Low–Power Commercial, Automotive, and Appliance Connections

Anthony Lee and George Drew

They weighed me, dust by dust—

They balanced film by film

Emily Dickinson


6.1      Introduction

6.2      Connectors

6.2.1      Functional Requirements

6.2.2      Types of Connectors

6.2.3      Mechanical Considerations

6.3      Contact Terminals

6.3.1      Contact Physics

6.3.2      Terminal Types

6.3.3      Other Electrical Contact Parameters

6.4      Degradation of Connector Contact

6.4.1      Surface Films

6.4.2      Fretting Corrosion of Tin-plated Contacts

6.4.3      Examples of Contact Failures      Automotive Position Sensor Connector      Fuel Injector Connector      Glowing Contacts      Electrolytic Corrosion      Incompatible Plating and Low Contact Force

6.5      Automotive Connector Contacts

6.5.1      Vehicle Conditions

6.5.2      High Power Connectors for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

6.5.3      Aluminum Wiring Connections

6.5.4      Connections for High-Vibration Environment

6.6      Summay


6.1    Introduction

Perhaps the most useful function of electrical connection systems is to serve as a convenience for assembly, installation, and servicing of an electrical device or system. For example, the internal connections in a timer control module of a dishwasher enable the assembly of such a module. In addition, the electrical connections of the harness to the motor, valves, and power sources complete the entire dishwasher assembly. Likewise, the physical installation of a component such as a motor into a clothes washer drive assembly or a radio into the dashboard of an automobile is done first, and then the electrical circuits are completed by mating the connectors or installing other required electrical connections. As each subassembly is linked, each harness is connected with other circuits and to the power source. Depending on the complexity of the entire electrical system, a variety of connectors such as in-lines, junction splices, device connectors, and headers are used. The overall system architecture of the entire “wiring harness” determines the number of points and the location where the circuits will be connected. Also, depending on the type of components in the circuits, connection systems may serve to connect low-current or low-voltage, high-frequency electronics circuits, high-current power circuits, timer and control circuits, sensor circuits, and communication signal circuits.

In this chapter, we deal mainly with electrical contacts of the separable type such as the male and female terminals in connection systems. We will also briefly examine the semi-permanent type of crimp and insulation displacement connections because they are intimately related to connectors and are subject to similar physical principles.

As with all electrical connection systems, the basic design of an electrical contact depends on a set of application parameters. Table 6.1 summarizes the range of circuit parameters within the scope of this chapter.

The basic design and application of the connections require the consideration of (a) The electrical devices to be connected, which define the voltage and current level, and (b) The functional, physical, electrical, mechanical, and environmental requirements of the system to determine the correct connection system to be used. For example, a connection made directly to the motor must have sufficient retention force to withstand the vibration from the motor, whereas a ribbon cable will require a different connector from a power feed line with large-gauge round cables.

Application Parameters of Connection Systems in the Area of Low-Power Commercial, Residential, Automotive, and Appliance Circuits



Voltage (V)

Current (A)



120–240 ac




120–240 ac

< 10



24–36 ac

< 2



12–36 dc

> 1


Automotive, Electric Drives

~ 300 ac, dc

~ 300



5–12 dc

< 1

Low Power


5–12 dc

< 1



< 1

< 0.1

The environment has a major impact on the design and material chosen for each type of connector housing and electrical contacts. For example, outdoor versus indoor applications can have a major implication on the design of the terminals and the material used (see Chapters 2, 3, 7, and 8). Other important parameters include the range of operating temperature, duty cycle, number of insertions, thermal cycling or shock, seal and protection, and the corrosion level of the environment. Section 6.5 will give examples of automotive connectors as applied to the challenging automotive environment.

Also, the initial cost of a connection system, including the cost of assembly, may determine the type of connector used. On the other hand, the cost associated with service and maintenance of such a system could be much higher than an alternative, which has a higher initial cost. If such equipment is for an application at a remote location, the total cost of the system may dictate the connection system selected.

Various industry standards and specifications have been developed, forming some common ground for both suppliers and users of connectors or connection within a given industry. For example, the American Society of Testing and Measurement (ASTM) has an extensive list of contact-related standards especially related to alloy materials, testing methodology, and recommended measurement practices. The Electronics Industries Association (EIA) also has a list of contact-related standards. Many of those standards from both EIA and ASTM have been approved as American National Standards. For appliance and consumer-related products, the connection systems are tested and listed together with the product as Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL)-approved. For household and related components, the National Electrical Code (NEC) may also apply. For automotive connectors, there are a number of applicable SAE and ISO specifications. Also, the military specifications (Mil Specs) have comprehensive connector standards for devices associated with military applications in the United States.

In this chapter, Section 6.2 addresses connectors, their function, design, subcomponents, and assembly. In Section 6.3, we will focus on the electrical contact terminals of the electrical connections. The connector contact degradation mechanisms are discussed in Section 6.4. Since automotive applications have dominated the recent drastic growth in electrical and electronics systems, we shall devote a new Section 6.5 on this topic in this Second Edition.

6.2    Connectors

6.2.1    Functional Requirements

Although the basic function of connectors is to provide electrical interconnections to complete the circuit, a large number of non-electrical factors determine the type of connector or connection system used. To begin with, mechanical requirements such as size, shape, mounting, and mating and unmating force and frequency need to be considered. In addition, environmental requirements such as temperature, temperature cycle, humidity, contaminants (solid, liquid, and gaseous), shock and vibration, and sealing further complicate the design and selection process. The electrical requirement often goes beyond circuit voltage and current. Many applications also require low contact resistance, terminal impedance, polarity, and appropriate insulation level. To satisfy these often competing requirements, connection technology has evolved into a sophisticated engineering discipline. The challenge to the connection engineers is to design the lowest-cost products that meet all requirements, which in reality often work at cross purposes.

6.2.2    Types of Connectors

There are several generic types of connectors frequently found in automotive, appliance, and commercial applications: (1) Simple terminal–terminal, (2) Rack and panel, (3) Plug and receptacle, (4) Edge-on, and (5) Compliant pin.

The terminal–terminal type is the simplest and has been in use ever since the beginning of electricity. An example is illustrated in Figure 6.1, showing the simple blade-box connector. Clearly, manual connection is required for this type of connector, and essentially no insulation or enclosure is present to protect the terminals. This is acceptable when the connector is used within an enclosure such as the appliance’s housing. This connector has both sufficient contact force to provide a low contact resistance even with non-noble coatings and sufficient mechanical force to prevent the contacts from parting.

The rack and panel type connector is typically for mounting of equipment where one side of the connector is on the removable part of the equipment and the other half on the stationary or fixed part. As the removable part is installed on the “rack”, the connector is mated as well. A precision guide or a floating connector is mounted to ensure alignment of contact terminal to avoid damage due to variations in position during insertion. Figure 6.2 illustrates an example of such a connector.


Example of the simple terminal–terminal type connector.


Example of the rack and panel type connector.

The plug and receptacle type is perhaps the most widely used. This type is very flexible, especially in the assembly of complex harness or circuits such as the installation of the automotive harness to support a large number of electrical features and functions. Figure 6.3 shows an example of this type of connector.

