June 29, 2012 12:24 PSP Book - 9in x 6in 00-Junichi-Takeno–prelims
Preface xi
1 Introduction 1
2 Story of Robots 5
3 Story of the Human Brain 19
4 Human Consciousness and the Mind 31
4.1 Human Thought and the Turing Machine 31
4.2 Language and Formal Logic 33
4.3 Language and Chomsky 34
4.4 Mind–Body Dualism of Descartes 37
4.5 Behaviorism and Cognitism 39
4.6 Phenomenology and Hermeneutics 42
4.7 Phenomenology of Embodiment 46
4.8 Mechanical Systems Without Representation 53
4.9 Qualia and Mirror Neurons 56
4.10 Affordance and Autopoiesis Theory 58
4.11 Embodied Cognitive Science and Symbol
Grounding Problem 58
4.12 More Knowledge about Consciousness and the
Mind 64
4.13 Summary and Observations 68
5 Professor Valentino Braitenberg’s Vehicles 71
5.1 Braitenberg’s Vehicles 1 Through 4 72
5.2 Robot with a Brain 76
5.3 Idea of an Evolutionary Robot 79
5.4 Vehicles 7 Through 10 with Associative Concept 80
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viii Contents
5.5 Robot with a Sequential Concept 83
5.6 Vehicle 12 85
5.7 Vehicle 13 87
5.8 Vehicle 14 88
5.9 Summary and Observations 88
6 Professor Rodney Brooks’ Robots 91
7 Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Evolution 97
7.1 Neural Networks 97
7.1.1 Hebb’s Rule 98
7.1.2 Single-Layer Neural Network and Delta
Rule 99
7.1.3 Feed-Forward Network and Back
Propagation Method 104
7.1.4 Recurrent Neural Networks and Their
Functions 108
7.1.5 Summary and Observations 111
7.2 Theory of Robot Evolution 112
7.2.1 Machine Evolution Approach 113
7.2.2 Summary and Observations 124
8 Machine Consciousness 127
8.1 Walter’s Turtle 128
8.1.1 Summary and Observations 131
8.2 Kitamura’s Robot 131
8.2.1 Summary and Observations 136
8.3 Jun Tani’s Robot 139
8.3.1 Summary and Observations 142
8.4 Mitsuo Kawato’s Examples 142
8.4.1 Summary and Observations 149
8.5 Cynthia Lynn Breazeal’s Kismet 150
8.5.1 Summary and Observations 152
9 New Architecture of Robot Consciousness and the
Robot Mind 153
9.1 Introduction 154
9.1.1 Research on Consciousness and Cognitism 156
June 29, 2012 12:24 PSP Book - 9in x 6in 00-Junichi-Takeno–prelims
Contents ix
9.1.2 Husserl’s Phenomenology 157
9.1.3 Definition of Consciousness 158
9.1.4 Features of Consciousness 158
9.1.5 Important Research Examples Related to
Consciousness 160
9.2 Proposed Concept Model of Consciousness 161
9.2.1 Artificial Consciousness and Design of the
Mind 162
9.2.2 Expectations for a New Paradigm 163
9.2.3 Where Does Consciousness Come From? 165
9.2.4 How Do We Define Consciousness? 167
9.2.5 Consciousness Is Generated by
Consistency of Cognition and Behavior 172
9.3 My Standpoint 180
9.3.1 New Materialism 180
9.3.2 Connectionism 181
9.3.3 Cognitism and Representation 181
9.3.4 Not Emergent 182
9.3.5 Avoiding Infinite Retreat 182
9.3.6 Quantum Consciousness 183
9.4 Computational Model of the Consciousness Module 184
9.4.1 Overview of Computation Model 184
9.4.2 MoNAD Functions 185
9.4.3 Investigating Husserl’s 10 Properties 186
9.5 Discriminating the Self from Others Using the
Function of Visual Imitation 188
9.6 Solution of the Symbol Grounding Problem 188
9.7 Consciousness System 189
9.7.1 Subconsciousness and Explicit
Consciousness 190
9.7.2 Relationship Between Reason and Feelings 191
9.8 Where Do Qualia Come From? 195
9.9 Problem of Free Will 198
9.10 Summary and Observations 200
10 Physical Demonstration of Successful Mirror Image
Cognition by a Robot 203
10.1 Introduction 204
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x Contents
10.2 What Is Mirror Image Cognition? 207
10.3 Development of a Robot to Demonstrate Mirror
Image Cognition 208
10.4 Stages in the Development of a Conscious Robot 209
10.5 Conscious Robot and Mirror Image Cognition
Experiments 211
10.5.1 The Conscious Robot 212
10.5.2 The Experiments 213
10.5.3 Observation of Experiment Results 215
10.6 Why Do Coincidence Rates Differ Depending on the
Robot? 215
10.7 Summary and Consideration 217
10.8 Investigations and Prospects 218
10.8.1 An Elucidation 218
10.8.2 Mirror Box Therapy 218
10.8.3 Mirror Stage 219
10.8.4 Can Self Robot Discriminate Itself from
Any Other Robots? 220
10.8.5 Mysteries of Illusions of Reality 221
10.8.6 Study of Human Brain Using Mirror Image
Cognition Robot 222
11 Observations on Self-Awareness 225
12 Conclusions 227
Afterword 235
Appendix A: Author’s Response to Reactions to Discovery News 241
Appendix B: On the Safety and Ethics of Robots 247
Bibliography 251
Index 257
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