The Situation over Z: Questions

There is another sense in which we might ask about “situations over Z,” namely we might try to mimic the setting of a theorem of Pink [Ka-ESDE, 8.18.2] about how “usual” (geometric) monodromy groups vary in a family. There the situation is that we are given a normal noetherian connected scheme S, a smooth X/S with geometrically connected fibres, and a lisse Q-sheaf F on X of rank n ≥ 1. For each geometric point s in S, we have the restriction Fs of F to the fibre Xs. Pick a geometric point xs in Xs. Then for each s in S we have the closed subgroup Γ(s) ⊂ GL(n, Q) which is the image of π1(Xs, xs) in the representation corresponding to Fs. The assertion is that these groups Γ(s) are, up to GL(n)-conjugacy, constant on a dense open set of S, and that they decrease under specialization.

This result leads naturally to the following question. Suppose we are given a normal noetherian connected scheme S which is of finite type over Z[1/], an object N in the derived category Dbc((Gm)S, Q), and an integer n ≥ 1. We make the following assumptions on this data.

(1) For every geometric point s of S, the restriction, Ns, of N to the fibre over s is perverse and lies in P.

(2) The formation of the Verdier dual, D(Gm)S/S(N), commutes with arbitrary change of base on S to a good scheme S′ (a condition which is always satisfied after we shrink S to a dense open set of itself [Ka-Lau, 1.1.7]).

(3) For every finite field k and for every k-valued point s ∈ S(k), the restriction Nk,s of N to the Gm/k which is the fibre of (Gm)S over s is perverse, lies in Parith, has “dimension” n, and is geometrically semisimple. [This last condition holds if, for example, each Nk,s is pure of some integer weight w.]

The first two conditions say that N is “perverse relative to S”inthe sense of [Ka-Lau, 1.2.1], and in addition satisfies P on each geometric fibre. For η the generic point of S, and η a geometric point lying over it, we have the perverse object Nη on Gm over an algebraically closed field κ(η), which lies in P. The results of Gabber-Loeser developed in their seminal paper, especially [Ga-Loe, 3.7.2, 3.7.5], are stated when the ground field has strictly positive characteristic, but remain valid in the case of characteristic zero, cf. [Ga-Loe, lines 22-25 on page 505]. So whatever the characteristic of κ(η), we may speak of the Tannakian group Ggeom,Nη. Using the construcibility of the Euler characteristic on fibres, the third condition implies that Nη has “dimension” n. Hence we have an inclusion Ggeom,NηGL(n), well-defined up to GL(n)conjugacy.

On the other hand, for every finite field k and for every k-valued point s ∈ S(k), we have the Tannakian group Ggeom,Nk,sGL(n). The first natural question is whether this group is always conjugate, in GL(n), to a subgroup of Ggeom,Nη. We cannot expect equality of these groups, even if we are willing to shrink S to an open dense subset of itself, as the following example shows. [See [Ka-ESDE, 2.4.1, 2.4.4] for a discussion of the analogous phenomenon for differential galois groups.]

Take for S the spectrum of Z[1/]. Then is a global section of (Gm)S, so we can speak of the delta sheaf δ. The finite fields k for which S(k) is nonempty are precisely those of characteristic p, and for each such k there is a unique point s in S(k). For each such point s, the Tannakian group Ggeom,)k, s is the finite group μN(ℓ, p)GL(1) of roots of unity of order N(ℓ, p) := the multiplicative order of mod p. As this order, for fixed and variable p, is unbounded (otherwise would itself be a root of unity in Q), these Tannakian groups do not become constant, no matter how large the finite set of primes p we invert. Nor do they ever become the entire group GL(1), which is the value of Ggeom,Nη (exactly because has infinite multiplicative order in Z[1/]×).

So two plausible questions in this context are the following.

(Q1) Is it true that for every finite field k and for every k-valued point s ∈ S(k), the Tannakian group Ggeom,Nk,s is conjugate in GL(n) to a subgroup of Ggeom,Nη ?

