

* (asterisk), 58

^ (carat), 154, 155

/ (forward slash), 148

[ (Left Bracket key), 104

+ (plus sign)

red, 220, 222

seen in Windows, 58

style override indicator, 233

Windows dragged content indicator, 58


Adjust Colors dialog box, 436

Adobe. See also combining Adobe graphics

training and certification programs, 6

website and Help from, 61

Adobe Bridge, 426–428

Adobe CS Live, 7, 11

Adobe CS Review, 11

Adobe Flash

exporting symbols to, 418–421

integrating Illustrator graphics with, 448

movie clip symbols, 407, 418, 420

pasting Illustrator artwork in, 421, 422

Adobe Flash Catalyst, 10, 446

Adobe Flex, 447

Adobe Illustrator CS5

available fonts, 227

checking for updates, 62

copying/pasting between Photoshop and, 446

copying/pasting content into Flash, 421, 422

deleting current preferences, 4

exporting layered files to Photoshop, 445–446

further resources for, 4–5

new features of, 8–11

placing Photoshop files in, 21, 430–431

printing from, 375

restoring default preferences, 3, 4

saving current preferences, 3

saving documents for InDesign, 36

starting, 34–35

swatch libraries for, 184

symbol workflow in, 418

type features in, 217

using raster effects in, 366–368

website and Help for, 61

when to use Photoshop vs., 429

Adobe InDesign

saving documents for, 36

using AI files in, 446

when to use, 429

Adobe Photoshop

copying/pasting between Illustrator and, 446

creating layer comps, 433–434

placing files in Illustrator, 21, 430–431

using bitmap graphics from, 428–429

using effects in Illustrator, 357, 366–368

using Illustrator layered files, 445–446

using raster effects in Illustrator, 366–368

AI files, 418, 446

Align panel. See also aligning

aligning and distributing objects, 72–74

features of, 75

opening from Control panel, 72, 112


canceling distribution and, 75

with key object, 72, 75

objects to each other, 72

objects with artboard, 74

paragraphs, 232

points, 73

reviewing, 83

strokes, 100

warped text, 238

alignment guides, 67

anchor points. See also direction handles

adjusting curves using, 165–166

adjusting Pencil Tool’s, 170–171

aligning, 73

changing curved to corner, 153–155

changing display and size of, 69

converting between smooth and corner, 168–169

deleting and adding, 166–167

marquee selections of, 69–70

selecting, 68, 70

smooth and corner, 151

appearance attributes. See also Appearance panel

adding properties to applied graphic style, 392–394

adding to layers, 394

applying graphic styles to object, 387

applying to layers, 262–264, 394

creating and saving graphic styles, 386–387

editing and adding, 381–383

editing graphic styles, 394–396

exercises exploring, 397

layers with graphic styles, 387–390

reordering, 383

reviewing, 398

selecting graphic styles from libraries, 390–392

using, 381

using graphic styles, 385–386

Appearance panel

adding additional stroke and fill, 384–385

adding color from, 180

controlling object’s attributes with, 25–26

editing effects, 359, 360

illustrated, 381

Application bar, 37, 58

area type

columns of, 220–221

creating, 218

defined, 217

importing from Word, 221–222

point vs., 219

Area Type Options dialog box, 220

arrowheads, 162–163

Art Brush Options dialog box, 334

Art brushes, 330–334

about, 327

colorizing, 344–347

creating from artwork, 333–334

drawing with Paintbrush tool, 330–331

editing, 334

Artboard Options dialog box, 126, 127

artboards. See also multiple artboards

aligning objects to, 74

arranging objects on, 78–79

bleed area of, 36, 88, 126

changing setup of all, 126

copying, 123–124

editing, 124–127

features of, 36

identifying, 123

moving artwork with, 127

navigating, 52–53, 128

renaming, 127

reordering, 128

resizing, 15, 124–126

rulers for, 128

tracing curves on, 151–153

type area on, 219

Artboards panel, using, 124

artwork. See also shapes; symbols

applying color groups to, 192

applying patterns to, 201–202

arranging objects in, 78

assembling shapes into, 172–174

attaching to perspective, 284–285

creating art brush from, 333–334

creating symbols from, 29

cut-away look for revolved, 370

drawing modes for, 18, 89, 90, 96

dynamic color editing in, 192, 194–195

editing grid planes and, 285–290

erasing, 104

flattening, 261, 265

hiding objects, 79–80, 254–256

layering, 250–251

locking layers of, 253–254

magnifying or reducing, 49–50

making symbols from, 406–407

mapping to 3D object, 374

moving objects and layers, 252–253

moving with artboard, 127

outlining strokes in, 109

painting, 174

pasting layers into, 256–258

preview modes for, 51, 256

reassigning colors to, 198–200

recoloring, 19–20

repositioning with Hand tool, 152

saving as symbols, 417

tracing, 116–118

viewing, 48

asterisk (*), 58

attributes. See also appearance attributes; fonts

applying from Graphic Styles panel, 386

preserved in Flash, 422

sampling and applying, 188, 235–236

text, 229–231

automatic plane positioning, 289, 290


positioning coordinates precisely, 137–138

reflecting objects across, 132

scaling along x or y, 129–131

values shown on measurement label, 68


background gradient fill, 301–303

Bezier curves, 149

bitmap graphics, 428–429


area of, 36

changing, 126–127

setting up, 88

Blend Options dialog box, 316, 317, 319

Blend tool

creating blend with specified steps, 316

modifying blend, 317–319

smooth color blends, 319–320

spacing options for, 315

blending color and shapes. See also blends; gradient fills

applying linear gradients, 301–303

blending objects, 315

direction and angle of blend, 304–305

modifying appearance of Multiply blending mode, 383

modifying blends, 317–319

review for, 322

spacing options for, 315

specifying steps of, 316

using smooth color blends, 319–320


about, 27

adjusting direction and angle of, 304–305

editing spine of path, 317–319

exercises exploring, 321

expanding, 318–319

specifying steps of, 316

using smooth color, 319–320

Blob Brush tool

about, 347

drawing with, 348

editing paths with Eraser, 349–350

guidelines for using, 350

merging paths with, 348–349

working with, 23–24