Depending on the specific application, the connector may be a part of a device with the mating part on the wiring harness. The component on the device side is known as a header or device connection. Also, such a connector is used as an in-line for joining one harness segment with another. Another application is a bulkhead feed-through. Here, the connector serves to permit the harness to terminate at some physical barrier and the circuit to continue on the other side such as at the wall socket, plug at the back of a control unit, or the feed-through at the firewall between the engine and the passenger compartments. When the number of lines is large, a plug-and-receptacle connector, which requires manual installation, can be difficult to mate. Some type of mechanical assistance in the form of lever or bolt-screw is often incorporated. Also, there are other assurance features to insure the quality of the installation including, lock, terminal position assurance (TPA), and connector position assurance (CPA). An example of this type of connector with the full complement of features is shown in Figure 6.4. Further, other requirements like shrouding, connector seal, and cable dressing to reduce mechanical and environmental stresses increase the complexity of the connector design.

The edge-on type connector is mainly for board-to-board and wire-to-board connections. In the majority of applications, a part of the terminal on the edge of the printed circuit board has its metal traces exposed. The other part of the connector has terminals and attachments to the cables. In some instances, a flexible printed circuit is used. In this case, a modified form of the edge-on connector is used as illustrated in Figure 6.5 [1,2].


Example of the plug and receptacle type connector.


An automotive connector of the plug and receptacle type with TPA, CPA, lock, seal, and mechanical assist lever.

Another common connection is the compliant pin connector [3,4,5]. A compliant pin consists of an electrical terminal incorporating a relatively stiff spring section which is designed to be press-fitted into a plated-through hole of a printed circuit board. Figure 6.6 shows examples of one of the most common compliant pin shapes—called the “eye of the needle”. While it has been used in electronic components for many years, compliant pin technology has only recently (from 2005) been used in high-volume automotive electronics as an alternative to solder joints. A desirable feature in the design is to have enough contact force to promote galling (cold welding) at the contact spots during insertion of the pin into a circuit board. This provides a very stable electrical connection with a low resistance for connections that do not have to be taken apart.


Edge-on connector for flexible printed circuits (FPC).


Compliant pin connector, (a) Typical “eye of needle” terminal design, (b) Cross-section after insertion into circuit board, and (c) Automotive compliant pin connector.

On the other hand, the terminal insertion force must be low enough that the printed circuit boards, or board-mounted electronic components, are not damaged when the compliant pins are press-fitted into place [3,4]. The relatively large centerline spacing required between compliant pins can be a disadvantage compared to soldering or other termination methods. As the spacing between the plated holes decreases, the interaction of stresses around the holes can cause damage to the printed circuit board.

6.2.3    Mechanical Considerations

While the number of connector designs for different applications is large, they share several common features. Depending on the requirements and the environment the connector must service, the complexity can vary. Except for the simplest types of connectors, the essential parts of a connector are: contact terminals, line insulation, enclosure, and cable or wire termination. We will briefly discuss each of these parts.

Contact terminals: These are the conducting members and consist of two terminals, one male and another female, that pass the current when they are in the mated position. Section 6.3 covers different types of contact terminals. From the mechanical consideration, the terminals have attachment to the cable on the one end and the contact interface on the other. This interface also requires a low and stable resistance during its service life.

Line insulation: For connectors with multiple lines, electrical insulation, or isolation between adjacent lines is essential. Such insulation also serves to maintain the terminal location and alignment. As illustrated in Figure 6.3, the line insulation is a part of the plastic enclosure.

Enclosure: This is the housing for the connector where the parts of the connector are assembled. Mating is accomplished by joining the two parts of the connector enclosure together. Thus, the enclosure must provide mechanical guides for mating. Further, it also provides protection to the internal parts. For the rack and panel type connector, part of the housing is in the equipment. It can also be a header of an electronic module.

Cable termination: It forms the transition between the cable and the terminal and is often a non-separable connection. Usually, a metallic or mechanical (soldered, welded or crimped) joint serves both the electrical and mechanical connection. Although the wire–terminal interface is a permanent contact interface outside the scope of the separable contact interfaces being discussed here, it does play an important role in the assembly and performance of the terminals as a part of the connector. This interface provides the electrical and mechanical link from the terminal to the wire. Its interface resistance and contact degradation can lead to degradation of the separable contact interface at the male or female terminal. A brief discussion on the crimp termination will be presented in Section 6.3.2.

An insulation displacement connection (IDC) is also used as a method for attaching the cable to the terminal. As shown in Figure 6.7, the cable is fed into an IDC slot. During insertion, insulation to the cable is cut, the slot is forced to expand, and an electrical contact with the wire is made. Examples of such a termination method were reported in the literature [6,7,8]. The inherent advantage of IDC connection is the consistent contact force between the wire and the IDC slot. Also, such termination process is attractive for automation because the cables going to the same connector can be terminated simultaneously. On the other hand, crimping and soldering are done individually.


Insulation displacement connection (IDC) before and after cable insertion.


Connector engagement force characteristics.

Other connector features illustrated in Figure 6.4 include connector seals. For connectors exposed to the elements, seals effectively prevent the intrusion of liquid, gas, and particulates into the contact terminal areas. Liquid contaminants are a major cause of contact corrosion and loss of electrical insulation between lines; dust and particulates can often lead to high-resistance contacts (see Chapters 2 and 4). Sealing against gaseous contaminants is much more difficult. However, the seals do drastically reduce the diffusion of corrosive gaseous pollutants into the terminal contact areas and greatly increase the service life of terminals. Some seal designs must also handle situations when a pressure difference exists between the inside and the outside of the connector such as during temperature cycling or submersion under water.

For manual connector engagement, one can capture the mating force as shown in Figure 6.8. This force–displacement characteristic reflects events occurring during the mating process. For manual mating, the peak force must be sufficiently low to be acceptable to the operator. Equally important is the work performed or the area under the force–displacement curve. From an operator’s point of view, the connector engagement needs to relate to an “effort” of mating. The “effort” is comprised of not only the peak force and the work of mating, but also the ergonomic environment such as the reach and orientation of the mating, size and shape of the connector, visibility of the parts, and the posture of the operator.

The quantification of the “effort” of mating a connector is certainly not an exact science and often subjective. However, the design must incorporate features that result in a connector that is “easy” for the operator to put together.

When the number of contacts in the connector is in the tens, especially when seals are used, a mechanical assist engagement may be required. Such a feature may take the form of a lever as shown in Figure 6.4.

Some connector designs even go all the way to a zero-insertion-force (ZIF) concept [9,10]. The basic principle used is that during connector mating, the frictional force is nearly zero, and a subsequent clamping action presses the contacts together. Most ZIF concepts basically separate the insertion action from the application of the normal force.

Another feature is the connector lock. The holding force of a connector is often not sufficient to maintain the engagement for the service life. This is especially true for applications, where the connector experiences frequent movement or is under a vibratory environment. A case in point is the connector attached to the engine of a motor vehicle. A positive locking mechanism is essential to ensure engagement is maintained. Such a connector lock feature is shown in Figure 6.3.

As an aid to the assembly and installation of the connector, terminal position assurance (TPA), and connector position assurance (CPA) are incorporated into more sophisticated connector designs. Such features are illustrated in Figure 6.4. A common approach in TPA design is to prevent the connector from being further assembled unless all terminals are positioned correctly. Similarly, unless the connector is fully mated and locked, the CPA cannot be installed. Both TPA and CPA have greatly improved the installed quality of connection systems.

A filtered connector is a specialized connector design where a low-pass L–C circuit, for example, is incorporated into its construction. An example is shown in Figure 6.9. Here, the ferrite block provides the series inductance, and an array of chip capacitors is placed between the pins and the ground. Also, a C–L–C pi filter section can be similarly implemented by adding another capacitor array. Incorporating a filter in the connector provides high-frequency isolation between the two sides of the connector. This saves valuable board space and addresses the electromagnetic compatibility of the circuit.


