Chapter 4. Expanding on C-Quence

Now that we have a strong framework in place, we can begin to turn those empty functions into fully implemented methods, after which C-Quence will be a fully functioning watchOS app.

You will probably be delighted to discover just how easy this is, having reached a point at which we have already decided both how the app is structured at a high level and roughly which methods we need our two classes to provide. The basic app may look only half finished, but it is, in fact, much further than that.

Implementing the methods

Take a deep breath, we don't run the code for a while!

We will start with our InterfaceController class. This is where the user's engagement with the app begins, and this is where we will begin to endow the classes with life.

When the app launches, it automatically loads the view that is designated as the Main Entry Point, identified in Interface Builder by the Main arrow, as shown in the following figure:

Implementing the methods

In our case, this main entry point is the InterfaceController class.

The InterfaceController class

In addition to performing duties of its own, InterfaceController creates two objects on which it must call. Firstly, an instance of our GameLogic class and secondly, an instance of NSTimer with which we will control the timing of the flashing colors.

In contrast to some languages, in Swift we can both declare these properties and instantiate them at the same time. Add the following code to the InterfaceController class below the IBOutlet declaration:

    @IBOutlet var greenGroup: WKInterfaceGroup!

    var gameLogic: GameLogic = GameLogic()
    var timer: NSTimer = NSTimer()

    override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {

Often, we do not need to override a class's init method, if, as in this case, all the class's properties are initialized at declaration. We are effectively saying in one line of code 'This class has a property X and its initial value must be set to Y'. This is a pretty neat and simple way to write initialization code!


When the class has finished loading, our next chance to interact with the app comes when it calls the awakeWithContext method from the WKInterfaceController class (comparable with UIKit's viewDidLoad method from the UIViewController class), which it does without any help from us. This is our chance to set up any properties of the view to a suitable initial state.

The initial state we will set here is the value of the button border colors opacity property or alpha value. But before we do that we will create some constant alpha values.

We achieve the flashing effect on screen by changing the brightness of the color groups background color; by changing its transparency, which is to say its alpha value, it will appear to increase its intensity. This way of flashing the colors means we will be referring in the code to two levels of transparency, or two alpha values, and it is a good idea to define these as constant values (using the let keyword) that we can then use in our code (instead of repeatedly writing 0.5, and having to change all those occurrences later, if we decide on a different value).


An alpha value of 1.0 means completely opaque, 0.0 translates to completely transparent, i.e. invisible.

Add the following code directly beneath the import statements:

import WatchKit
import Foundation

let fadedColorAlpha: CGFloat    = 0.4
let flashColorAlpha: CGFloat    = 1.0

If, later, you should choose some other value for the fadedColorAlpha value, this is the only place you'll need to do it.

Now we can use these constants in the awakeWithContext method, adding the following code:

    override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {
        for group in [redGroup, yellowGroup, blueGroup, greenGroup]{

All we are doing here is creating an impromptu Array of the four color groups and then enumerating through that array, setting each group's alpha property to the fadedColorAlpha we defined previously. Thus, each button 'border' looks dulled down against the black background of the Upper and Lower Row Groups.

Our view is finished and ready for play. An excellent reason, you'll no doubt agree, to implement the code that gets called when the player taps the Play button.


As we saw earlier, it is a good idea to keep IBAction methods really slim. This one simply needs to call another method—startNewGame—that will, well, start the game.


If, in some future version of the game, you should enable the player to start the game by performing a backward somersault, you will be able to call the same code with your @IBAction func userDidFlip() method, or any other method deemed appropriate.

Add the following call to playButtonTapped.

@IBAction func playButtonTapped() {

The player having indicated that he is ready to play the game, we can hide the Play button, unhide the gameboard itself, and make a call to the playSequence method:

    func startNewGame() {

Declare additional constants

Since the InterfaceController duties include the flashing of the buttons, we need to make some decisions around the speed and the duration of the flashes. We will actually define two flash durations, but the use of the shorter one will become apparent later. One second seems to be a suitable time between the start of each flash.