bounding box

aligning relative to, 75

changing text wrap by moving, 238

hiding, 97, 161

resetting for warped objects, 136

using, 67, 81


center path, 242

start and end path, 241

Bridge, 426–428

Bring To Front command, 78, 79

Bristle brushes

about, 9, 327, 335

changing options for, 335

painting with, 9, 336–337

using with graphic tablets, 338

Brush Change Alert dialog box, 329

Brush Libraries Menu button, 327, 332, 335

brushes. See also specific brushes

accessing Illustrator’s, 332

Art, 327, 330–334

Blob, 23–24, 347–349

Bristle, 9, 327, 335–338

Calligraphic, 327–329

changing options for Bristle, 335

creating from artwork, 333–334

editing, 328–329, 334

exercises exploring, 351

Hue Shift colorization changes for, 346–347

modifying color attributes of, 344

path edits with Paintbrush, 331–333

Pattern, 327, 338–342, 344

removing brush strokes, 329

reviewing, 352–353

Scatter, 327

selected on Brushes panel, 327, 330

stylizing paths with, 26–27

Tints colorization method for, 344–346

types of, 327

using fill color with, 329

Brushes panel. See also brushes

applying brushes from, 328, 332

check marks on, 327, 330

illustrated, 327

business cards, 128, 129–131, 141–142

bypassing Welcome screen, 34


Calligraphic Brush Options dialog box, 328

Calligraphic brushes, 327–329

canceling object alignment and distribution, 75

canvas, 36

Caps Lock key, 146

carat (^), 154, 155

cascading documents, 57

center mark, 125

center path bracket, 242

center point of rectangle, 90

Character panel, 227, 233, 234

Character Style Options dialog box, 235


glyphs, 230–231, 240

styling, 233, 234–235

Classroom in a Book CD, 2

Clear Appearance button, 387

clipping masks

applying to image, 437

creating, 259–260

editing, 437–438

occurring when drawing shapes, 97

opacity vs., 440

releasing, 439

using for objects with multiple shapes, 438–439

clipping paths, 104

clipping set, 437

closed paths

adding type on, 217, 240–242

open vs., 102, 151

Pencil tool for, 170

CMYK color mode. See also spot color

converting color to, 201

defined, 179

spot vs. process color, 184

collapsing panel to icon, 43

color. See also color groups

assigning to artwork, 198–200

building and saving custom, 182–183

changing brush attributes for, 344

changing smart guide, 93

choosing harmonizing, 181, 190–191, 192

color modes, 179

Color Picker selections of, 186–187

content selection based on fill, 71

converting to CMYK, 201

copying attributes of, 188

creating and saving tints, 187–188

creating gradients, 27–28

downloading themed color groups, 196–197

editing artwork’s, 194–195

editing color groups, 191–194

editing placed image, 435–436

exploring ways to add, 211

filling artwork with, 174

global, 184

gradient starting and stopping, 305

grouping, 188–189

layers for adding, 251

missing profiles for, 35

modifying font’s, 229

panels and tools for adding, 179–181

reviewing applications of, 212–213

sampling placed image, 443

selecting from Color panel, 16

spot vs. process, 184

using smooth color blends, 319–320

color controls, 179–181

color groups

accessing, 194

creating, 188–189

downloading themed, 196–197

editing, 191–194, 195

reassigning artwork color from, 198–200

saving, 193, 195

working with, 19–20

Color Guide panel

choosing colors from, 181

illustrated, 20

selecting colors from, 190–191

color management, 375

color markers of color wheel, 192, 193

color models. See color modes

color modes. See also CMYK color mode

converting placed image’s, 435–436

rotating through, 180

types of, 179

Color panel

adding color from, 180

selecting color from, 16

Color Picker, 186–187

color spectrum bar (Color panel), 180


about, 344

Hue Shift, 346–347

Tints, 344–346

combining Adobe graphics

about, 428

Adobe Flex with Illustrator files, 447

applying clipping mask to image, 437

Bridge for, 426–428

duplicating/editing placed images, 431–432

editing color of placed images, 435–436

editing masks, 437–438

embedding Photoshop images in layer comps, 433–434

exercises exploring, 447

exporting layered file to Photoshop, 445–446

masking images, 437

masking objects with multiple shapes, 438–439

opacity masks, 440–442

placing Photoshop files, 430–431

releasing masks, 439

replacing placed, linked images, 444–445

reviewing, 448

sampling colors in placed images, 443

using AI files in InDesign, 446

using Illustrator files in Flash Catalyst, 446

using raster effects in Illustrator, 366–368

vector vs. bitmap graphics, 428–429

working content in Flash, 446

computer platforms, 1. See also Mac OS; Windows OS


artboard dimensions, 125

shape’s proportions, 95, 130

context-sensitive menus, 47

Control panel

adjusting type opacity in, 243

changing fonts from, 226

displaying Character panel from, 233, 234

finding Transform options on, 138

hiding menus in, 101

illustrated, 37

opening Align panel from, 72, 112

opening Tracing Options dialog box from, 117

Convert Anchor Point tool, 169


artboards, 123–124

and editing symbol sets, 416

graphic styles, 396

object’s attributes, 188

objects in perspective, 294–295

placed images, 431–432

while reflecting objects, 132

copying and pasting

between Illustrator and Photoshop, 446

Illustrator content into Flash, 421, 422

layers, 256–258

copyright symbols, 231

corner points

converting curved to, 153–155

converting smooth to, 168–169

defined, 151

current layer indicator, 260


indicating grid plane, 278

positioning to sample formatting, 236

curved points, 153–155

curves. See also direction handles

adding for curved shapes, 157–158

adding to existing curved segments, 158–159

changing direction of, 159–161

controlling direction handles for, 151–153

converting curved to corner points, 153–155

drawing curved paths, 149–150

editing, 165–166

selecting, 157


color swatches, 182–183

document views, 51

Magic Wand tool, 70

your own patterns, 203


dashed lines, 164

Define Perspective Grid dialog box, 276


artboards, 124, 125

current Illustrator preferences, 4

saved workspaces, 46

stroke edit points, 106

