mbox + CouchDB = Relaxed Email Analysis

Using the right tool for the job can significantly streamline the effort involved in analyzing data. While the most obvious approach for analyzing the structured data might be to spend some extra time creating an a priori schema, importing data into it, modifying the schema because there’s something we forgot about, and then repeating the process yet a few more times, this surely wouldn’t be a very relaxing[14] thing to do. Given the very natural mapping between the document-centric nature of an email message and a JSON data structure, we’ll import our mbox data into CouchDB, a document-oriented database that provides map/reduce capabilities that are quite nice for building up indexes on the data and performing an aggregate frequency analysis that answers questions such as, “How many messages were sent by so-and-so?” or “How many messages were sent out on such-and-such a date?”


A full-blown discussion about CouchDB, where it fits into the overall data storage landscape, and many of its other unique capabilities outside the ones most germane to basic analysis is outside the scope of this book. However, it should be straightforward enough to follow along with this section even if you’ve never heard of CouchDB before.

Another nice benefit of using CouchDB for the task of document analysis is that it provides an entirely REST-based interface that you can integrate into any web-based architecture, as well as trivial-to-use replication capabilities that are handy if you’d like to allow others to clone your databases (and analyses).

The remainder of this section assumes that you’re able to locate and install a CouchDB binary for your system, or compile and install it from source if that’s the way you roll. You might want to check out CouchOne, a company staffed by the creator of and primary committers for CouchDB, which provides binary downloads for most platforms and also offers some free CouchDB hosting options that you might find useful. Cloudant is another online hosting option you might want to consider.

As you’re getting warmed up, you might just think of CouchDB as a key-value store where keys are arbitrary identifiers and values are JSON-based documents of your own devising. Figure 3-2 illustrates a collection of documents, as well as individual document in the collection via Futon, CouchDB’s web-based administrative interface. You can access Futon on your local installation at http://localhost:5984/_utils/.

An aggregate view of the Enron database and one of its individual documents

Figure 3-2. An aggregate view of the Enron database and one of its individual documents

Once CouchDB is installed, the other administrative task you’ll need to perform is installing the Python client module couchdb via the usual easy_install couchdb approach. You can read more about couchdb via pydoc or online at http://packages.python.org/CouchDB/. With CouchDB and a Python client now installed, it’s time to relax and lay down some code to ingest our JSONified mbox data—but do feel free to take a few minutes to play around in Futon if this is your first encounter with CouchDB. If playing things by ear doesn’t make you feel very relaxed, you should take a brief time-out to skim the first few chapters of CouchDB: The Definitive Guide (O’Reilly), which is available online at http://books.couchdb.org/relax.

Bulk Loading Documents into CouchDB

Running the script from Example 3-3 on the uncompressed enron.mbox file and redirecting the output to a file yields a fairly large JSON structure (approaching 200 MB). The script provided in Example 3-5 demonstrates how to load the data as-is into CouchDB using couchdb-python, which you should have already installed via easy_install couchdb. (You have to admit that the code does look pretty relaxing compared to the alternative gobs that would be required to load a relational schema.) Note that it may take a couple of minutes for the script to complete if you are using typical consumer hardware such as a laptop computer.[15] At first, a couple of minutes might seem a bit slow, but when you consider that the JSON structure contains more than 40,000 objects that get written out as CouchDB documents, that’s north of 300 document transactions per second, which is actually quite reasonable for performance on an ordinary laptop. Using a performance-monitoring utility such as top on a *nix system or the Task Manager on Windows should reveal that one core of your CPU is being pegged out, which would indicate maximum throughput. During development, it’s a good idea to work with a smaller set of documents than your full data set. You can easily slice out a dozen or so of the JSONified Enron messages to follow along with the examples in this chapter.


Although Erlang, CouchDB’s underlying programming language, is well known for being a language that supports high concurrency, this doesn’t mean that CouchDB or any other application platform built using Erlang can necessarily keep all of the cores across all available CPUs running hot. For example, in CouchDB, write operations to a database are append-only operations that are serialized to the B-Tree on disk, and even large numbers of batch writes cannot easily be spread out across more than one core. In that regard, there is a one-to-one mapping between databases and cores for write operations. However, you could perform batch writes to multiple databases at the same time and maximize throughput across more than one core.