Filter connector with an L-C low-pass circuit.

6.3    Contact Terminals

6.3.1    Contact Physics

The conduction of electricity through a metallic join in physical contact occurs at small asperity points or a-spots. As described in detail in Chapter 1, those a-spots give rise to a construction resistance at the contact. Such contact resistance may be expressed as



where ρ is the resistivity of the contacting metal, η (≈ 1) is an empirical coefficient representing the surface cleanliness condition, H is the hardness of the metal, and F is the contact force. For connector application, the contact resistance must be low and stable for the life of the connector. The material selection will determine the resistivity, ρ and the hardness, H. The contact force, F, is a key design parameter for the terminal. The surface condition parameter, η, is determined by the level of corrosion and contamination in the environment and the degree of protection provided to the contacts. Its value is approximately one for most metal contact systems commonly used for connectors. Physically, a conductor with a low ρ will be a better contact material, and a softer material (low H) will provide larger a-spot size as will a greater contact force.

In practice, the desire to have connectors that are smaller, lighter, with lower cost, and operable under extreme environment offer many engineering challenges for the real world applications. For example, the contact resistance can be reduced by the use of a softer material. However, such a material can also be easily worn out after only a few insertions (see Chapter 7). Furthermore, contact terminals are often served as a spring member supplying the required contact force: a softer material tends to have lower spring constant and thus will not be a good spring member so it is often plated on to a good spring substrate (see Chapter 8).

6.3.2    Terminal Types

The basic function of an electrical terminal is to provide the electrical contacting point(s) when mated at a low and stable electrical resistance for the service life of the connector under the required operating environmental conditions. The key parameters are the electrical contact material, the contact force and wire termination. There is no unique solution for a given need among the various combinations of terminal configurations, base alloy materials, spring members, coatings, claddings, and crimps and other form of termination. In addition to performance requirements, the terminal design and material selection must consider the overall fabrication process and assembly of the connector as well. A number of terminal types have evolved over the past years. Table 6.2 summarizes the most common types.

The wire–wire twist type has been used extensively in joining household electrical wiring for AC of 110 and 220 V. The electrical contacts are between the bare copper wires twisted together. The contact force is applied by a tapering helical coil spring housed in an insulating shell. The twisted wires are captured inside the spring forcing them to remain in contact. The copper–copper contacts have been demonstrated [11] to provide low contact resistance for tens of years under normal residential conditions. Any oxide formed is thin and easily fritted through by the supply voltage. In addition, the number of contacting points is large, affording a reliable and durable connection. Typical circuit current is in the range below 20 A for household type of applications. Rise in temperature at the contacts is typically low helped by low connection density even at the central distribution panel. Also, the wire gauge used is under strict requirement of the local building codes.

Summary of Terminal Types


Aluminum alloy wires are also acceptable for similar application. However, it is more difficult to establish and maintain good electrical contact to aluminum due to aluminum oxides on the surface [12,13,14,15,16,17]. The application of contact lubricants and more stringent control of the assembly are required [18,19,20] to maintain a trouble-free connection.

In many respects, the wire–screw or the lug–screw type is similar to the wire–wire twist type. Both are designed for manual mating of individual circuits. In this case, the screw type of terminal is for connecting a wire to a device or a piece of equipment. In the simplest case, a wire is wrapped around a screw and a tightened nut supplies the contact force. For convenience, the wire may be crimped to a lug, which has a hole for assembling onto the screw. As such, the contacts are a wire against flat or, in the case where a lug is used, a flat against a flat contact.

The contact force is applied through the screw action compressing the contacting surfaces together. The spring member is the compliant metal parts such as the screw thread, wire wrap, or deformed washers. Because high contact force may be applied, the current-carrying capacity of this type of contact is high. It is important to recognize that the inherent spring constant of such contact system may be quite large. Any small change induced by thermal expansion and contraction, vibration, or even metal flow and relaxation under high stress, can cause the contact force to drop to an inadequately low level. It is a common practice to include a lock or star washer into such an assembly. It serves not only the purpose of preventing the screw from coming loose, but also provides a lower spring constant to the contact spring system so the contact force can be maintained as a result of small, but often unavoidable, dimensional changes. Figure 6.10 shows such a screw type contact.

The insulation displacement connection (IDC) terminal has been developed for ease of installation [6,21,22]. An insulated wire can be connected to a device without stripping and in a single operation. In the insertion process, the insulation is cut, and the exposed wire makes contact with the blades formed in a narrow V slot. The blades are pushed apart by the wire at the end of the insertion providing the contact force. The mating process is similar to that illustrated in Figure 6.7. The design of the IDC terminal is sensitive to gauge and insulation. The slot size and shape, the cutting edge, and the spring constant of the blade are usually tailored for small-range wire gauges. In addition, the wire-slot orientation must be maintained to avoid disconnection. This further requires proper strain relief as part of the connector design. The wire–blade contact is typically small, thus limiting the circuit current an IDC can carry, and is not suitable for high-current connector applications. Incidentally, an IDC is often used as a termination at the terminal to replace the crimp or solder joint. The electrical contacts of the tuning fork type terminal, shown in Figure 6.11, are similar to the IDC type. Since the tuning fork does not need to cut the insulation function, the terminal design may be adapted to engage both wire and a flat plate. The groove design can accommodate a wider range of widths and contact force to increase the number of insertions permitted.

For many years, by far the most common connector type has been the blade-box terminal, shown in Figure 6.12, for appliances and commercial electrical circuits. It can carry a wide range of current and has a simple, robust construction. The typical design configuration consists of a double row of contacts. The flat blade is inserted into the rolled up sides during mating. The rolled up sides apply a strong contact force. Because of the large contacting area, this terminal may be applied for a higher current range. With high contact force and multiplicity of contacts, the blade-box terminal is resistant to vibration. With proper selection of coating, the contacts are nearly “gas-tight” and thus less susceptible to gaseous corrosion.


Wire-screw type terminal.


Tuning fork type terminal.


A blade-box terminal.


Example of a blade-leaf terminal.

The insertion force is usually high, and contact wear is also high, limiting the number of insertions for this type of contacts. Together with the relatively large terminal size, applications of blade-box terminals are limited to connectors with a few circuits to keep the mating effort within reasonable limits.

The blade-leaf type terminal evolves from the blade-box type. As the connection density is increased, the box design cannot accommodate smaller blades. Instead of forming a rolled up box, a box with a thinner stock is formed with leaf contacts pressed towards the interior of the box. When mated, the blade makes contact with the opposing leaf contacts. Here, the leaf springs supply the contact force. A variety of leaf designs is possible. An example is illustrated in Figure 6.13.

This type of terminal has been very popular for automotive circuits where lower insertion force and higher circuit density are important. On the other hand, the automotive environment is uniquely challenging. Connector component engineers must contend with mechanical vibration, corrosion by salts, exposure to fluids from lubricating oils, high-pressure washer jets, soft drinks and coffee, and extremes of temperature outdoors and under the hood.

As the terminal size is further reduced, we have the pin-sleeve type of terminal. Here, contacts are even smaller and contact forces are much lower, but circuit density is certainly higher. Pin contacts have been widely used in the electronics and aerospace industries. It is natural to adapt these terminals for automotive, appliance, and commercial electronics. Figure 6.14 shows examples of male and female pin-sleeve terminals. Cantilevered beams form multiple contacts surround the pin. Since most applications deal with some or all electronic signal and control circuits, voltage and current can be quite low where fritting or electric field breakdown of the surface film (see Chapter 1) is less likely. Noble metal coating for the terminal may be required for most applications. The effects of thin noble metal coatings are discussed in Chapters 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8.

