

> (forward arrow character), 4

/ (forward slash character), 5

1:1 previews, 78, 395

1:1 and 2:1 zoom settings, 104

8-bit vs. 16-bit files, 364

16-bit print output, 338


Adams, Ansel, 197, 237

Add image option, 67

Adjustment Brush, 224226

adjustment pins, 227

Adobe Landscape profile, 187

Adobe Monochrome profile, 187

Adobe Neutral profile, 187

Adobe Portrait profile, 187

Adobe Raw profiles, 186187

Adobe Vivid profile, 187

AdobeRGB color space, 364

Ahmed, Zulfikhar, 4649

Amount slider

Detail panel, 201

Effects panel, 240

Graduated Filter tool, 221

Apply During Import panel, 67, 68, 69, 380

aspect ratio, 34, 184185

Attribute filter, 22, 152, 153154, 167, 169

audio for slideshows, 301302

auto adjustments, 192, 209

Auto Align option, 246

Auto Crop option, 243, 248

Auto Import Settings dialog box, 74, 76

Auto Layout panel, 265

Auto Leading button, 274

Auto Mask setting, 225

Auto Settings option, 246

Auto Tone Control button, 30

Autofill book feature, 265

Avedon, Richard, 197

AVI video files, 73


B&W panel, 238

Back Up Catalog dialog box, 355

Backdrop panel, Slideshow module, 294295, 307

Background panel, Book module, 272


photo book, 271272

print layout, 334335

slideshow, 294295

Backup folder, 359

Backup.lrcat file, 359


catalog file, 354355

example of creating, 383384

external drive, 391

import process, 62

library, 358359


keyword, 146

location marker, 162

photo book, 269

thumbnail, 133

Baseline setting, 275, 281

Basic panel, 32, 181

Auto adjustment button, 35

tonal adjustments, 3537

Before/After view, 33, 180

black-and-white photos

camera settings for, 237

converting color photos to, 238

black-body radiation, 191

Blacks slider, 198

blocked images, 193

blown-out images, 193 website, 265, 279

Book module, 261, 264281

Auto Layout panel, 265

Autofill feature, 265

Background panel, 272

Book Settings panel, 265, 280

Cell panel, 270271, 274

Collections panel, 278

Guides panel, 267, 268

Page panel, 267, 268, 277

Preview panel, 275

Text panel, 276

Type panel, 273277

See also photo books

Book Settings panel, 265


for printing images, 326327

for slideshow images, 295

Boundary Warp slider, 242, 243, 248

bracketing photos, 244, 245

brushes, resizing, 220, 225

Build Previews options, 78


Camera Matching profiles, 186, 188

camera profiles, 185188

explanation of, 186

new in Lightroom, 186187

Profile Browser for, 188

camera raw formats, 60


black-and-white setting on, 237

bracketing feature on, 244

importing photos from, 5565

tethered shooting with, 7880

white balance captured by, 190

Caption and Rating template, 292


photo book, 273, 276277

print layout, 330331

Catalog panel, 24, 112113, 114, 264, 290

Catalog Settings dialog box, 354355, 357, 395


backing up, 354355

creating for this book, 46

explanation of, 4, 12

exporting images as, 358359

importing from Photoshop Elements, 75

managing photos in, 1213

notebook analogy for, 53

smart collections for cleaning up, 394395

cell padding, 270271, 281

Cell panel, Book module, 270271, 274


book layout, 270271, 273274

Grid view, 83, 84

print layout, 322, 323

Cells panel, Print module, 319, 325, 333

Clarity slider, 199

Classroom in a Book training series, 1

clipping warnings, 193194

Clone mode, Spot Removal tool, 39, 227, 230, 255

CMYK files, 60

cold status workflow, 379, 392395

accessing NAS over the internet, 394

catalog cleanup using smart collections, 394395

moving folders to a NAS device, 393

collapsing panels, 98100

collection sets, 24, 25, 137139, 381382

collections, 2425, 133144

automatic, 136

creating, 25, 134135, 136137, 182

example of using, 381383

folders vs., 132

nesting, 25

organizing with, 2426, 133140

photo book, 278

print output, 133, 341342

Quick Collection, 24, 112114, 133

rearranging photos in, 2526, 134, 290

removing photos from, 26

sets of, 24, 25, 137139

sharing online, 141142

slideshow, 299, 300

smart, 24, 140, 171, 394395

synced, 67, 141144

target, 114, 123, 317

types of, 24, 133

Collections panel, 25, 26, 114, 278, 291, 299


