
Everyone at the Pragmatic Bookshelf, thank you for helping me write this book. I dreamed about this for a very long time, and now it’s true. I’m so happy and proud.

Thank you, Adaobi Obi Tulton, for all your help and great suggestions. The book is so much better because of it, and it was a blast to work on this with you.

Thank you, Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, for making me a better programmer and for creating The Pragmatic Bookshelf. I am very grateful to be part of it.

A big thank you to my technical editors, Manuel Carrasco Molina, Scott Davis, Jeff Kelley, Marcus Kida, Kilian Koeltzsch, Nathan Mattes, Klaus M. Rodewig, Sven Schmidt, Jeremy Sydik, and Donny Wals. Without you the book would not be half as good. Especially, thank you, Jeremy Sydik, for pointing out some major flaws in the first draft.

Thank you, Isa. You are the best wife on earth! Thank you for tolerating me during this time (and in general). I’m sorry that I often didn’t listen properly because I was thinking about the book. Thank you, my two children, for your patience when I was busy writing just one more sentence.

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