Abuse, 207

Acknowledgment, 167

in Power Thank You, 181

transactions instead of, 157

Action step with crisis, 208

with dissonance, 86

with “Do you really believe that?,” 141

with Empathy Jolt, 131

with exhaling, 76

with feeling felt, 5354

with fill-in-the-blanks, 175

with goals, 214

with “hmmm …,” 148149

with Impossibility Question, 115

with interest, 63

with listening, 4344

with Magic Paradox, 121122

with narcissism, 199

with networking, 203

with “Oh F#@&” to “OK,” 35

with Power Thank You, 185

with promotion, 196

with Reverse Play, 137

with Side-by-Side, 169

with stipulation, 154

with taking it to no, 179

with team-building, 193

with toxic people, 108

with transformational questions, 162

with value feeling, 68

with VIPs, 220

with vulnerability, 93

Advanced Medical Optics, 2728

Affinity, 165

Alzheimer’s, 18

Amazon, 217, 220

Americans with Disabilities Act, 151

Amygdala, 1617

Amygdala hijack, 17, 18, 70, 73

Analogy, 129130

Anderson, Walter, 217

Anger, 126, 145

Annual reviews, 195

Apology, 184

Appreciation, 181183

Argument, 86

questions instead of, 166167

Association of Corporate Growth, 216

Attack, 145

Awareness, 213214

Bailey, F. Lee, 99100

Bennis, Warren, 5556, 86

Benson, Herbert, 74

Blaming, 122124, 127

Borderline personality disorder, 98

Breathing, 32

Bullying, 99102

Burke, James, 27

Business 2.0, 5657

Buy-in, 7, 89

from Impossibility Question, 113

Coca-Cola, 176

Cold calls, 200

Cold War, 48

Collins, Jim, 5657

Compassion, 208

Competitiveness, 190

Confidence, 193

The Confidence Course (Anderson), 217

Control, 179

Conversation deepeners, 165

Conversation-stopper, 167

Credibility, 201, 202203


action step in, 208

fill-in-the-blanks in, 206207

frustration in, 207

“Oh F#@&” to “OK” for, 208

scenario, 204

usable insight with, 208

venting with, 205206

yes in, 206

Criticism, 7980

as conversation-stopper, 167

Cultural differences, 8586

Customer service, 145146

Debate, 73, 74

Deep listening, 5556

Defensiveness, 50, 7475, 127, 145

“hmmm …” instead of, 148

from lecturing, 164

in Power Apology, 184

from questions, 171

Defusing, 147148

Dialogue, 144, 158

DiClemente, Carlo, 8

Disappointment, 137

Discomfort, 150151, 154


action step with, 86

corporate, 8384

examples of, 7778, 79, 8385

fill-in-the-blanks instead of, 171172

identification of, 8081

in marriage, 79

in networking, 202

perceptions causing, 80

unavoidable, 8586

usable insight with, 86

Distress, 7071

“Do you really believe that?,” 138, 192

action step with, 141

examples of, 139141

usable insight with, 141

Dunn, Walter, 176

Edge, 19

Education, 3940

Emotions, 3940

exhaling through, 73

preparation for, 208

self-control with, 2829

violence and, 207208

words with, 3132, 206