adjusting in images, 235236

background, 272, 294295, 334335

identity plate, 329

color cast, 195

color gamut, 336, 337

color labels, 23, 155, 165166

color management, 338341

adjusting settings for, 340341

Lightroom-controlled, 339340

printer-based, 339

color noise reduction, 203

Color Picker, 295, 329

Color Priority option, 240

color profile, 336

Color Range Selector, 38, 233, 234, 255

color space, 336, 340, 361, 364

color temperature, 190, 191

Color Wash feature, 294295

Compact Cells layout, 83, 84

compact mode, Import dialog box, 61

comparing photos, 2729, 107110

Compare view for, 2728, 102, 107108, 122

Survey view for, 2829, 109110

computer hard disk

freeing up space on, 378

importing photos from, 6569

space requirements, 2

See also external drives

contact sheet/grid layout, 324325

Contrast slider, 192193

Conzo, Joe, 8689

Copy As DNG option, 66

Copy Layout command, 278


images from hard disks, 6768

page layouts for books, 278

saved photo books, 279

settings between images, 250

cover layout templates, 267

Create Collection Set dialog box, 138

Create Keyword Tag dialog box, 149

Create Smart Collection dialog box, 140

Creative profiles, 186, 187

creative sharpening, 205

Crop Overlay tool, 3435, 182185

Crop to Fill template, 292

cropping images, 3435, 182185

aspect ratio for, 34, 184185

display adjustments for, 185

overlays for, 35, 183, 184

straightening and, 34, 184

culling your images, 2223, 380381

custom naming template, 6263, 380

Custom Package layouts, 319, 324, 332335, 345


Develop module, 181

thumbnails, 17

workspace, 17, 95100

Cylindrical panorama option, 242


Deghosting option, 246


rejected photos, 111

templates, 304

See also removing

Density slider, 225

Depth Range Selector, 233

Deselect Photo icon, 109

desktop folder, 380

Detail panel, 201203

Detail slider, 202

Develop module, 3241, 180181

Adjustment Brush, 224226

B&W panel, 238

Basic panel, 32, 3537, 181, 199

Blacks slider, 198

camera profiles, 185188

Clarity slider, 199

Contrast slider, 192193

Crop Overlay tool, 3435, 182185

customizing appearance of, 181

Detail panel, 201203

Effects panel, 239241

Exposure slider, 192

Graduated Filter tool, 218221

HDR image creation, 244249

Highlights slider, 193194

Histogram panel, 181

History panel, 3233

HSL/Color panel, 235

Lens Corrections panel, 203204

Navigator panel, 180, 209

noise reduction, 202203

panorama creation, 241244, 247249

preset creation, 252253

Profile Browser, 188

Radial Filter tool, 3739, 222224

Range Mask tool, 232235

Saturation slider, 200

Shadows slider, 193194

Sharpening sliders, 201202

Snapshots panel, 208

Soft Proofing panel, 336337

Split Toning panel, 238239

Spot Removal tool, 3941, 227231

synchronizing corrections in, 250251

Temp and Tint sliders, 189, 191

Tone Curve panel, 181, 236237

Transform panel, 204, 206

Vibrance slider, 200

viewing modes, 180

white balance adjustments, 189, 191

Whites slider, 195, 198

digital cameras. See cameras

Digital Print, The (Schewe), 205

digital tablets, 226

disks/drives. See computer hard disk; external drives

DNG files

described, 60, 85

exporting, 365366

Draft Mode Printing option, 335, 339, 345

drag-and-drop importing, 70

Draw Face Region tool, 160

drop shadows, 295

Duplicate Book command, 279

duplicate prevention, 72



external, 13, 364

on site, 144

on mobile devices, 143

non-destructive, 13, 185

Effects panel, 239241

Eismann, Katrin, 372375

emailing photos, 4243

Embedded & Sidecar previews, 78

Erase brush mode, 221, 255

evaluating photos, 71

EXIF metadata, 156, 298

EXIF Metadata template, 292, 309

Expanded Cells layout, 83, 84

expanded mode, Import dialog box, 54

expanding panels, 98100

Export dialog box, 361, 368

Export Keywords command, 151


DNG files, 365366

images as a catalog, 358359

JPEG files, 360363, 367

keywords, 151

metadata, 356357

photo books, 280

plug-ins for, 362

presets for, 366369

PSD or TIFF files, 363365

review questions/answers on, 370371

slideshows, 305306

templates, 303

Exposure Slider, 192

external drives, 387388

