Chapter 9. Facebook: The All-in-One Wonder

From the standpoint of the social web, Facebook truly is an all-in-one wonder. Given that its more than 500 million users can update their public statuses to let their friends know what they’re doing/thinking/etc., exchange lengthier messages in a fashion similar to emailing back and forth, engage in real-time chat, organize and share their photos, “check in” to physical locales, and do about a dozen other things via the site, it’s not all that surprising that Facebook edged out Google as the most visited website as 2010 came to a close. Figure 9-1 shows a chart that juxtaposes Google and Facebook visiting figures just in case there’s any doubt in your mind. This is particularly exciting because where there are a lot of regular users, there’s lots of interesting data. In this chapter, we’ll take advantage of Facebook’s incredibly powerful APIs for mining this data to discover your most connected friends, cluster your friends based on common interests, and get a quick indicator of what the people in your social network are talking about.

We’ll start with a brief overview of common Facebook APIs, then quickly transition into writing some scripts that take advantage of these APIs so that we can analyze and visualize some of your social data. Virtually all of the techniques we’ve applied in previous chapters could be applied to your Facebook data, because the Facebook platform is so rich and diverse. As in most of the other chapters, we won’t be able to cover all of the ground that could possibly be covered: a small tome could be devoted just to the many interesting applications and data-mining contraptions you could build on such a rich platform that gives you access to so many details about the people closest to you. As with any other rich developer platform, make sure that any techniques you apply from this chapter in production applications take into account users’ privacy, and remember to review Facebook’s developer principles and policies regularly so as to avoid any unexpected surprises when rolling out your application to the rest of the world.

Total monthly visits of Facebook and Google as of August 2010

Figure 9-1. Total monthly visits of Facebook and Google as of August 2010

Tapping into Your Social Network Data

This section provides a brief overview of how to complete Facebook’s OAuth 2.0 flow for a desktop application to get you an access token, then quickly transitions into some data-gathering exercises. To keep this chapter as simple as possible, we won’t discuss building a Facebook application: there are plenty of tutorials online that can teach you how to do that, and introducing Facebook application development would require an overview of a server platform such as Google App Engine (GAE), since Facebook apps must be externally hosted in your own server environment. However, a GAE version of the scripts that are presented in this chapter is available for download at . It’s easy to deploy and is a bona fide Facebook application that you can use as a starting point once you decide that you’re ready to go down that path and convert your scripts into deployable apps.

From Zero to Access Token in Under 10 Minutes

As with any other OAuth-enabled app, to get started you’ll need to acquire an application ID and secret to use for authorization, opt into the developer community, and create an “application.” The following list summarizes the main steps, and some visual cues are provided in Figure 9-2:

  • First, if you don’t already have one, you’ll need to set up a Facebook account. Just go to and sign up to join the party.

  • Next, you’ll need to install the Developer application by visiting and clicking through the request to install the application.

  • Once the Developer application is installed, you can click the “Set Up New Application” button to create your application.

From top to bottom: a) the button you’ll click from to set up a new application, b) the dialog you’ll complete to give your app a name and acknowledge the terms of service, c) your application now appears in the list of applications, and d) your app’s settings, including your OAuth 2.0 app ID and secret

Figure 9-2. From top to bottom: a) the button you’ll click from to set up a new application, b) the dialog you’ll complete to give your app a name and acknowledge the terms of service, c) your application now appears in the list of applications, and d) your app’s settings, including your OAuth 2.0 app ID and secret

  • Once you’ve completed the security check, your app will have an ID and secret that you can use to complete the steps involved in Facebook’s OAuth 2.0 implementation, and you’ll be presented with a form that you’ll need to fill out to specify your application’s Web Site settings. Just enter the URL that you eventually plan to use for hosting your app as the Site URL and include the same domain as the Site Domain. Facebook uses your Web Site settings as part of the OAuth flow, and you’ll receive an error message during the OAuth dance if they’re not filled out appropriately.

It may not be obvious, but perhaps the simplest way for you to get back to your development application once you’ve left it is to just return to (requires a login).

With the basic details of application registration out of the way, the next step is writing a script that handles authentication and gets you an access token that you can use to access APIs. The overall flow for the process is actually a little simpler than what you’ve seen in previous chapters involving Twitter and LinkedIn. Our script will pop open a web browser, you’ll sign into your Facebook account, and then it’ll present a special code (your access token) that you’ll copy/paste into a prompt so that it can be saved out to disk and used in future requests. Example 9-1 illustrates the process and is nothing more than a cursory implementation of the flow described in “Desktop Application Authentication”. A brief review of Facebook’s authentication documentation may be helpful; refer back to No, You Can’t Have My Password if you haven’t read it already. However, note that the flow implemented in Example 9-1 for a desktop application is a little simpler than the flow involved in authenticating a web app.