Example 3-5. A short script that demonstrates loading JSON data into CouchDB (mailboxes__load_json_mbox.py)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import os
import couchdb
    import jsonlib2 as json
except ImportError:
    import json

JSON_MBOX = sys.argv[1]  # i.e. enron.mbox.json
DB = os.path.basename(JSON_MBOX).split('.')[0]

server = couchdb.Server('http://localhost:5984')
db = server.create(DB)
docs = json.loads(open(JSON_MBOX).read())
db.update(docs, all_or_nothing=True)

With the data loaded, it might be tempting to just sit back and relax for a while, but browsing through some of it with Futon begins to stir up some questions about the nature of who is communicating, how often, and when. Let’s put CouchDB’s map/reduce functionality to work so that we can answer some of these questions.


If you’re not all that up-to-speed on map/reduce, don’t fret: learning more about it is part of what this section is all about.

In short, mapping functions take a collection of documents and map out a new key/value pair for each document, while reduction functions take a collection of documents and reduce them in some way. For example, computing the arithmetic sum of squares, f(x) = x12 + x22 + ... + xn2, could be expressed as a mapping function that squares each value, producing a one-to-one correspondence for each input value, while the reducer simply sums the output of the mappers and reduces it to a single value. This programming pattern lends itself well to trivially parallelizable problems but is certainly not a good (performant) fit for every problem. It should be clear that using CouchDB for a problem necessarily requires making some assumptions about the suitability of this computing paradigm for the task at hand.

Sensible Sorting

It may not be immediately obvious, but if you take a closer look at Figure 3-2, you’ll see that the documents you just ingested into CouchDB are sorted by key. By default, the key is the special _id value that’s automatically assigned by CouchDB itself, so sort order is pretty much meaningless at this point. In order to browse the data in Futon in a more sensible manner, as well as performing efficient range queries, we’ll want to perform a mapping operation to create a view that sorts by something else. Sorting by date seems like a good idea and opens the door to certain kinds of time-series analysis, so let’s start there and see what happens. But first, we’ll need to make a small configuration change so that we can write our map/reduce functions to perform this task in Python.

CouchDB is especially intriguing in that it’s written in Erlang, a language engineered to support super-high concurrency[16] and fault tolerance. The de facto out-of-the-box language you use to query and transform your data via map/reduce functions is JavaScript. Note that we could certainly opt to write map/reduce functions in JavaScript and realize some benefits from built-in JavaScript functions CouchDB offers—such as _sum, _count, and _stats. But the benefit gained from your development environment’s syntax checking/highlighting may prove more useful and easier on the eyes than staring at JavaScript functions wrapped up as triple-quoted string values that exist inside of Python code. Besides, assuming you have couchdb installed, a small configuration tweak is all that it takes to specify a Python view server so that you can write your CouchDB code in Python. More precisely speaking, in CouchDB parlance, the map/reduce functions are said to be view functions that reside in a special document called a design document .

Simply insert the following line (or a Windows compatible equivalent) into the appropriate section of CouchDB’s local.ini configuration file, where the couchpy executable is a view server that will have been automatically installed along with the couchdb module. Don’t forget to restart CouchDB after making the change:

[query_servers] python = /path/to/couchpy


If you’re having trouble locating your couchpy executable on a *nix environment, try using which couchpy in a terminal session to find its absolute path. For Windows folks, using the easy_install provided by ActivePython should place a couchpy.exe file in C:PythonXYScripts. Watching the output when you easy_install couchdb reveals this information.

Unless you want to write gobs and gobs of code to parse inherently variable date strings into a standardized format, you’ll also want to easy_install dateutil. This is a life-saving package that standardizes most date formats, since you won’t necessarily know what you’re up against when it comes to date stamps from a messy email corpus. Example 3-6 demonstrates script mapping documents by their date/time stamps that you should be able to run on the sample data we imported after configuring your CouchDB for Python. Sample output is just a list of the documents matching the query and is omitted for brevity.

