Interface Controllers

Now the SessionManager class is ready to test. To do this, we simply need to create the sharedInstance in the InterfaceController class which we will now implement.

In the project navigator, select InterfaceController.swift, and add the following code to the InterfaceController class's awakeWithContext method:

    override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {

The compiler will complain about not knowing any such method, so we'll fix that now.

Add the following function to the InterfaceController class:

    func requestWeatherData() { //1
        WeatherSessionManager.sharedInstance.fetchWeatherData() { //2
            (data: NSData?, response: NSURLResponse?, taskError: NSError?) -> Void in
            if taskError == nil { //3
                do {
                    let jsonData = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(
                        .AllowFragments) as! jsonDict
                    print(jsonData) //4
                catch let jsonErrorasNSError {

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. We call the fetchWeatherData method of the SessionManager class method. Because we are passing a closure as the argument, we may place all of it, including curly braces, after the closing brackets between which arguments are usually placed. Without the details of the closure, the code looks like:
    WeatherSessionManager.sharedInstance.fetchWeatherData(){ ... }
  2. This closure will be called by the NSURLSession class's dataTaskWithURL method (inside the fetchWeatherData method) once it is finished, returning either the data and response, or the taskError as non-nil optional values.
  3. If there is no error, we try to use the NSJSONSerialization class's JSONObjectWithData method to convert the NSData to a Swift Dictionary object that we can manipulate according to our needs. We wrap this in Swift's do-catch pattern: If something goes wrong, say, the data is not correctly formatted, then the catch block will be executed.
  4. Assuming there are no problems, we print the jsonData object to the console.

Testing in the console

To test the console, we must perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that your device or the watchOS Simulator is connected to a network (we will get no warnings if not, and the app will seem to have done nothing).
  2. Select the Weather Watch WatchKit App scheme.
  3. Hit Run.

The app will launch, and after a brief pause, the jsonData object will be printed to the console, where you can see the wealth of data that it contains. Later on, you may wish to take a longer look at the data and possibly add more of its contents to the app.

Completing InterfaceController

We now need to complete the InterfaceController class. We will write the code first, and then prepare the UI in Interface Builder.

Coding InterfaceController

You can delete the requestWeatherData method call from the awakeWithContext method, remember it was used in this case only for testing purposes and we don't need it any more.

Add the following code to the class:

class InterfaceController: WKInterfaceController {

    @IBOutlet var getWeatherButton: WKInterfaceButton!

    @IBAction func getWeatherButtonTapped() {


Here we are simply preparing the connections to the interface that we will create with Interface Builder.

Next add the following function to the class:

    func showWeather(data: jsonDict) { //1
        pushControllerWithName("WeatherTableInterfaceController", context: data)

    func updateUIForNetworkActivity(isActive: Bool) { //2
        if isActive {
            getWeatherButton.setTitle("Fetching Data")
        } else {
            getWeatherButton.setTitle("Show Me the Weather")
  1. The showWeather method pushes a WeatherTableInterfaceController onto the screen.
  2. Here we either disable the UI's only button while data is being fetched, and change the title to inform the user what is happening, or we re-enable it and change its title back to the original.
  3. Finally, we must add a few more lines of code to our requestWeatherData method:
        func requestWeatherData() {
            updateUI ForNetworkActivity(true) //3
            WeatherSessionManager.sharedInstance.fetchWeatherData(){ (data: NSData?, response: NSURLResponse?, taskError: NSError?) in //4
                self.updateUIForNetworkActivity(false) //5
                if taskError == nil {
                    do {
                        let data = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: .AllowFragments) as! jsonDict
                        self.showWeather(data) //6
                    catch let jsonError as NSError {
                else { //7
                    let action = WKAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .Default, handler: {})
                    let alertText = taskError!.localizedDescription
                        message: "",
                        preferredStyle: .ActionSheet,
                        actions: [action])
  4. We let the user see that the request has started
  5. We make the call to the WeatherSessionManager class's fetchWeatherData method, passing in the closure that will be called by fetchWeatherData when it is finished.
  6. Once fetchWeatherData is finished, we either get back an error or some data. Either way, we need to return the UI to its previous state of readiness.
  7. If we get no error, then we try to convert the data to a jsonDict object. If that succeeds we call our showWeather method passing it the jsonDict.
  8. If we get a non-nil taskError back, we inform the user of what went wrong with an alert sheet, presenting the NSError class's localizedDescription property to populate the alert with localized human readable text.