The pin-hyperboloid type is rather unusual [23]. As illustrated in Figure 6.15, it uses a cross-mesh of fine gauge of copper–alloy wire as the female terminal against a pin. The wire mesh is stretched over the pin, forming a multitude of contacts. The flexibility of the wire mesh also allows the contacts to float along with the pin. This type of contact is least susceptible to vibration and allows perfect alignment with the pin. Because of its higher cost and low current capacity, this type of terminal is used only in exclusive circumstances depending on the requirements of the environment and reliability.

The connection density is determined not by the size of the terminal alone, but the cable size also limits how small a connector can be made. For the practical needs of assembling the connector, handling the connector in the mating process, or installing the harness into the equipment, a circular wire gauge may be as small as 0.13 mm2 (26 gauge). This sets the lower limit of line spacing to about 1.5 mm.

To further increase line density, one must resort to integrating the terminal into the wire. IDC is an example discussed earlier that potentially reduces the space between lines. The use of flex cable together with IDC terminals as in many applications in the computer industry is another example. In appliance and automotive applications, the flexible printed circuit (FPC) wiring offers similar advantages of integrating terminals with the wiring. The FPC has a well-defined pattern of copper conductor on a flexible dielectric material such as a polyimide or polyester. The copper conductors are typically sandwiched between two layers of flexible dielectric material. FPC can also come in single-sided, double-sided, or even multilayered construction. The conductors in the FPC have accesses for attachment of circuit components and for making direct connections.


Examples of pin and sleeve terminals.


Example of a pin-hyperboloid terminal.

Conventional connections to an FPC are by soldering the connector pins directly to the termination points on the FPC often in a form of a plated through-hole. To facilitate assembly, an example is shown in Figure 6.5 of a recent development of direct connection onto FPC. Here, the bare traces on the FPC are backed by a part of the connector structure, transforming them into rigid terminals which mate with a sleeve type female terminal.

Another type of terminal that is ideal for high density and FPC is the bump-flat type shown in Figure 6.16. The bump is part of the trace on the FPC. Pressing the bumps against the flat traces of another FPC makes the connections. Here, an external force must be applied, holding the FPCs together. Because of the high stresses at the bump–flat interface, the contact is very stable. However, the high stress also requires careful selection of contact material and bump geometry. The current-carrying capacity of such a small bump is limited to a couple of amperes. However, multiple bumps may be used for higher current requirements. The current requirement and the line density set the limit of the connection density. In principle, very fine pitch bump connection is possible. In addition, the flat side may be a hard circuit board also. The use of bumps on circuit board opens up the possibility of making non-permanent type connections anywhere on the board, and not limited only along the edge as in the case of edge board connectors.

Cable termination. This transition between the cable and the terminal is a non-separable connection. Usually, a metallic or mechanical (soldered or crimped) joint serves both the electrical and mechanical connection. Although the wire–terminal interface is a permanent contact interface it does play an important role in the assembly and performance of the terminals as part of the connector. This interface provides the electrical and mechanical link from the terminal to the wire. Degradation of the terminal or cable interface can lead to degradation of the separable contact interface at the male or female terminal.

The most common type of wire–terminal interfaces for automotive and appliance wiring is F-crimps and barrel crimps, as shown in Figure 6.17. F-crimps are named for their resemblance to the letter F when viewed from the side.


An FPC with bump contacts.


Photos of barrel and F-crimps (a) Cable insertion into barrel crimp, (b) Finished barrel crimp, (c) Barrel crimp cross-section, (d) Cable insertion into F-crimp, (e) Finished F-crimp, and (f) F-crimp cross-section.


Stages of the crimping process.

In the termination process, the wire insulation is stripped, the bare section of the wire is inserted into the crimp wing or barrel region, and a crimp tool presses the barrel or rolls the wings that collapse around the wire creating both mechanical and electrical bonding. Crimps have been used for decades joining wires and terminals of various sizes with extremely good results. To understand the physics of crimping, one must look at how a crimp is formed (See also Chapter 5).

Figure 6.18 shows the stages of the crimping process. First, the wire is positioned at the inside of the crimp wing (Figure 6.18a, and then the barrel or the crimp wings forming the barrel is collapsed by the crimp tool trapping the wire inside (Figure 6.18b and c). Then, the wires are further pressed together, loosening the surface oxides, inducing some metal flow, and forming a tight bundle (Figure 6.18d). The last stage is the formation of mechanically and electrically good metal-to-metal bond as clean metals are forced together. This is often referred to as cold welding. Finally, as the tool is released, the assembly that was under high compression “rebounds.” The crimp wings or the barrel actually relax and the metal bounces back from its compressed state. Note the contact force between the wire bundle and the crimp wings actually reduces a little at the bounce back. The design of the crimp must allow for this bounce back such that sufficient residual force still remains to maintain a good mechanical joint and low contact resistance [24,25].

Unfortunately, the optimum electrical performance and the highest mechanical strength do not occur at the same level of crimp compaction. Producing a crimped connection with the maximum pull strength often results in poor long-term electrical stability, while a crimp with the best long-term electrical performance can have poor mechanical properties. Therefore, a trade-off must be found between the best combination of electrical and mechanical performance. Figure 6.19 shows this relationship for a typical crimped connection to a stranded cable. The dashed line in Figure 6.19 shows how the pull strength of the crimp varies with different levels of crimp compaction, while the solid line shows how the long-term electrical performance varies with crimp compaction. A freshly made crimp has relatively low resistance over a wide range of compaction levels, so discrimination between compaction levels is performed after environmental conditioning. One good reference for environmental exposure tests is the SAE USCAR-21 specification for automotive crimped connections [26]. Based on Figure 6.19, the best combination of electrical and mechanical performance for a crimped connection occurs at compaction levels which are tighter than the point where the highest pull strength occurs, yet loose enough that strands are not damaged. A well-controlled crimping process is very critical for making reliable wire terminations. For the case shown in Figure 6.19, it is ± 50 microns. To maximize the operating window where a crimped connection can be used, terminal manufacturers use a judicious selection of material, gauge, coating, internal surface serrations of the barrel, tool geometry, profile of the pressing force, and final crimp deformation [24]. In many applications where small gauge wire is used or the crimp experiences high operating temperatures, the crimping may no longer be reliable, so alternative termination processes, such as welding and soldering, may be used. They are more expensive, but the resulting joints provide electrically stable interfaces with a good mechanical strength.


Crimp mechanical and electrical performances versus crimp compaction.

6.3.3    Other Electrical Contact Parameters

In terminal designs, contact resistance is the most important consideration. However, there are other parameters, which are quite important as well. These are force, pressure, wipe, bulk resistance, and plating or coating. Although contact resistance varies inversely as the square root of the contact force (see Equation 6.1), the contact force also provides the frictional force holding the mated terminals together. Also, together with the wipe action, the contact force provides the cleaning action removing non-conducting films and particulates from the surface at mating. This cleaning action is essential for establishing a low initial contact resistance at mating. Depending on the contact geometry, contact material, and the type of surface film, the force and the amount of wipe required can vary. For example, the thin film on tin-coated contacts, the softness of the tin and the hard tin oxide, a wipe distance of few tenths of a millimeter with a force of less than 1 N is quite sufficient to establish a low contact resistance. Under a wide range of conditions, Yasuda reports that tin performs even better than gold [27]. On the other hand, for a bare copper contact, the films can be significantly thicker and more difficult to remove. The force required may be several newtons, and the wipe distance several millimeters. For silver contacts, the sulfide films are soft and tend to behave like snow on a hard surface. When the wipe distance is long and contact force is low, the film may form a pile at the end of the wipe. The result is an unexpectedly high contact resistance. Thus, protecting silver contacts in storage is important to prevent excessive film build-up prior to mating (see Chapter 8).

