MPI Taylor series tan(x) function

Since tan(x) = sine(x)/cosine(x), we could combine the Taylor series formula of the sine(x) and cos(x) to construct the tangent function as follows:

MPI Taylor series tan(x) function

Write, compile, and run this Serial tangent(x) code (see the following serial  tangent(x) code) to get a feel of the program:

 * Serial tangent(x) code.        * 
 *                                * 
 * Taylor series representation   * 
 * of the trigonometric tan(x).   *  
 *                                * 
 * Author: Carlos R. Morrison     * 
 *                                * 
 * Date: 1/10/2017                * 
#include <math.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
int main(void) 
  unsigned int i,j,l; 
  unsigned long int k; 
  long long int B,D,G,I;  
  int num_loops = 17; 
  float y; 
  double x; 
  double sum=0,sum01=0,sum02=0; 
  double A,C,E,F,H,J; 
Z:printf("Enter angle(deg.):
  if(y >= 0 && y < 90.0)  
    x = y*(M_PI/180.0); 
  if(y > 90.0 && y <= 180.0) 
    x = -(180.0-y)*(M_PI/180.0); 
  if(y >= 180.0 && y < 270) 
    x = -(180-y)*(M_PI/180.0); 
  if(y > 270.0 && y <= 360) 
    x = -(360.0-y)*(M_PI/180.0); 
    printf("Bad input!! Please try another angel
    goto Z; 
 *             ***** SINE BLOCK *****            * 
  sum01 = 0; 
  for(i = 0; i < num_loops; i++) 
    A = (double)pow(-1,i); 
    B = 2*i+1; 
    C = (double)pow(x,B); 
    D = 1; 
    for(j = 1; j <= B; j++) 
      D *= j;  
    E = (A*C)/(double)D; 
    sum01 += E; 
  }// End of for(i = 0; i < num_loops; i++) 
 *            ***** COSINE BLOCK *****               * 
  sum02 = 0; 
  for(k = 0; k < num_loops; k++) 
    F = (double)pow(-1,k); 
    G = 2*k; 
    H = (double)pow(x,G); 
    I = 1; 
    for(l = 1; l <= G; l++) 
      I *= l;  
    J = (F*H)/(double)I; 
    sum02 += J; 
  }// End of for(k = 0; k < num_loops; k++) 
 *            ***** TANGENT BLOCK *****              * 
 sum = sum01/sum02;  // Tan(x) ==> Sine(x)/Cos(x) 
  printf("%.1f deg. = %.3f rads
", y, x);  
  printf("Tan(%.1f) = %.3f
", y, sum); 
  return 0; 
Next, write, compile, and run the MPI version of the preceding serial tan(x) code (see MPI tan(x) code below), using one processor from each of the 16 nodes. 
 * MPI tangent(x) code.           * 
 *                                * 
 * Taylor series representation   * 
 * of the trigonometric tan(x).   *  
 *                                * 
 * Author: Carlos R. Morrison     * 
 *                                * 
 * Date: 1/10/2017                * 
#include <mpi.h>  // (Open)MPI library 
#include <math.h> // math library 
#include <stdio.h>// Standard Input/Output library 
int main(int argc, char*argv[]) 
  unsigned int i,j,l; 
  unsigned long int k,m,n; 
  long long int B,D,G,I;  
  int Q = 17,rank,length,numprocs; 
  float x,y; 
  double sum,sum1,sum2,sum01=0,sum02=0,rank_sum,rank_sum1,rank_sum2; 
  double A,C,E,F,H,J; 
  char hostname[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME]; 
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);                    // initiates MPI 
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);  // acquire number of processes 
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);      // acquire current process id 
  MPI_Get_processor_name(hostname, &length); // acquire hostname 
  if(rank == 0) 

    printf("*** Number of processes: %d
    printf("*** processing capacity: %.1f GHz.

