
In working through this book, you have learned to plan an app from both a conceptual and technical perspective, taking into account the needs of the user, the desired functionality of the app, and the limitations of what is undeniably a challenging platform, due to its size and memory restrictions. You have then used that plan as a road map to identify and implement the classes and structures that you need to create efficient and robust code that is easy to understand and therefore maintain, and which is easy to reuse in other projects.

This chapter has provided you with some guidance as to which direction to take from this point onwards and which resources are of value to most developers. We have mentioned a few ways in which you can improve your users' initial experience with your apps and add custom navigation, should it be considered appropriate.

We have looked at some of the tools you are likely to need as well as a few tricks that will save you some time. Further, we have briefly touched on topics with which every developer needs at least some level of familiarity, including program design and programming paradigms, version control, and analytics.

We have also discussed the importance of staying abreast of the changes in and around the watchOS platform. Although it is impossible to predict exactly in which directions mobile device use will expand, it is probably safe to say that we are at the beginning of a trend towards an increasing number of ever smaller and more specialized devices that will be part of a larger ecosystem, meaning that the skills you have in iOS and now watchOS development are likely to provide you with an excellent basis from which to expand into whatever developments in mobile programming the future holds.

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