
This where we leave C-Quence, at least, as far as this book goes. It would be an excellent idea to go back over the code, right the way from the beginning of Chapter 3, C-Quence – A Memory Game, and experiment with tweaking the code here and there, with a view to better understanding what each line of code does, and how it might be varied.

And if it kills the app? No problem, that's what command-Z is for.

In this chapter, you have learned to:

  • Iterate through the Run-test-fix process to catch bugs
  • Adapt the originally planned code to real hardware conditions, You have
  • Enabled phone-to-watch communication using the WatchConnectivity framework
  • Use of constants to make that communication easier to code safely
  • You have also learned to create shared manager singletons
  • Use NSUserDefaults to persistently store data on both devices
  • You have used Interface Builder's Layout Constraints to create a minimalistic interface on the phone that will correctly adapt to all screen sizes and orientations

In the next chapter, we will create a new app, and investigate, among others, the following topics: sharing larger data sets between devices, adding supplementary code to the phone; using Table objects in the interface; making use of the haptic interface—leveraging WatchKit's animations framework.

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