Add these constants to the alpha values we defined earlier beneath the import statements:

let fadedColorAlpha: CGFloat    = 0.4
let flashColorAlpha: CGFloat    = 1.0
let longFlashDuration: Double   = 0.8
let shortFlashDuration: Double  = 0.3
let timerInterval: Double       = 1.0

While the sequence is flashing, we want to prevent any actions being triggered by the user tapping the buttons, so we'll add a Bool variable, or flag, to keep track of whether the buttons should call some method.

We also need to keep track of where we are in the sequence while it is being flashed, so we define an Int variable to store this information.

These var are added to the variable declarations below the IBOutlet declarations:

    var gameLogic: GameLogic = GameLogic()
    var userInputEnabled = false
    var indexOfNextColorToFlash = 0
    var timer = NSTimer()


Now we can flesh out the playSequence method by adding the following code:

    func playSequence(){
        userInputEnabled = false//1
        indexOfNextColorToFlash = 0//2
        gameLogic.extendSequence() //3
        timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval( //4
            target: self,
            selector: "timerFired",
            userInfo: nil, //5
            repeats: true)    }

Here is a detailed look at what we have added (see the comments, //1…etc. in the code above):

  1. Before the sequence starts playing, we set userInputEnabled to false.
  2. We want the sequence to play from the beginning, so indexOfNextColorToFlash is set to 0.
  3. We make the call to extendSequence method from the gamelogic class to add a random color to the sequence.
  4. We start timer with the scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval call. We set the timerInterval argument to be the timerInterval constant we defined earlier, set the InterfaceController instance to be the target, using the self keyword, so that the timer knows from which instance it should call the selector, the selector here being timerFired.
  5. We do not need to make use of the userInfo dictionary, but we do need to set repeats to true.


Finally, we get to flash something on the screen! Add the following code to our timerFired method:

    func timerFired() {
        let colorToFlash =
        gameLogic.sequence[indexOfNextColorToFlash] //1
        flashColor(colorToFlash, duration: longFlashDuration) //2
        if indexOfNextColorToFlash < gameLogic.sequence.count - 1//3
        } else {
            timer.invalidate() //4
            userInputEnabled = true

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. We read the color from the current index of the sequence array.
  2. We pass this Color to the flashColor method for it to begin its animation that produces the flashing effect along with our previously defined longFlashDuration constant, which you may wish to experiment with later.
  3. If we have not reached the end of the sequence, we increment the index of the sequence array to be accessed the next time the timerFired method is triggered (which will happen automatically, since we have set its repeats property to true).
  4. Otherwise we kill the timer by calling its invalidate method, and set the userInputEnabled flag to true, in anticipation of the player's input.


Here is the code for the flashColor method:

    func flashColor(color: Color, duration: Double) {
        let group: WKInterfaceGroup
        switch color { //1
        case .Red:
            group = redGroup
        case .Yellow:
            group = yellowGroup
        case .Blue:
            group = blueGroup
        case .Green:
            group = greenGroup
         group.setAlpha(flashColorAlpha) //2
         animateWithDuration(duration) { //3

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. We select the color group appropriate to whichever color argument was passed to the method.
  2. We set the alpha value of that group to our constant value flashColorAlpha, making it seem brighter and thus appear to light up.
  3. We use animate method from the WKInterfaceController class to have the alpha value fade back to its original value, with a duration set to the duration argument that was passed to the method.

redButtonTapped & Co

Once the color sequence is done flashing, the app just waits. It will do nothing until the user taps one of the buttons.

True to form, each IBAction here only contains a single method call (to colorButtonTapped) passing an appropriate color value as its only argument.

Add the following code to the four IBAction methods to which we have already connected the buttons of the user interface:

    @IBAction func redButtonTapped() {
    @IBAction func yellowButtonTapped() {
    @IBAction func blueButtonTapped() {
    @IBAction func greenButtonTapped() {


Add the following code to the colorButtonTapped method:

    func colorButtonTapped(color: Color) {
        if userInputEnabled { //1
            flashColor(color, duration: shortFlashDuration) //2
            let guessResult = gameLogic.evaluateColor(color) //3
            switch guessResult {
            case .GuessCorrect: //4
            case .GuessWrong: //5
                endGame(gameLogic.sequence.count - 1)
            case .GuessComplete: //6

