
– (minus) key, 30

* (asterisk) key, 30

+ (plus) key

adding document pages with, 161

adding with, 30

duplicating selected objects with, 64

/(forward slash) key, 30


absolute positioning, 254


blended object, 632–633, 634

contour effect, 656–658

accessibility, 898, 914

actions, 68, 69


adding MP3 file as, 930

defined, 922

importing all, 924–925

moving, 925

using text as, 929–930

Add Language Code dialog, 407

Add To Font Catalog dialog, 383

Additive Mode button (Brush Mask tool), 830–831

Advanced Separations Settings dialog, 863–864

Advanced tab (Export HTML dialog), 906


blend effects to path, 640, 642

nodes, 289

objects with snapping, 182, 183

text, 136–137, 336, 357

alpha channels, 746, 752–756

ALT comments, 898, 914

ALT key, 241


adjusting distortion, 617

and frequency of zipper distortion, 612, 618

analogous color, 435, 436

anchored docker group, 35

anchoring drop shadows, 694


setting for transparency effect, 682

viewing screen tip for, 189, 190

Angle options (Print dialog), 862–863


actors, 922, 925

GIF files, 834–843

objects in SwishMiniMax, 916–917, 922–924

staging from Object Manager, 919–920

text, 928–930

using CorelDRAW objects and fills with Flash, 917–918

animation cycles, 837

anti-aliasing images, 704

Application Launcher, 25, 26

application window

about, 24–26

drawing window minimized in, 25

illustrated, 25

applying color theory, 496–529

accessing color palettes, 510

adjusting color with effects, 526–529

automatically creating color styles, 513–514

building parent-child relationship, 512–513

child colors, 512

Color docker features, 505–507

color models, 497

color space, 497–498

creating Color docker tints and swatches, 508

defining color model in Uniform Fill dialog, 499–503

editing Color palettes, 524–526

file color capability, 498

fixed palettes, 521–523

grayscale color model, 504

HSB additive color model, 503–504

LAB color, 504

registration color model, 505

relationships among colors, 516–517

RGB additive color model, 499–503

sampling and saving colors, 514

saving color as style, 511

subtractive color models, 498–499

terms and definitions for, 496–498

using color mixers, 515–521

using Color Palette Manager docker, 509–514

Web Safe color, 524

YIQ color model, 504

arcs, 216, 217, 218–219

arrow keys

moving I-beam with, 348

nudging objects with, 245–247

Arrowhead Attributes dialog, 485


head and tail for callouts, 196

options for, 486

outline, 482–483

reshaping, 308–309

reversing path direction for, 287–288

scaling, 6–7

artifacting, 703

Artistic media tool

adjusting pressure modes for, 277–278

calligraphic brushstrokes for, 276–277, 489

customizing brushstrokes for, 272–273

drawing with brushes, 271

illustrated, 266

Sprayer mode for, 273–276

using preset strokes for, 268–270

artistic text

about, 332, 333, 334

changing to/from paragraph text, 348–349

combining and breaking apart, 340–341

converting to curves, 341

entering and editing, 334–337

illustrated, 333

properties of, 334–337, 350

selecting and moving characters in, 338–340

artwork. See graphics

Attributes eyedropper tool, 251–252, 607–608

auto-backup files, 60–61, 62

auto-join option for paths, 292

auto-spreading overprints, 866

automatic color styles, 513–514

automatic CorelDRAW updates, 47–48

automatic spell and grammar checks, 411, 412, 413

automatic text capping, 416


B-Spline drawing tool, 6–7

Back Minus Front command, 299, 303, 307–309

Background drop-down list, 818


blurring photo, 827

converting to object, 802

Intersect Boolean operations removing, 744–745

removing from photos, 740–744

replacing behind bitmap object, 805–810

scaling size of bitmap, 150

specifying color of, 148

web page, 903

backing up

automatically, 60–61, 62

user word lists, 408

Backup feature, 60–62

banding of Fountain fills, 872

Batch Process dialog, 791

Bevel docker, 689–692

altitude settings, 692

illustrated, 690

options for Emboss mode, 690–691

Soft Edge options on, 691–692

types of effects on, 689


adding to extruded objects, 128–130

setting shapes of, 577–578

using and setting properties for, 576–579

using color for extruded objects, 575

Bézier cuts, 314, 315

Bézier tool

controlling behavior of, 291–292

drawing with, 284–285

Pen vs., 281

Bitmap Color Mask docker, 750, 751

bitmap images. See also integrating images in PHOTO-PAINT

about pixels, 705–706, 772–776

adjusting PNG, 727–730

anti-aliasing, 704

applying feathering to, 830, 831

artifacting in, 703–704

backgrounds using, 148–149

calculating resolution of, 715

cleaning up before tracing, 759–761

color correcting RAW, 722–727

color depth in, 706–707

compressing, 59

converting to object, 793

converting to vector art, 759–770

copying and overlaying on layer, 782–786

cropping, 717, 738–739

cutting selections of, 815–819

display resolution of, 706, 775

downsampling, 870

editing using Zoom tool, 782

effects in, 730–732

erasing and scaling objects in, 820–822

exporting drawings as, 80, 734–736, 835–836

extracting, 800–801

filtering, 80, 732–733

flipping, 793–798

Fountain fill added to, 807

importing into document, 709–713

importing nonstandard, 718–721

Intersect Boolean operations to trim, 744–745

Knife and Eraser use on imported, 316

linking to external, 149–150, 713

masking parts of placed, 750–752

Mesh Warp effect with, 807, 808–809, 810

mixing with vector images, 746–749

nondestructive cropping of, 739–740

origin of names, 772

pixel count of, 774

pixel vs. vector artwork, 702–703, 705

placing, 713–714

RAW, 721–727

removing items from, 828–829

replacing backgrounds behind, 805–810

resampling photos, 716, 781–786

resizing photos, 776–777, 781–786

resolution-dependence of, 773

resolution of, 707–708

reworking with PowerTRACE text, 764–766

rotating in documents, 822

saving as .CPT or .PSD file, 786

scaling size of, 150

scanning into PHOTO-PAINT, 778–781

selecting area with Brush Mask tool, 813–815

shadows added to, 810–812

tracing, 761–763

transitions between two, 756–758