Example 9-1. Getting an OAuth 2.0 access token for a desktop app (

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import sys
import webbrowser
import urllib

def login():

    # Get this value from your Facebook application's settings

    CLIENT_ID = ''


    # You could customize which extended permissions are being requested on the login 
    # page or by editing the list below. By default, all the ones that make sense for  
    # read access as described on 
    # are included. (And yes, it would be probably be ridiculous to request this much 
    # access if you wanted to launch a successful production application.)


    args = dict(client_id=CLIENT_ID, redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI,
                scope=','.join(EXTENDED_PERMS), type='user_agent', display='popup'
                    + urllib.urlencode(args))

    # Optionally, store your access token locally for convenient use as opposed
    # to passing it as a command line parameter into scripts...

    access_token = raw_input('Enter your access_token: ')

    if not os.path.isdir('out'):

    filename = os.path.join('out', 'facebook.access_token')
    f = open(filename, 'w')

    print >> sys.stderr, 
            "Access token stored to local file: 'out/facebook.access_token'"

    return access_token

if __name__ == '__main__':

One important detail you’re probably wondering about is the definition of EXTENDED_PERMS, and a brief explanation is certainly in order. The first time you try to log in to the application, it’ll notify you that the application is requesting lots of extended permissions so that you can have maximum flexibility in accessing the data that’s available to you (Figure 9-3). The details of extended permissions are described in Facebook’s authentication documentation, but the short story is that, by default, applications can only access some basic data from user profiles—such as name, gender, and profile picture—and explicit permissions must be granted to access additional data. The subtlety to observe here is that you might be able to see certain details about your friends, such as things that they “like” or activity on their walls through your normal Facebook account, but your app cannot access these same details unless you have granted it explicit permission to do so. In other words, there’s a difference between what you’ll see in your friends’ profiles when signed in to and the data you’ll get back when requesting information through the API. This is because it’s Facebook (not you) who is exercising the platform to get data when you’re logged in to, but it’s you (as a developer) who is requesting data when you build your app.


If your app does not request extended permissions to access data but tries to access it anyway, you may get back empty data objects as opposed to an explicit error message.

The Kitchen Sink: the sample dialog you would see if an application requested permission to access everything available to it

Figure 9-3. The Kitchen Sink: the sample dialog you would see if an application requested permission to access everything available to it


The Facebook platform’s documentation is continually evolving, and they may not tell you everything you need to know about extended permissions. For example, it appears that in order to access religious or political information for friends (your friends_religion_politics extended permission), those friends must have your app installed and have explicitly authorized access to this data as well via their user_religion_politics extended permission.

Now, outfitted with a shiny new access token that has permissions to access all of your data, it’s time to move on to more interesting things.

Facebook’s Query APIs

As you’ve probably heard, the Facebook developer ecosystem is complex, continually evolving,[57] and filled with many twists and turns involving the most sophisticated privacy controls the Web has ever seen. In addition to sporting a standard battery of REST APIs and a more advanced SQL-like language for querying data in a manner similar to SQL called Facebook Query Language (FQL), Facebook unveiled the Graph API and the Open Graph protocol (OGP) in April 2010 at the F8 conference. In short, OGP is a mechanism that enables you to make any web page an object in a rich social graph by injecting some RDFa (more on this in a moment) metadata into the page, and the Graph API is a simple and intuitive mechanism for querying the graph. Each object has a particular type. At the time of this writing, the Graph API supports the following types of objects, as described in the Graph API Reference:


A photo album


An individual application registered on the Facebook Platform


A check-in made through Facebook Places


A Facebook event


A Facebook group


A shared link


A Facebook note


A Facebook page


An individual photo


An individual entry in a profile’s feed

Status Message

A status message on a user’s wall


An individual subscription from an application to get real-time updates for an object type


A user profile


An individual video

The Graph API Reference contains detailed documentation for each object type, describing the types of properties and connections you can expect to exist for each object.

Example 9-2 is the canonical example from the documentation that demonstrates how to turn the IMDB’s page on The Rock into an object in the Open Graph protocol as part of an XHTML document that uses namespaces. These bits of metadata have great potential once realized at a massive scale, because they enable a URI like to unambiguously represent any web page—whether it’s for a person, company, product, etc.—in a machine-readable way and furthers the vision for a semantic web.