unnecessary points, 166–167

Device N rasters, 430

Direct Selection tool

dragging direction handle with, 168

marquee selections with, 70

using, 68

direction handles

adjusting curves using, 151–153, 165–166

constraining angle of, 154

dragging with Direct Selection, 168

Pen tool, 150

direction lines

anchor point, 68

splitting, 154


objects, 134–136

selections within documents, 141–142

distributing objects, 73–74, 75


Control panel, 42

panels, 46

Tools panel, 40

document grids, 92

document profiles. See profiles

Document Raster Effects Settings dialog box, 368

Document Setup dialog box, 126, 232

Document window, 37


adding artboards to, 123–124

arranging multiple, 56–59

artboard presets for, 126

changing ruler units for, 88

creating, 14–15

custom views for, 51

distorting selections within, 141–142

editing unit of measure for, 129

groups of, 59–60

importing Word, 221–222

keyboard shortcuts between, 57

loading swatches from other, 182

multiple artboards in, 14–15, 52–53

navigating within, 52–55

rulers for, 128

scrolling, 50

selecting color mode for, 179

setting up multiple artboards for, 86–88

setup options for, 232

Don’t Show Again checkbox, 34

double-headed pointer, 139

drawing. See also Pen tool; Pencil tool

Blob Brush tool for, 348

curved paths, 149–150

curved shapes, 157–159

editing with Eraser tool, 104, 349–350

enhancements to, 10

first lines, 147

objects in perspective, 272–273, 277–279

with Paintbrush tool, 330–331

Pencil tool for, 170

setting up Perspective Grid for, 274–277

smoothing paths while, 332

straight paths, 161–162

undoing steps in, 153

drawing modes

choosing, 18, 90, 96

Draw Behind mode, 89, 90

Draw Inside mode, 89

Draw Normal mode, 89

types of, 89

uses for, 18

Drop Shadow dialog box, 26, 349, 357, 388

drop shadows

adding to shape, 366

applying, 357–358, 381

drop zone, 40


Edit Colors dialog box, 191–194, 195


appearance attributes, 381–383

art and grid planes, 285–290

Art brushes, 334

artboards, 15, 124–127

artwork color, 192, 194–195

bleeds, 126–127

blend options for objects, 317

brushes, 328–329, 334

clipping masks, 437–438

color groups, 189, 191–194

color of placed images, 435–436

curves, 165–166

document’s unit of measure, 129

drawings with Eraser tool, 349–350

effects, 359–360

ellipses, 94–95

Flash Catalyst’s round-trip, 10

font attributes, 226–229

gradient fills, 27–28, 306–309

graphic styles, 394–396

grid extent, 281

isolated objects, 76

layers in isolation mode, 264–265

lines, 147

masks, 437–438

paths with Paintbrush tool, 331–333

paths with Path Eraser, 331

paths with Pencil tool, 171–172

Pattern brush tiles, 344

pattern swatches, 204–205

Perspective Grid, 274–277

placed images, 431–432, 435–436

precision selections with Zoom, 111, 115

shapes with Pathfinder effect, 363–364

spine of path, 317–319

symbol sets, 413

symbols, 403–405, 407–409, 414–415

text attributes, 229–231

warped text, 237

width points, 105–108


applying from Graphic Styles panel, 386

drop shadow, 357–358

editing, 359–360

exercises exploring, 375–376

Intersect, 363

mapping symbol to 3D art, 372–374, 418

offsetting paths, 364–366

Pathfinder, 363–364

Photoshop raster, 357, 366–368

reviewing, 377

saving as graphic style, 381

scaling, 129–131

Scribble, 362

styling text with, 360–362

3D Revolve, 369–370

types of 3D, 369

using for objects in perspective, 288

vector, 357

warping text, 236–238, 360–362

ellipses, 94–95

envelope warps, 236–238

envelopes, 137–138

Eraser tool

editing drawings with, 349–350

resizing diameter of, 104

expanding panels, 43, 44–45


layered file to Photoshop, 445–446

naming instances before, 419

symbols to Flash, 418–421

Extrude & Bevel 3D effects, about, 369

Eyedropper tool, 188, 235–236


Fidelity value for Pencil tool, 171

files. See also lesson files

AI, 418, 446

Classroom in a Book, 2

compatible formats for Illustrator, 219

copying layers to new, 256–258

exporting layered, 445–446

fonts for lesson, 2

linked, 444–445

locating preferences, 3

PDF, 446

SWF/SVG, 418

fills. See also gradient fills

adding fill color with brush, 329

adjusting from Appearance panel, 381

choosing from Tools panel, 15

color for, 180

content selection by color of, 71

gradient, 299

overridden by revolved object, 369

selecting for object, 174

using additional, 384–385

filters, 135

Flash. See Adobe Flash

Flash Catalyst, 10, 446

flattening layers, 261, 265

Flex, 447


Control panel, 41

document groups, 59–60

Tools panel, 39, 40


changing size of, 228

choosing, 226–227

lesson file, 2

OpenType, 228

using text outlines instead of, 242

foreshortening, 273

formatting type, 226–232

adding on closed paths, 240–242

changing font size, 228

choosing fonts, 226–227

keyboard shortcuts to adjust font size, 228

maintaining imported formatting, 222

modifying font color, 229

placing text on open paths, 239–240

positioning cursor to sample formatting, 236

using OpenType fonts, 228

wrapping text around objects, 239

forward slash (/), 148

Free Distort dialog box, 142

Free Transform tool, 138


Gap Options dialog box, 210–211

getting started, 1–5

global color

changing background swatch to, 183–184

color groups for, 188–189

creating tint from, 187–188

Glyphs panel, 230–231, 240

gradient annotator, 28

gradient fills

about, 299, 301

adding to multiple objects, 309–312

adding to outlined stroke, 109

adjusting gradient rotation, 305

applying linear, 301–303

creating and editing, 27–28

defining transparency in, 313–314

direction and angle of blend, 304–305

editing, 306–309

filling text outlines with, 244

gradient swatches, 201

radial, 305–306

Gradient panel

adjusting gradient rotation, 305

illustrated, 28, 301

gradient stops. See also gradient fills

about, 305

defined, 301

moving start and end of, 306–309

graphic styles

about, 385–386

adding properties to applied, 392–394

applying to object, 387

creating and saving, 386–387

editing, 394–396

layers with, 387–390

selecting from library, 390–392

using, 385–386

Graphic Styles panel, 385–386, 395