trimming background of, 740–744

using mask overlay for editing, 829–831

viewing resolution of, 708–709, 739

bitmap pattern fills, 449, 450

Bitmap Resolution option (Texture Options dialog), 460

bleed area

printing envelopes with, 148, 149

setting for tiled documents, 860

setting up, 146, 147–148

Blend docker, 644–645

blend groups

child blend groups, 634–636, 637

defined, 627

rotating, 631

Blend tool

properties of, 625–626

setting steps for, 629

states of cursors, 628

blends, 622–645. See also blend groups

acceleration of, 632–633, 634

aligning to path, 640, 642

applying from docker, 644–645

blending objects along path, 638–642

changing color in rotating, 632

components of, 627–628

contour effects vs., 622

copying and cloning, 644

creating simple, 626–627

editing, 629–634

interactive markers for, 628

mapping control object nodes, 637–638

multi-object, 633, 642–644

multipoint, 633, 634–636

presets for, 633–634

properties for, 625–626

removing, 627

rotating, 640, 641

saving or rebuilding, 60

setting steps for, 629

shading illustrations with, 622–625

spacing objects in, 629–630

splitting and fusing, 636–637

transitioning between images with, 756–758

using complex fills, 624


adding photorealism with, 825–826

improving images with, 832–834

motion added with, 827

photo backgrounds, 827

shadows, 812

bold text, 334, 335


Duplexing Wizard for printing, 884

layouts for, 152


adding to saved views, 104–106

assigning to graphics, 899–901

setting object’s behavior as, 897

working with web document, 902


layouts for, 152

signatures for, 858

Boolean math and operations, 300, 686

bounding box, 363


curves, 286–287

group of extruded objects, 576

Brighten lens effect, 664, 665

brightness, 526

browsing user word lists, 410

Brush Mask tool

selecting image area with, 813–815

using Mask Overlay option, 829–831


Artistic media, 266–267, 271

available for stroking paths, 801

calligraphic, 276–277, 489

creating custom, 272–273

designing Sprayer, 276

drawing with, 271

Smudge, 322–325

bulleted lists

adding paragraph text to, 352–354

defined, 350

Bullets dialog, 354

business feature enhancements, 20–21


Additive Mode, 830–831

on and off states for, 32, 33

on and off states of, 32, 33

Close, 27

command, 32

creating rollover, 894

docker, 35

drawing window document and application, 27

editing rollover, 896

elevator, 6

Grammatik, 405

Lock, 188, 663

Mask From Path, 804

Maximize/Restore, 27

New Object, 806, 823

Options flyout, 42–44

Perfect Shapes, 232

radio, 32

selector, 32

shape command, 298–299

shortcut, 32

Show/Hide Path, 806

toggle, 32

types of, 32–33

Zoom In/Zoom Out, 94–95

Zoom One-Shot, 96

byte, 705, 772


CAD/Plotter formats, 81

calculations in num boxes, 30

calibration bars, 869


brushstrokes for Artistic media tool, 276–277, 489

effects for Outline Pen tool, 488–489


creating Perfect Shape, 233

elements of, 196

formatting text of, 197

providing accurate object dimensions, 203–205

Camera RAW Lab

Color tab options, 723–726

data displayed on Detail tab, 723

making color adjustments in, 723–726

Canvas dialog, 808, 809

capitalizing text automatically, 416

CASB (Corel Approved Service Bureaus), 885

case of text

capitalizing automatically, 416

changing, 370–371

.CDR files

accessing document properties for, 157

saving before exporting, 71

saving for older CorelDRAW versions, 57

.CDT files, 57, 64

center marker

controlling transformations with, 248–249

illustrated, 239

realigning for distorted objects, 617

center tabs, 361


objects, 309–310

rectangles, 214

Character Formatting dialog, 338

character-spacing handles, 339


anatomy of font, 380–381

extended, 379

finding and replacing text, 418–420

formatting, 334, 337–338

nudging, 340

options for quotation marks, 417–418

Roman and Gothic, 376

selecting and moving, 338–340

selecting leader, 359–360, 362

shaping polygons with typed, 121–123

spacing options for, 358

symbols, 391–395

checking spelling. See Spell Checker

child blend groups, 634–636, 637

child colors, 511, 512–513

child windows

dockers as, 37

keeping open, 42

CIE (Commission International de l’Eclairage), 504

clip art on DVD, 20


commands for, 64

embedding objects from, 370

pasting paragraph text from, 333, 343

viewing content on Windows, 65

Clipboard Viewer, 65


clipped color, 497

with fountain fills, 684

Clone tool, 795–796, 828–829


blend effects, 644

contour effects, 656

extruded objects, 582

part of flipped image, 795–797

removing items from photo with, 828–829

Close button, 27

closing paths, 287

.CMX files

recognizing in Open Drawing dialog, 53

saving file as, 55, 59

CMYK color model

converting spot color to, 857

defining for printed output, 856

selecting, 50

separating files for process printing, 854

as subtractive color model, 498–499

CMYK color space, 497–498

code pages, 54–55

collating printed pages, 853

Collect For Output wizard, 885

color. See also applying color theory; color models; spot color

accelerating for contoured objects, 656–658

adding from Document palette, 14

adjusting with effects, 526–529

analogous, 435, 436

background, 148

balancing, 527

blend acceleration options for, 632–633, 634

blending with mesh fill, 467

changing in rotating blends, 632

checking proofs for, 856

choosing in Create a New Document dialog, 49–51

Contour tool’s options for, 652–654

correcting printed, 857

correcting RAW image, 722–727

creating tints and shades, 683

customizing palette for, 524–526

defining printed output, 856–857

depth of bitmap image, 706–707

designating lighting, 573

extruded objects with, 573–575

fixed palettes of, 521–523

master and child, 511–513

mesh fill patch with added, 466

new eyedroppers for, 15

out-of-gamut, 51

outline, 478

relationships among, 516–517

remapping object’s, 667

removing around object, 750–752

replacing, 828–829

sampling and applying fill, 468–471

selecting from Color palette, 435–436

separation printing in, 862

setting color swatch for layer, 113