In normal electrical contacts, the contact force is distributed over many asperity points (see Chapter 1). The concept of pressure is still a meaningful parameter (see also Chapter 1). As the size of the contact is reduced to a fraction of a millimeter in diameter as in the case of bump contacts, a significant portion of the apparent contacting surface is in physical contact. One can imagine all the asperities are concentrated in a very small area. In this case, the local pressure is very high. The design of bumps or very small contacts must consider the pressure in the selection of contact materials, so deformation at the contact does not compromise its performance. This concept of using high local pressure to provide reliable contacts known as Hertzian contacts [1,2] has led to terminal designs that are small or with high density and low contact force requirements.

The majority of terminal designs take advantage of contact coating or plating. This comes about because of the multifunctional requirement of a contact terminal. A terminal is required to have the following attributes: low electrical resistance, appropriate spring constant, good structural strength, resistance to surface film growth, and low hardness to provide a low contact resistance. A common solution is the use of copper alloys that retain greater than 75% of the copper conductivity as a base material. If the spring is an integral part of the terminal, there are several bronzes and brasses that have excellent spring constants. At the contact area, the copper alloy is not adequate. Coating or plating the copper alloy with silver, gold, palladium, and similar noble metal or their alloys provides excellent, stable and low contact resistance with little film growth. The subject of plating is discussed in detail in Chapter 8. To lower the cost, for many applications, tin plating and sometimes nickel have been successfully used.

Tin has some very interesting properties that make it an ideal terminal coating material. It is a soft metal, which translates into a low-contact resistance contact. Although oxides and other films quickly form on its surface, these films are typically hard and moderately self-passivating. This means after initial growth, the film itself protects the metal below from additional oxidation. The hardness of the film combines with the soft metal making it easier to break the film. The contact force with a little wiping action can quickly expose the fresh metal at the contact, forming a low resistance joint. There are failure modes that relate to tin contacts. One is fretting corrosion (see Chapters 7 and 8), and the other is intermetallic formation [27,28,29,30,31,32 and Chapters 1 and 5]. As will be discussed in Section 6.4, with proper design, tin may be used with a high degree of reliability [33].

Another type of coating is cladding. This process involves mechanical bonding of a thin strip of noble alloy on copper alloy at the base. Cladding requires no wet chemistry and can be extremely thin down to the micrometer range on a selected area of the strip stock. Cladding can be an economic viable alternative coating.

Vapor deposition is another coating method that does not rely on wet chemistry. By co-depositing different materials, this process can tailor the coating composition at the atomic level. Also, such coating can be dense and pore-free and often takes on an amorphous form. Such coating is more resistant to delamination and inter-atomic diffusion, both of which can lead to contact degradation. With many regions of the world having strong environmental restrictions for plating, both cladding and physical vapor deposition are viable coating methods without the environmental concerns of wet chemistry of the plating process. These coating methods are further discussed in Chapter 8.

Bulk resistance of a terminal, especially those for higher current ratings, is an important consideration. In relative terms, the bulk resistance is in the micro-ohm to tens of micro-ohm range while the contact resistance is 10–100 times larger. Keeping the bulk resistance low reduces the overall resistance of the circuit. More importantly, the wiring and the terminal often form the major heat sink for that part of the circuit. This is particularly true when the harness is attached to a heat-generating device such as a motor or a light source. The terminal should not be a heat source or cause impedance to heat flow into the wiring. In some circuits, a slight imbalance in the heat flow can raise the contact temperature significantly, so that degradation from stress relaxation of the contact spring or the crimp can lead to failure or shorten the life of the electrical contact.

6.4    Degradation of Connector Contact

6.4.1    Surface Films

Within the scope of this chapter, those contacts which are applied in commercial, appliance, and automotive wiring harnesses, typically have a copper-alloy base material and a non-noble coating. For certain connections at low voltage or in electronic applications, a thin layer of noble coating is used. Depending on the environmental condition, it is unavoidable that insulating surface films form during the fabrication process, while the terminal is in storage, during installation of the connection system, and while the connection is in service. Surface films represent a major contact degradation mechanism. Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 8 discuss surface films and corrosion effects that lead to the growth of such films. Here, we focus on how to avoid excessive film growth and how to permit current flow in the presence of films under the operating conditions of the type of circuits.

First, we need to understand the transformation of the contact surface with exposure. Clearly, chemical reactions with gas molecules and water vapor in the atmosphere are very difficult to avoid. Thus, galvanic corrosion is the major mechanism for growth of films. In recent years, extensive investigation done at Battelle [34] and others [35,36, and Chapter 3] on corrosion have provided not only an understanding of the mechanisms of film growth, but also the characterization of the environment and methods of simulating the corrosion in the laboratory. The most challenging environment to characterize is the automotive environment. The large fluctuations in temperature and humidity during the course of each day, the seasonal changes, and the reactive gaseous compositions can change drastically. The other uncontrollable factor is the location of the vehicle. Exposures to the polluted air of Los Angeles are quite different from exposures to the hot humid air with salty mist at Miami Beach. Even within the vehicle itself, the region inside the engine compartment has an entirely different environment from that inside the trunk, for example. From a Delphi study conducted by the authors, as shown in Figure 6.20, these are examples of metal coupons exposed to the atmosphere for nine months in different parts of a vehicle. The photograph clearly shows a large range of film types and film thicknesses as reflected by the color and microstructure of the films. These films were analyzed by cathodic reduction method (see Chapter 2, Section 2.6.3) to determine the types and to estimate the film thicknesses. Figure 6.20 gives representative data showing the films on the metal coupons from different location within the vehicle. We are able to establish the range of film thickness and composition at different locations within the vehicle. By varying the exposure time, the growth dynamics of these films can also be characterized (see Figure 6.21).

The main goal of this sequence of study at Delphi was to develop a laboratory simulation of contact corrosion. Under a controlled flowing mixed gas environment at higher concentration, an accelerated test condition was successfully developed to represent exposures in the actual environment. Table 6.3 shows the environmental classification that covers the range of exposures in one year for various locations within the vehicle.


Photographs of silver-plated and copper coupons exposed to air for nine months in different locations of a vehicle in actual field operation. #3187 is located in the passenger compartment, #2277 is in the trunk, and #3181 in the engine compartment.


Projected film thickness on copper coupons based on field data.

Environmental Classification ([34] and see Chapters 2 and 3) for Different Locations Based on Copper Reactivity



One-Year Film Growth (Å)

Under hood



Door skin



Door panel



Passenger compartment






Of course, the contacts are normally located inside a connector. The environment is quite different from an open exposure. The shrouding and shielding of the connector housing does influence the film growth by restricting the movement of the gas. The test condition only provides the outside environment for which a connector is exposed. Also, the degradation of the contacts under test is monitored through the contact resistance of the interface, but not by measuring the film growth.

Dust and particulates are another source of contaminant of the insulating surface [37,38, see Chapter 4]. Proper protection of the contacts during storage and assembly can eliminate a part of the problem. It is more difficult to guard against dust and particulates during operation. The two common approaches to reduce the effects of dust are connector seals and a high contact force. Seals, as discussed in Section 6.2, isolate the contacts from fluid and dust. High contact force provides a more stable interface. Even if small interfacial movement occurs, the contact can effectively push the dust particles away. This is one reason the robust blade-box type of contact can survive years out in the open even without the benefit of a connector housing.