Example 3-6. A simple mapper that uses Python to map documents by their date/time stamps (mailboxes__map_json_mbox_by_date_time.py)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import couchdb
from couchdb.design import ViewDefinition
    import jsonlib2 as json
except ImportError:
    import json

DB = sys.argv[1]
START_DATE = sys.argv[2] #YYYY-MM-DD
END_DATE = sys.argv[3]   #YYYY-MM-DD

server = couchdb.Server('http://localhost:5984')
db = server[DB]

def dateTimeToDocMapper(doc):

    # Note that you need to include imports used by your mapper 
    # inside the function definition

    from dateutil.parser import parse
    from datetime import datetime as dt
    if doc.get('Date'):
        # [year, month, day, hour, min, sec]
        _date = list(dt.timetuple(parse(doc['Date']))[:-3])  
        yield (_date, doc)

# Specify an index to back the query. Note that the index won't be 
# created until the first time the query is run

view = ViewDefinition('index', 'by_date_time', dateTimeToDocMapper,

# Now query, by slicing over items sorted by date

start = [int(i) for i in START_DATE.split("-")]
end = [int(i) for i in END_DATE.split("-")]
print 'Finding docs dated from %s-%s-%s to %s-%s-%s' % tuple(start + end)

docs = []
for row in db.view('index/by_date_time', startkey=start, endkey=end):
print json.dumps(docs, indent=4)

The most fundamentally important thing to understand about the code is the role of the function dateTimeToDocMapper, a custom generator.[17] It accepts a document as a parameter and emits the same document; however, the document is keyed by a convenient date value that lends itself to being easily manipulated and sorted. Note that mapping functions in CouchDB are side-effect-free; regardless of what takes place in the mapping function or what the mapping function emits, the document passed in as a parameter remains unaltered. In CouchDB-speak, the dateTimeToDocMapper is a view named “by_date_time” that’s part of a design document called “index.” Taking a look at Futon, you can change the combo box value in the upper-right corner from “All documents” to “Design documents” and verify for yourself, as shown in Figure 3-3. You can also take a look at the pydoc for ViewDefinition for more of the same.

The first time you run the code, it should take somewhere on the order of five minutes to perform the mapping function and will keep one of your cores pegged out for most of that duration. About 80% of that time is dedicated to building the index, while the remaining time is taken up with performing the query. However, note that the index only needs to be established one time, so subsequent queries are relatively efficient, taking around 20 seconds to slice out and return approximately 2,200 documents for the date range specified, which is around 110 documents per second.

The key takeaway from this mapping function is that all of your documents are indexed by date, as can be verified in Futon by choosing the “by_date_time” index value in the “View” combo box in the upper-right corner of the screen, as shown in Figure 3-4. Although sorting documents by some criterion may not be the most interesting activity in the world, it’s a necessary step in many aggregate analytic functions, such as counting the number of documents that meet a specific criterion across an entire corpus. The next section demonstrates some basic building blocks for such analysis.

Map/Reduce-Inspired Frequency Analysis

Tabulating frequencies is usually one of the first exploratory tasks you’ll want to consider when faced with a new data set, because it can tell you so much with so little effort. This section investigates a couple of ways you can use CouchDB to build frequency-based indexes.

Frequency by date/time range

While our by_date_time index did a fine job of creating an index that sorts documents by date/time, it’s not a useful index for counting the frequencies of documents transmitted by common boundaries such as the year, month, week, etc. While we could certainly write client code that would calculate frequencies from a call to db.view('index/by_date_time', startkey=start, endkey=end), it would be more efficient (and relaxing) to let CouchDB do this work for us. All that’s needed is a trivial change to our mapping function and the introduction of a reducing function that’s just as trivial. The mapping function will simply emit a value of 1 for each date/time stamp, and the reducer will count the number of keys that are equivalent. Example 3-7 illustrates this approach. Note that you’ll need to easy_install prettytable, a package that produces nice tabular output, before running this example.

Inspecting design documents in Futon

Figure 3-3. Inspecting design documents in Futon

Documents are now sorted by date/time values

Figure 3-4. Documents are now sorted by date/time values


It’s incredibly important to understand that reducing functions only operate on values that map to the same key. A full-blown introduction to map/reduce is beyond our scope, but there are a number of useful resources online, including a page in the CouchDB wiki and a JavaScript-based interactive tool. The ins and outs of reducers are discussed further in A Note on rereduce. None of the examples in this chapter necessarily need to use the rereduce parameter, but to remind you that it exists and is very important for some situations, it is explicitly listed in all examples.