backing up, 391

importing from, 6569

moving images to, 388

tips for selecting, 387388

See also computer hard disk

external editing, 13, 364


face recognition, 158160

Feather slider, 225, 230, 241

file formats

for image files, 60

for video files, 73

File Handing panel, 62, 67, 69, 72, 380, 385

File Renaming panel, 62, 63, 380

Filename Template Editor, 63


accessing on a NAS device, 394

finding and filtering, 166169

info about lesson, 34

managing folders and, 13

tips on naming/renaming, 64

Fill zoom setting, 104

Filmstrip, 15, 115122

filters used in, 116117, 169

overview of controls in, 115

secondary display and, 119122

showing/hiding, 30, 115

sizing/resizing, 116

sorting images in, 117118

Filter bar, 22, 166168, 171

Attribute filter, 22, 152, 153154, 167

color label searches, 155

keyword searches, 150152

lock button, 151

Metadata filter, 151, 167

Rating controls, 167, 168

searching with, 22, 150152, 166168

showing/hiding, 81

Text filter, 167


Filmstrip, 116117, 169

Graduated, 218221

Radial, 222224

finding photos. See searching

Fit zoom setting, 104

flagging images, 2223, 110111, 152154

Flow slider, 225


collections vs., 132

creating collections from, 136

importing to specific, 7374

managing files and, 13

moving to a NAS device, 393

naming/renaming, 64

organizing photos in, 5859

parent, 390391

relinking missing, 389391

template, 304

watched, 7477

Folders panel, 69, 73, 132, 390

Full Screen mode, 101


gamut warning, 337

Genie Timeline backups, 384

geotagging images, 162163

Golden Spiral overlay, 183

Google Maps, 161

GPS metadata

embedded in image files, 161, 162

geotagging images without, 162163

removing from exported files, 362

gradient mask, 219


linear, 218221

radiant, 222224

Graduated Filter tool, 218221

grain, adding to images, 241

grid overlays

for cropping, 35, 184

for Loupe view, 105106

Grid view, 8183, 84, 102

grouping images, 112114

guided transformations, 204, 206

Guides panel

Book module, 267, 268

Print module, 319, 323, 325


Haftel, Josh, 187

hard disks/drives. See computer hard disk; external drives

HDR Book, The (Concepcion), 246

HDR images, 244249

bracketing for, 244, 245

headless mode for, 247

merging photos into, 245247

panoramas created as, 247249

HDR Merge Preview dialog box, 246

headless mode

for HDR images, 247

for panoramas, 244

Heal mode, Spot Removal tool, 39, 227, 228, 231, 255

Heisler, Gregory, 197, 237, 282285

Help resources, 89

Herrera, Tito, 172175

HEVC video files, 73

Hide Panels mode, 101


Filmstrip, 32, 115

Filter bar, 81

Module Picker, 266

panels, 17, 22, 9698, 100

Toolbar, 15, 81

Highlight Priority option, 240

highlights, adjusting, 193194

Highlights slider, 193194

Histogram panel, 181


explanation of, 196197

Hall of Fame photos, 197

History panel, 3233

hot status workflow, 378, 379384

backing up your images, 383384

creating collections and collection sets, 381383

culling the photos, 380381

importing the photos, 379380

HSL/Color panel, 235236

Hue sliders, 239


identity plate, 14

for print layouts, 327, 329, 345

for slideshows, 307308

Identity Plate Editor, 308, 327

Image Settings panel, 319, 321, 326, 327, 334


backing up, 62

comparing, 2729, 107110

cropping, 3435, 182185

culling, 2223, 380381

emailing, 4243

exporting, 360369

file formats for, 60

flagging, 2223, 110111, 152154

geotagging, 162163

grouping, 112114

importing, 18, 1920, 6385

keywords attached to, 21, 146152

metadata applied to, 6869

naming/renaming, 6264

organizing, 18, 2026

printing, 314345

rating, 23, 154, 157

sharpening, 201202

stacking, 145

straightening, 34, 184

Import dialog box, 19, 54, 5556, 61, 85

Import Keywords command, 151

Import New Photos option, 135

Import Photos dialog box, 78

importing photos, 18, 6385

backing up and, 62

from digital cameras, 5565

drag and drop used for, 70

duplicate prevention and, 72

evaluating photos before, 71

folder organization and, 5859

from hard disks, 6569

metadata applied when, 6869

naming/renaming and, 6265

overview of process for, 1920, 5354

