ArcGIS is the de facto standard for paid GIS software. It was developed and is maintained by the ESRI corporation. It has an awe-inspiring amount of functionality and is used by most professional geospatial analysts. It has world-class support by ESRI and many training options abound. It links to useful datasets and geospatial analytic capabilities, which are also maintained by ESRI.

ArcGIS is available as a desktop application or as a cloud service. You can sign up for a 60-day free trial ( You can use ArcGIS to do many different kinds of analytics, including geocoding your own custom shapefile. The following example shows how ArcGIS can be used to define polygon areas within a 4-minute drive time of a set of location points on a typical Friday afternoon at 5 pm:

Drive time area analysis example. Source: ArcGIS
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