shading to add depth, 574

Web Safe, 524

Color add lens effect, 664

Color Blend mixer, 519–521

color channels, 706

Color docker

features of, 505–507

illustrated, 506, 507

setting up tints and swatches on, 508

Color eyedropper tool

sampling outline properties with, 477

using, 465, 468–469

color harmonies, 515–519

Color limit lens effect, 664–666

color-management systems, 849

color mixers, 515–521

about, 515

Color Blend mixer, 519–521

color models vs., 515

mixing with color harmonies, 515–517

color models. See also CMYK color model; RGB color model

adjusting in Uniform Fill dialog, 499–503

alternatives to, 515–521

choosing primary, 50

defined, 497

grayscale, 504

how to choose, 499, 502

HSB additive, 439, 503–504

LAB color, 504

registration, 505

RGB additive, 499–503

selecting for scanned images, 779

subtractive, 498–499

YIQ, 504

Color palette

accessing, 510

changing options on, 42–44

defined, 40

editing, 524–526

flyout menus for, 43–44

illustrated, 25, 42

keeping open, 42

restoring, 42

selecting color from, 435–436

selecting for mesh fill, 465

viewing colors on, 40–42

Color Palette Manager docker, 509–514

color profiles

defined, 51

embedding, 59

mismatched or missing, 72–73, 711–712

retaining for exported designs, 80

saving bitmaps without embedding, 735

color selectors, 31

color separations

Advanced Separations Settings dialog options, 863–864

choosing to print, 856

converting spot color for, 862

enabling, 877

halftones, 864–865

including print information on, 868–869

previewing, 875, 881

printing, 860–868

skipping blank pages in, 862

color shading, 574

color space

assigning to RAW images, 722

conversion options for, 857

defined, 51, 497–498

LAB color, 504

reassigning for imported images, 51

selecting conversion options for, 856

Color Styles docker

applying styles with, 510–511

automatically creating color styles, 513–514

Color tab (Print dialog), 855–857

color theory. See applying color theory

Color Wheel

blending fountain fills from, 446

counterclockwise direction in Uniform Fill dialog, 503

Column Settings dialog, 356


adjusting gutters between, 354, 355

column offsets for pattern fills, 453

configuring settings for, 356–357

combo boxes, 30, 31

command buttons, 32


assigning shortcuts to, 98–99

Back Minus Front, 299, 303, 307–309

Clipboard, 64

Create Boundary, 303–304

Export, 60

Front Minus Back, 299, 302–303

Internet toolbar rollover, 896–897

New Object, 801

object order, 257–259

Publish To The Web, 904

Save As, 60

Select All, 243–245

shaping, 298–304

Snap-To, 181–182

Trim, 299, 301

View Manager docker, 105, 106

Zoom One-Shot, 96

commercial printing. See also color separations

checking color proofs for, 856

preparing files for service bureaus, 855, 885

Simulate Overprints view for, 91–92

Commission International de l’Eclairage (CIE), 504


.CMX documents and, 55

CorelDRAW import and export, 71

CorelDRAW’s backward, 54

device driver, 883

layer, 15–16

opening files from other applications, 55

selecting version when saving files, 57

substituting missing fonts and, 56

complementary colors, 516–517

Complex Star tool, 225–226

compound paths

combining objects into, 293–294

deleting segments from, 321

compressing objects, 59

configurations. See Options dialog; property bar

Conical fountain fill

applying, 135–136

controlling interactively, 441, 442

Conical fountain fill transparencies, 683


curves when dragging, 284

shapes while dragging graph paper objects, 232

shapes while drawing, 213

single arc envelopes, 604–605

Contour docker, 658–659

Contour tool. See also contours

cursors for, 649–650

property bar options for, 647–648

contour wrapping, 363, 364

contours, 645–659

about, 645–647

applying, 648–649

blends vs., 622

choosing direction of, 649, 650–652

color options for, 652–654

color outlines for, 653

controlling acceleration of, 656–658

copying and cloning, 656

creating special effects with, 654–655

editing interactively, 649–650

illustrated, 646, 647

presets for, 658

selecting from Contour docker, 658–659

selecting rotation options, 653

contrast, 526

control handles

about, 283

adjusting for symmetrical perspective, 546, 547

defined, 282

Extrude tool, 558

illustrated, 283

Twister, 619

control objects

about, 554, 556

aligning blend center origin to path, 640, 642

blend effects, 627

developing child blend objects from, 634–635

node mapping for blend, 637–638

control points

about, 221, 283

become nodes on curve, 282

illustrated, 283

selecting nodes vs., 245

Convert To Bitmap dialog, 550

Convert To Palette dialog, 842, 843

copying. See also cloning; duplicating

about, 64

active object with mouse, 248

blend effects, 644

contour effects, 656

cutting vs., 65

distortion to new objects, 619

envelopes, 590, 605–606, 607–608

extruded objects, 130–132, 582

pages, 161–162, 164

perspective, 542–545

photos and overlaying on layer, 782–786

transformations between objects, 251–252

vanishing point, 563–564

work between drawing windows, 27

Corel Approved Service Bureaus (CASB), 885

Corel CONNECT, 16–19

Corel suite applications. See also PHOTO-PAINT; SwishMiniMax

accessing in CorelDRAW when documents closed, 25

exporting files to other, 82

file export in native formats, 83

importing tables from, 429–430

opening files from other, 55

WordPerfect, 83–85, 402

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite DVD, 20

CorelDRAW RAW lab, 722–727

CorelDRAW X5. See also new features

accessing Corel suite applications when documents closed, 25

automatically updating, 47–48

backward compatibility of, 54

compatibility with Photoshop layers, 15–16

Create a New Document dialog in, 4–5

drawing tool enhancements, 5–19

import and export compatibility, 71

launching multiple versions of, 26

opening the Welcome Screen, 46–48

resetting defaults for, 21

selecting version when saving files, 57

test driving, 116–139

using different versions of, 55

working between PHOTO-PAINT and, 760–761

writing tools in, 402–418