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. We check to see if the userInputEnabled flag is set to true. If it is not, then we are not currently accepting input from the player, and the method does nothing.
  2. If the flag is true, we call the flashColor method, passing along the color argument that was passed into this method call. We also pass the constant shortFlashDuration as the second argument; this shorter duration is to acknowledge the player's button tap. The game seems somewhat snappier with the shorter duration.
  3. We pass the color tapped by the player as the argument to evaluateColor method from gameLogic class, which returns a GuessResult value.
  4. If the guess is correct, but the sequence is not yet complete, we do nothing. We wait for the player's next guessed color.
  5. If the guess is incorrect, then the game is over. The length of the sequence at the player's last successful completion was one less than it is on this unsuccessful completion. This Int is passed as the result argument of the endgame method.


Add the following code to the endgame method:

func endGame(result: Int) {
        gameboardGroup.setHidden(true) //1
        resultLabel.setHidden(false) //2
        resultLabel.setText("Not bad! You scored (result)")
        playButton.setHidden(false) //3
        playButton.setTitle("Play Again")

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. Now that this round is over, we want to hide the gameboard.
  2. We show the resultLabel, with its text reflecting the result argument. At the moment, the Not bad… message is a little static, but this we will improve later.
  3. Show the Play button to the player. While we're at it, we may as well update the Title property of the button to reflect the fact that this is not the first round.
  4. Tell gameLogic to clear the game, which we shall implement next.


Now it's time to implement the GameLogic class.

Init the sequence array

When the InterfaceController method creates an instance of the GameLogic class, we first need to create a container for the sequence of colors that will be generated as the game progresses. We declare an Array of type [Color] and initiate it to be empty with the following code, which belongs at the beginning of the GameLogic class definition:

class GameLogic {
    var sequence: [Color] = []
    func extendSequence() {

Extend the sequence

The first of the methods we will implement in this class will add a randomly generated Color to the sequence array.

    func extendSequence() {
        let randomInt = Int(arc4random_uniform(4)) //1
        let nextColor: Color =
        [.Red, .Yellow, .Blue, .Green][randomInt] //2
        sequence += [nextColor]

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. We generate a random integer between 0 and 3 using the standard library's elegantly named arc4random_uniform function.
  2. We use this integer to select a color from a Dictionary of the four valid values of Color and add it to the sequence array.

Evaluating the user's input

When we evaluate whether the user's last guess is correct, we need to have kept track of which position in the sequence it is that's being guessed. This Int property will be declared when the instance of GameLogic is initialized, with its initial value set to 0.

Add the following code to the class's var declarations:

    var sequence: [Color] = []
    var nextAnswerIndex: Int = 0

Now that we have done that, we are ready to fill in the evaluateColor method with the following code:

    func evaluateColor(color: Color) -> GuessResult {
        if color != sequence[nextAnswerIndex] { //1
            return .GuessWrong
        } else {
            if nextAnswerIndex < sequence.count - 1 { //2
                return .GuessCorrect
            } else {
                nextAnswerIndex = 0//3
                return .GuessComplete

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. If the guess does not match the color at the appropriate position of the sequence array, we return .GuessWrong.
  2. If the guess is correct, we test whether it was the last in the sequence. If it is not, we increment the index of the array with which the next guess will be compared, and return a value of .GuessCorrect.
  3. If the correct guess was the last in the sequence as it currently stands, we will return a value of .GuessComplete, but before that we need to reset the nextAnswerIndex variable to 0 in preparation for the next round.


When an instance of the GameLogic class receives the instruction to clear the game, in preparation for starting a whole new game, it simply needs to reset the sequence and nextAnswerIndex variables to the values with which they were initiated:

    func clearGame() {
        sequence = []
        nextAnswerIndex = 0

Test it

That's it! Take a deep breath, you are about to run the code and see how it works. Check that you have no compiler warnings or errors by typing command-4 to show the Issue Navigator. The list of issues should look healthily empty:

Test it

Build and run the app

Go ahead, hit Run.

You will be presented with the Play button, and on tapping it you will be able to play complete rounds of the game.

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