Empathogenic communication, 126

Empathy, 19, 117

Empathy Jolt

action step with, 131

examples of, 124126, 127129

for goals, 209211

with habits, 212

usable insight with, 131

use of, 127129, 192

on yourself, 130131, 209211

Encouragement, 142144

Enthusiasm, 8384, 85

Escalation, 144, 147148

Evans, Lieutenant, 5, 67


of amygdala hijack, 18

of dissonance, 7778, 79, 8385

of “Do you really believe that?,” 139141

of Empathy Jolt, 124126, 127129

of exhaling, 6970, 7174

of feeling felt, 4547, 48, 4950, 5153

of Fill-in-the-Blanks, 170171, 172174

of “hmmm…. ,” 142144, 145146, 147, 148149

of hostage negotiators, 47

of Impossibility Question, 112, 113, 114

of interest, 5558, 59, 6063

of listening, 3638, 4143

of Magic Paradox, 116117, 118119, 120121

of mirror neuron gaps, 2021

of “Oh F#@&” to “OK,” 3031, 3435

of parenting, 1012

of Power Apology, 183

of Power Thank You, 180, 181182

of public speaking, 2123

of Reverse Play, 132133, 134136

of self-control, 2728

of Side-by-Side, 163164, 166167, 168

of stipulation, 151154

of taking it to no, 176, 177179

of toxic people, 9798, 99100, 101102, 107108

of transformational questions, 155, 157161

of value feeling, 6667

of vulnerability, 8789, 9193


action step with, 76

through emotions, 73

examples of, 6970, 7174

in parenting, 7576

usable insight with, 76

venting and, 7374

Exhaustion, 7374

Expectations, 201, 211

Eyes-to-the-sky, 161

Fear, 1617, 203

Fearful aggression, 33

Feedback, 2021, 65

Feedforward, 82

Feeling felt

action step with, 5354

examples of, 4547, 48, 4950, 5153

in networking, 201

for promotion, 195

usable insight with, 53

Ferrazi, Keith, 9192, 95

Fight-or-flight response, 15, 74

Fill-in-the-blanks, 177

action step with, 175

in crisis, 206207

examples of, 170171, 172174

instead of dissonance, 171172

for problem-solving, 199

in team-building, 191192

usable insight with, 175

for yourself, 173174

Filters, 3741, 43

First impressions, 3741

Forgiveness, 91, 184185

Friendships, 134136

Frontal cortex, 1617

Frustration, 156157

in crisis, 207

Fuhrman, Mark, 99

Gardner, John, 57

Gatekeepers, 218220

Gender, 3940

Generation, 3940

Gestures, 172

GGNEE model, 3940


action step with, 214

Empathy Jolt for, 209211

expectations with, 211

Impossibility Question with, 213

scenario, 209

steps for, 211212

toxic people and, 212

usable insight with, 214

Goldsmith, Marshall, 82

Goleman, Daniel, 17

Good to Great (Collins), 57

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 48

Goulston, Emily, 183

Goulston, Lauren, 180181

Grain silos, 193

Grudges, 135136

after Power Apology, 185

Guests, 6667

Habits, 212

Hard sell, 177

Hare, Robert, 104105

Heisley, Mike, 216217

Henry, Patrick, 62

Hibbard, Dave, 111

“Hmmm …”