graphic tablets, 338

graphics. See also combining Adobe graphics; graphic styles

sharp web and mobile device, 11

vector vs. bitmap, 428–429

grid extent widget, 281

grid planes. See also perspective

adding text to, 290–291

cursor indicator for, 278

editing art and, 285–290

moving objects separate from, 286

positioning automatically, 289, 290

selecting and checking, 277

undoing edits to, 286

grid presets, 273–274, 276

ground level point, 275


about, 75

aligning objects as, 74

document, 59–60

isolating, 76

Live Paint, 206–208, 211

nesting objects in, 76–77

panel, 43, 45–46

selecting objects for, 75

guides. See also smart guides

alignment, 67

snapping and locking, 129


Hand tool, 50

harmonizing colors

deselecting, 192

selecting, 181, 190–191

Harmony Rules menu, 181, 190


Adobe Community Help, 4–5

Adobe website and, 61

hidden tools, 39


bounding box, 97, 161

layers, 254–256

menus in Control panel, 101

objects, 79–80, 254–256

panels, 42–43, 44

Perspective Grid, 279

Plane Switching Widget, 288

template layers, 170

Hue Shift colorization, 346–347



carat with Pen tool, 154, 155

collapsing panel to, 43

crosshair, 146

current layer indicator, 260

Layers panel target, 390

lock, 253

Pen tool, 146, 148

Pencil tool, 170

white triangle on swatch, 184

Illuminate Styles panel, 392

Illustrator. See Adobe Illustrator CS5

Illustrator Options dialog box, 444

images. See also artwork; placed images

copying and editing placed images, 431–432

finding with Bridge, 427

linked, 21


plain text files, 219–220

swatches from saved documents, 182

Word documents, 221–222


Classroom in a Book files, 2

lesson file fonts, 2


about, 403

adding symbol, 407–409

breaking link to symbol, 409–410

naming before exporting, 419

original symbols vs., 404–405

replacing with modified symbol, 410

spraying symbol, 411–413

symbol sets and, 413, 416

unable to edit symbol, 404


accessing Kuler themes via, 196

checking for updates, 62

connecting from Illustrator Help, 61

Intersect effect, 363

intersect message, 94

isolation mode

editing layers in, 264–265

entering and exiting, 76, 113

working with groups in, 76


joining paths, 102–103


kerning, 231

key object alignment, 72, 75

keyboard shortcuts

adjusting font size with, 228

adjusting Mac Zoom tool, 50

document, 57

Hand tool, 50

perspective plane, 283, 284

Plane Switching Widget’s, 277

switching between Selection and Type tools, 239

Kuler panel, 196–197


layer comps, 433–434

Layer Options dialog box, 250


about, 248, 249

adding appearance attributes to, 262–264, 394

adjusting visibility of live paint, 209

applying graphic styles to, 387–390

bounding box color for, 67

color, 251

converting Photoshop layers to objects, 434

creating, 250–251

exercises exploring, 266

flattening, 261, 265

hiding template, 170

isolating, 264–265

locking, 253–254

merging, 260–261

moving Layers panel to view, 258

moving objects and, 252–253

pasting, 256–258

reviewing, 267–268

sublayers, 251

symbol’s, 410

text wrapping objects on same, 239

viewing and hiding, 254–256

Layers panel

applying appearance attributes from, 262–264

creating clipping masks, 259–260

creating layers, 250–251

features of, 248

isolating layers, 264–265

merging layers, 260–261

resizing to view layers, 258

symbol layers in, 410

target icons on, 390

viewing and hiding layers and objects, 254–256

leading, 230

Left Bracket key ([), 104

Left Vanishing Plane dialog box, 286–287

lesson files

about, 1

applying attributes and styles, 380

applying effects, 356

blending colors and shapes, 300

brushes, 326

color and painting, 178

combining Adobe applications, 426

copying files for, 2

creating and editing shapes, 86

drawing with Pen and Pencil, 146

layers, 248–249

lesson file fonts, 2

perspective drawing, 272

quick tour, 14

restoring Illustrator preferences, 4

selecting and aligning, 66

symbols, 402

transforming objects, 122

type, 216

work area, 34


preparing artboard for, 123–124

preset for, 126


choosing graphic styles from, 390–392

importing Illustrator symbols in Flash, 421

selecting brushes from, 327, 332, 335

swatches, 184

symbol, 403–405, 417, 419

lighting 3D objects, 371

line segments

adding curves to existing curved, 158–159

drawing first, 147

working with, 100–101

linear gradient fills, 301–303, 305


adding arrowheads to, 162–163

changing stroke weight, 162

creating straight, 148–149

dashed, 164

drawing, 146–148

paths and, 151

splitting, 162

linked files, 444–445

linked images, 21

linked objects, 223, 225

Live Paint

about, 206

closing gaps in, 210–211

creating group with, 206–208

editing paths, 208–210

Shape Builder tool vs., 206

using, 22–23

Live Paint Bucket Option dialog box, 207

Live Trace, 21–22, 116–118

lock icon, 253


guides, 129

layers, 253–254

objects, 81

Perspective Grid, 277

vanishing points (Station Point), 276


Mac OS

commands in book for, 1

lesson file fonts for, 2

using Zoom tool shortcuts, 50

Magic Wand tool, 70


adjusting with Zoom, 49–50

increasing on Navigation panel, 54


artwork to 3D object, 374

symbol to 3D art, 372–374, 418

masks. See also clipping masks

opacity, 440–442

measurement labels

anchor point, 68

negative values in, 137

showing x/y distance for moved shapes, 93

tooltips for, 91, 92


Harmony Rules, 181, 190

hiding in Control panel, 101

panel, 47


layers, 260–261

panel groups, 45–46

Microsoft Windows. See Windows OS

Microsoft Word, 221–222

mirror images, 132

Missing Profile dialog box, 35

mobile device graphics, 11

modes. See color modes; drawing modes

movie clip symbols, 407, 418, 420


anchor points, 165

applying multiple times, 140

artwork with artboards, 127

groups of panels, 45–46

objects and layers, 252–253

objects separate from grid plane, 286

multiple artboards

about, 9, 36

name and number identifying, 123

navigating, 52–53, 127, 128

setting up, 86–88

working with, 14–15

multiple documents, 56–59

multiple transformations, 140

Multiply blending mode, 382, 383



numbering of new layers and sublayers, 251

