
In this chapter, you learned how to create classes and custom widgets in dojo, and you also learned about the life cycle of a dojo widget. Then, we walked through the guidelines for creating a folder structure for any dojo-related project. We also looked at how we can provide support for different languages using the internationalization feature provide by the dojo module. Finally, we created a custom widget that uses a draw tool to accept a user-drawn polygon and uses it to query a feature layer. We showed the results in an HTML table as well as on the map. In the following chapters, we will be dealing with how to symbolize the graphics better and intuitively using a technique known as rendering. Rendering is a great visualization technique that lets us define rules to symbolize features differently, based on the value of a particular attribute in the feature. In further chapters, we will be extending the visualization techniques to cover non-spatial representations of data such as charts and graphs.

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