(Q2) After possibly shrinking S to an open dense subset U ⊂ S, is it true that for every finite field k and for every k-valued point u ∈ U(k), the derived group (commutator subgroup) of the identity component of Ggeom,Nk,u, ((Ggeom,Nk,u)0)der, is conjugate in GL(n) to the derived group of the identity component of Ggeom,Nη, ((Ggeom,Nη)0)der?

Another natural question, involving only finite field fibres, is this.

(Q3) Suppose given an object N as above, and a reductive group G ⊂ GL(n). Suppose there is a dense open set U ⊂ S such that for every finite field k and every k-valued point u ∈ U(k), Ggeom, Nk,u is conjugate in GL(n) to the given group G. Is it then true that for every finite field k and for every k-valued point s ∈ (S U)(k), Ggeom, Nk,s is conjugate in GL(n) to a subgroup of the given group G?

Here is an example, based on Theorem 18.7, where this last question has an affirmative answer.

Example 29.1. Fix an even integer 2g ≥ 4, and consider the one parameter (“a”) family of palindromic polynomials

fa(x) := x2g + ax2g–1 + ax + 1.

Denote by ∆(a) ∈ Z[a] the discriminant of fa. Its constant term is invertible in Z[1/2g] (because f0(x) = x2g + 1 has 2g distinct roots in any field in which 2g in invertible). Take for S the spectrum of the ring Z[1/2gℓ][a][1/∆(a)]. On (Gm)S, we have the polynomial function fa(x), and the dense open set j : (Gm)S[1/fa(x)] ⊂ (Gm)S. We take for N the object

N := j!Lχ2(fa(x))[1].

Then on each geometric fibre of (Gm)S/S, the object N(1/2) is perverse, has P, is pure of weight zero and is symplectically self-dual of “dimension” 2g (“dimension” 2g because we inverted ∆). On any fibre over the open set S[1/a] where a is invertible, fa has an x-term, so is not a polynomial in xd for any d ≥ 2. So by Theorem 18.7, over U := S[1/a], we are in the situation of this last question, with G = Sp(2g).

For points in S U = Spec(Z[1/2gℓ]), i.e., points where a = 0, we are looking at

N0 := j!Lχ2(x2g + 1)[1].

Over any field in which 2gℓ is invertible, N0(1/2) remains symplectic, but it is no longer Lie-irreducible, cf. Corollary 8.3. So its Ggeom is a subgroup of Sp(2g), but it is no longer the entire symplectic group.

We can be more precise about what its Ggeom is. The key observation is that Lχ2(x2g + 1) is the Kummer pullback [2g]? (Lχ2(x+ 1)) of Lχ2(x+ 1). Its direct image by [2g] is the direct sum

[2g]?(Lχ2(x2g + 1)) = [2g]?[2g]?(Lχ2(x+ 1)) = ⊕iLχ2(x+ 1)Lρi

over the 2g multiplicative characters ρi of order dividing 2g. The dual of j!Lχ2(x+ 1)[1](1/2) is j!Lχ2((1/x)+ 1)[1](1/2) = j!Lχ2(x+ 1)Lχ2[1](1/2). So for each ρi, the dual of j!Lχ2(x+ 1)Lρi[1](1/2) is j!Lχ2(x+ 1)Lρiχ2[1](1/2). Now apply Corollary 20.3, with a := –1, Λ := χ2, and a choice of g among the ρi which picks one out of each pair (ρi, χ2ρi). Then the partial direct sum

chosen ρi j!Lχ2(x+ 1)Lρi[1](1/2)

has its Ggeom a g-dimensional torus, with the unchosen ρi terms being the inverse characters. In other words, the Ggeom of the entire direct sum

[2g]?N0(1/2) = ⊕all ρi j!Lχ2(x+ 1)Lρi[1](1/2)

is the maximal torus of Sp(2g). So by Theorems 8.1 and 8.2, we see that for N0 := j!Lχ2(x2g + 1)[1] itself, the identity component of its Ggeom is the maximal torus of Sp(2g).