from Photoshop Elements, 75

presets created for, 61

preview options for, 78

review questions/answers on, 85

to specific folders, 7374

tethered shooting for, 7880

view options for, 80, 8184

from watched folders, 7477

workflow example of, 379380

importing templates, 303

importing video files, 73

impromptu slideshows, 22, 23, 292, 306, 309

Include In Import option, 71

Inner Stroke border, 327, 334

input sharpening, 205

installing Lightroom, 23

internet access to NAS, 394

IPTC metadata, 156, 298

iterative culling, 170, 380381


JPEG files

described, 60

exporting, 360363, 367


Kerning control, 275, 281

Keyword List panel, 147, 148149, 150, 160

Keywording panel, 146147, 148

keywords, 146152

adding to images, 21, 147148

explained, 21, 146, 171

nesting, 148149

Painter tool for, 165

removing from images, 147

searching by, 150152

sets of, 148

viewing, 146147


labels, color, 23, 155, 165166

Lando, Sara, 210

Layout panel

Print module, 319, 323, 324

Slideshow module, 293294, 307

Layout Style panel, 319, 327, 332, 345


photo book, 266268

print, 323331

slideshow, 293294

Leading control, 275, 281

Lens Corrections panel, 203204, 209

lesson files for book, 34


backing up your Lightroom, 358359

importing images into, 9293, 130131, 178179

Library module, 94

Catalog panel, 24, 112113, 114

Collections panel, 25, 26, 114, 134

Folders panel, 69, 73, 132, 390

Keyword List panel, 147, 148149, 150, 160

Keywording panel, 146147, 148

Metadata panel, 156157

Quick Develop panel, 3031

view modes, 102110

Library View Options dialog box, 82, 84, 103 website, 144

Lightroom CC for mobile, 67

Lightroom CC on the web, 67

Lightroom Classic CC

installing, 23

modules overview, 18

new and enhanced features, 12

notebook analogy, 5253

resources, 89

synchronization, 67, 141142

workflow, 1829, 378395

workspace, 1417, 95100

Lights Dim mode, 185

Lights Out mode, 22, 185

linear gradients, 218221

Link Focus icon, 108

local adjustment tools

Adjustment Brush tool, 224226

Graduated Filter tool, 218221

Radial Filter tool, 222224

Range Mask tool, 232235

Spot Removal tool, 227231

Location Filter bar, 162, 163, 165

location information

adding to photos, 162163

saving for photos, 164165

searching by, 163, 165

See also Map module

Loupe view, 84, 102, 103106, 180

evaluating photos in, 71

overlays used in, 105106

luminance noise reduction, 202

Luminance Range Selector, 233, 234, 255

luminance values, 196


magnification controls, 103104

Make A Second Copy To option, 62

Make Public button, 141142

Managed By Printer setting, 339

Map module, 161165

geotagging images in, 162163

saving map locations in, 164165

searching by location in, 163, 165

steps for working in, 161162

markers, Quick Collection, 113

Masking slider, 202

Match Total Exposures option, 251

McNally, Joe, 124

medium status workflow, 378379, 384392

backing up external drives, 391

moving images to external drives, 388

relinking missing folders, 389391

Smart Preview creation, 385387

memory cards

importing photos from, 5565

naming photos to indicate, 64

staggering shoots across, 72


adding to images, 156157

applying during import, 6869

exporting, 356357

print layouts with, 330331

searching by keyword, 150152

slideshows displaying, 298

storage of, 157

updating, 356357

Metadata File Needs to Be Updated icon, 356357

Metadata filter, 151, 167

Metadata panel, 154, 156157

Metadata Status filter, 357

Midpoint slider, 240

midtone contrast, 199

Minimal preview option, 78

mobile devices

editing photos on, 143

synchronization with, 67, 141142

viewing synced photos on, 142143

Module Picker, 14, 18, 19, 52, 92, 266

modules in Lightroom

overview of, 18

tips about using, 78, 14, 93, 130

See also specific modules


files to new hard disk location, 67

images into/out of Quick Collection, 112113

templates to another folder, 303

music for slideshows, 301302

Music panel, 301


Named People category, 159


importing photos and, 6265

templates or template folders, 303

tips for file and folder, 64

NAS devices, 392394