editing rectangle, 213–214

outline, 486, 487

roundness of rectangle, 212

thresholds for Freehand and Bézier, 292

.CPT files, 779, 786

Crayon effect, 733

Create A New Child Color dialog, 512–513

Create a New Document dialog enabling/disabling, 48

illustrated, 49

options for, 27–29

rendering intent options, 51

using, 4–5, 773

Create Arrowhead dialog, 484

Create Boundary command, 303–304

Create New Symbol dialog, 394

crop marks, 869

Crop tool


using, 321–322

using from Shape tool, 717–718


bitmap images, 717, 738–739

nondestructive, 739–744

scripts for photo, 786–792

using Shape tool for images, 717–718

vector art, 321–322

CTRL key, 213


Attributes Eyedropper, 252

Blend, 628

Clone brush, 829

Contour, 649–650

Curve, 266

Distort, 610

Ellipse, 218

Envelope, 591, 595–596

Eraser, 316, 319

Extrude, 558, 570

Hand (Pan), 99

highlighting snap points with, 184

Insertion Point, 347

Interactive fill, 437, 452

Knife, 314

located between objects in Object Manager, 194

Mesh fill, 463

Path, 803–804

Pick, 242, 247–249

Polygon, 221

Rectangle, 212

rotation and skew, 248–249

Shape, 242, 338, 339

Smudge brush, 323–325

Source brush, 829

X and Y axis rotation, 568

X axis rotation, 568

Y axis rotation, 568

Z axis rotation, 568

Curve tools

about, 264–266

Artistic media tool, 266–278

Bézier tool, 281, 284, 291–292

creating Sprayer objects, 273–276

Freehand tool, 278–280, 291–292

illustrated, 266

Pen tool, 281, 284

Polyline tools, 278–280

3-point, 280–281

curves. See also Curve tools

Bézier, 282–284

breaking, 286–287

changing objects to, 110, 295

control handles for Bézier, 282

converting artistic text to, 341

drawing 3-point, 280–281

editing distorted shape into, 617

extending to close, 287

fitting text to, 365–369

lines vs., 282

modifying paragraph text into, 371

nodes on, 282

properties of mesh fill, 464

shape conversion into, 234

smoothed by Smart Drawing tool, 211

turning line into, 287

cusp nodes, 283


arrowhead outline styles, 483

Artistic media brushstrokes, 272–273

color mapping lens effect, 667

Color palettes, 524–526

CorelDRAW workspace, 24

fountain fill, 135–136, 444–445

grid properties, 179–181

outline styles, 480

pattern fills, 451–452

Scrapbook, 70

snapping behavior, 183–184

Cutout Lab

about, 815

effect of erasing objects in, 819

illustrated, 817, 818, 819

undoing object changes in, 819


about, 64, 65

bitmap image selections, 815–819

Knife tool for, 313–316


DCS (Desktop Color Separation), 871

decimal tabs, 361

Default Color Management Settings dialog, 72, 711


adding color from Document palette, 14

ellipse shape, 219

fill, 436

guideline color, 188

naming system, 28, 49

outline settings, 491

restoring ruler origin, 170

when opening first document, 48–52

working with CorelDRAW’s, 24

Delete Page dialog, 161


fountain fill preset, 448

layers, 110

pages, 161

portions of objects, 320–321

rollover state, 897

shape from envelope presets, 599

tabs in paragraph text, 359, 360, 361

Undo list, 68–69

user word list entries, 411

views in View Manager, 104, 105–106

densitometer scales, 869

depictions, 623


adding with color shading, 574

setting extrusion, 562, 569

depth of field, 828


artwork concept, 116–117

exporting designs, 77–80

page layouts, 151–154

text with proper fonts, 395–399

using pre-visualization, 546, 547–551

Desktop Color Separation (DCS), 871

desktop layers, 114


auto-backup, 60, 62

backup, 62

defined, 49–50

preset, 49–50

destructive editing, 717

detaching tool flyouts from toolbox, 39

Details tab (Export HTML dialog), 905

device drivers

compatibility options for, 883

printer, 855

digital color theory. See applying color theory

digital typefaces, 379. See also typefaces

dimension lines

displaying segment dimensions, 203

drawing, 204–205

setting properties for, 200–201

using, 201–202

Dimension tools, 196–205

creating callouts with, 196–199

dimensioning to scale, 203–205

displaying segment dimensions, 203

illustrated, 197, 200

setting properties for lines, 200–201

3-point callout tool, 196, 197–199

using, 200–201


Color Wheel in Uniform Fill dialog, 503

contour effect, 649, 650–652

inverting zipper effect, 613

reversing arrowhead’s path, 287–288

setting spiral’s, 227

understanding 3D rotational, 566–567

distance screen tip, 189, 190

Distort tool, 608–620

dragging interactive markers for, 616–619

dynamic nature of, 609

modes for, 611

property bar and cursor for, 610

push and pull distortions, 611, 617

Twister options for, 610, 615–616, 618–619

zipper distortion effects, 610, 612–615, 617, 618

distortion effects

about, 608–609

clearing, 614

copying, 619

modes for, 611

presets for, 619–620

properties creating, 610

push and pull, 610, 611, 617

realigning center of, 617

Twister options for, 610, 615–616, 618–619

zipper, 612–615, 617, 618

dithering, 842

dockers, 34–37. See also Object Manager docker

about, 34

Bevel, 689–692

Bitmap Color Mask, 750, 751

Blend, 644–645

Color docker, 505–507

Color Palette Manager, 509–514

Color Styles, 510–511

Contour, 658–659

defined, 34

Envelope, 593–594

Extrude, 581

Fillet, Scallop, and Chamfer, 309–310

floating, 35

illustrated, 25

Insert Character, 380, 392–393

interface elements of, 35, 36

Lens, 662–664, 672–676

Links and Bookmarks, 902

Movie, 837–838, 839, 840

nested, 36–37

Object Properties, 214, 234–236, 901

Objects, 805, 806, 823

opening, moving, and closing, 34–36

Overlay mode for Objects, 785

Paths, 806

Recorder, 788–790

Scrapbook, 69–70

Shaping, 299, 304–305, 753–754

showing titles on floating, 37

Transformation, 252–253, 255

Undo, 68–69

View Manager, 104–106


rulers, 170, 171

toolbars, 39–40

toolbox, 38

Document palette, 14

Document Properties dialog, 157, 158, 776, 777

Document Structure Convention (DSC), 871

document window. See drawing windows

documents. See also layers; pages; web pages

adding beginning or end pages to, 161

arranging in window, 52

bookmarking views in, 105–106

checking proofs for, 856

configuring length of, 146

