Chapter 9. Real-World Math Application

We will now investigate four widely used math equations. Three of these equations are the trigonometric functions; sine, cosine, and tangent, and one is the natural log function. We will parallelize the Taylor series expansion of the trigonometric, and the natural log functions.

The form of the preceding equations lends themselves to easy parallelization, and hence we will be using the programming structure you previously experimented with. We will initially start with the serial representation of the functions, and then proceed to modify/convert said functions to their MPI versions. The unrestrained Pi supercomputer will quickly demolish these equations while using only a few processors. In fact, using the entire super cluster would be overkill in most of the following exercises - much like bringing a heavy machine gun to a fist fight, as they say, but the exercises serve to strengthen the reader's MPI programming skills - albeit employing only a small portion of the extensive MPI library. So, let's now proceed to have more fun programming our machine.

In this chapter, you will learn:

  • How to write and run the serial Taylor series expansion sine(x) function
  • How to write and run the MPI Taylor series expansion sine(x) function
  • How to write and run the serial Taylor series expansion cosine(x) function
  • How to write and run the MPI Taylor series expansion cosine(x) function
  • How to write and run a combination serial Taylor series expansion tangent(x) function
  • How to write and run the combination MPI Taylor series expansion tangent(x) function
  • How to write and run the serial Taylor series expansion ln(x) function
  • How to write and run the MPI Taylor series expansion ln(x) function


The codes were initially developed and debugged on the author's main PC. The .c files were subsequently SFTP over to the master node on his Pi3 super cluster where the codes were then compiled in the export gamma folder. The following runs were generated using only 16 of 64 processors on the author's Pi3 supercomputer. Proceed to doing the upcoming exercises.

MPI Taylor series sine(x) function

Start with the following Taylor series sine(x) function:

MPI Taylor series sine(x) function

On the master node, write, compile, and run this serial sine(x) code (see the following screenshot, which shows serial sine(x) code) to get a feel of the program:

 * Serial sine(x) code.          * 
 *                               * 
 * Taylor series representation  * 
 * of the trigonometric sine(x). *  
 *                               * 
 * Author: Carlos R. Morrison    * 
 *                               * 
 * Date: 1/10/2017               * 
#include <math.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
int main(void) 
  unsigned int j; 
  unsigned long int k; 
  long long int B,D;  
  int num_loops = 17; 
  float y; 
  double x; 
  double sum0=0,A,C,E;   
  printf("Enter angle(deg.):
  if(y <= 180.0) 
    x = y*(M_PI/180.0); 
  x = -(360.0-y)*(M_PI/180.0); 
  sum0 = 0; 
  for(k = 0; k < num_loops; k++) 
    A = (double)pow(-1,k);// (-1^k) 
    B = 2*k+1; 
    C = (double)pow(x,B);// x^(2k+1) 
    D = 1; 
    for(j=1; j <= B; j++)// (2k+1)! 
      D *= j;  
    E = (A*C)/(double)D; 
    sum0 += E; 
  }// End of for(k = 0; k < num_loops; k++) 
  printf(" %.1f deg. = %.3f rads
", y, x); 
  printf("Sine(%.1f) = %.4f
", y, sum0); 
  return 0; 

Next, write, compile, and run the MPI version of the preceding serial sine(x) code (see the following MPI sine(x) code), using one processor from each of the 16 nodes:

 * MPI sine(x) code.             * 
 *                               * 
 * Taylor series representation  * 
 * of the trigonometric sine(x). *  
 *                               * 
 * Author: Carlos R. Morrison    * 
 *                               * 
 * Date: 1/10/2017               * 
#include <mpi.h>  // (Open)MPI library 
#include <math.h> // math library 
#include <stdio.h>// Standard Input/Output library 
int main(int argc, char*argv[]) 
  long long int total_iter,B,D; 
  int n = 17,rank,length,numprocs,i,j; 
  unsigned long int k; 
  double sum,sum0,rank_integral,A,C,E; 
  float y,x; 
  char hostname[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME]; 
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);                    // initiates MPI 
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);  // acquire number of processes 
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);      // acquire current process id 
  MPI_Get_processor_name(hostname, &length); // acquire hostname 
  if (rank == 0) 

    printf("*** Number of processes: %d
    printf("*** processing capacity: %.1f GHz.