Here is another example, exhibiting more extensive and interesting specialization behavior.

Example 29.2. Again fix an even integer 2g ≥ 4, and consider now the two parameter family of polynomials

fa,b(x) = x2g + ax2g–1 + bx + 1.

We denote by ∆(a, b) ∈ Z[a, b] its discriminant. Just as in the previous example, its constant term is invertible in Z[1/2g]. We now take for S the spectrum of the ring Z[1/2gℓ][a, b][1/∆(a, b)], and for N the object

N := j!Lχ2(fa, b(x))[1].

Using now Theorem 23.2, elementary computation shows that over the locus where a2gb2g is invertible, we have Ggeom = SL(2g).

The locus where ab is invertible and a2gb2g is not invertible is, set theoretically, the disjoint union over divisors d of 2g, of the sets where ζ := a/b is a primitive d’th root of unity. As we will see below, the question of whether or not d divides g, i.e., whether ζg = 1 or ζg = –1, has a huge effect on what Ggeom turns out to be.

Suppose first that ζg = 1, i.e., that d|g. We claim that on the locus a = ζb, b invertible, Ggeom is the group GSpd(2g) := μ2dSp(2g) of symplectic similitudes with multiplicator of order dividing d. Indeed, if we choose a square root η of ζ of order 2d (both choices have order 2d if d is even, just one choice does if d is odd), then fa,bx) is palindromic, and we are dealing with its multiplicative translate by η. Then δ1/η “is” a character of order 2d. By Theorem 18.7, the direct sum

j!Lχ2(fa,bx))[1] ⊕ δη

has its Ggeom a subgroup of the product group Sp(2gμ2d, which maps onto each factor. As Sp(2g) has no nontrivial quotients, Goursat’s lemma shows that this direct sum has its Ggeom the product group, and hence our N has its Ggeom equal to μ2dSp(2g). [If d is odd and we chose η of order d, we would find that Ggeom is μdSp(2g), which for d odd is also group μ2dSp(2g).]

Suppose next that ζg = –1, i.e., that d does not divide g. We claim that on the locus a = ζb, b invertible, Ggeom is SL(2g) ∩ (μ2dO(2g)), the group of orthogonal similitudes with multiplicator of order d and determinant 1. Indeed, for either choice of η with η2 = ζ (here d is even, and so both choices of η have order 2d), fa,bx) is antipalindromic, and we are again dealing with its multiplicative translate by η. Here, however, there is an additional subtlety. By Theorem 24.1, the direct sum

j!Lχ2(fa,bx))[1] ⊕ δη

has its Ggeom a subgroup of the product group O(2g) × μ2d, which maps onto each factor. By Goursat’s lemma, this Ggeom is the (inverse image in the product of the) graph of an isomorphism of a quotient of O(2g) with a quotient of μ2d. The only nontrivial abelian quotient of O(2g) is ±1, via the determinant, since SO(2g) is, for 2g ≥ 4, its own commutator subgroup. The only ±1 quotient of μ2d is given by the d’th power map. Because d divides 2g but does not divide g, the ratio 2g/d is odd. So we may also describe the only ±1 quotient of μ2d as given by the 2g’th power map. So for the direct sum above, its Ggeom is either the full product μ2d × O(2g) or it is the subgroup consisting of those elements (° ∈ μ2d, A ∈ O(2g)) satisfying det(A) = °2g. So for the object N, its Ggeom is either μ2dO(2g) or it is the intersection of that group with SL(2g). From Theorem 23.2, we know that Ggeom, N lies in SL(2g), and this rules out the μ2dO(2g) possibility.

On the locus a = b = 0, the identity component of Ggeom is, as we have seen in Example 29.1, the maximal torus of Sp(2g).

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