Fluid exposures are another source of insulating films. Contacts are often successfully applied in fluids such as inside the fuel tank and the transmission of a car in spite of organic films developing on the contacts [39]. However, certain household fluids such as coffee, when inadvertently spilled on the contact, can cause a non-conducting organic film to form. Proper shielding of contacts in appliances and in the car to such accidental exposure is required. Stamping and machining fluids are another source of films. If the contacts retain excess machining fluid or are not properly cleaned after processing, the residual fluid may not cause immediate problems because it is easily pushed aside by the wiping action of the contacts. However, some of these fluids degrade in time to form a varnish coating which can interfere with the functioning of the contacts after they have been in service for a few years.

Another source of surface films is pore corrosion derived from the base metal. An example is a thin gold plate terminal with a copper alloy. The plating does have imperfections in the form of microscopic holes or pores (see Chapters 2 and 8). With time and temperature, the base material components such as zinc can readily migrate through the pores driven by the density gradient. In time, even copper will appear on the gold surface. When oxidized, the contact resistance rises due to the formation of zinc and copper oxides. The application of a thin barrier layer such as nickel between the base metal and the gold surface is an effective preventive measure (see Chapter 8). Of course, a thicker or pore-free coating can also reduce pore diffusion.

6.4.2    Fretting Corrosion of Tin-Plated Contacts

All base metal contacts are susceptible to what is known as fretting corrosion. Briefly, fretting refers to a minute relative movement between mated contacts. This relative motion may be due to mechanical vibration, shock, or differential thermal expansion and contraction. In the comprehensive review articles [40,41] Antler and McBride provided a clear understanding of the fretting corrosion mechanism. Also, both Chapters 5 and 7 discuss various aspects of fretting corrosion. In the commercial, appliance, and automotive connections, tin coating is widely used. Here, we would like to focus on fretting corrosion of tin-plated contacts related to specific applications such as those described in Table 6.1.

In fretting of base metals such as tin contacts, the repetitive exposure of fresh metal and its subsequent oxidation with each movement and the accumulation of oxides at the contact interface are believed to be the main mechanism responsible for the corrosion and failure of these contacts. The result is a steady rise in the contact resistance leading eventually to high resistance levels and even open circuits.

Extensive experimental work has led to an understanding of fretting corrosion [42,43,44,45] of tin, and in particular for simulating conditions often encountered in the automotive application [46,47]. We would like to summarize the major findings of the studies done by the authors here. Table 6.4 gives the ranges and the parameters studied. The fretting motion can be simulated by controlling the frequency and the length of the fretting track. The entire experiment is controlled by a PC, which also measures the contact resistance periodically as schematically illustrated in Figure 6.22. A stepping motor driving a linear precision stage provides the cyclic fretting motion. After a preset number of fretting cycles, the motion is temporarily halted to allow for contact resistance measurements made at ten points along the track length in both directions and at both polarities.

The contact pair consists of a rider dimple or a rod against a flat coupon. The contact force is applied by a dead weight placed directly over the rider. To vary the contact temperature, the flat contact support structure is maintained at the desired temperature.

Fretting Corrosion Experiment Parameter Range


Range Studied

Track length

12–80 μm


10 Hz

Contact resistance

4 wire, dry circuit (20 mV, 100 mA maximum) or 5 V and 14 V at 0.1 A and 1.0 A

Contact material

3 μm thick matte tin plated CA65400

Contact configuration

Flat coupon against 3.2 mm diameter dimple or flat coupon against plated rods with various shapes

Contact force

0.5–4.0 N

Contact temperature



Schematic of the fretting corrosion experimental set-up.

Figure 6.23 captures the fretting corrosion of tin-plated contacts for the case of a flat coupon against the dimple at a track length of 20 μm and a contact force of 0.5 N. Under these conditions, the dry circuit contact resistance is initially in the milliohm range. At around 100 cycles, the resistance starts to rise reaching the 100 mΩ range after 1,000 cycles. For all practical purposes, the contact’s electrical performance is no longer reliable after a few hundred fretting cycles. It has been well established [40] this corrosion characteristic of tin is a result of enhanced oxide formation and accumulation in the contact region as fresh metal is exposed to oxygen at each fretting cycle.

An understanding of the corrosion mechanism is crucial in successful application of tin with its many extremely attractive properties including low cost as a contact material. The challenge is to design connection systems such that fretting corrosion is minimized and, if it occurs, the contact performance is not compromised.


Rise in contact resistance with fretting cycle for 0.5 N and 20 μm track length measured under dry circuit condition.

Figure 6.24 gives results of fretting corrosion characteristics when both the track length and contact force are varied. At a contact force of 1.0 N, the contact resistance degrades in a similar fashion as in Figure 6.25 for long track lengths, but for the shorter track lengths, fretting corrosion is much slower, as reflected by the delayed rise in the contact resistance characteristics. At a higher force of 2.0 N, however, the contact resistance for tracks below 32 μm remains low and stable for up to 500,000 cycles. Figure 6.25 displays the data in a different way for a fixed track length of 40 μm. Clearly, higher contact force suppresses the fretting corrosion effects, and long track lengths are detrimental. The reason is a longer track length provides a greater amount of fresh metal to be oxidized and generates more oxide debris. When the contact force is higher, the contact is better able to push the oxides aside or break through the oxide layer. The results are not only consistent with the fretting corrosion mechanism, but also allow design guidelines to be established.

The mechanics of pushing the oxide aside as well as breaking the layer clearly depends on the contact geometry. To determine the best contact geometry, a number of contact configurations including hemispherical, conical, and wedge contacts have been studied. At a contact force of 1 N, hemispheres of different sizes do not show any major effect on the fretting corrosion characteristic as shown in Figure 6.26. Similarly, cones with included angles from 60° to 120° have shown only minor impact. We can conclude conical contacts are better than hemispherical ones. For wedge contacts, however, the 60° wedge contact provides the most stable contact resistance even at a low contact force of 0.5 N, as shown in Figure 6.27.

With fretting, the oxide debris builds up. The wedge shape, especially at sharp 60°, provides the best configuration to push away the oxides. This is believed to be the reason for the good performance of wedge contacts.

At elevated temperatures, which occur in many applications such as near an operating electrical motor or near the engine under the hood of a car, the conventional wisdom is to assume fretting corrosion will be the worst because the oxidation process is faster at higher temperatures. To quantify the effects of high temperature environment on fretting corrosion, the entire contact sample is maintained at a desired temperature by controlled heating of the entire contact support structure. Figure 6.28 shows duplicate contact resistance characteristics for the case of 0.5 N at 60°C in a dimple against a flat contact. The results confirm the rise in resistance rise is similar to but occurs at fewer cycles than at room temperature.


Fretting corrosion characteristics for contact force of (a) 1.0 N and (b) 2.0 N for track lengths up to 80 μm.


Fretting corrosion characteristics for track length of 40 μm at different contact forces.


Fretting corrosion characteristics for the hemispherical and conical contacts: (a) F = 1.0 N, (b) F = 0.5 N.


Fretting corrosion characteristics for wedge contacts.

If 20 mΩ is selected as a failure point on the resistance characteristics, one can determine the number of fretting cycles for the contact to reach that failure point or “cycles to failure” (CTF). A higher corrosion rate corresponds to a low CTF. In terms of CTF, the contact effect of temperature is captured in Figure 6.29. The error bars represent the scatter in the data and the + is the average at that temperature. At temperatures just above room temperature, the corrosion rate increases with temperature, as expected. However, for temperatures above 60°C, this trend reverses. At 110°C, the contact resistance stays low up to 50,000 cycles for one of the runs. This is unexpected. One possible reason is the softening of the tin at higher temperatures makes it easier to break through the oxide layers.