Example 3-7. Using a mapper and a reducer to count the number of messages written by date (mailboxes__count_json_mbox_by_date_time.py)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import couchdb
from couchdb.design import ViewDefinition
from prettytable import PrettyTable

DB = sys.argv[1]

server = couchdb.Server('http://localhost:5984')
db = server[DB]

def dateTimeCountMapper(doc):
    from dateutil.parser import parse
    from datetime import datetime as dt
    if doc.get('Date'):
        _date = list(dt.timetuple(parse(doc['Date']))[:-3])
        yield (_date, 1)

def summingReducer(keys, values, rereduce):
    return sum(values)

view = ViewDefinition('index', 'doc_count_by_date_time', dateTimeCountMapper,
                      reduce_fun=summingReducer, language='python')

# Print out message counts by time slice such that they're
# grouped by year, month, day

fields = ['Date', 'Count']
pt = PrettyTable(fields=fields)
[pt.set_field_align(f, 'l') for f in fields]

for row in db.view('index/doc_count_by_date_time', group_level=3):  
    pt.add_row(['-'.join([str(i) for i in row.key]), row.value])



If you need to debug mappers or reducers written in Python, you’ll find that printing output to the console doesn’t work. One approach you can use that does work involves appending information to a file. Just remember to open the file in append mode with the 'a' option: e.g., open('debug.log', 'a').

To summarize, we create a view named doc_count_by_date_time that’s stored in the index design document; it consists of a mapper that emits a date key for each document, and a reducer that takes whatever input it receives and returns the sum of it. The missing link you may be looking for is how the summingReducer function works. In this particular example, the reducer simply computes the sum of all values for documents that have matching keys, which amounts to counting the number of documents that have matching keys. The way that CouchDB reducers work in general is that they are passed corresponding lists of keys and values, and a custom function generally performs some aggregate operation (such as summing them up, in this case). The rereduce parameter is a device that makes incremental map/reduce possible by handling the case where the results of a reducer have to themselves be reduced. No special handling of cases involving rereducing is needed for the examples in this chapter, but you can read more about rereducing in A Note on rereduce or online if you anticipate needing it.

The group_level parameter is what allows us to perform frequency analyses by various date/time granularities associated with our key. Conceptually, CouchDB uses this parameter to slice the first N components of the key and automatically performs reduce operations on matching key/value pairs. In our situation, this means calculating sums for keys that have the first N matching components. Observe that if the reducer were passed the full date/time key, which is specific down to the second, we’d be querying for emails that were sent out at exactly the same time, which probably wouldn’t be useful. Passing in only the first component of the date/time key would tally the number of emails sent out by year, passing in the first two components would tally the number of emails sent out by month, etc. The group_level keyword argument passed to the db.view function is how you can control what part of the key CouchDB passes into the reducer. After running the code to compute the underlying indexes, you can explore this functionality in Futon, as shown in Figure 3-5.

You can explore the group_by option using Futon

Figure 3-5. You can explore the group_by option using Futon

The amount of time it takes for dateTimeCountMapper to execute during the creation of the index that backs the doc_count_by_date_time view is on par with the previous mapping function you’ve seen, and it yields the ability to run a number of useful queries by altering the group_level parameter. Keep in mind that many alternative strategies, such as keying off of the number of milliseconds since the epoch, are also possible and may be useful for situations in which you are querying on a boundary that’s not a year, month, week, etc. You’d have to emit the milliseconds since the epoch as the key in your mapper and pass in keyword arguments for startkey and endkey in db.view. No reducer would necessarily be needed.

What if you wanted to do time-based analysis that is independent of the day, such as the number of documents that are sent out on any given hour of the day? The grouping behavior of view queries takes advantage of the underlying structure of the B-Tree that backs a database, so you can’t directly group by arbitrary items in the key in an analogous way to a Python list slice, such as k[4:-2] or k[4:5]. For this type of query, you’d probably want to construct a new key with a suitable prefix, such as [hour, minute, second]. Filtering in the client would require iterating over the entire document collection without the added benefit of having an index constructed for you for subsequent queries.