creating first new, 48–52

creating local and master guides, 114

default naming system for, 28, 49

defining options for new pages, 160–161

deleting pages in, 161

designing from template, 62–63

display preferences for, 144

Duplexing Wizard for printing, 884

enabling printing of layers, 848

guidelines in, 117–118, 188

importing bitmap image into, 709–713

increasing pages in, 163

label printing, 154–156

layered, 106–114

linking to external bitmap images, 149–150

managing in Page Sorter view, 162–165

moving and duplicating pages, 161–162

multiple, 52

naming pages, 156–157, 159–160

navigating, 157–158

number of printed copies for, 853

opening existing, 52–55

page size and orientation of, 144–146

personalizing printed, 886–889

placing bitmap images in, 713–714

preserving overprint options in, 865

previewing, 50

printing single-and multiple-page, 848–851

publishing web, 904–908

renaming pages, 157

reviewing layer structure of, 107

rulers in, 168–178

saving, 57–59, 64

saving properties of, 157

selecting contiguous pages for printing, 850

selecting page range to print, 850, 852–853

setting printable page area, 146–147

showing previous or next page, 156

snapping behavior for, 181–185

specialized page layouts for, 151–154

tiling printed, 859–860

undoing and redoing changes, 67–69

using Clipboard commands in, 64–67

viewing and arranging open, 52

zooming and panning in, 93–101


dots per inch, 705, 773, 775

pixels vs., 775

double arc envelope effect, 596, 597, 598

double-sided printed documents, 884

downloading speed, 735, 736

downsampling bitmap images, 870

dpi (dots per inch), 705, 773, 775

Draft view, 89–90


click-dragging, 212

constraining curves when, 284

guidelines from rulers, 117–118

inside and outside ellipse shapes, 218

interactive Distort tool markers, 616–619

marquee, 343, 390

vanishing point, 559

Drape fills, 574, 575, 576


arcs, 217, 218–219

Bézier curves and straight lines, 284–285

brushes for, 271

complex stars, 225–226

constraining shapes while, 213

converting hand-drawn graphic to vector, 767–770

dotted line style outline, 480–481

ellipses, 216–220

Freehand and Polyline tools for, 278–280

freehand smoothing while, 268, 270, 280, 292

grid with Graph Paper tool, 229–232

object order in, 257–259

Perfect Shapes, 210, 211

pie shapes, 217, 218–219

polygons, 220–221

rectangles, 211–216

Smart Drawing tool for, 208–211

spirals, 226–228

stars, 224

symmetrical, mirrored objects, 248, 249, 254, 255

3-point curves, 280–281

3-point ellipses, 219–220

Drawing Assistance Delay slider, 209

Drawing Scale dialog, 204

drawing windows

arranging documents in, 52

defined, 24

document and application buttons in, 27

elements within, 26

fitting page within, 97

minimized in application window, 25

naming multiple, 26–28

parent and child, 27

switching between, 27, 28

drop caps, 350–352

Drop Shadow tool, 692–697

adding shadows to layers, 720–722

anchoring shadows, 694

creating glow effects, 693–694, 697

developing perspective with shadows, 545, 693

flat shadows, 693

manually adjusting shadows, 696–697

using property bar with, 694–696

dryout option for Smudge brush, 324

DSC (Document Structure Convention), 871

Duplexing Wizard, 884


bitmap objects, 823–824

extruded object properties, 130–132

pages, 161–162

photo into vector file, 746–747

selected objects with plus key, 64

setting offset for rotated duplicate, 255

dynamic dimensioning, 201

dynamic guides

extending along segment, 191

illustrated, 189

setting options for, 189–192

snapping to, 182



edge pad option for transparency effects, 682

selecting in PHOTO-PAINT, 816

Edit Line Style dialog, 480

editing. See also reshaping objects

across layers, 110, 111

adding PowerClips to objects, 311–313

Bézier paths with Shape tool, 285–291

bitmap images using Zoom tool, 782

blend effects, 629–634

cloned image with Eraser tool, 797

Color palettes, 524–526

contour effects interactively, 649–650

destructive, 717

details in PHOTO-PAINT, 827–828

drawing scale, 175–176

drop shadows from Pick tool, 696

envelope nodes, 595–596

erasing parts of objects, 316–320

extrude groups, 578

filleting, scalloping, and chamfering objects, 309–310

fountain fill in-place, 445

Free Transform tool for, 325–326

glyph nodes, 234–236

items out of photo, 828–829

lighting for extruded objects, 571–572

multiple pages names at once, 159–160

nonstandard bitmap images, 718–721

objects with Knife tool, 313–316

outline styles, 480

page size and orientation, 164

paragraph text, 342–344

polygons, 220–224

protecting source objects when, 299, 304, 305

QuickCorrect changes, 416

reshaping objects, 298–309

rollover buttons, 896

Roughen brush for, 326–328

sketched shapes on the fly, 210

tables, 428

text, 370–371, 390–391

text styles, 372–373

traced objects, 766

undoing and redoing, 67–69

user word lists, 409, 410–411

using View Navigator in precision, 103

effects. See blends; contours; 3D effects; and specific effects

elastic mode for nodes, 289

elevator buttons, 6

Ellipse tool, 216–220

controlling states of, 218–219

drawing ellipses, 217–220

Smart Drawing tool vs., 208

3-point ellipses, 219–220

Embed Fonts Using TrueDoc check box (Save Drawing dialog), 58


color profiles, 59

Flash files to play in HTML, 932–933

fonts when saving file, 58

objects into text, 370

emboss bevel effects, 689, 690–691

Emboss mode in Bevel docker, 690–691


color separations, 877

Grammatik, 414

grids, 179

live rollover previews, 896

node tracking, 243

object printing, 112

rulers, 168

Welcome Screen, 47, 48


fountain fill transparency, 680, 681

multi-object blends, 643

Enhanced view, 90, 91, 113

Envelope docker

mapping options for, 599–602

selecting envelope mode, 596–598

using, 593–594

envelope effect

applying with Attributes

eyedropper, 607–608

constraining single arc, 604–605

copying, 590, 605–606, 607–608

creating, 591, 592–593

developing from objects, 606–607

distorting image in putty mode, 747–748

editing envelope nodes, 595–596