Example 9-2. Sample RDFa for the Open Graph protocol

<html xmlns:og="">
<title>The Rock (1996)</title>
<meta property="og:title" content="The Rock" />
<meta property="og:type" content="movie" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />

When considering the possibilities with OGP, be forward-thinking and creative, but bear in mind that it’s brand new and still evolving. As it relates to the semantic web and web standards in general, consternation about the use of “open” has surfaced and various kinks in the spec are still being worked out It is essentially a single-vendor effort, and it’s little more than on par with the capabilities of meta elements from the much earlier days of the Web. In effect, OGP is really more of a snowflake than a standard at this moment, but the potential is in place for that to change, and many exciting things may happen as the future unfolds and innovation takes place. We’ll return to the topic of the semantic web in Chapter 10, where we briefly discuss its vast potential. Let’s now turn back and hone in on how to put the Graph API to work by building a simple Facebook app to mine social data.


Because of the titular similarity, it’s easy to confuse Google’s Social Graph API with Facebook’s Graph API, even though they are quite different.

At its core, the Graph API is incredibly simple: substitute an object’s ID in the URI http(s):// to fetch details about the object. For example, fetching the URL in your web browser would return the response in Example 9-3.

Example 9-3. A sample response for an Open Graph query to

   "id": "114324145263104",
   "name": "The Rock (1996)",
   "picture": "",
   "link": "",
   "category": "Movie",
   "description": "Directed by Michael Bay.  With Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, ...",
   "likes" : 3

If you inspect the source for the URL, you’ll find that fields in the response correspond to the data in the meta tags of the page, and this is no coincidence. The delivery of rich metadata in response to a simple query is the whole idea behind the way OGP is designed to work. Where it gets more interesting is when you explicitly request additional metadata for an object in the page by appending the query string parameter metadata=1 to the request. A sample response for the query is shown in Example 9-4.

Example 9-4. A sample response for an Open Graph query to with the optional metadata included

   "id": "118133258218514",
   "name": "The Rock (1996)",
   "picture": "",
   "link": "",
   "category": "Movie",
   "website": "",
   "description": "Directed by Michael Bay.  With Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, ...",
   "likes": 3,
   "metadata": {
      "connections": {
         "feed": "",
         "posts": "",
         "tagged": "",
         "statuses": "",
         "links": "",
         "notes": "",
         "photos": "",
         "albums": "",
         "events": "",
         "videos": ""
      "fields": [
            "name": "id",
            "description": "The Page's ID. Publicly available. A JSON string."
            "name": "name",
            "description": "The Page's name. Publicly available. A JSON string."
            "name": "category",
            "description": "The Page's category. Publicly available. A JSON string."
            "name": "likes",
            "description": "\* The number of users who like the Page..."
   "type": "page"

The items in metadata.connections are pointers to other nodes in the graph that you can crawl to get to other interesting bits of data. For example, you could follow the “photos” link to pull down photos associated with the movie, and potentially walk links associated with the photos to discover who posted them or see comments that might have been made about them. In case it hasn’t already occurred to you, you are also an object in the graph. Try visiting the same URL prefix, but substitute in your own Facebook ID or username as the URL context and see for yourself. Given that you are the logical center of your own social network, we’ll be revisiting this possibility at length throughout the rest of this chapter. The next section digs deeper into Graph API queries, and the section after it takes a closer look at FQL queries.

Exploring the Graph API one connection at a time

Facebook no longer maintains an official Python SDK for the Graph API; however, a community-fork of that same repository that appears to be actively maintained is available and can be easily installed by downloading and executing the standard python install command or, directly from GitHub with pip as follows: pip install -e git+git:// (keeping in mind that you may have to first easy_install pip if you don't already have it.) There are several nice examples of how you could use this module to quickly get through the OAuth dance and build a full-blown Facebook app that’s hosted on a platform like Google App Engine. We’ll just be narrowing in on some particular portions of the GraphAPI class (defined in, which we’ll use in standalone scripts. A few of these methods follow:

  • get_object(self, id, **args)

    Example: get_object("me", metadata=1)

  • get_objects(self, id, **args)

    Example: get_objects(["me", "some_other_id"], metadata=1)

  • get_connections(self, id, connection_name, **args)

    Example: get_connections("me", "friends", metadata=1)

  • request(self, path, args=None, post_args=None)

    Example: request("search", {"q" : "programming", "type" : "group"})


    Unlike with other social networks, there don’t appear to be clearly published guidelines about Facebook API rate limits. Although the availability of the APIs seems to be quite generous, you should still carefully design your application to use the APIs as little as possible and handle any/all error conditions, just to be on the safe side. The closest thing to guidelines you’re likely to find as of late 2010 are developer discussions in forums.

