
Δ∑ analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 97

λ-router topology, layout, 169

23 by 3-bit reciprocal ROM, 43, 44

3DES, see Triple Data Encryption Standard

3D stacked integrated systems, 153

3D Tri-Gate transistors, 58

4 × 4 generalized wavelength-routed optical router (GWOR), 151

4 × 4 nonblocking nanophotonic switching node, 151

4 × 4 optical turnaround-router, 151

4-bit by 4-bit array multiplier, 33, 34

4-bit by 4-bit Wallace multiplier, 3538

5 × 5 Cygnus, 151

6 transistor (6T) SRAM cell approach, 360

8-bit by 8-bit array multiplier, 33, 35

8-bit by 8-bit Wallace multiplier, 3538

8-bit microprocessor on plastic foil, 96

12-bit Goldschmidt divider, 42, 4546

20 V CMOS, 106

100 V AC Energy Meter, 104106


Accelerated Massive Parallelism (AMP), 9

Accelerated processing units (APUs), 3

area and power implications in, 1011

AccelerationPac, 197, 198

ACE, see Achronix CAD Environment

Achronix, 322

Achronix CAD Environment (ACE), 322, 323

Adders, QCA, 20

CFA, 2122

CLA, 2328

comparison, 3032

CSAs, 2831

types of, 16

for Wallace multipliers, 37

Additive and multiplicative pattern plot (AMPP), 238

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher, 345347

AES block cipher, see Advanced Encryption Standard block cipher


bioinformatics and biomedical, 230232

GBC, 238241

mapping, 195197

SSPPF, 248249

AMD Llano chip, 34

block diagram of, 5

AMP, see Accelerated Massive Parallelism Amplifiers, 395, 396

AMPP, see Additive and multiplicative pattern plot

Analog demodulation receiver, principle of, 402, 403

Analog to time converter, 397, 398


magnetocrystalline, 71, 72

shape, 72, 73

Antiferromagnetic (AF) coupling, 78, 81

Application cube, 192, 193

Application processor, real-time processing-DSP vs., 184185

Application-specific DSP (AS-DSP), 181

Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), 84

implementation, of SHA-3, 352353

APUs, see Accelerated processing units

A2RAM memory cell

experimental electrical results, 5358

memory states, 52

source and drain regions, 51

three words/three bits memory matrix, 5658

tridimensional, 5861

Architecture design

customizable VLSI architecture, for compute-intensive, 249253

scalable VLSI architecture, for data-intensive, 241243

Architecture (hardware platform), DSP, 196199

ARM® CorePac, 197

Array bit pattern (BITMAP), 364366

Array multipliers, 44

for QCA, 3335

AS-DSP, see Application-specific DSP

ASICs, see Application-specific integrated circuits

Asymmetric encryption, 340

Asymmetric-key algorithms, 338, 340

Asynchronous logic circuits, 311313

in industry, 320322

NULL convention logic, 313319

PCHB circuits, 319320

Automatic voltage scaling (AVS), 181

AVS, see Automatic voltage scaling


Band-to-band (BTB) tunneling, 53, 5561

BCDMR, see Bistable cross-coupled dual modular redundancy

Bennett clocking, 67, 68

clock cycle and stress sequences, 82

in logic chains, 6970

of two-state logic chains, 70

BER, see Bit error rate

Bias sequence, A2RAM memory cell, 53, 54

Biaxial anisotropy

applications of nanomagnets, see Nanomagnets

four-state nanomagnets, 70, 71

in nanomagnets, 7173

Biclustering, 237238

Bilayer multiferroic nanomagnet, 69

Bioinformatics and biomedical engineering, 230233

Bio-sequence, analysis for, 231232

Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) programming technique, 51

Bipolar ReRAM, array of, 327, 328

BISER, see Built-in soft-error resilience

Bistable cross-coupled dual modular redundancy (BCDMR), 437

BIST engine, see Built-in-self-test engine

Bitcell architectures, NEM relays comparison, 220225

Bit cell upsets, 131

Bit error rate (BER), 422

Bit-level parallelism, 235

Bit line (BL)