action step with, 148149

examples of, 142144, 145146, 147, 148149

instead of defensiveness, 148

for problem-solving, 198199

usable insight with, 148

Hollander, Edward, 103

Hostage negotiators emotions and, 28

example of, 47

shared activities for, 164

Hostility, 148

Humility, 86

in Power Apology, 185

Hyperbole, 139, 141

Ignorant blamers, 123124, 130131

Impossibility Question

action step with, 115

buy-in from, 113

examples of, 112, 113, 114

with goals, 213

in personal life, 115

usable insight with, 115


action step with, 63

examples of, 5558, 59, 6063

questions showing, 6063

usable insight with, 63

Internet, 217218


questions in, 155156

stipulation in, 151152

Kicking but, 111

Kissing up, 195

Kramer, Detective, 56, 12

Lawyers, 150

The Leadership Institute, 5556

Lecturing, 164

Lieberman, Matthew, 31

Listening, 39

action step with, 4344

deep, 5556

examples of, 3638, 4143

in public speaking, 2123

usable insight with, 43

The Lord is my shepherd experience, 207

Loyalty, 182, 189

Macaque monkeys, 119

Magic Paradox

action step with, 121122

examples of, 116117, 118119, 120121

trust from, 119121

usable insight with, 121

Mammal brain, 1516, 205207

Managing by walking around (MBWA), 165

Marriage, 79

Mazzo, Jim, 2728

MBWA. See Managing by walking around

Mentor, 174, 195196

Middleton, Rick, 3839

Miller, William R., 8

Mirroring, 1923

with gratitude, 202

of vulnerability, 9091

mirror neuron gaps, 57, 65, 90

with appreciation, 182

example of, 2021

of gatekeepers, 218

satisfaction of, 157

Mirror neurons, 19, 150151

Misner, Ivan, 200201

Missile silos, 193

Mistakes, 50, 174, 177

Monolog, inner, 161

Motivation, 191192

Motivational Interviewing (Miller and Rollnick), 8

Muskie, Edward, 34

“My Golden Rule” (Collins), 5657


action step with, 199

prioritization with, 198, 199

scenario, 197

stipulation with, 199

in toxic people, 103104, 137

usable insight with, 199

Nationality, 3940

Neediness, 9598


action step with, 203

dissonance in, 202

fear of, 203

feeling felt in, 201

Power Apology in, 202

Power Thank You in, 202

prioritization in, 203

scenario, 200

toxic people in, 203

transformational questions in, 201202

usable insight with, 203

value feeling in, 202

VCP Process® for, 200202

“The Neurology of Self-Awareness” (Ramachandran), 19

Never Again Tool, 173174

with habits, 212213

No, taking it to

action step with, 179

examples of, 176, 177179

usable insight with, 179

Object constancy, 207

“Oh F#@&” to “OK”