The most common (and often, the only) keyword argument you’ll probably use is metadata=1, in order to get back the connections associated with an object in addition to just the object details themselves. Take a look at Example 9-5, which introduces the GraphAPI class and uses its get_objects method to query for “programming groups”. It relays an important characteristic about the sizes of the result sets you may get for many types of requests.

Example 9-5. Querying the Open Graph for “programming” groups (

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import json
import facebook
import urllib2
from facebook__login import login

    ACCESS_TOKEN = open('out/facebook.access_token').read()
    Q = sys.argv[1]
except IOError, e:

        # If you pass in the access token from the Facebook app as a command line
        # parameter, be sure to wrap it in single quotes so that the shell
        # doesn't interpret any characters in it

        ACCESS_TOKEN = sys.argv[1]
        Q = sys.argv[2]
        print >> sys.stderr, 
            "Could not either find access token in 'facebook.access_token' or parse args."
        ACCESS_TOKEN = login()
        Q = sys.argv[1]

LIMIT = 100

gapi = facebook.GraphAPI(ACCESS_TOKEN)

# Find groups with the query term in their name

group_ids = []
i = 0
while True:
    results = gapi.request('search', {
        'q': Q,
        'type': 'group',
        'limit': LIMIT,
        'offset': LIMIT * i,
    if not results['data']:

    ids = [group['id'] for group in results['data'] if group['name'
           ].lower().find('programming') > -1]

    # once groups stop containing the term we are looking for in their name, bail out

    if len(ids) == 0:
    group_ids += ids

    i += 1

if not group_ids:
    print 'No results'

# Get details for the groups

groups = gapi.get_objects(group_ids, metadata=1)

# Count the number of members in each group. The FQL API documentation at
# hints that for
# groups with more than 500 members, we'll only get back a random subset of up
# to 500 members.

for g in groups:
    group = groups[g]
    conn = urllib2.urlopen(group['metadata']['connections']['members'])
        members = json.loads(['data']
    print group['name'], len(members)

Sample results for the query for “programming” are presented in Example 9-6, and it’s no coincidence that the upper bound of the result sets approaches 500. As the comment in the code notes, the FQL documentation states that when you query the group_member table, your results will be limited to 500 total items. Unfortunately, the Graph API documentation is still evolving and, at the time of this writing, similar warnings are not documented (although they hopefully will be soon). In counting the members of groups, the takeaway is that you’ll often be working with a reasonably sized random sample. Visualizing Your Entire Social Network describes a different scenario in which a somewhat unexpected truncation of results occurs, and how to work around this by dispatching multiple queries.

Example 9-6. Sample results from Example 9-5

Graffiti Art Programming 492
C++ Programming 495
Basic Programming 495
Programming 215
C Programming 493
C programming language 492
Programming 490
ACM Programming Competitors 496
programming 494
Programming with Python 494
Game Programming 494
ASLMU Programming 494
Programming 352
Programming 450
Programmation - Programming 480

A sample web application that encapsulates most of the example code from this chapter and uses the same basic pattern is hosted on GAE, if you’d like to take it for a spin before laying down some code of your own. Figure 9-4 illustrates the results of our sample query for “programming” groups. Recall that you can install and fully customize the GAE-powered Facebook app yourself if that’s a better option for you than running scripts from a local console. In terms of productivity, it’s probably best to develop with local scripts and then roll functionality into the GAE codebase once it’s ready so as to maintain a speedy development cycle.

Sample query and results for “programming” groups—you can click on the links to crawl through to the next level of the graph

Figure 9-4. Sample query and results for “programming” groups—you can click on the links to crawl through to the next level of the graph

Slicing and dicing data with FQL

As you learned in the previous section, there’s not much overhead involved in writing simple routines to interact with the Graph API, because objects in the graph are simple and you’re passed URLs that you can use as-is to walk the object’s connections. For more advanced types of queries or certain workflows, however, you may find FQL to be a better fit for the problem. Extensive FQL documentation exists online. I won’t go into too much depth here since the online documentation is authoritative and constantly evolving with the platform, but the gist is predictable if you’re familiar with basic SQL syntax. FQL queries have the form select [fields] from [table] where [conditions], but various restrictions apply that prevent FQL from being anything more than a carefully selected small subset of SQL. For example, only one table name can appear in the from clause, and the conditions that can appear in the where clause are limited (but usually adequate) and must be marked as indexed fields in the FQL documentation. In terms of executing FQL queries on the Facebook platform at a 50,000-foot level, all that’s necessary is to send your FQL queries to one of two API endpoints: or The difference between them is discussed next.