precharge, 126128

read, 129

in 32-cell column, 123

values, 118

BJT programming technique, see Bipolar junction transistor programming technique

Block ciphers, 339

AES, 345347

DES, 343345

Boolean functions, 262263

embeddings of, 269

Boolean synthesis approaches, 270271

Bootstrap latch, 211, 212

Borophosphosilicate glass (BPSG), 116

Bounded-delay model, 311

BPSG, see Borophosphosilicate glass

BTB tunneling, see Band-to-band tunneling

Built-in-self-test (BIST) engine, 361

Built-in soft-error resilience (BISER), 435437

Burrows-Wheeler transform, 231


Cache bank clocks, 129

Cache circuits, 112113

Cache error detection circuits, 124125

Cache memory, 113

CAD tools, see Computer-aided design tools Camgian Microsystems, 321

Cantilever beam-based NEM relay, 206, 207

Carry-flow ripple carry adder (CFA), 2122

Carry lookahead adder (CLA), 2328

Casimir force, 209

CDC, see Confidence-driven computing

CDW, see Computational density per watt

CE, see Confidence estimator

C-element, 313, 435437

Central processing units (CPU)

and GPU, 23

programming and memory models, 810

system architecture, 78

technology, 56

three-dimensional integration of, 7

CEVA-XC4000, 198199

CFA, see Carry-flow ripple carry adder

Checksums, 340

Chip identification, evolution of, 358

Chip microphotograph, of eDRAM array, 373

Circuit nodes, engineering of, 430

CLA, see Carry lookahead adder

Classic single-core DSP, 186

Clocking nanomagnetic logic, 6668

with multiferroic nanomagnets, 6970

Clocking, QCA, 19, 20

Clock management, FPGA, 241

Clock-shift temporal redundancy, 437, 438

C-memristor circuit, conductance modulation and readout circuitry in, 326, 327

CMOS, see Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor

CMOS-ReRAM-hybrid synaptic circuit, 326327

Cochlear implant system, 390

inner ear pathology and, 392

Combination process, GBC, 239241

Commercial applications, soft-error resilient circuit design, 444445

Communication link budget, 395

Comparator, 398

Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS), 204

replacement devices, see Mechanical relays

role of, 16

Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor molecular (CMOL) architecture, 334

Computational density per watt (CDW), 190191

Compute-intensive application, 236

customizable VLSI architecture for, see Customizable VLSI architecture, for compute-intensive

Computer-aided design (CAD) tools, 166

Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), 89

Conditional sum adder (CSAs), 2831

Conductance-preservation law, 326

Confidence-driven computing (CDC), 441442

Confidence estimator (CE), 441, 442

ControlledNOT (CNOT) gate, 265

Controlled square-root-of-NOT gates, 265

ControlledV gate, 265

ControlledV+ gate, 265

Convex channel 1T-DRAM structure, 50, 51

Coplanar “wire” crossing, 1819

CPU, see Central processing units

Critical charge

for SDEs, 302304

values for various dynamic threshold inverter schemes, 305

Cross-coupled inverter approach, 360

Cross-layer resilient architecture, 443

Cryptographic algorithms, 338

Cryptographic hash function, 340

Crystalline silicon microring resonator electrooptic modulators, 150

CSAs, see Conditional sum adder

CUDA, see Compute Unified Device Architecture

Customizable VLSI architecture, for compute-intensive, 246247

architecture design, 249253

experimental results, 254256

GLVM, 247248


DARPA computing, see Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency computing

Data controller, FPGA, 241242

Data Encryption Standard (DES) block cipher, 343345

Data-intensive applications, 236

scalable VLSI architecture for, see Scalable VLSI architecture, for data-intensive

Data-intensive problem, 241

Data-level parallelism, 235, 236, 241

DATA/NULL cycle time, 316, 317

Data storage time (DST), 421

Data structure, GBC accelerator, 243

Data tag method, 4142

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) computing, 182184

Delay-based PUF, 361

Dense Linear Algebra dwarf, 236

Deposited silicon nitride waveguides, 150

DES block cipher, see Data Encryption Standard block cipher

Design predictability gap, 156

cause for, 149

DHA, see Duplicated half adder

DICE, see Dual interlocked storage cell

Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol, 350

Digital signal processing (DSP)

