You Ain’t Gonna Need It), 507