Azure Analysis Services

Azure Analysis Services is built on Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and is compatible with SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services Enterprise Edition. It supports tabular models. Functionality includes DirectQuery, partitions, row-level security, bidirectional relationships, and translations.

You can use the same tools you use for SSAS to create data models for Azure Analysis Services. You can create and deploy tabular data models using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) or using some Azure templates in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). If you are a Microsoft shop, this will all feel familiar to you.

You can connect to data sources in the Azure cloud and also to on-premise data in your organization. Connecting to cloud data sources is fairly seamless as it is essentially in the same local network from the perspective of the cloud server. Connecting to on-premises data sources is supported by an on-premises data gateway, which enables secure connections to your Analysis Services server in the cloud.

* Some data sources are not yet supported in preview as of Microsoft December 2016. Image source: Microsoft Azure

You can connect to data from Microsoft tools such as Power BI Desktop and Excel. You can also use connectors to link custom applications and some browser-based tools.

* Power BI Embedded is not yet supported in preview as of Microsoft December 2016. Image source: Microsoft Azure
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