    printf("Master node name: %s
", hostname);  
    printf("Enter angle(deg.):
    if(y <= 180.0) 
      x = y*(M_PI/180.0); 
    x = -(360.0-y)*(M_PI/180.0); 
// broadcast to all processes, the number of segments you want 
   MPI_Bcast(&n, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);  
   MPI_Bcast(&x, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
// this loop increments the maximum number of iterations, thus providing 
// additional work for testing computational speed of the processors    
// for(total_iter = 1; total_iter < n; total_iter++)  
     sum0 = 0.0; 
//   for(i = rank + 1; i <= total_iter; i += numprocs) 
     for(i = rank + 1; i <= n; i += numprocs) 
       k = (i-1); 
       A = (double)pow(-1,k);// (-1^k) 
       B = 2*k+1; 
       C = (double)pow(x,B);// x^(2k+1) 
       D = 1; 
       for(j=1; j <= B; j++)// (2k+1)! 
         D *= j; 
       E = (A*C)/(double)D; 
       sum0 += E;     
    rank_integral = sum0;// Partial sum for a given rank 
//  collect and add the partial sum0 values from all processes 
    MPI_Reduce(&rank_integral, &sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM, 0, 
  }// End of for(total_iter = 1; total_iter < n; total_iter++) 
  if(rank == 0) 

    printf("  %.1f deg. = %.3f rads
", y, x); 
    printf("Sine(%.3f) = %.3f
", x, sum); 
// clean up, done with MPI 
  return 0;   
}// End of int main(int argc, char*argv[]) 

Let's have a look at the MPI sine(x) run:

alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
   0.0 deg. = 0.000 rads 
Sine(0.000) = 0.000 
real 0m10.404s 
user 0m1.290s 
sys  0m0.280s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
  30.0 deg. = 0.524 rads 
Sine(0.524) = 0.500 
real 0m11.621s 
user 0m1.270s 
sys  0m0.330s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
  60.0 deg. = 1.047 rads 
Sine(1.047) = 0.866 
real 0m6.494s 
user 0m1.230s 
sys  0m0.340s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
  90.0 deg. = 1.571 rads 
Sine(1.571) = 1.000 
real 0m10.090s 
user 0m1.200s 
sys  0m0.380s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
 120.0 deg. = 2.094 rads 
Sine(2.094) = 0.866 
real 0m4.674s 
user 0m1.220s 
sys  0m0.370s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
 150.0 deg. = 2.618 rads 
Sine(2.618) = 0.500 
real 0m6.942s 
user 0m1.240s 
sys  0m0.360s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
 180.0 deg. = 3.142 rads 
Sine(3.142) = 0.007 
real 0m7.757s 
user 0m1.190s 
sys  0m0.370s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
  210.0 deg. = -2.618 rads 
Sine(-2.618) = -0.500 
real 0m9.312s 
user 0m1.280s 
sys  0m0.480s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
  240.0 deg. = -2.094 rads 
Sine(-2.094) = -0.866 
real 0m7.053s 
user 0m1.300s 
sys  0m0.320s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
  270.0 deg. = -1.571 rads 
Sine(-1.571) = -1.000 
real 0m9.521s 
user 0m1.220s 
sys  0m0.340s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
  300.0 deg. = -1.047 rads 
Sine(-1.047) = -0.866 
real 0m20.375s 
user 0m1.260s 
sys  0m0.330s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
  330.0 deg. = -0.524 rads 
Sine(-0.524) = -0.500 
real 0m7.629s 
user 0m1.440s 
sys  0m0.350s 
alpha@Mst0:/beta/gamma $ time mpiexec -H Mst0,Slv1,Slv2,Slv3,Slv4,Slv5,Slv6,Slv7,Slv8, 
Slv9,Slv10,Slv11,Slv12,Slv13,Slv14,Slv15 MPI_sine 
*** Number of processes: 16 
*** processing capacity: 19.2 GHz. 
Master node name: Mst0 
Enter angle(deg.): 
  360.0 deg. = -0.000 rads 
Sine(-0.000) = 0.000 
real 0m11.463s 
user 0m1.260s 
sys  0m0.290s

The following figure is a plot of the MPI sine(x) run:

MPI Taylor series sine(x) function
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