effects using, 590

mapping options for, 599–602

nudging nodes of, 134

placing text in, 601, 602–604

removing, 607

saving and applying presets for, 598–599

selecting mode for, 596–598

using, 132–135

using Envelope docker to create, 593–594

envelope printing, 148, 149

Envelope tool, 590–609

cursor states for, 595–596

Envelope docker vs., 593

mapping options for, 599–602

property bar for, 591

putty mode for, 134, 747–748

.EPS files, 82

Eraser tool, 316–320


adjusting cloned image by, 797

adjusting eraser width, 319

bitmap objects, 820

objects in Cutout Lab, 819

power, 317–318

undoing, 318

using Eraser tool, 317

expanding/reducing page tab area, 160

Export command, 60

Export dialog, 76–77

Export For Office dialog, 83–85

Export For Web dialog, 911

Export HTML dialog

Advanced tab, 906

Details tab, 905

General tab, 904–905

Images tab, 906

Issues tab, 907–908

Summary tab for, 907

exporting, 75–85

art as bitmap, 734–736

choosing formats for, 80–83

design, 77–80

document or pages with Page Sorter, 163

drawing as GIF file, 835–836

Flash file from CorelDRAW, 918–919

formats supported for, 71, 76

graphics to web page with transparencies, 910–912

graphics to WordPerfect or Microsoft Office, 83–85

HTML for web documents, 904–908

JPEG files, 812

options for Export dialog, 76–77

saving .CDR files before, 71

saving files vs., 60

secondary dialog filters for, 76, 78–79

SWFs to SwishMiniMax, 919–924

unable to export nonprinting layers, 112

web-compatible paragraph text, 346–347

web images, 910

web pages, 909–916

extracting subpaths, 288

Extrude docker, 581

Extrude Lighting Control window, 570–571

Extrude tool, 127. See also extruded objects; extrusion groups

adjusting color for, 573–575

applying properties for, 557–558

cursors for, 558, 570

depth settings for, 562, 569

how effect works, 554–556

interactive markers for, 558–559

setting states for, 560

extruded objects, 554–586

adding from Extrude docker, 581

adjusting perspective for, 538–540

applying properties for, 557–558

beveling, 128–130, 575

configuring states for, 560

control objects and, 554, 556

controlling complexity with facet size, 582–586

copying and cloning, 582

defining shape of, 560–562

depth settings for, 562, 569

duplicating properties of, 130–132

facet size for, 582–586

how extrude effect works, 554–556

inheriting fill for, 126

interactive markers for, 558–559

lighting for, 128–130, 554–556, 569–573

presets for, 579–581

rebuilding or saving, 60

rotating, 128, 130, 564–569

saving original of, 558

setting color of, 573–575

tutorial for, 126–128

vanishing point properties for, 563–564

extrusion groups

breaking up, 576

editing, 578


Attributes, 251–252, 607–608

new, 15

sampling outline properties with, 477

using Color, 465, 468–469


Fabric dialog, 732


applying, 830, 831

pixels, 793

field of view, 535

files. See also exporting; importing; and specific files

backing up, 60–62, 408

.CDR, 57, 71, 157

.CDT, 57, 64

.CMX, 53, 55, 59

color capability of, 498

CorelDRAW importable bitmap formats, 709, 720

.CPT, 779, 786

displaying in Open Drawing dialog, 53

.EPS exported, 82

export formats supported, 71, 76

extensions for font, 379

filtering and selecting by format, 54

grayscale image formats, 654

import formats supported, 71, 74–75

including print information on separation, 868–869

.MOR, 408

.MP3, 930, 932

opening from other applications, 55

.PDF, 872

PDF output, 872

.PNG, 727–730, 756–758, 779, 910

preparing for service bureaus, 855, 885

printing to, 854–855

.PRN, 855

.PS, 855

.PSD, 786

renaming when saving, 60

saving template, 57, 64, 195

selecting quality for saved JPEG, 812

separating for CMYK process printing, 854

size of color profiles in, 80

.SWF, 917, 919–924

.TIFF, 779

.UWL, 408

warning messages when opening, 56

.WMF, 919

filleting objects, 309–310

fills. See also specific fill type

adding with Interactive fill tool, 437–438

applying to traced objects, 769–770

assigning uniform, 436, 437–439

banding of Fountain, 872

color mixers for uniform, 515–521

coloring contours with, 654

complex, 624

controlling interactive pattern, 450–452

custom fountain, 135–136, 444–445

customizing color for outline and, 519

default settings for, 436

displaying, 90–91

Drape, 574, 575, 576

fountain, 439–448

gradient, 123–125

inheriting for extruded sides of, 126

mesh, 463–467

outlines behind, 490–491

path, 264–265, 801

pattern, 448–455

PostScript, 461–463

property bar options for, 438–439

rendering, 89–90, 875

sampling and applying color, 468–471

selecting color from Color palette, 435–436

selecting for transparencies, 676–682

shading extruded objects with, 573–575

taking property of target objects, 305

texture, 456–461

treating objects as if, 240

types of, 434–435


dialog images, 730–733

files by format, 54

photos, 732–733


export, 71, 76

High Pass, 784–786

import, 71

Motion Blur, 825–826, 827, 832–834

PHOTO-PAINT sharpening, 781

secondary dialog, 78–79

SVG, 81

Find Text dialog, 419

Find Wizard, 421

finding and replacing

properties for text, 420–423

text, 418–420

Fish eye lens effects, 667–668

Fit To Page option (Print dialog), 858

fixed palettes, 521–523

Color docker, 506, 507

Flash, 916–932

about, 916–917

adding MP3 file to animation, 930

animating text, 928–930

CorelDRAW objects and fills supported by, 917–918

exporting from CorelDRAW, 918–919

exporting SWFs to SwishMiniMax, 919–924

setting video duration, 930–932

Flash Export dialog, 919, 921

flat shadows, 693

flatness, 872


dockers, 35

nested dockers, 36–37

Outline tool as toolbar, 476

toolbars, 39–40

toolbox, 38

flyout menus

Color palette Options, 43–44

detaching tool flyouts from toolbox, 39

displaying from floated nested docker, 36

Outline Pen tool, 476

using, 30–31

View Manager docker, 104, 106

focal length, defined, 535

Focoltone color palette, 523


organizing for saved documents, 57

organizing web graphics in subfolders, 904–905

Font Navigator, 382–385

Font Substitution For Missing Fonts dialog, 56

