Creating an S3 bucket to store data

You will need to create an S3 bucket to store data files. S3 bucket names need to be globally unique; no other bucket by any AWS user can have the same name. You may need to do a little trial and error to get an acceptable name:

  1. Navigate to the S3 dashboard by clicking on Services and then S3 (in the Storage section):
  1. Click on the Create Bucket button in the upper-left corner of the screen:
  1. Name your bucket something unlikely to already exist. Avoid uppercase letters or spaces. You can use a hyphen (-) to separate words but not an underscore (_). Choose the same region that you have been using so far in the walk-through. S3 buckets are globally accessible, but it is best practice to keep the data in the same region as the analytic work. Network performance will be better as well:
  1. You should now see the new bucket in the list on your S3 dashboard:
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