Building the Interface

As promised, this is a really basic interface. You just need to follow the given steps:

  1. In the project navigator, select Weather Watch WatchKit App | Interface.storyboard.
  2. Drag a Button object onto the interface, and set both of its Alignment properties to Center.
  3. Set the button's title to something appropriate, like "Show Me The Weather." Feel free to let your imagination run wild here.
  4. Make sure the assistant editor is open (Command-Option-Return), and Control-drag from the button to @IBOutlet var getWeatherButton: WKInterfaceButton! in the source code.
  5. Control-drag from the button to the @IBAction func getWeatherButtonTapped()in the source code.

And that's it, the UI is done.


Once the data is obtained and formatted as a Dictionary, it is passed to a new instance of WeatherTableInterfaceController. This class will then parse the data for whichever information it needs, and display it in a WKInterfaceTable.

The simplicity of WatchKit tables

Using tables in watchOS is a lot simpler than in iOS, and although some of the concepts involved may be familiar, the fact is that WKInterfaceTable offers a much more restricted feature set, and is accordingly much simpler to handle.

Each row of the table is an instance of an NSObject subclass, which we will create. Any formatting of the row is done in the row object's init code (although in this app, we will not need to do anything here).

To populate the table with data, we simply override the WKInterfaceController class's table(WKInterfaceTable, didSelectRowAtIndex: Int) method.


There are no sections as we have in iOS's UITableView, there is no re-ordering of rows, there are no data source declarations, there is no need to declare a delegate. The considerable flexibility and power of iOS table views would not make a lot of sense on the small watch screen, and so we are dealing here with a much leaner creature.

It's all very simple. If you have implemented a UITableView before, you'll find this child's play.

Coding WeatherTableInterfaceController

Let's start with the table row class, as follows:

  1. Create a new file, selecting the watchOS | Source | WatchKit Class template, and hit Next.
  2. Name it WeatherTableRow, make it a subclass of NSObject, and be sure to select Swift as the language. The settings should look like this:
    Coding WeatherTableInterfaceController
  3. Save the file, making sure that just the Weather Watch WatchKit Extension target is selected (there is no need to leave the phone app target selected, it won't be using this class).
  4. Add the following code to the WeatherTableRow class:
    import WatchKit
    class WeatherTableRow: NSObject {
        @IBOutlet var upperLabel: WKInterfaceLabel!
        @IBOutlet var lowerLabel: WKInterfaceLabel!

In the case of our table row, we do no more than add outlets for connection to the interface that we create in Interface Builder.

Now to the InterfaceController class itself:

  1. Create a new file, selecting the watchOS | Source | WatchKit Class template, and hit Next.
  2. Name it WeatherTableInterfaceController, make it a subclass of WKInterfaceController, and select Swift as the language. The settings should look like this:
    Coding WeatherTableInterfaceController

We will start by adding the code necessary to populate the table with data provided in the form of our WeatherData typealias, which, you will recall, is an array of WeatherSummary objects.

Add the following code to the WeatherTableInterfaceController class:

class WeatherTableInterfaceController: WKInterfaceController {

    @IBOutlet var weatherTable: WKInterfaceTable! //1
    var weatherDataArray: jsonArray = [] //2

    override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {

    func loadTableData(data: WeatherData) { //3
        weatherTable.setNumberOfRows(data.count, withRowType: "TableRowControllerID") //4
        for (index, summary) in data.enumerate() { //5
            if let row = weatherTable.rowControllerAtIndex(index) as? WeatherTableRow {

    override func table(table: WKInterfaceTable, didSelectRowAtIndexrowIndex: Int) { //6
        self.pushControllerWithName("DetailsInterface", context: weatherDataArray[rowIndex])

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. We will connect the Table object in Interface Builder to this IBOutlet.
  2. The weatherDataArray will store the data that is passed to the WeatherTableInterfaceController class's context argument.
  3. Once the data is ready for display (see below) we will call this method to load the table.
  4. We set the number of rows to the number of WeatherSummary objects contained in the data argument.
  5. We enumerate through the data array, and for each WeatherSummary object, we set the Label text properties of the row at the appropriate index.
  6. When the user selects one of the rows presenting the summary for a particular city, the table calls this method (which it will do with no code from us). We initiate an instance of the DetailsInterface (which we will code shortly), passing to it the data associated with that particular city.