The series of detailed studies described above provided design guidelines for effective use of tin for electrical contacts in many applications. Clearly, relative movement must be kept below 10–20 μm. This result is particular to this experiment. Usually researchers have limited movement to about 1–2 μm. Contact force must be above the 1–2 N level, if relative contact motion is not avoidable; and for temperatures in the 30°C – 70°C range, a higher corrosion rate is expected. In certain instances, the application of contact lubricant greatly protects the contacts from fretting corrosion [47,48 and Chapter 3]. The lubricant isolates the fresh tin from being oxidized at each fretting cycle.


Fretting corrosion for 0.5 N at 60°C, four consecutive runs.


CTF as a function of contact temperature for a contact force of 0.5 N.

6.4.3    Examples of Contact Failures

The failure mechanisms for connectors are well known; however, it is sometimes difficult to identify which mechanism, or their combination, is responsible for causing the actual contact failure. The following examples describe real-world connector failures, along with explanation of the degradation mechanisms and potential solutions.    Automotive Position Sensor Connector

Years ago, cars used a mechanical linkage between the accelerator pedal and the engine to open or close the throttle and control the speed of the vehicle. Today pedal position sensors, electrical actuators, and power train computers are used to control speed without a mechanical linkage between the accelerator pedal and engine. Pedal position sensors typically send two different voltage signals to the computer module. As the accelerator is pressed down, one voltage signal increases and the other decreases. The computer, then, cross-checks the signals to verify the actual pedal position. In this case, the vehicle had adjustable pedals, as shown in Figure 6.30a. The driver controls the forward and backward position of the pedals to reach the most comfortable position. Unfortunately, the forward and backward motion of the pedals pulled on the wiring harness and connector to the sensor. With repetitive operations, the relative motion between terminals at the tin-plated contact interface caused fretting corrosion to develop at the contact interface. Figure 6.30b shows an example of fretting corrosion on an automotive accelerator pedal position sensor connection. The dark spots are patches of insulating tin oxide debris on the contact spots of a receptacle terminal where contact was made to the sensor blade terminals.

While the fretting corrosion spots do not look much different than the rest of the terminal surface, the insulating quality of fretting corrosion caused the connection resistance to increase to several ohms. This condition was identified during the development stage and was quickly remedied.

The appearance of fretting corrosion did not guarantee high connection resistance would develop, but there was a high probability it would. In this case, gold-plated terminals and improved wire routing were used to solve the problem. The gold-plated terminals were resistant to fretting corrosion and the improved wire routing reduced the motion of the terminals when the pedals were moved.


Automotive pedal position sensor (a) Sensor located at the top of the accelerator pedal in the circled area, and (b) Close-up view of electrical terminal contact showing fretting corrosion inside dashed circle.    Fuel Injector Connector

An automotive fuel injector connector developed an open circuit after operating under high vibration conditions during the product development stage (see Figure 6.31a). The terminal contacts and the surrounding plastic connector melted, so there was no way to check for fretting corrosion on the terminal contact interfaces. However, the fuel injector connector terminals nearby that had not meled did show evidence of fretting corrosion (see Figure 6.31b). After more investigation and laboratory experiments, the cause for the melted open circuit connection was identified. High vibration caused the terminals in the harness connector to move relative to the male blade terminals of the fuel injector. Over time, fretting corrosion developed from the relative motion, and the connection resistance increased.

A combination of the injector current (a few amps) and the high connection resistance (a few ohms) caused the connection to generate excessive heat. In this case, the local temperature at the terminals was high enough to cause the terminal contact spring to relax. As the terminal contact force decreased, the local terminal temperature increased even further. The local temperature eventually exceeded the melting temperature of the tin plating and the copper alloy used for the terminals and the terminals melted. The surrounding plastic also melted. With no remaining contact force and a high resistance, the oxidized copper contact interface developed an open circuit. The solution was to clamp the harness better to reduce connector motion during vibration. The tin-plated terminals were replaced with silver-plated terminals for better resistance to fretting corrosion. See also Section 3.4 where the failure of gold-to-tin connections resulted in the crash of the F-16 aircraft.    Glowing Contacts

The National Fire Prevention Association reported home fires caused by refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, and other kitchen appliances not used for cooking resulted in property damage estimated at US$ 73 million during 2005–2009 [49]. While the fires often destroyed the evidence needed to determine the exact cause, faulty or damaged electrical wiring was suspected in many cases. The “glowing contact” degradation mechanism is a possible cause for some appliance and house wiring fires. Loose electrical connections or broken wires can form a molten oxide bridge across a small gap after repeated make and break cycles. The molten oxide bridge can become hot enough to glow bright orange and reach temperatures over 1000°C. The high temperature can then ignite combustible materials in the area. This mechanism has been studied and reported by Shea, and others [50,51,52]. Figure 6.32 shows the start of melting on a household 110 V outlet caused by loose connections to the solid core, copper wire (see also Chapter 15).


Fuel injector connector, (a) Melted harness connector, and (b) dark area on injector terminal blade due to fretting corrosion.    Electrolytic Corrosion

A large dump truck was unable to unload when an open circuit occurred in the environmentally sealed connection to the actuator for the dumping mechanism. Inspection of the connector in Figure 6.33 indicated one of the terminals in the connector was corroded away, while other terminals in the connector were only discolored and covered with dark corrosion products. Further inspection showed the connector seal was damaged—allowing water to enter the connector. In the presence of an electrolyte like salt water or road splash, the 12-V positive terminals in a connector will lose material, which is then deposited on nearby ground connections or circuits operating at lower voltage. The plating corrodes away first. Corroded plating can lead to high contact resistance or open circuits, but a loss of contact force due to corrosion of the terminals is a more common cause of corrosion-related connector problems.    Incompatible Plating and Low Contact Force

The horn on a prototype vehicle stopped working after a few months of ground testing. The same horn had been used successfully on many different types of vehicles for many years. The electrical terminals on the horn used unplated brass blades. The mating connector on other vehicles had always used unplated brass terminals with a relatively high contact force of 25 N, but this particular vehicle used a new connector design. The harness terminals were tin-plated, and they were designed with a contact force of 3 N. Lower contact force terminals were required to meet the connector plugging force requirements of an automotive assembly plant. Evaluation of the un-plated brass horn contacts showed the contact resistance of the un-plated brass horn terminals was relatively low when the terminals were new. However, high resistance oxide films grew on the terminals after environmental exposure. It was found that terminals with 25 N contact force were able to displace the high resistance oxide films, but the films could not be penetrated with terminals having only 3 N of contact force. In this case, the solution was to add tin plating to the horn terminals and use mating tin-plated terminals with a slightly higher contact force (7 N). Unlike bare brass terminals, the tin plating on the horn blades is less likely to develop high resistance films over time. The combination of higher contact force and improved terminal contact materials resulted in a more reliable horn connection.


A 120-V household outlet showing overheated screw terminal due to loose wire connections and signs of arcing.


Severe connector damage due to water leakage through the cut seal (a) Corroded connector housing and (b) Cut in ribbed seal and corroded terminal.

6.5    Automotive Connector Contacts

6.5.1    Vehicle Conditions

Modern vehicles have seen tremendous growth in the use of electrical and electronic devices over the past several decades. In the 1940s, vehicles used a 6-volt DC electrical system which provided power for a starter motor, wiper, ignition, and lighting circuits. Vehicles now require multiple voltage levels, and currents range from nano-amps to hundreds of amperes. Some typical automotive voltage levels are described in Table 6.1. All of these electrical systems require electrical connections to aid in assembling and servicing the vehicles.