Frequency by sender/recipient fields

Other metrics, such as how many messages a given person originally authored, how many direct communications occurred between any given group of people, etc., are highly relevant statistics to consider as part of email analysis. Example 3-8 demonstrates how to calculate the number of times any two people communicated by considering the To and From fields of a message. Obviously, inclusion of Cc and Bcc fields could hold special value as well, depending on the question you are asking. The only substantive difference between this listing and Example 3-6 is that the mapping function potentially yields multiple key/value pairs. You’ll find that the pattern demonstrated can be minimally modified to compute many kinds of aggregate operations.

Example 3-8. Mapping and reducing by sender and recipient (mailboxes__count_json_mbox_by_sender_recipient.py)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import couchdb
from couchdb.design import ViewDefinition
from prettytable import PrettyTable

DB = sys.argv[1]

server = couchdb.Server('http://localhost:5984')
db = server[DB]

def senderRecipientCountMapper(doc):
    if doc.get('From') and doc.get('To'):
        for recipient in doc['To']:
            yield ([doc['From'], recipient], 1)

def summingReducer(keys, values, rereduce):
    return sum(values)

view = ViewDefinition('index', 'doc_count_by_sender_recipient',
                      senderRecipientCountMapper, reduce_fun=summingReducer,

# print out a nicely formatted table
fields = ['Sender', 'Recipient', 'Count']
pt = PrettyTable(fields=fields)
[pt.set_field_align(f, 'l') for f in fields]

for row in db.view('index/doc_count_by_sender_recipient', group=True):
    pt.add_row([row.key[0], row.key[1], row.value])


Sorting Documents by Value

CouchDB’s tenacious sorting of the documents in a database by key is useful for lots of situations, but there are other occasions when you’ll want to sort by value. As a case in point, it would be really useful to sort the results of Example 3-7 by frequency so that we can see the “top N” results. For small data sets, a fine option is to just perform a client-side sort yourself. Virtually every programming language has a solid implementation of the quicksort algorithm that exhibits reasonable combinatorics for the average case.[18]

For larger data sets or more niche situations, however, you may want to consider some alternatives. One approach is to transpose the reduced documents (the same ones shown in Figure 3-5, for example) and load them into another database such that the sorting can take place automatically by key. While this approach may seem a bit roundabout, it doesn’t actually require very much effort to implement, and it does have the performance benefit that operations among different databases map out to different cores if the number of documents being exported is large. Example 3-9 demonstrates this approach.

Example 3-9. Sorting documents by key by using a transpose mapper and exporting to another database (mailboxes__sort_by_value_in_another_db.py)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import couchdb
from couchdb.design import ViewDefinition
from prettytable import PrettyTable

DB = sys.argv[1]

server = couchdb.Server('http://localhost:5984')
db = server[DB]

# Query out the documents at a given group level of interest
# Group by year, month, day

docs = db.view('index/doc_count_by_date_time', group_level=3)

# Now, load the documents keyed by [year, month, day] into a new database

db_scratch = server.create(DB + '-num-per-day')

def transposeMapper(doc):
    yield (doc['value'], doc['key'])

view = ViewDefinition('index', 'num_per_day', transposeMapper, language='python')

fields = ['Date', 'Count']
pt = PrettyTable(fields=fields)
[pt.set_field_align(f, 'l') for f in fields]

for row in db_scratch.view('index/num_per_day'):
    if row.key > 10:  # display stats where more than 10 messages were sent
        pt.add_row(['-'.join([str(i) for i in row.value]), row.key])

While sorting in the client and exporting to databases are relatively straightforward approaches that scale well for relatively simple situations, there’s a truly industrial-strength Lucene-based solution for comprehensive indexing of all shapes and sizes. The next section investigates how to use couchdb-lucene for text-based indexing—Lucene’s bread and butter—but many other possibilities, such as sorting documents by value, indexing geolocations, etc., are also well within reach.

couchdb-lucene: Full-Text Indexing and More

Lucene is a Java-based search engine library for high-performance full-text indexing; its most common use is for trivially integrating keyword search capabilities into an application. The couchdb-lucene project is essentially a web service wrapper around some of Lucene’s most central functionality, which enables it to index CouchDB documents. couchdb-lucene runs as a standalone Java Virtual Machine (JVM) process that communicates with CouchDB over HTTP, so you can run it on a totally separate machine if you have the hardware available.