Parsing the JSON data

So let's now turn our attention to extracting the information we need from a Dictionary object (remember, we defined a typealias, jsonDict, to refer to objects of type [String: AnyObject]).

In order to do this, in this and in other projects that request JSON data from the internet, you will print the data to the console (as we have been doing already) in order to see how the data is structured - once you have decided which data you want, and where it is in the hierarchy of dictionaries, arrays, and objects, you can get coding.

Add the following code to the WeatherTableInterfaceController class:

    func extractBasicWeatherData(data: jsonArray) -> WeatherData {
        var tableDataArray: WeatherData = [] //1
        for entry in data {
            if let //2
                name = entry["name"] as? String, //3
                weather = entry["weather"] as? jsonArray,//4
                summary = weather[0]["main"] as? String { //5
                    let basicEntry = WeatherSummary(
                        cityName: name, summary: summary) //6
                    tableDataArray += [basicEntry]
        return tableDataArray //7

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. We initialize an empty WeatherData array, to which we can add WeatherSummary objects as we parse out their data.
  2. For each object in the data argument, we use what is called multiple optional binding; an if let statement and a comma-separated list of optional bindings that could potentially return nil:
  3. We check if a String with the key "name" exists.
  4. We check whether there is a jsonArray named "weather".
  5. We check whether the first object in that jsonArray, i.e. weather[0], contains a String object with the key "main".
  6. If all three conditions are met, meaning that none of these optional values are nil, we can construct a new WeatherSummary object and add it to tableDataArray we created above.
  7. We return the array that contains the WeatherSummary objects we extracted from the data argument.

The last thing we need to do here is to add code to the awakeWithContext method, calling the methods we have implemented above.

Add the following code to the awakeWithContext method:

    override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {

        guard let data = context as? jsonDict else { print("Data is not json dictionary"); return } //8
        guard let list = data["list"] as? jsonArray //9
else { print("No list data found"); return } 

    weatherDataArray = list //10
    let basicWeatherData =  extractBasicWeatherData(list) 
  1. Using Swift's guard keyword, we check first that the context argument is of type jsonDict (since the argument is specified to be of type AnyObject, it could be anything at all). If it is not, we log an error to the console and return from the function.
  2. Similarly, we check whether that jsonDict contains a jsonArray with the key "list". If not, we log the error and return from the function.
  3. If the list object is not nil, we copy it to the weatherDataArray property, for passing to the DetailsInterface when the user selects a city from the table.

Building the WeatherTable UI

The interface for the WeatherTableInterfaceController is nearly as simple as the one we built for InterfaceController:

  1. Drag an InterfaceController object into the storyboard window, placing it to the right of the InterfaceController we have already finished.
  2. In the Attributes Inspector (Command-Option-4), set the new InterfaceController Identifier to WeatherTableInterfaceController.
  3. In the Identity Inspector (Command-Option-3), set the new InterfaceController Class to WeatherTableInterfaceController.
  4. Now drag a Table object onto the WeatherTable interface. With the Assistant Editor visible, Control-drag to @IBOutlet var weatherTable: WKInterfaceTable! in the source code, as illustrated here:
    Building the WeatherTable UI
  5. Set the Table Row Controller Class to WeatherTableRow in the Identity Inspector, as illustrated here:
    Building the WeatherTable UI
  6. In the Attributes Inspector, set Weather Table Row's Identifier to TableRowControllerID.
  7. Select the Group that is contained in Weather Table Row.
  8. Set its Layout property to Vertical, and its Height property to Size To Fit Content.
  9. Drag two Label objects onto the group. With WeatherTableRow.swift visible in the Assistant Editor, Control-drag from the Label objects to the two IBOutlet in the code, as illustrated here:
    Building the WeatherTable UI

Run the app

At this point, if you run the app, you should be able to load the data, and see it displayed in the WeatherTable. This is surely one of the most satisfying parts of developing a web-connected app, watching the world's data pour into the device and being presented for your delectation!

Selecting a city in the table won't get you anywhere yet, however, because we have not yet created the DetailsInterfaceController with ID DetailsInterface that the code calls. So we'll take care of that next.


Here, we want to display to the user a more detailed version of the weather data, and a look at the Dictionary that we created from the JSON data will reveal which data is available.

Coding the DetailsInterfaceController

Most of the implementation here is familiar territory, though we will pause to have a closer look at what it takes (which is not much, you'll be pleased to know) to get an image from the web and display it along with the text.