action step with, 35

for crisis, 208

examples of, 3031, 3435

for promotion, 195

speed drill, 32

usable insight with, 35

Paranoid delusions, 2021

Parenting, 1012, 7576

Passion, 8384, 85

Patience, 203, 212

PEP CEO Challenge, 8385

for teams, 190191

Pepsi, 176

Perception, 4041

as dissonance cause, 80

Persuasion Cycle, 79

Pharmaceutical representative, 159161

Physicians, 159161

Positive phrasing, 173

Powell, Colin, 3435

Power Apology

defensiveness in, 184

example of, 183

grudges after, 185

humility in, 185

in networking, 202

trust and, 183184, 185

Powerlessness, 7980

Power Thank You, 183

acknowledgment in, 181

action step with, 185

examples of, 180, 181182

in networking, 202

in team-building, 191

transacting instead of, 181

usable insight with, 185

Prefrontal cortex, 32

Pride, 8384, 85

Primate brain, 1516


with narcissism, 198, 199

in networking, 203

Privacy, 4849

Problem person, 4344

Problem-solving, 147

fill-in-the-blanks for, 199

“hmmm …” for, 198199

Productivity, 169

Profitability, 201, 203


action step with, 196

feeling felt for, 195

“Oh F#@&” to “OK” for, 195

scenario, 194

Side-by-Side for, 194

transformational questions for, 195

usable insight with, 196

Proschaska, James, 8

Psychopaths, 104106

Public speaking

example of, 2123

listening in, 2123

transitioning in, 153154

Questions, 165. See also Impossibility Question; Transformational questions

defensiveness from, 171

direct, 171

instead of argument, 166167

in interview, 155156

to show interest, 6063

for VIPs, 216

Ramachandran, V. S., 19

Reaction phase, 30, 32

Reagan, Ronald, 48

Realism, 211

Reasonableness, 211

Recenter phase, 30, 32

Reengage phase, 31, 33

Referrals, 202

Reflection, 161162

Refocus phase, 31, 33

Reframing, 174

Regberg, Scott, 138139

Regberg & Associates, 138

Rehabilitation, 184

Reinforcement, 173

Relationship deepener, 145

Relaxation, 7374

during stipulation, 153

Relaxation response, 74

Release phase, 30, 32

Remorse, 184

Repetition, 205206

Reptile brain, 1516, 205206

Resistance, 4, 144

Respect, 167

Restitution, 184

Reverse Play

action step with, 137

as diagnostic test, 136137

examples of, 132133, 134136

with habits, 212

usable insight with, 137

Rollnick, Stephen, 8

Sabotage, 190


crisis, 204

goals, 209

narcissism, 197

networking, 200

promotion, 194

separation, 215

team-building, 189, 191193

Self-assurance, 63

Self-control, 30

with emotions, 2829

example of, 2728

Self-defeating behavior, 173

Self-motivation, 191

Separation, 215

Shared activities, 164

Shared values, 190

Shared vision, 190

Side-by-Side, 165

action step with, 169

examples of, 163164, 166167, 168

for promotion, 194

usable insight with, 169

Silos, 189190, 194

Six-Step Pause, 213214

Skepticism, 152

Slackers, 132134

Socrates, 165

Socratic Method, 165

Speed, 2931

Stemberg, Tom, 6263

Stevenson, Adlai, 193

Stipulation, 192193

action step with, 154

to avoid discomfort, 150151

examples of, 151154

with narcissism, 199

relaxation during, 153

usable insight with, 154

Stress, 2931. See also Distress

Stress hormones, 75

Stuttering, 151

Subordinates, 194

Supportiveness, 108

Suppressing, 70, 76

Syncing, 25

Takers, 102103

Team-building, 190

action step with, 193

fill-in-the-blanks in, 191192

Power Thank You in, 191

scenario, 189, 191193

transformational questions in, 191192

usable insight with, 193

Teenagers, 7576

Telling, 165

Threats, 1617

Three-part brain, 1516, 205207

Toxic people, 94

action step with, 108

bullies, 99102

examples of, 9798, 99100, 101102, 107108

goals and, 212

narcissism in, 103104, 137

needy, 9598

in networking, 203

psychopaths, 104106

self-diagnosis, 106108

takers, 102103

usable insight with, 108

Transactions, 155156, 158161

acknowledgment instead of, 157

Power Thank You instead of, 181

Transformational questions, 156

action step with, 162

examples of, 155, 157161

in networking, 201202

for promotion, 195

in team-building, 191192

usable insight with, 161162

Transitioning, 153154

Transtheoretical Model of Change (Prochaska and DiClemente), 8


with expectations, 201

with giving credit, 182

from Magic Paradox, 119121

Power Apology and, 183184, 185

violation of, 166

Tylenol, 27

Urgency, 206

Usable insight

with crisis, 208

with dissonance, 86

with “Do you really believe that?,” 141

with Empathy Jolt, 131

with exhaling, 76

with feeling felt, 53

with fill-in-the-blanks, 175

with goals, 214

with “hmmm …,” 148

with Impossibility Question, 115

with interest, 63

with listening, 43

with Magic Paradox, 121

with narcissism, 199

with networking, 203

with “Oh F#@&” to “OK,” 35

with Power Thank You, 185

with promotion, 196

with Reverse Play, 137

with Side-by-Side, 169

with stipulation, 154

with taking it to no, 179

with team-building, 193

with toxic people, 108

with transformational questions, 161162

with value feeling, 68

with VIPs, 220

with vulnerability, 93

Value, feeling of, 6465, 191, 192

action step with, 68

examples of, 6667

in networking, 202

usable insight with, 68

venting with, 6566

VCP Process®, 200201


in crisis, 205206

exhaling after, 7374

value feeling with, 6566

Very Important People. See VIPs (Very Important People)

The View, 113

Violence, 204205

emotions and, 207208

VIPs (Very Important People)

action step with, 220

gatekeepers to, 218220

Internet and, 217218

questions for, 216

usable insight with, 220

Visibility, 200202

Vulnerability action step with, 93

assertive, 90, 93

examples of, 8789, 9193

mirroring of, 9091

usable insight with, 93

Weaknesses, 150151

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There (Goldsmith), 8283

Williams, Mr., 7172


cascade of, 117119

in crisis, 206

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