Automotive connections need to perform in extreme environments. Temperatures can be as low as −40°C in arctic conditions or over 150°C at some engine-mounted sensors. The following sections discuss the requirements of some more specialized automotive connections.

6.5.2    High Power Connectors for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

On a typical passenger car with a 12-volt electrical system and an internal combustion engine, the peak electrical power for a high-power electrical circuit is typically under 2 kW. Starter connections are required to carry hundreds of amperes for a few seconds at a time during cranking, and the charging circuits can carry about 100 A under some conditions. Simple, bolted ring terminals are used for most of these connections.

Hybrid or electric vehicles can operate at hundreds of volts and some circuits may carry hundreds of amps for extended periods. Connections must maintain low, stable resistance over time, but there are several additional requirements. Many of the connections require electromagnetic shielding to prevent high-power circuits from influencing the performance of nearby electronic components. In addition, the isolation resistance between neighboring circuits must be high enough to prevent dielectric breakdown between circuits, and the connectors may need to be environmentally sealed. Battery packs, electric motors, DC/DC converters, and DC/AC inverters all require connections designed for reliable performance in the demanding environment in the vehicle. A high-power electric vehicle connection is shown in Figure 6.34. Some of the special features are highlighted, including electromagnetic shielding, HVIL (high voltage interlock circuit), and isolated terminal cavities. The HVIL is required to prevent hot disengagement of contacts because high voltage arcing can severely damage the contact terminals and perhaps the operator.

Another type of connection is used for charging the batteries on plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles. The charger connectors need to survive thousands of mating cycles without degrading the connection. Figure 6.35 shows a charge plug made to the SAE J1772 or IEC 62196-2 standards [53,54]. The terminal contacts are typically plated with silver or gold, and they are designed to meet requirements for low connection resistance after thousands of mating cycles in a relatively dirty environment.

6.5.3    Aluminum Wiring Connections

Un-plated copper has been used for most automotive wiring from the beginning. Copper has high conductivity along with good strength and resistance to corrosion. It is also relatively easy to make electrical connections to copper wiring with mechanical means, crimping, soldering, welding or brazing. Volatile copper prices, along with a need to reduce vehicle mass, make aluminum an attractive alternative to copper wiring. Aluminum wiring has been used in specialized applications on vehicles since the 1970s, but is now being used more often. There is great potential for savings in mass and cost of material by replacing copper with aluminum wiring, but there are also a number of significant challenges related to the strength, conductivity, resistance to corrosion, and electrical contact properties of aluminum.


Example of a high-voltage, in-line connector.


Charge port coupler and vehicle connector for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Aluminum wiring has roughly one-half the conductivity of copper, so a copper cable must be replaced by an aluminum cable of a larger diameter for equivalent current-carrying capacity. At the same time, aluminum has about one-third the density of copper, so the mass of an aluminum cable is less than the mass of a copper cable with the same current-carrying capacity as illustrated in Figure 6.36.

It is already difficult to package the wiring in the limited space of a modern vehicle, so increasing the size of aluminum cables to match the current-carrying capacity of copper will require more space. Connector housings may also need to be bigger to make room for cables with larger diameters. Corrosion resistance is another factor to consider when converting from copper to aluminum cable. The latter is susceptible to galvanic corrosion when it is attached to copper alloy terminals and in the presence of an electrolyte. Figure 6.37 shows a mechanically crimped connection between a copper alloy terminal and an aluminum alloy cable before and after a severe corrosion conditioning. Most of the aluminum corroded away after conditioning. This type of corrosion can be controlled by sealing the copper alloy–aluminum junction from electrolytes or locating the terminations in a relatively dry environment. Aluminum cable has approximately one-half the tensile strength of copper wiring. If aluminum cable is sized to carry the same current as a copper cable, the break strength of the aluminum cable will be lower than strength of the equivalent copper cable. Aluminum alloys are available with higher strength, but the electrical conductivity drops as strength increases.


Comparison of copper and aluminum cable core size of the same ampacity.


Galvanic corrosion of a tin-plated copper alloy terminal crimped to aluminum cable; (a) New sample and (b) No aluminum remains after severe corrosion conditioning.


Welded connections between copper alloy and aluminum (a) Ultrasonic welds of stranded aluminum cable to brass terminals and (b) Friction welded copper to stranded aluminum cable.

Electrical connections to aluminum cable are challenging, since aluminum forms a hard, insulating oxide film on its surface. This insulating film needs to be ruptured or displaced in the contact areas in order to make an electrical connection with good long-term stability. Mechanical connections can be used to make stable electrical connections to aluminum, but welding may also be used. Aluminum cannot be soldered with conventional soldering fluxes, but several welding processes can join aluminum to aluminum or copper to aluminum. Figure 6.38 shows examples of ultrasonically welded and friction welded connections. Both of these welding methods produce a low resistance, metallurgical bond.

6.5.4    Connections for High-Vibration Environment

Modern internal combustion engines use a variety of sensors mounted directly on the engine to supply the information needed for optimum engine performance. Throttle position sensors, temperature sensors, knock sensors, and many other specialized sensors and actuators are mounted on all kinds of engines—from lawnmowers to giant diesel generators. Connections to automotive sensors must be able to withstand vibration for the life of the engine. The key to good performance of a connector subject to high vibration is to eliminate relative movement at the contact interfaces so fretting corrosion does not occur (see Section 6.4.2). Effective relief of the strain in the wiring harness is one of the most important factors to minimize relative movement at the contact interfaces. Even small movements of the wiring can be transmitted to the terminal contacts. In addition, minimizing the motion in the connector housing and using appropriate contact plating and lubricant for the vibration environment is very important.

6.6    Summary

This chapter has reviewed the types of contacts and the associated connection systems in low-power commercial, automotive, and appliance circuits. The complexities of the connection system and the performance requirement have challenged the industry to design smaller and environmentally robust components. The engineering of these products requires understanding of the physics of the contacts and of the chemistry of degradation processes. The selection of material, contact configuration, coating, sealing, lubricant, and many other parameters to satisfy a given requirement is not straightforward. There is still an element of artistry in the design and application of connection systems. Validation testing under realistic conditions is still required. However, testing often takes too long and is cost prohibitive. Developments in the area of better materials and testing methodologies are needed.


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2.  E. Jensen, G Drew, and C Schreiber, Apparent contact stress in high-density flex interconnects, Proc of the 4th Int Conf Flex Circ, FlexCon 97, September 1997, 37.

3.  IEC 60352-5, Press-in connections:General requirements, test methods and practical guidance, International Electrotechnical Commission, 2003.

4.  K. Ring and T. Schreier-Alt, Reliability of press-fit contacts and adjoining SMD components on printed circuit boards, Proc 55th IEEE Holm ConfElect Cont, 2009, 223.

5.  Y. Nomura, et al., Press-fit connector for automotive ECU’s, Proc 52nd IEEE Holm Conf Elect Cont, 2006, 211.

6.  M. Hatanaka and J. Eilers, High-density insulation displacement connector system, Proc 22nd Ann Conn Interconn Tech Sym, Philadelphia, October 1978, 277.

7.  Stefan Jorgen, Insulation displacement technology as technically equivalent and more cost-effective alternative compared to crimp technology, Proc 50th Ann IEEE Holm Conf Elect Cont, 2004, 421.

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