  1. Create a new file, selecting the watchOS |Source |WatchKit Class template, and hit Next.
  2. Name it DetailsInterfaceController, make it a subclass of WKInterfaceController, and select Swift as the language.
  3. Add the following code to the DetailsInterfaceController class:
        @IBOutlet var detailsLabel: WKInterfaceLabel!
        @IBOutlet var image: WKInterfaceImage!
        let imageBaseUrl = ""
        override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {
            if let data = context as? jsonDict {
  4. There is nothing here that you have not seen before. The compiler will complain that it doesn't know any displayData method, so we'll fix that next.
  5. Add the following function to the DetailsInterfaceController class:
        func displayData(data: jsonDict) {
            var detailsText = ""
            if let cityName = data["name"] as? String{
                detailsText += cityName + "
            if let main = data["main"] as? jsonDict {
                if let humidity = main["humidity"] as? Int { //1
                    detailsText += "Humidity: (humidity)
                if let temp = main["temp"] as? Int {
                    detailsText += "Temp: (temp)
            if let
                wind = data["wind"] as? jsonDict,
                speed = wind["speed"] as? Double
                detailsText += "Windspeed: (speed) Km/h"
            if let weather = data["weather"] as? jsonArray {
                if let icon = weather[0]["icon"] as? String {
                if let descriptionStr = weather[0]["description"] as? String {
                    detailsText += "Weather: " + descriptionStr + "

Although this is all stuff we've seen previously, do take the time to read carefully through it—parsing JSON data is a critical part of iOS development (and by extension, therefore, watchOS development), and Swift's type-safe way of handling it needs to become something you can do in your sleep.

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. Note that we're handling a few Int and Double objects here—as we saw above, JSON isn't all strings and dictionaries.
  2. We extract the name of the icon image that the server includes in the JSON data, and pass it to the fetchIcon method, which we will implement next.
  3. Add the following function to the DetailsInterfaceController class:
        func fetchIcon(iconStr: String) {
            let imageUrlStr = imageBaseUrl + iconStr + ".png"
            if let imageUrl = (NSURL(string: imageUrlStr))
                let sessionConfig= NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
                sessionConfig.requestCachePolicy= .ReturnCacheDataElseLoad
                let session = NSURLSession(configuration: sessionConfig)
                let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(imageUrl){ //1
                    data: NSData?,
                    response: NSURLResponse?,
                    error: NSError?) in
                    if let unwrappeData = data { //2
                        self.image.setImage(UIImage( //3
                            data: unwrappeData))
                task.resume() //4

The comments in the code are as follows:

  1. Once again, we use the dataTaskWithURL method from the NSURLSession class to obtain the data we need, but this time instead of JSON data, we are getting image data returned to us.
  2. We check that data was returned by the request to the server.
  3. We pass this NSData to UIImage init(data:) convenience initializer method.
  4. Remember, nothing happens until we call the resume method of dataTask class

Creating the DetailsInterfaceController UI

For this screen we need only add an Image object and a Label object to the DetailsInterface Scene. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. In the project navigator, select Interface.storyboard.
  2. Drag an InterfaceController object into the Interface Builder window, and in the Identity Inspector, set its Custom Class to DetailsInterfaceController.
  3. In the Attributes Inspector, set the Identifier to DetailsInterface. (Make sure you hit Return to enter the new name before navigating away from it—this one bites me every time!)
  4. Drag an Image object onto the InterfaceController, and connect it to @IBOutlet var image: WKInterfaceImage! in the source code.
  5. Set its Image Mode property to Aspect Fit.
  6. Set its Width property to Relative To Container, with a value of 0.5, and its Height to Relative To Container with a value of 0.2.
  7. Set its Horizontal Alignment property to Center.
  8. Drag a Label object onto the InterfaceController, and connect it to @IBOutlet var detailsLabel: WKInterfaceLabel! in the source code.
  9. Set its number of Lines property to 0, so that it will display as many lines of text as necessary.
  10. Set its Horizontal Alignment property to Center.
  11. Set its Width property to Relative To Container.

Run the complete app

The main app is now complete, and when you run it, you should have access to not only the weather summaries of a number of cities, but also the detailed weather data of the cities you select from the table.

You could, of course, try experimenting with the presentation of detailed information, adding perhaps more of the data that is available in the JSON returned from the server.

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