Even a modest tutorial that scratches the surface of all that Lucene and couchdb-lucene can do for you would be wandering a little too far off the path. However, we will work through a brief example that demonstrates how to get up and running with these tools in the event that you find full-text indexing to be essential for your tasks at hand. If full-text indexing isn’t something you necessarily need at this time, feel free to skip this section and come back to it later. For comparative purposes, note that it’s certainly possible to perform text-based indexing by writing a simple mapping function that associates keywords and documents, like the one in Example 3-10.

Example 3-10. A mapper that tokenizes documents

def tokenizingMapper(doc):
    tokens = doc.split()
    for token in tokens:
        if isInteresting(token): # Filter out stop words, etc.
            yield token, doc

However, you’ll quickly find that you need to do a lot more homework about basic Information Retrieval (IR) concepts if you want to establish a good scoring function to rank documents by relevance or anything beyond basic frequency analysis. Fortunately, the benefits of Lucene are many, and chances are good that you’ll want to use couchdb-lucene instead of writing your own mapping function for full-text indexing.


Unlike the previous sections that opted to use the couchdb module, this section uses httplib to exercise CouchDB’s REST API directly and includes view functions written in JavaScript. It seems a bit convoluted to attempt otherwise.

Binary snapshots and instructions for installing couchdb-lucene are available at http://github.com/rnewson/couchdb-lucene. The necessary configuration details are available in the README file, but the short of it is that, with Java installed, you’ll need to execute couchdb-lucene’s run script, which fires up a web server and makes a few minor changes to CouchDB’s local.ini configuration file so that couchdb-lucene can communicate with CouchDB over HTTP. The key configuration changes to make are documented in couchdb-lucene’s README. Example 3-11 demonstrates.


Windows users who are interested in acquiring a service wrapper for couchdb-lucene may want to be advised of its potential obsolescence as of October 2010 per this discussion thread: http://www.apacheserver.net/CouchDB-lucene-windows-service-wrapper-at1031291.htm.

Example 3-11. Configuring CouchDB to be couchdb-lucene-aware

os_process_timeout=300000 ; increase the timeout from 5 seconds.

fti=/path/to/python /path/to/couchdb-lucene/tools/couchdb-external-hook.py

_fti = {couch_httpd_external, handle_external_req, <<"fti">>}

In short, we’ve increased the timeout to 5 minutes and defined a custom behavior called fti (full text index) that invokes functionality in a couchdb-external-hook.py script (supplied with couchdb-lucene) whenever an _fti context for a database is invoked. This script in turn communicates with the JVM (Java process) running Lucene to provide full-text indexing. These details are interesting, but you don’t necessarily have to get bogged down with them unless that’s the way you roll.

Once couchdb-lucene is up and running, try executing the script in Example 3-12, which performs a default indexing operation on the Subject field as well as the content of each document in a database. Keep in mind that with a text-based index on the subject and content of each message, you’re fully capable of using the normal Lucene query syntax to gain granular control of your search. However, the default keyword capabilities are often sufficient.

Example 3-12. Using couchdb-lucene to get full-text indexing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import httplib
from urllib import quote
import json

DB = sys.argv[1]
QUERY = sys.argv[2]

#  The body of a JavaScript-based design document we'll create

dd = 
    {'fulltext': {'by_subject': {'index': '''function(doc) { 
                            var ret=new Document(); 
                            return ret 
     'by_content': {'index': '''function(doc) { 
                            var ret=new Document(); 
                            for (var i=0; i < doc.parts.length; i++) {
                            return ret 

#  Create a design document that'll be identified as "_design/lucene"
#  The equivalent of the following in a terminal:
#  $ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/DB/_design/lucene -d @dd.json

    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('localhost', 5984)
    conn.request('PUT', '/%s/_design/lucene' % (DB, ), json.dumps(dd))
    response = conn.getresponse()

if response.status != 201:  #  Created
    print 'Unable to create design document: %s %s' % (response.status,

