
Tomasz Wojcicki is a semiconductor industry veteran with over 30 years of experience in integrated circuit (IC) design and development, project management, and functional management.

Tomasz is with Sidense Corp.—the leading provider of One-Time Programmable (OTP) Nonvolatile Memory (NVM) Solutions—from its inception. He works there in various capacities including vice president of engineering and vice president of customer engineering support.

Previously he spent 14 years with MOSAID Technologies Inc., initially as the IC design engineer, and later as the technical and project leader developing high-end DRAM chips for first-tier DRAM manufacturers. He was instrumental in growing MOSAID’s design services into a multimillion-dollar business, then serving as the director responsible for development of a family of classification products based on dynamic and static content addressable memories (CAMs).

Tomasz started his career in the early 1980s at the Institute of Electron Technology in Warsaw, Poland, in progressively more responsible roles. He graduated with an MSEE degree from Warsaw Technical University. He holds six patents, and has authored and coauthored several publications.

Krzysztof (Kris) Iniewski is manager of R&D at Redlen Technologies Inc., a start-up company in Vancouver, Canada. Redlen’s revolutionary production process for advanced semiconductor materials enables a new generation of more accurate, all-digital, radiation-based imaging solutions. Kris is also a president of CMOS Emerging Technologies Research Inc. (www.cmosetr.com), an organization of high-tech events covering communications, microsystems, optoelectronics, and sensors. During his career, Dr. Iniewski has held numerous faculty and management positions at the University of Toronto, University of Alberta, Simon Fraser University, and PMC-Sierra Inc. He has published over 100 research papers in international journals and conferences. He holds 18 international patents granted in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, and Japan. He is a frequent invited speaker and has consulted for multiple organizations internationally. He has written and edited several books for CRC Press, Cambridge University Press, IEEE Press, Wiley, McGraw-Hill, Artech House, and Springer. His personal goal is to contribute to healthy living and sustainability through innovative engineering solutions. In his leisure time, Kris can be found hiking, sailing, skiing, or biking in beautiful British Columbia. He can be reached at [email protected].

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