selections, 71

symbols, 368


between layers, 252

multiple artboards, 52–53, 127, 128

Navigator panel for, 54–55

Navigator panel, 54–55

negative values in measurement labels, 137

nesting objects in groups, 76–77

New Brush dialog box, 333

New Color Group dialog box, 189

New Document dialog box, 14, 86–87

New Paragraph Style dialog box, 233

New Swatch dialog box, 183

9-slice scaling, 420


objects. See also symbols; transforming objects

aligning, 72

applying effects in perspective, 288

applying multiple transformations, 140

attaching to perspective, 284–285

canceling alignment and distribution, 75

changing lighting of 3D, 371

changing perspective, 138–139, 272–273

clipping masks with, 259–260

color applied to selected, 182

constraining proportions of, 95, 130

controlling attributes of, 25–26

copying attributes of, 188

creating envelope, 237

creating with Revolve 3D effect, 369–370

distorting, 134–136

distributing with Align panel, 73–74

drawing in perspective, 277–279

editing blend options for, 317

editing grid planes and, 285–290

graphic styles applied to, 387

grouping, 75

hiding, 79–80, 254–256

live effects on, 357

locking, 81

making symbols from artwork, 406–407

mapping artwork to 3D, 374

moving and reordering on layers, 252–253

moving separate from grid plane, 286

moving with artboard, 127

nesting in groups, 76–77

positioning precisely, 137–138

proportional scaling, 139

reflecting, 132, 140

resizing text, 224–225

rotating, 96, 133–134

scaling, 129–131, 280

selecting and transforming in perspective, 279–283

shearing, 136–137

stacking order of, 78

surface shading for 3D, 372

threading text to linked, 223, 225

transforming, 128–136, 141–142

unable to merge, 260

using gradients for multiple, 309–312

wrapping text around, 239

Offset Path dialog box, 25, 365, 384

offsetting paths, 364–366, 384–385

one-point perspective, 274


adjusting Multiply blending mode’s, 382

defining gradient, 313–314

type, 243

opacity masks, 440–442

open paths

closed vs., 102, 151

text on, 217, 239–240

working with, 100–102


Bridge, 426

Color Picker, 186–187

Welcome screen, 34

Outline mode

features of, 93

selecting objects in, 51, 96

viewing layers in, 256


converting type to path, 310

using text, 242–244

overflow text

adjusting, 222–225, 230

indicator for, 220, 222

overlapping objects, 79, 252

Overprint view, 51


Paintbrush tool

Blob Brush tool vs., 347

drawing with, 330–331

editing paths with, 331–333

Paintbrush Tool Options dialog box, 332

painting. See also brushes

Bristle brushes for, 9, 336–337

shapes with Blob Brush, 23–24

panels. See also specific panels

about, 37

closing from Appearance panel, 384

Control, 37, 41–42

creating free-floating, 44

displaying menu for, 47

docking, 46

expanding, 43, 44–45

hiding, 42–43, 44

merging and moving groups of, 45–46

Navigator, 54–55

resetting to default position, 46–47

Tools, 37, 38

used for adding color, 179–181

working with, 42–46

PANTONE Solid Coated panel, 185

Pantone swatches, 184–186

paragraph styles, 233–234

parent groups, 77

Paste In Front command, 257

Paste Remembers Layers command, 257


artwork between Photoshop and Illustrator, 446

content on envelope, 137–138

Illustrator artwork in Flash, 421, 422

layers into artwork, 256–258

Path Eraser, 331

Pathfinder effects, 363–364

Pathfinder panel

illustrated, 112

modifying combined shapes from, 112–113

Pathfinder effects vs. commands on, 363

using shape modes, 114–116

paths. See also anchor points

adding arrowheads to, 162–163

adding text on closed paths, 240–242

closed vs. open, 102, 151

closing gaps in Live Paint, 210–211

components of, 151

converting points to corner points, 153–154

creating straight, 161–162

curved, 149–150

different alignment for stroke and, 100

direction handles for curves, 151–153

displaying word path, 95

editing spine of blend, 317–319

editing with Paintbrush tool, 331–333

editing with Pencil tool, 171–172

effects of editing Live Paint, 208–210

erasing, 104

joining, 102–103

measurement labels for, 68

merging with Blob Brush tool, 348–349

offsetting, 364–366, 384–385

placing text on open, 239–240

reshaping, 166–167

selecting segments of, 68

splitting, 162

starting with pen icon, 146

stylizing with brushes, 26–27

type on, 217

using type on closed paths, 217, 240–242

working with open, 100–101

Pattern Brush Options dialog box, 341–342

Pattern brushes

about, 327, 338

applying, 339–340, 342–343

creating, 340–342

editing tiles in, 344

pattern swatches

applying, 204

creating, 203

editing, 204–205


applying to artwork, 201–202

defined, 201

designing own, 203

PDF files, 446

Pen tool

forward slash icon for, 148

changing direction of curves, 159–161

creating straight lines and paths, 148–149, 161–162

crosshair icon for, 146

drawing curved paths, 149–150

exploring uses for, 174

icon symbols for, 146, 148, 167

learning to use, 146–148

preparing resource files for, 136

reviewing, 175

uses for, 145

using without fill selected, 161

Pencil tool

adjusting Fidelity value for, 171

editing paths with, 171–172

icons, 170

reviewing, 175

uses for, 145, 170


about, 8, 272–273

applying effects to objects in, 288

attaching objects to, 284–285

changing object’s, 138–139

drawing objects in, 277–279

exercises exploring, 296

ground level point, 275

keyboard shortcuts used for, 283, 284

positioning grid planes automatically, 289, 290

preset grids for, 273–274, 276

releasing content from, 295–296

reviewing, 297

scaling objects in, 280

selecting and transforming objects in, 279–283

using symbols in, 292–295

working with, 30–31

working with text on grid planes, 290–291

Perspective Grid. See also perspective

about, 8, 271

adding symbols to, 292

editing, 274–277

ground level point for, 275

hiding, 279

illustrated, 273

locking, 277

Plane Switching Widget, 277

presets for, 273–274, 276

showing rulers on, 293

Perspective Selection tool, 30–31

Photoshop. See Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop Import Options dialog box, 21