#  Querying the design document is nearly the same as usual except that you reference
#  couchdb-lucene's _fti HTTP handler
#  $ curl http://localhost:5984/DB/_fti/_design/lucene/by_subject?q=QUERY

    conn.request('GET', '/%s/_fti/_design/lucene/by_subject?q=%s' % (DB,
    response = conn.getresponse()
    if response.status == 200:
        response_body = json.loads(response.read())
        print json.dumps(response_body, indent=4)
        print 'An error occurred fetching the response: %s %s' 
            % (response.status, response.reason)

You’ll certainly want to reference the online couchdb-lucene documentation for the full scoop, but the gist is that you create a specially formatted design document that contains a fulltext field, which houses the name of an index and a JavaScript-based indexing function. That indexing function returns a Document object containing fields that Lucene should index. Note that the Document object is defined by couchdb-lucene (not CouchDB) when your index is built. A sample query result for the infamous word “raptor”[19] returns the response shown in Example 3-13. Notice that you’d use the id values to look up documents for display for further analysis from CouchDB directly.

Example 3-13. Sample query results for “raptor” on the Enron data set

/* Sample query results for 
http://localhost:5984/enron/_fti/_design/lucene/by_content?q=raptor */

{ "etag" : "11b7c665b2d78be0",
  "fetch_duration" : 2,
  "limit" : 25,
  "q" : "default:raptor",
  "rows" : [ { "id" : "3b2c340c28782c8986737c35a355d0eb",
        "score" : 1.4469228982925415
      { "id" : "3b2c340c28782c8986737c35a3542677",
        "score" : 1.3901585340499878
      { "id" : "3b2c340c28782c8986737c35a357c6ae",
        "score" : 1.375900149345398

      /* ... output truncated ... */

      { "id" : "2f84530cb39668ab3cdab83302e56d65",
        "score" : 0.8107569217681885
  "search_duration" : 0,
  "skip" : 0,
  "total_rows" : 72

Full details about the response are available in the documentation, but the most interesting part is the collection of rows containing document ID values that you can use to access the documents in CouchDB. In terms of data flow, you should note that you haven’t directly interacted with couchdb-lucene at all, per se; you’ve simply defined a specially crafted design document and issued a query to CouchDB, which knows what to do based on the presence of fulltext and _fti in the design document and query, respectively. A discussion of Lucene’s specific techniques for scoring documents is outside the scope of this book, but you can read more about it in its scoring documentation and, more specifically, in the Similarity class. It’s unlikely that you can customize Lucene’s scoring properties (should you need to do so) without modifying Lucene’s source code, but you should be able to influence scoring by passing through parameters such as “boost” via the various API parameters that couchdb-lucene exposes, as opposed to hacking the source code.

If you’re at all familiar with the term “raptor” as it relates to the Enron story, you might find the first few lines of the most highly ranked message in the search results helpful as context:

The quarterly valuations for the assets hedged in the Raptor structure were valued through the normal quarterly revaluation process. The business units, RAC and Arthur Andersen all signed off on the initial valuations for the assets hedged in Raptor. All the investments in Raptor were on the MPR and were monitored by the business units, and we prepared the Raptor position report based upon this information….

If you’re swimming in a collection of thousands of messages and aren’t sure where to start looking, that simple keyword search certainly guided you to a good starting point. The subject of the message just quoted is “RE: Raptor Debris.” Wouldn’t it be interesting to know who else was in on that discussion thread and other threads about Raptor? Not so coincidentally, that’s the topic of the next section.

[14] CouchDB folks tend to overuse the word “relax,” and this discussion follows suit in an effort to be as authentic as possible.

[15] For the purposes of comparison, it takes about two minutes to execute Example 3-5 on a MacBook Pro 2.8GHz Core 2 Duo with CouchDB 0.11.0 installed using stock settings.

[16] Generally speaking, the characteristic of having “high concurrency” means that multiple operations can be run at the same time (concurrently) across multiple cores on a microprocessor, yielding maximum CPU throughput.

[17] Loosely speaking, a generator is a function that returns an iterator. See http://docs.python.org/tutorial/classes.html.

[18] On average, quicksort makes n*lg(n) comparisons to sort a collection in the worst case, which is about the best you can do without knowing any prior information to tailor the algorithm to the data.

[19] In the context of Enron, Raptors were financial devices used to hide losses. Enron used them to keep hundreds of millions in debt out of the accounting books.

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