    printf("Master node name: %s
", hostname);  
 Z: printf("Enter angle(deg.):
    if(y >= 0 && y < 90.0)  
      x = y*(M_PI/180.0); 
    if(y > 90.0 && y <= 180.0) 
      x = -(180.0-y)*(M_PI/180.0); 
    if(y >= 180.0 && y < 270) 
      x = -(180-y)*(M_PI/180.0); 
    if(y > 270.0 && y <= 360) 
      x = -(360.0-y)*(M_PI/180.0); 
      printf("Bad input!! Please try another angel
      goto Z; 
  }// End of if(rank == 0)  
//broadcast to all processes, the number of segments you want 
  MPI_Bcast(&Q, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);  
  MPI_Bcast(&x, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
// this loop increments the maximum number of iterations, thus providing 
// additional work for testing computational speed of the processors  
//for(total_iter = 1; total_iter < Q; total_iter++)   
    sum01 = 0; 
    sum02 = 0; 
//  for(total_iter = 1; i < total_iter; total_iter++)   
    for(i = rank + 1; i <= Q; i += numprocs) 
      m = (i-1);    
      *             ***** SINE BLOCK *****            * 
      A = (double)pow(-1,m); 
      B = 2*m+1; 
      C = (double)pow(x,B); 
      D = 1; 
      for(j = 1; j <= B; j++) 
        D *= j;  
      E = (A*C)/(double)D; 
      sum01 += E; 
      *            ***** COSINE BLOCK *****               * 
      F = (double)pow(-1,m); 
      G = 2*m; 
      H = (double)pow(x,G); 
      I = 1; 
      for(l = 1; l <= G; l++) 
        I *= l;  
      J = (F*H)/(double)I; 
      sum02 += J; 
    }// End of for(i = rank + 1; i <= Q; i += numprocs) 
    rank_sum1 = sum01; 
    rank_sum2 = sum02;   
//collect and add the partial sum0 values from all processes 
    MPI_Reduce(&rank_sum1, &sum1, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
    MPI_Reduce(&rank_sum2, &sum2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
  }//End of for(total_iter = 1; total_iter < n; total_iter++) 
  if(rank == 0) 
    sum = sum1/sum2;// Tan(x) ==> Sine(x)/Cos(x) 
    printf("%.1f deg. = %.3f rads
", y, x);  
    printf("Tan(%.1f) = %.3f
", y, sum); 
// clean up, done with MPI 
  return 0; 
}// End of int main(int argc, char*argv[]) 

Now, we will check the MPI tan(x) run:

alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
0.0 deg. = 0.000 rads 
Tan(0.0) = 0.000 
real 0m19.636s 
user 0m1.180s 
sys  0m0.430s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
30.0 deg. = 0.524 rads 
Tan(30.0) = 0.577 
real 0m13.139s 
user 0m1.360s 
sys  0m0.260s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
60.0 deg. = 1.047 rads 
Tan(60.0) = 1.732 
real 0m7.451s 
user 0m1.250s 
sys  0m0.330s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
Bad input!! Please try another angel 
Enter angle(deg.): 
120.0 deg. = -1.047 rads 
Tan(120.0) = -1.732 
real 0m17.420s 
user 0m1.210s 
sys  0m0.360s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
150.0 deg. = -0.524 rads 
Tan(150.0) = -0.577 
real 0m11.704s 
user 0m1.410s 
sys  0m0.370s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
180.0 deg. = -0.000 rads 
Tan(180.0) = 0.000 
real 0m5.871s 
user 0m1.190s 
sys  0m0.370s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
210.0 deg. = 0.524 rads 
Tan(210.0) = 0.577 
real 1m8.558s 
user 0m1.190s 
sys  0m0.550s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
240.0 deg. = 1.047 rads 
Tan(240.0) = 1.732 
real 0m22.489s 
user 0m1.310s 
sys  0m0.270s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
Bad input!! Please try another angel 
Enter angle(deg.): 
300.0 deg. = -1.047 rads 
Tan(300.0) = -1.732 
real 0m15.178s 
user 0m1.180s 
sys  0m0.410s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
330.0 deg. = -0.524 rads 
Tan(330.0) = -0.577 
real 0m7.067s 
user 0m1.200s 
sys  0m0.370s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_tan 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
360.0 deg. = -0.000 rads 
Tan(360.0) = 0.000 
real 0m6.489s 
user 0m1.200s 
sys  0m0.340s 

The following figure is a plot of the MPI tan(x) run:

MPI Taylor series tan(x) function
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