accessing over the internet, 394

explanation of, 392393

moving folders to, 393

Navigator panel, 103, 104105, 123, 180, 209


collections, 25

keywords, 148149

New Location dialog box, 164

New Metadata Preset dialog box, 6869

New Template dialog box, 304, 331

Newman, Arnold, 197

noise reduction, 202203

non-destructive editing, 13, 185

Normal screen mode, 101

notebook analogy, 5253


book pages, 268, 281

slideshow images, 298


online content, 34

Open Catalog dialog box, 359

Options panel, Slideshow module, 295, 307

organizing photos, 18, 2026

collections for, 2426, 133140

color labels for, 23, 155

face recognition for, 158160

flags and star ratings for, 2223, 152154

folders used for, 5859

keyword tags for, 146152

location info for, 161165

menu options for, 59

metadata for, 156157

Painter tool for, 165166

stacks for, 145

out-of-gamut colors, 337

output collections, 133, 341342

output print settings, 335, 338

output sharpening, 205, 362


Crop Guide, 35, 184

gradient mask, 219

Loupe view, 105106

slideshow text, 296297

Overlays panel, Slideshow module, 296297

Override Color option, 329


Padding Amount slider, 270

Page panel

Book module, 267, 268, 277

Print module, 319, 327, 329, 330331, 334

Paint Overlay option, 240

Painter tool, 165166

Palette controls, 170

Pan and Zoom slider, 302

panel groups, 9698


expanding/collapsing, 98100

hiding/showing, 17, 22, 9698, 100

sizing/resizing, 9596

Solo mode for, 17, 100, 150

top and side, 14, 16, 96

See also specific panels

Panorama Merge Preview dialog box, 242243

panoramas, 241244

HDR images as, 247249

headless mode for, 244

merging images into, 242244

tip for shooting, 242

parent folders, 390391

PDF files

photo books exported as, 280

slideshows exported as, 305

People view mode, 158160

Perceptual rendering, 337, 340

perspective corrections, 204205

Perspective panorama option, 242

photo books, 260281

assembling photos for, 264

backgrounds for, 271272

captions for, 273, 276277

changing images in, 269

creating saved, 278279

duplicating saved, 279

exporting to PDF, 280

numbering pages in, 268

page layouts for, 266268

photo cells in, 270271

placing photos in, 268269

rearranging pages in, 269

review questions/answers on, 281

setting up, 265266

templates created from, 277278

text added to, 273278

uploading to, 279

See also Book module

photo borders, 327

photo cells, 270271

Photo Merge

HDR option, 245

HDR Panorama option, 248

Panorama option, 242

photography showcases

on Zulfikhar Ahmed, 4649

on Joe Conzo, 8689

on Katrin Eismann, 372375

on Gregory Heisler, 282285

on Tito Herrera, 172175

on Sara Lando, 210213

on Joe McNally, 124127

on Alan Shapiro, 310313

on Maranie Staab, 256259

on Ami Vitale, 346349

Photoshop Elements, 75

picks, flagging photos as, 22, 110111, 153

Picture Package layouts, 319, 320, 321, 324, 325, 345

Pictures folder, 58

pins, adjustment, 227

Playback panel, 301, 302

plug-ins, export, 362

PNG files, 60

post-crop vignetting, 239241

Preferences dialog box

External Editing tab, 364

General tab, 5, 55


develop, 252253

export, 366369

import, 61

text, 277

tool setting, 221

Preview panel

Book module, 275

Print module, 318

Slideshow module, 291


imported photo, 78

Smart, 78, 385387, 394, 395

Previous Import folder, 25, 109, 264, 290

Print Adjustment settings, 340341

Print button, 342

Print Editor view, 318, 341

Print Job panel, 319, 321, 335, 338, 339

Print module, 315, 318345

Cells panel, 319, 325, 333

Collections panel, 318, 342

Guides panel, 319, 323, 325

Image Settings panel, 319, 321, 326, 327, 334

Layout panel, 319, 323, 324

Layout Style panel, 319, 327, 332

Page panel, 319, 327, 329, 330331, 334

Preview panel, 318

Print Editor view, 318

Print Job panel, 319, 321, 335, 338, 339

Rulers, Grid & Guides panel, 319, 325, 334

Template Browser panel, 318, 319, 320, 322, 332

print output collection, 133, 341342

print resolution, 335, 338

Print Setup dialog box, 339

printer profiles, 339340

printer resolution, 335

printing images, 314345

16-bit output for, 338