pixel-aligned symbols, 420

Pixel view, 51

Place dialog box, 21, 430

placed images

duplicating and editing, 431–432

editing color of, 435–436

placing Photoshop files, 430–431

replacing linked, 444–445

sampling colors in, 443

Plane Switching Widget, 277, 288

plus (+) sign

red, 220, 222

seen in Windows, 58

style override indicator, 233

point type

area vs., 219

creating, 217–218

defined, 217

points. See anchor points

polygons, 95–99


artwork with Hand tool, 152

coordinates precisely, 137–138

crosshair tool icons and, 146

double-headed pointer, 139

dragging grid plan controls, 286

Plane Switching Widget, 288

setting coordinates for, 137–138

precision selections, 111, 115


changing selection, 69

deleting current Illustrator, 4

restoring default, 3, 4

saving current, 3


artboard, 126

perspective grid, 273–274, 276

preview mode, 51, 256


artwork preview modes, 51

character styles, 235

layers in preview mode, 256

Revolve 3D effects, 370

using proxy preview area, 54–55

printing, 375

process color

creating color groups for, 188–189

creating tint from, 187–188

spot vs., 184


document, 14

variable width, 108

web document, 86

proxy preview area, 54–55

Pucker & Bloat dialog box, 135


radial gradients, 305–309

raster effects

about, 357

applying, 366–368

types of, 366

raster images, 428–429

Recolor Artwork dialog box

Assign tab of, 198–200

Edit Colors dialog box and, 192, 195

Edit tab of, 194–195

editing and applying color for selected artwork, 192

illustrated, 20

recoloring artwork, 19–20

Recolor With Preset command, 201

Rectangle dialog box, 92, 203

Rectangle tool, 90–91


aligning on grid plane, 287

center point of, 90

rounded, 93–94

red plus sign, 220, 222

reference point, 131, 133

reflecting objects, 132, 140


content from perspective, 295–296

masks, 439


brush strokes, 329

graphic styles, 396

text warping, 238


artboards, 127

symbols, 411


appearance attributes, 383

artboards, 128

panel groups, 46

swatches, 189

repeating transformations, 140


placed, linked images, 444–445

symbols, 410


artboards, 124–126

eraser diameter, 104

Layers panel, 258

panel groups, 45

shapes precisely, 115

text, 224–225

view of artwork, 48

resolution-independent effects, 10


Adobe website, 61

Illustrator and Adobe, 4–5

printing, 375

restoring default preferences, 3, 4

reverting to last saved version, 68


appearance attributes, 398

application of color, 212–213

blending colors and shapes, 322

brushes, 352–353

combining Adobe graphics, 448

effects, 377

layers, 267–268

Pen and Pencil tool, 175

perspective, 297

selecting and aligning, 83

shapes, 119

symbols, 423

transforming objects, 143

type, 245

workspaces, 63

Revolve 3D effects, 369–370

RGB color mode, 179

Right Vanishing Plane dialog box, 286

Rotate 3D effects, 369

Rotate dialog box, 17, 96, 133, 203


applying multiple times, 140

gradient and gradient bar, 305

objects, 96, 133–134

object’s perspective, 139

Revolve 3D effects, 369–370

symbols, 414–415

round-trip editing, 10

Rounded Rectangle dialog box, 16

rounded rectangles, 93–94


changing units for, 88

origin of, 128

resetting origin of, 129

showing on Perspective Grid, 293

snapping guide to, 129

turning on/off, 55–56

types of, 128



colors in placed images, 443

type, 235–236

Saturate dialog box, 410


artwork as symbols, 417

changes to existing color groups, 193

current Illustrator preferences, 3

documents for InDesign, 36

effect as graphic style, 381

Illustrator files, 35

Perspective Grid as preset, 273–274, 276

and using styles, 233–234

workspaces, 46–47

Scale dialog box, 131, 202, 205


applying multiple times, 140

9-slice, 420

objects along axis, 129–131

objects in perspective, 280

Perspective Grid, 276

symbol instances, 408

uniformly and proportionally, 139

Scatter brushes, 327

Scissors tool, 162

Scribble Options dialog box, 362

segments. See line segments

selecting content. See also Selection tool

adding objects to groups, 75

applying color to selected objects, 182

based on similarities, 71

changing selection and anchor point preferences, 69

choosing objects with Perspective Selection tool, 279–281

curves, 157

Direct Selection tool, 68, 70, 168

exercises for, 80–82

Magic Wand tool for, 70–71

marquees for, 69–70

overlapping or stacked objects, 79, 252

reviewing, 83

selecting Type tool, 226

using Selection tool, 66–67

while in Outline mode, 96

Selection tool

exercises with, 80–82

making selections, 69

shortcut between Type and, 239

using, 66–67

Send To Back command, 78, 79

Shape Builder tool

about, 9

combining and editing shapes, 109–112, 113

Live Paint vs., 206

working with, 16–17

Shape Builder Tool Options dialog box, 112

shape modes, 114–116


adding curves to, 157–158

