Creating bash files

Enter vim ~/, and edit the ~/ file as shown following, and then write and quit:

Creating bash files

Execute the convenience bash file ~/ as depicted following:

pi@Mst0:~ $ bash ~/ ç bash execution command.

Enter vim ~/, and edit the ~/ file as shown following, and then write and quit:

Creating bash files

Execute the convenience bash file ~/ as depicted here:

pi@Mst0:~ $ bash ~/ ç bash execution command.

Enter vim ~/, and edit the ~/ file as shown following, and then write and quit:

Creating bash files

Execute the convenience bash file ~/ as depicted here:

pi@Mst0:~ $ bash ~/ ç bash execution command.

Enter vim ~/, and edit the ~/ file as shown following, and then write and quit:

Creating bash files

Execute the convenience bash file ~/ as depicted here:

pi@Mst0:~ $ bash ~/ ç bash execution command. Enter vim ~/, and edit the ~/ file as shown following:

Creating bash files

Execute the convenience bash file ~/ as depicted here:

pi@Mst0:~ $ bash ~/ ç bash execution command.

Now that you have at your disposal a very muscular 32 or 64 core Pi2 or Pi3 supercomputer, go show-off its immense processing power by, once again, resolving the integral π equation you've been experimenting with, only this time use 1,000,000 iterations instead of 300,000. Note the change in the π accuracy, and execution time. One million iterations on the restrained 16-node Pi3, takes 23m35.096s to complete, and 0m11.381s (unrestrained), please see code fragment as shown following.

Note that 1,000,000 iterations on the Pi2 (restrained) takes considerably longer for a solution, and only seconds in the unrestrained mode. The author threw the full 76.8 GHz processing power of his Pi3 at the π equation using 5,000,000 iterations (restrained). It took 7.611hrs. of processing time - a rather rigorous exercise for the Pi3 supercomputer - to generate a very accurate π value.

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