adjusting cells for, 323

background color for, 334335

captions added for, 330331

color management for, 338341

creating collections for, 316317

Custom Package layout for, 332335

customizing layouts for, 323331

identity plate for, 327, 329

metadata information for, 330331

output settings for, 335, 338

overview of panels for, 318319

page setup options for, 322

rearranging photos for, 326

resolution for, 335, 338

review questions/answers on, 344345

saving settings for, 341342

sending job to printer, 342

sharpening images for, 338

soft proofing photos before, 336337

stroke borders created for, 326327

templates for, 319, 320322, 331332

process versions, 252

Profile Browser, 188


camera, 185188

printer, 339340

ProPhoto RGB color space, 364

PSD files

described, 60

exporting, 363365

publish collections, 133

publishing photo books, 279


Quick Collection, 24, 112114, 123, 133

converting and clearing, 113114

designated as target collection, 114, 123

moving images into/out of, 112113

Quick Develop panel, 29, 3031


Radial Filter tool, 3739, 222224, 255

Radius slider, Detail panel, 201

Range Mask tool, 232235, 255

rating photos, 23, 154, 157

raw file formats, 60

Reference view, 180

Refine Photos command, 153


collection containing, 381

flagging photos as, 22, 110111, 153

Relative rendering, 337, 340

relinking missing folders, 389391


GPS metadata, 362

images from collections, 26

keywords from photos, 147

rejected photos from catalogs, 111

spots from images, 3941, 227229

See also deleting

renaming. See naming/renaming

Rendering Intent options, 337, 340

Reset All button, 31

Resize to Fit option, 361, 364, 367

resizing. See sizing/resizing


exported file, 361, 364

print vs. printer, 335

setting for print jobs, 338

resources, Lightroom, 89

rotating images, 184

Roundness slider, 241

Rule of Thirds overlay, 183, 184

Rulers, Grid & Guides panel, 319, 325, 334


Saturation sliders, 200, 239

Saved Book icon, 278

Saved Locations panel, 164165


custom page layouts, 277

map locations, 164165

photo books, 278279

print templates, 331332

Quick Collections, 114

slideshows, 299300

Scale slider, 329

Schewe, Jeff, 205

screen modes, 101


by color label, 155

by keyword, 150152

by location, 163, 165, 171

by star rating, 167, 168

by text, 167168

secondary display, 119122

Select Catalog dialog box, 6, 52, 92, 130

sequence numbers, 62


collection, 24, 25, 137139

color label, 155

keyword, 148

shadows, adjusting, 193194

Shadows slider, 193194

Shapiro, Alan, 310313


collections online, 142143

photos via email, 4243


Detail panel options for, 201202

input, creative, and output, 205

Print Sharpening options for, 338

Show Info Overlay option, 84, 103

Show Parent Folder option, 390

showcase features. See photography showcases

side panels, 16, 96

side-by-side comparison, 2728, 107108

sidecar files, 157, 357, 366

Simple template, 292

Simulate Paper & Ink option, 337

Single Image/Contact Sheet layouts, 319, 320, 321, 324, 345

Single Person view, 159160


brushes, 220, 225

exported JPEGs, 361

Filmstrip, 116

panels, 9596

thumbnails, 57, 66, 120

skill requirements, 2

Slide Editor view, 291292

sliders, resetting, 219, 255

Slideshow module, 287, 290309

Backdrop panel, 294295, 307

Collections panel, 291, 299

Layout panel, 293294, 307

Music panel, 301

Options panel, 295, 307

Overlays panel, 296297

Playback panel, 301, 302

Preview panel, 291

Slide Editor view, 291292

Template Browser panel, 291, 292, 304, 307

Text Template Editor, 298

Titles panel, 301, 307, 308

slideshows, 286309

assembling photos for, 290291

background options for, 294295

creating saved, 299300

customizing layout for, 293294

drop shadows for, 295

exporting, 305306

impromptu, 22, 23, 292, 306

movement added to, 302

music added to, 301302

refining content of, 300

review questions/answers on, 309

saving templates for, 302, 304

stroke borders for, 295

suggested settings for, 307308

template options for, 292, 306

text overlay for, 296297

videos placed in, 293, 301