adjusting dimensions of, 90

assembling into artwork, 172–174

blending object’s colors and, 316

combining and editing, 109–112

compound, 114–116

constraining proportions of, 95, 130

creating illustrations from, 88–89

drawing, 15–16

drawing modes effecting, 89

editing with Pathfinder effect, 363–364

ellipses, 94–95

erasing artwork, 104

erasing Blob Brush, 349–350

exercises exploring, 118

filling with text, 221–222

generating with Live Trace, 116–118

joining paths to create, 102–103

made with Shape Builder, 16–17, 109–112, 113, 206

masking object with multiple, 438–439

measurement labels for moved, 93

offsetting path for oval, 364–366

outlining strokes in, 109

painting with Blob Brush tool, 23–24, 347

polygons, 95–99

rectangles, 90–92

releasing clipping masks from, 97

reviewing, 119

rotating, 96

rounded rectangles, 93–94

stars, 103–104

stroke adjustments for, 99–100, 105–108

tools for basic, 89

using Pathfinder effects for combined, 112–113

working with line segments, 100–101

shearing objects, 136–137

smart guides

about, 67, 91

changing color of, 93

defined, 66

deselecting, 67, 82

positioning grid planes automatically with, 289, 290

smooth color blends, 319–320

smooth points

converting from corner to, 168–169

corner vs., 151

using in blend, 317

Smooth tool, 331

snapping to guides, 129

spacing objects from Align panel, 73


about, 317

reversing order of, 318

spirals, 99

splitting lines, 162

spot color

color groups for, 188–189

creating, 185

making tint from, 187–188

PANTONE swatches as, 186

process vs., 183

Spotlight, 50

stacking order

arranging object’s, 78–79

selecting objects hidden in, 79–80

Station Point, 276


creating, 103–104

making compound shape from, 114–116

tips for drawing, 99

start and end path brackets, 241

Status bar, 37

straight lines, 148–149, 161–162

Stroke Options dialog box, 340

Stroke panel, 162–163, 164


adding additional, 384–385

adding color to, 180

adjusting, 381

appearance of colorized brush, 344

Bristle brush, 338

changing weight of, 162

content selections based on, 71

dragging one side only, 106

new features for, 8

offsetting against shape, 364–365

outlining, 109

overriding fill of revolved objects, 369

removing brush, 329

scaling, 129–131

selecting in Tools panel, 15

width and alignment adjustments, 99–100, 105–108

working with, 18–19

styles. See also formatting type; graphic styles

character, 233, 234–235

override indicator for, 233

paragraph, 233–234


about, 251

hiding, 254–256

isolating, 76

merging, 260

moving objects between, 252–253

superscripts, 231

surface shading for 3D objects, 372

Swatch Options dialog box, 184, 189


about PANTONE, 186

creating and saving, 182–183

displaying larger, 393

dragging in/out of color group, 189

editing, 183–184

gradient, 201

Illustrator libraries for, 184

loading from other documents, 182

pattern, 203–205

reordering, 189

viewing, 204, 393

Swatches panel. See also swatches

applying color from, 181

applying patterns from, 201, 204

color groups and, 19

displaying from Appearance panel, 384

selecting multiple discontiguous colors in, 188

using, 16, 182–183

SWF/SVG files, 418

symbol libraries, 403–405, 417, 419

Symbol Options dialog box, 29, 368, 406–407, 419

symbol sets

copying, 416

defined, 413

editing, 413, 416

Symbol Sprayer tool, 411–413

symbolism tools, 411–415

Symbolism Tools Options dialog box, 412

symbols. See also instances; symbol sets

breaking link to instance, 409–410

copying and reflecting, 132

creating, 406–407

defined, 403

editing, 403–405, 407–409, 414–415

exercises exploring, 422

exporting to Flash, 418–421

layers of, 410

libraries of, 403–405

mapping to 3D art, 372–374, 418

movie clip, 407, 418, 420

naming, 368

renaming, 411

replacing, 410

reviewing, 423

using in perspective, 292–295

using Symbolism tools, 411–415

working with, 29, 403

Symbols panel

about, 401

accessing symbols from, 403

illustrated, 403

storing and retrieving artwork in, 417


target icon on Layers panel, 390

template layer, 170

text. See also formatting type

adding on closed paths, 240–242

adding to grid planes, 290–291

columns, 220–221

converting type to path outlines, 310

creating on open paths, 217, 239–240

editing attributes for, 229–231

filling with gradient, 310–312

graphic styles added to, 386

importing, 219–220, 221–222

modifying paragraph attributes for, 231–232

overflow, 220, 222–225, 230

resizing, 224–225

sampling, 235–236

styling characters, 233, 234–235

styling paragraph, 233–234

threading, 223, 225

unwarping, 238

using text outlines, 242–244

warping, 236–238, 360–362

wrapping around object, 239

Text Import Options dialog box, 220

Text Wrap Options dialog box, 239

themes, color, 196–197

threading text, 223, 225

