ID key transfer

Enter the command ssh-copy-id alpha@Slv1; alpha is the username that will receive the key, and Slv1 is the host which it belongs to. Enter the password for Slv1 (see the highlighted commands in the following screenshot):

ID key transfer

Oops! Entered the incorrect password. That's it! You have transferred the key. Now ssh into Slv1. It's now asking for a passphrase instead of a password; see the following screenshot. Enter the passphrase you provided earlier. This is great!

ID key transfer

Now ssh back into Mst0, and list the files in the alpha user by entering ls -la. We can see the .ssh folder. Go ahead and list the files in the .ssh folder (see the following screenshot):

ID key transfer

We now see the authorized keys id_rsa,, known_hosts. Now ssh into the Slv1 node:

ID key transfer

We see that it is asking for a passphrase. This is not what we are looking for, so we still must make a few changes to our master node. Enter the passphrase, and enter exit. You should now have returned to the master node, pi@Mst0:~ $. If you are not now at the master node, close out the terminal window, and ssh back into the master node, and proceed; in other words, enter ssh [email protected] and provide the password. Log into the alpha user by entering, at the $ prompt, su - alpha. You should now be at the alpha user prompt, alpha@Mst0:~ $. We are now going to edit a file called .bashrc within our home directory. Enter vim .bashrc, and then i to initiate editing. This opens a large file shown on the next few pages. Go to the bottom of the file and add the highlighted text, and then save the updated file by pressing the Esc key and entering :wq:

ID key transfer

ID key transfer

ID key transfer

The highlighted text is where the keychain logic that you are going to be using resides. The keychain component calls the keychain command located in the keychain file. The .ssh component passes in the parameter/path of the location of the ID file id_rsa. The source $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh command runs the $HOSTNAME-sh file. You should now recompile the .bashrc file. So enter source.bashrc and provide the passphrase one more time (see the following highlighted text):

ID key transfer

You can enter which keychain to uncover the path to keychain.

Go ahead and enter ssh Slv1:

ID key transfer

This time you were not prompted for the passphrase. Excellent!

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