fonts, 381–389. See also characters; typefaces

about font foundries, 378, 387–388

accessing installed, 390–391

characteristics of, 380–381

compatible, 133, 395–399

defined, 377

embedding, 58

families of, 377

finding, 381–389

font foundries, 378, 387–388

Font Navigator for, 382–385

formats for exporting, 80

OpenType previews, 384

points, 390

previewing, 881–882

printing PostScript, 871–872

purchasing, 385–387

replacing, 764

selecting text, 334, 335

serif and sans serif, 377

styles and types of typefaces, 376–380

substituting missing, 56, 62

symbols, 391–395

web-compatible text and, 346–347, 893, 912–913

web resources for, 389


bulleted lists, 352–354

callout text, 197

characters, 334, 337

drop caps, 350–352

paragraph text, 357–363

tabs for paragraph text, 359–363

text to round text frame, 366–368

web text, 913–914

Fountain Fill dialog, 445–448

Fountain fills, 439–448

about, 439

adding to bitmap object, 807

banding of, 872

conical, 135–136

contour effects with, 655

controlling interactively, 441–444

creating objects using, 440–441

customizing, 135–136, 444–445

defined, 434

editing in-place, 445

Fountain fill transparencies, 680–681, 683

illustrated, 435

saving as preset, 448

setting dialog options for, 445–448

using, 123–125

fps (frames per second), 922

fractals, 458

frame-based web pages, 898


building, 837–840

formatting text to round, 366–368

frames per second, 922

holding paragraph text in, 342, 343

linking paragraph text, 344, 345–346

navigating to specific, 840

Free Transform tool, 250–251, 325–326

freeform cuts, 314, 315

Freehand tool

controlling behavior of, 291–292

drawing with, 278–280

illustrated, 266


lens effects, 672–674

transparency effects, 688–689

frequency of zipper distortion, 612, 618

Frequency options (Print dialog), 862–863

Front Minus Back command, 299, 302–303

full-color pattern fills, 449, 450, 454–455

full page layouts, 152

Full-Screen view, 101–102


Gallery tab (Welcome Screen), 47

gamma, 527

gamut, 497, 501

Gaussian Blur effect, 812

General tab

Export HTML dialog, 904–905

Print dialog, 851–853

Printing Preferences dialog, 880–883

GIF 89 Animation Options dialog, 842–843

.GIF files

animating, 834–843

building frames for, 837–840

exporting CorelDRAW drawings as, 835–836

exporting Web images as, 910

saving animation as, 841–843

setting resolution for exported bitmaps, 836

Glow option (Drop Shadow tool), 693–694

glow shadows, 693–694, 697

glyph nodes

about, 232–233

editing, 234–236

positioning, 233

glyphs, 376

Go To Page dialog, 158

going to document views, 105


about, 412–413

buttons for, 405

checking and correcting grammar, 413–414

enabling/disabling, 414

Graph Paper tool

creating 3D ground plane, 540–542

creating one-point perspective with, 538–540

drawing grid with, 228–232

rectangles in, 229

graphics. See also drawing; vector art

adding painterly look to, 321–322

annotating, 196–199

assigning bookmarks to, 899–901

converting hand-drawn to vector, 767–770

creating reflections in, 250–251

design enhancements for, 4–19

designing concept for, 116–117

editing drawing scale for, 175–176

exporting as bitmap images, 734–736

exporting to web page with transparencies, 910–912

exporting to word processor, 83–85

extending dynamic guide along, 191

finding with Corel CONNECT, 16–19

image resolution for web, 774

including in tables, 428

mixing bitmap and vector, 746–749

nondestructive editing of, 590

organizing in subfolders, 904–905

page layouts for, 151–154

pre-visualizing designs, 546, 547–551

shading with blend effects, 622–625

SVG, 81, 523, 915–916

using as document background, 148–149

grayscale color model, 504, 857

grayscale images

file formats for, 654

lens effects for, 670

Gretag MacBeth, 504

grid layers, 114

grids, 178–185

about, 178

creating, 228–232

enabling/disabling, 179

line or dot displays, 181

setting properties for, 179–181

snapping to, 181, 182–183

units of measure for, 181


anchored docker, 35

blend, 627, 631

breaking extruded object, 576

child blend, 634–636, 637

editing extrusion, 578

grouping objects, 110, 591, 592–593

making changes to objects in, 252

Guide layer

about, 114, 192–193

locking, 194

making object into guideline, 193–194

using preset guidelines, 194–195

when cursor is between objects in Object Manager, 194

guidelines, 185–189

adding, deleting, and moving, 188

default color for, 188

dynamic, 189–192

illustrated, 186

local and master, 114

locking/unlocking, 188–189

making object into, 193–194

nonprinting, 117–118

presets for, 194–195

rotating, 186–187

saving in template, 195

selecting all, 244

setting properties for, 187–188

snapping to, 182

working with, 185–187

gutter handles, 355


halftones, 864–865

Hand (Pan) tool, 99–101

hanging indents, 353


designing compatible subhead, 136–137

placing in envelope, 133–135

Heat map lens effect, 668


page, 145

resizing object, 248

hiding. See showing/hiding

hierarchical object order, 257

High Pass filter, 784–786

Highlighter tool, 816, 817

HKS color palette, 523

horizontal ruler, 169, 174

hotspots, 898–899

HSB color model

about RGB and, 439

as additive color model, 503–504

components of, 503

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

designating web export preferences, 909–916

embedding Flash to play in, 932–933

exporting and publishing documents, 904–908

providing web page code in, 893

writing hyperlinks and anchor names, 901

hyperlinks. See links

hyphenation, 371


I-beam insertion point, 163, 333

icons. See also cursors; property bar

adjusting size of toolbox, 39

Object Manager docker, 107

Pick tool, 239

illustrations. See also graphics

depictions vs., 623

shading with blend effects, 622–625

Image Adjustment Lab, 727–730

image maps, 893

images. See also bitmap images; graphics; resolution

anti-aliasing, 704

exporting Web, 910

integrating in PHOTO-PAINT, 812–826

placed, 713–714, 739, 750–752

RAW, 707, 721–727

reviewing web page, 906