three-point perspective, 274

3D effects

lighting objects for, 371

Revolve, 369–370

surface shading options with, 372

types of, 369

3D Options dialog box, 370, 372

threshold values for Live Trace, 117

tiles in pattern brush, 344

tiling open documents, 57


creating and saving, 187–188

Tints colorization method, 344–346

tools. See also Tools panel; and specific tools

accessing basic shape, 89

illustrated, 38

selecting, 39

Shape Builder, 109–112

symbolism, 411–415

used for adding color, 179–181

Tools panel

adding color fill and stroke on, 180

drawing modes, 18, 89, 90, 96

floating and docking, 39–40

illustrated, 37, 38

resetting to default position, 46–47

selecting tools from, 39

single or double columns on, 38, 89

stroke and fill selections in, 15

tools on, 38


displaying swatch name, 183

symbol’s name as, 404

tracing curves, 151–153

Tracing Options dialog box, 117

tracking, 230, 231

trademark symbols, 230

training and certification programs, 6

Transform Each dialog box, 140, 313, 409

Transform panel

adjusting shape’s dimensions in, 90

setting reference point, 131

using options from Control panel, 138

transforming objects

adding artboards to document, 123–124

applying multiple transformations, 140

changing content, 128–136

changing perspective, 138–139

copying while reflecting objects, 132

distorting objects, 134–136

exercises, 142

preparing resource files for, 122

reviewing, 143

rotating objects, 96, 133–134

scaling objects, 129–131

shearing objects, 136–137

symbol sets, 416

using Free Distort, 141–142

using precise positioning, 137–138

while in perspective, 292–295

working with artboards, 123–128


adjusting from Appearance panel, 381

defining for gradients, 313–314

making opacity masks, 440–442

Transparency panel, 440–442

triangles, 96–98

turning on/off

rulers, 55–56

smart guides, 67, 82

two-point perspective, 274

type. See also Type tool

adding text to grid planes, 290–291

applying character styles, 233, 234–235

area, 217, 218, 219

changing font size, 228

converting to path outlines, 310

creating text columns, 220–221

editing text attributes, 229–231

exercises for, 244

filling with gradient, 310–312

formatting, 226–232

graphic styles for text, 386

importing, 219–220

kinds of, 217

modifying font color of, 229

opacity of, 243

OpenType fonts, 228

overflow text, 220, 222–225, 230

placing on own layer, 250

placing on paths, 217, 239–242

point, 217–218, 219

resizing text objects, 224–225

reviewing, 245

sampling and applying attributes, 235–236

selecting fonts, 226–227

setting attributes for, 232

threading text to linked objects, 223, 225

using paragraph styles for, 233–234

using text outlines, 242–244

warping, 236–238

working with, 24–25

wrapping, 218, 239

Type on a Path Options dialog box, 242

Type tool

Hand tool shortcut unavailable when active, 50

selecting, 226

shortcut between Selection tool and, 239



actions, 153

grid plan edits, 286

symbol spraying, 413

units of measure

changing ruler’s, 88

defining grid ruler’s, 293

editing document’s, 129

user interface. See artboards; workspaces; panels


vanishing point

displaying more gridlines closer to, 281

locking (Station Point), 276

showing for three-point perspective, 274

variable width profiles, 108

vector effects, 357

vector graphics, 428–429


artwork, 48, 51

brushes on Brushes panel, 327

hidden attributes, 385

and hiding layers, 254–256

larger swatches, 393

swatches by name, 204

symbol names, 404


creating custom document, 51

types of artwork, 51

violin illustration, 156–173

visibility and live paint layers, 209

Vista. See Windows OS


Warp Options dialog box, 134, 236–237, 360


resetting bounding box for warped objects, 136

text, 236–238, 360–362

web document profiles, 86

Welcome screen, 34

white area, 118

white triangle on swatch icon, 184

Width Point Edit dialog box, 107

width points, 105–108

Width tool, 18, 105–107


arranging multiple document, 56–59

fitting artwork in, 48

Windows OS

commands in book for, 1

deleting Illustrator preferences, 4

lesson file fonts for, 2

plus sign indicator in, 58

Word, 221–222


areas of, 37

arranging multiple documents, 56–59

artboard, 36

conserving space on, 46

Control panel, 37, 41–42

deleting saved, 46

illustrated, 37

navigating within documents, 52–55

opening document groups, 59–60

practice using, 62

resetting, 46–47, 386

reviewing, 63

saving, 46–47

turning on/off rulers, 55–56

working with panels, 42–46

wrapping type, 218, 239


x axis, 68, 129–131


y axis, 68, 129–131


zoom in/zoom out keys, 48

Zoom tool

improving shape editing with, 100, 110, 111, 115

magnifying and reducing artwork with, 49–50

using shortcuts from Mac OS for, 50

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