Example 9-7 illustrates a simple FQL query that fetches the names, genders, and relationship statuses of the currently logged-in user’s friends.

Example 9-7. A nested FQL query that ties together user and connection data

select name, sex, relationship_status from user where uid in 
    (select target_id from connection where source_id = me() and target_type = 'user')

This nested query works by first executing the subquery:

select target_id from connection where source_id = me() and target_type = 'user'

which produces a list of user ID values. The special me() directive is a convenient shortcut that corresponds to the currently logged-in user’s ID, and the connection table is designed to enable queries where you are looking up the currently logged-in user’s friends. Note that while most connections stored in the connection table are among users, other types of connections may exist among users and other object types, such as 'page', so the presence of a target_type filter is important. The outer query is then evaluated, which resolves to:

select name, sex, relationship_status from user where uid in ( ... )

from the user table. The FQL user table has a wealth of information that can enable many interesting types of analysis on your friends. Check it out.

The general form of the results set from this FQL query is shown in Example 9-8.

Example 9-8. Sample FQL results query

        "name": "Matthew Russell", 
        "relationship_status": "Married", 
        "sex": "male"

An FQL multiquery works in essentially the same way, except that you can run multiple queries and reference query results as table names using the hash symbol. Example 9-9 is an equivalent FQL multiquery to the nested query shown previously.

Example 9-9. An FQL multiquery that ties together user and connections data

    "name_sex_relationships" : "select name, sex, relationship_status from user 
        where uid in (select target_id from #ids)", 
    "ids" : "select target_id from connection where source_id = me() 
        and target_type = 'user'"

Note that whereas the single list of objects is returned from the nested query, the results from both components of the FQL multiquery are returned, as Example 9-10 demonstrates.

Example 9-10. Sample FQL multiquery results

        "fql_result_set": [
                "target_id": -1
        "name": "ids"
        "fql_result_set": [
                "name": "Matthew Russell", 
                "relationship_status": "Married", 
                "sex": "male"
        "name" : "name_sex_relationships"

Programmatically, the query logic is pretty simple and can be wrapped up into a small class. Example 9-11 demonstrates an FQL class that can take a query from the command line and run it. Here are a couple of sample queries that you could try running:

$ python 'select name, sex, relationship_status 
from user where uid in (select target_id from connection 
where source_id = me())'

$ python '{"name_sex_relationships" : "select name, 
sex, relationship_status from user where uid in (select target_id from #ids)", 
"ids" : "select target_id from connection where source_id = me()"}'

Example 9-11. Encapsulating FQL queries with a small Python class abstraction (

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
from urllib import urlencode
import json
import urllib2
from facebook__login import login

class FQL(object):

    ENDPOINT = ''

    def __init__(self, access_token=None):
        self.access_token = access_token

    def _fetch(cls, url, params=None):
        conn = urllib2.urlopen(url, data=urlencode(params))
            return json.loads(

    def query(self, q):
        if q.strip().startswith('{'):
            return self.multiquery(q)
            params = dict(query=q, access_token=self.access_token, format='json')
            url = self.ENDPOINT + 'fql.query'
            return self._fetch(url, params=params)

    def multiquery(self, q):
        params = dict(queries=q, access_token=self.access_token, format='json')
        url = self.ENDPOINT + 'fql.multiquery'
        return self._fetch(url, params=params)

# Sample usage...

if __name__ == '__main__':
        ACCESS_TOKEN = open('out/facebook.access_token').read()
        Q = sys.argv[1]
    except IOError, e:

            # If you pass in the access token from the Facebook app as a command line
            # parameter, be sure to wrap it in single quotes so that the shell
            # doesn't interpret any characters in it. You may also need to escape 
            # the # character

            ACCESS_TOKEN = sys.argv[1]
            Q = sys.argv[2]
        except IndexError, e:
            print >> sys.stderr, 
                "Could not either find access token in 'facebook.access_token' 
                    or parse args."
            ACCESS_TOKEN = login()
            Q = sys.argv[1]

    fql = FQL(access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN)
    result = fql.query(Q)
    print json.dumps(result, indent=4)

The sample GAE app provided as part of this chapter’s source code detects and runs FQL queries as well as Graph API queries, so you can use it as a sort of playground to experiment with FQL. With some basic infrastructure for executing queries now in place, the next section walks through some use cases for building data-powered visualizations and UI widgets.

[57] It’s a good idea to bookmark and keep an eye on the developer roadmap to stay up to date.

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