transferring graphics and transparencies to web page, 910–912

Images tab (Export HTML dialog), 906

Import dialog, 74

import filters, 61

Import PDF dialog, 74


actors to SwishMiniMax, 924–925

bitmap image into document, 709–713

copied word processor

text, 333

files, 55, 71

multiple files, 75

nonstandard bitmap images, 718–721

options for, 73–75

setting up color management before, 71–73

SWF files into SwishMiniMax, 919–924

tables, 429–430

text files as paragraph text, 342

Importing/Pasting Text dialog, 344

imposition layout, 858, 877–878

In-RIP trapping, 866–868

indent markers on ruler, 359

indenting paragraph text, 359

Insert Character docker, 380, 392–393

Insert Frames dialog, 838

Insert Page dialog, 160

Insertion Point cursor, 347

inside contours, 650–651

integrating images in PHOTO-PAINT, 812–826

adding reflection to image, 822–826

cutting selections, 815–819

erasing and scaling objects, 820–822

using Brush Mask tool to select area, 813–815

intensity, 526

inter-word spacing, 340

Interactive Extrude tool, 125–126

Interactive Fill tool

applying fill quickly with, 437–438

editing bitmaps with Radial style, 720

using, 123–125

interactive markers

Contour tool, 649

Distort tool, 616–619

extruded objects, 558–559

used with blend effects, 628

vanishing point, 539, 558, 568

Interactive Transparency tool, 754–755

Internet toolbar, 892–893, 896–897

Intersect Boolean operations, 744–745


mesh fill, 464

objects, 299, 301–302

Invert lens effects, 669–670

isometric view, 536

Issues tab

Export HTML dialog, 907–908

Print dialog, 850, 872–873

italic text, 334, 335


.JPEG files

exporting as Web images, 910

saving art as, 734–736

saving PHOTO-PAINT scanned images as, 779

selecting quality when saving, 812

justification, 336


kerning, 339, 340

keyboard shortcuts

adding Object Manager, 106

assigning Zoom and Hand tool, 98–99

Copy, Cut, and Paste, 64

Hand tool, 98–99, 100–101

making for Paste Special, 67

potential conflicts with Full-Screen view, 101


constraining envelopes with

modifier, 604–605

CTRL and SHIFT, 213

holding ALT with marquee-selections, 241

nudge, 245–247

object selection with SHIFT-click, 241

selecting objects with TAB, 243

toggling tools with SPACEBAR, 125

using TAB for erasing, 317, 318

Knife tool, 313–316

about, 313

setting behavior for, 316

types of cuts with, 314–315


LAB color, 504

labels, 154–156

landscape orientation, 145


assigning language codes, 402–404

character spacing for, 348

selecting Spell Checker, 406–407

setting user word list, 410

launching multiple CorelDRAW instances, 26

layers, 106–114

compatibility with Photoshop, 15–16

controlling properties of, 112–113

deleting, 110

displaying in Layer Manager view, 112

editing across, 110, 111

enabling printing of, 848

grid and desktop, 114

Guide, 114, 192–195

hiding, 108

importing bitmaps with, 718–721

importing file with multiple, 75

maintaining, 55

master page, 49–50, 112

navigating between, 108–110

nonprinting, 112

order of objects on, 257–259

overlaying photo copy on, 782–786

selecting color swatch for, 113

showing/hiding, 108, 112

showing object properties on, 111

viewing, 106–107

Layout tab (Print dialog), 857–860


creating duplex printing, 884

designing page, 151–154

imposition, 858, 877–878

setting print, 858–860

Leader Settings dialog, 359–360

leading, 340, 380

Learning Tools tab (Welcome Screen), 46, 47

LEDs, 706

left tabs, 361

Lens docker

applying lens effects, 662–664

options on, 672–676

lens effects, 662–676

about, 662

applying via Lens docker, 662–664

Brighten, 664, 665

changing viewpoint for, 674–675

Color add, 664

Color limit, 664–666

custom color mapping, 667

Fish eye, 667–668

freezing, 672–674

Heat map, 668

Invert, 669–670

Magnify, 670, 671

Remove Face option for, 676

selecting, 663–664

Tinted grayscale, 670

Transparency, 671

using lens options, 672–676

Wireframe, 671–672

ligatures, 380


adding color for embossed bevel objects, 691

adding to extruded objects, 128–130, 554–556, 569–573

color of, 573

intensity of, 570, 571, 572

line caps for outlines, 486–488

line-spacing handles, 339

Linear fountain fill, 440, 442

Linear transparency, 680–681, 682


applying Preset strokes to, 267–270

callout, 196, 197

caps for outline, 486–488

curves vs., 282

defined, 264

dimension, 200–202

inverting direction of zipper effects, 613

options for Freehand, 292

selecting styles of sketched, 278–280

smooth arcs for, 280–281


about hyperlinks, 416

applying to URLs, 897–899

creating to external bitmap files, 149–150, 713

defined, 893

linking paragraph text frames, 344–346

resolving DCS, 871

working with, 902

list selectors, 31–32

Live Preview Of Rollovers option (Internet toolbar), 896

Lock button, 188, 663


Guide layer, 194

guidelines, 188–189

objects on layer, 112, 243

toolbox, 39

vanishing point, 563

Logarithmic Expansion slider (Spiral tool), 227, 228

logarithmic spirals, 227, 228

logos. See also T-shirt logo tutorial

converting bitmap to vector images, 759

designing concept, 116–117

printing on transfer paper, 138–139


macros, 68


adjusting with View Navigator, 102–103

enlarging selected objects, 96

increasing and decreasing, 94–95

levels for Zoom tool, 95

modifying levels of, 94

saving and recalling views by, 104

Magnify lens effect, 670, 671

main word lists, 408–409


control object nodes, 637–638

controlling with code pages, 54–55

lens effects for custom color, 667

options for envelope effect, 599–602

Marks Placement tool, 878, 879


holding ALT with, 241

using marquee drag, 343, 390

marquee zooming, 94–95

Mask From Path button, 804

Mask Overlay option (Brush Mask tool), 829–831


creating masks in Cutout Lab, 815

image areas with Brush Mask tool, 829–832

making mask from path, 801–805

part of flipped image, 793–795

parts of bitmap images, 750–752

previewing, 815

removing, 801

using alpha-channel, 746, 752–756

master colors

applying, 511

building child colors for, 512–513

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