smart collections, 24, 140, 171, 394395

Smart Previews, 6, 78, 385387, 394, 395

snapshots, 208

soft proofing photos, 336337, 345

Solo mode for panels, 17, 100, 150

sorting images in Filmstrip, 117118

soundtracks for slideshows, 301302

Spacebar zoom control, 228

Spherical panorama option, 242

Split Toning panel, 238239

Spot Removal tool, 3941, 227231, 255

sensor spot removal, 227229

unwanted object removal, 230231

Visualize Spots feature, 3940, 228229

sRGB color space, 361

Staab, Maranie, 256259

stacking images, 145, 171

Standard previews, 78

star ratings, 23, 154, 157

storage of metadata, 157

Straighten tool, 34, 184, 209

straightening images, 34, 184, 209

stroke borders

for printing images, 326327

for slideshow images, 295

subfolders, relinking, 390391

Sugimoto, Hiroshi, 197

surrealistic HDR images, 246

Survey view, 2829, 102, 109110, 122

Sync Slides to Music option, 302

synced collections, 67, 141144

editing on, 144

steps for creating, 141142

viewing on mobile devices, 142143

Synchronize Settings dialog box, 251, 255

synchronizing corrections, 250251, 255



keyword, 21, 147148, 171

people, 158160

target collections, 114, 123, 317

Targeted Adjustment tool, 235236, 237, 238

Temp slider, 189, 191

Template Browser panel

Print module, 318, 319, 320, 322, 332

Slideshow module, 291, 292, 304, 307

template picker, 267, 268


custom naming, 6263, 380

modifying and organizing, 303304

photo book, 267, 268, 277

print, 319, 320322, 331332

slideshow, 292, 302, 304

tethered capture control bar, 79

Tethered Capture Settings dialog box, 79

tethered shooting, 7880, 85

tethered text, 297, 309


fine-tuning, 275276

identity plate, 327, 329

photo book, 273278

presets created for, 277

print layout, 327, 329, 345

slideshow, 296297, 308

tethered, 297, 309

Text Adjustment tool, 275, 276, 281

text cells, 273274

Text filter, 167168

Text panel, 276

Text Template Editor, 298, 330

Thumbnail Badges option, 133


display options, 17

sizing/resizing, 57, 66, 120

video file, 73

TIFF files

described, 60

exporting, 363365

Time Machine backups, 383, 391

Tint slider, 189, 191

Titles panel, 301, 307, 308

Toggle Zoom View command, 103104

tokens, 63, 298

tonal adjustments, 3537

Tone Curve panel, 181, 236237

tone mapping images, 245, 246

Tool Overlay menu, 228

Toolbar, 15

Before/After button, 33

showing/hiding, 15, 81

top panel, 14, 96

Tracking control, 275, 281

Transform panel, 204, 206

type, fine-tuning, 275276

Type panel, 273277


Undo command, 114, 250, 275

Unnamed People category, 159

unwanted object removal, 230231

Upright adjustments, 204, 206

User Templates folder, 332


Vibrance slider, 200

video files

exporting slideshows as, 305306

importing and working with, 60, 73

placing in slideshows, 293, 301

video resources

on collection sets, 382

on Palette controls, 170

on printing images, 341

on workspace customization, 17

view modes, 80, 8184, 85, 123

Compare view, 2728, 107108

Grid view, 8183, 84, 102

Loupe view, 84, 103106

Survey view, 2829, 109110

switching between, 102, 120


keyword tags, 146147

synced photos on mobile devices, 142143

video files, 73


asymmetrical, 37

post-crop, 239241

radial filter, 222

Vignetting sliders, 240

virtual copies, 26, 206207, 337

visual storytelling, 346

Visualize Spots feature, 3940, 228229

Vitale, Ami, 346349


Wacom tablet, 226

watched folders, 7477

Web Edition of book, 3

web resources, 89

white balance, 189191

adjusting in photos, 189, 191

explanation of, 190191, 209

White Balance Selector tool, 189, 191

white point, 190

Whites slider, 195, 198

Widescreen template, 292

Winogrand, Garry, 372

work area, 1415

workflow, 1829, 45, 378395

cold status, 379, 392395

hot status, 378, 379384

medium status, 378379, 384392

workspace, 1417

components, 1416

customizing, 17, 95100


XMP metadata, 157, 357, 366


ZIP data compression, 364

zoom levels, 103104, 121

Zoom Photo To Fill Cell option, 270

Zoom slider, 71, 108, 270

Zoom To Fill option, 321, 326

zooming in/out, 228

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