application processors and GPU comparison, 184186

compute and memory bandwidth trends, 180184

dynamic range and precision, 188189

energy efficiency, 190195

fixed and floating point convergence, 189190

fixed vs. floating point, 187188

holistic approach to, 195200

Dipolar interaction, effect of, 284287

Dipole coupling, 70, 9091

Divide and Conquer method, 235

DMR RFs, see Dual mode redundancy RFs

DNTT-based pMOS transistor, 106

Domain-specific DSP (DS-DSP), 181

Doping, of triple-gate A2RAM, 58, 59

Dot diagram

of 8-bit by 8-bit Wallace multiplier, 37

of 4-bit by 4-bit Wallace reductions, 36

Double sampling sequential circuits, 439441

DS-DSP, see Domain-specific DSP

DSP, see Digital signal processing

DSP CorePac, 197

DST, see Data storage time

DTMOS, see Dynamic threshold MOS

Dual interlocked storage cell (DICE), 430433

Dual mode redundancy (DMR) RFs, 136143

Dual-rail logic, 312313

Duplicated half adder (DHA), 2931

DVFS, see Dynamic voltage and frequency system

Dwarf, 235

Dynamic intrinsic chip ID, 366372

hardware authentication, 373374

Dynamic micro-ID approach, 385

Dynamic threshold MOS (DTMOS), 296, 299304

Dynamic threshold techniques, soft-error-aware power optimization via, 299305

Dynamic voltage and frequency system (DVFS), 3


Ear, and hearing brain, 390391

EC, see Error checker

ECC, see Elliptic curve cryptosystem; Error control coding

ECDLP, see Elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem

EDAC, see Error detection and correction

EDE mode, see Encryption-Decryption-Encryption mode

eDRAM, see Embedded dynamic random-access memory

eFUSE approach, see Electrically blowable fuse approach

Electrically blowable fuse (eFUSE) approach, 358

Electrical masking, 297

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) measurement sheet, 98100

Electromechanical system model, 208210

Electrooptic modulator, 150

Electrostatically actuated NEM relay devices, 205206

Elimination module, SSPPF architecture, 251, 252

Elliptical taper, 150, 170

Elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC), 349351

Elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP), 350

Embedded dynamic random-access memory (eDRAM), 359, 362

high-performance, 362364

Embedded processing SoCs, 198

EMI measurement sheet, see Electromagnetic interference measurement sheet

Encryption-Decryption-Encryption (EDE) mode, 343

End of conversion signal (EOC), 400

Energy benchmarking, 192193

Energy efficiency, DSP

in memory and IO interfaces, 194195

as metric, 190193

Energy harvesting, 103

Energy per function, 191192

EOC, see End of conversion signal

Error checker (EC)

area impact, 129

circuit, 125

Error control coding (ECC), 118, 422

Error detection and correction (EDAC), 135136

Error resilient system architecture (ERSA), probabilistic applications, 442443

ERSA, see Error resilient system architecture

ExaFLOPs, 183


FA, see Full adder

Fabrication, A2RAM memory cell, 5253

Failure-in-time (FIT), 298

Fat Tree-based Optical NoC topologies (FONoCs), 151

FB-DRAMs, see Floating-body dynamic random-access memory

Ferromagnetic (F) coupling, 78, 81

Ferromagnetic multilayer scheme, 74

Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), 230, 234

components in, 241

Field-tolerant approach, 381382

Field-tolerant intrinsic chip ID, 374379

hardware authentication, 379381

Filter-based topology, optical ring vs., 172175

FinFET transistors, 5861

Fingerprints, 359

FIT, see Failure-in-time

Fixed-point systems, 188190

Floating-body dynamic random-access memory (FB-DRAMs), 49

Floating point convergence, fixed and, 189190

FM multilayer scheme, see Ferromagnetic multilayer scheme

Folded cascode OTA operational amplifie, 397

Folded crossbar, 162

layout, 169

FONoCs, see Fat Tree-based Optical NoC topologies

Four-state nanomagnets, biaxial anisotropy, 70, 71

Four-state NOR logic, 7580

FPGAs, see Field-programmable gate arrays

Freescale’s QorIQ Qonverge, 199

Fulcrum Microsystems, 322

Full adder (FA), 16

Full implantable device, 392393

Fully printed organic circuits, 97


Gate array (G/A) architectures, 101

GBLs, see Global bit lines

GCN, see Graphics Core Next

GenBank database, 231233

Generalized Laguerre-Volterra model (GLVM), 247248

General-purpose CPU vendors, 234

General purpose DSP (GP-DSP), 181

General-purpose GPU (GPGPU)

DSP vs., 185186

programming, 8

Generic wavelength-routed optical router (GWOR), 157

layout, 169

Gene’s law, 190, 191

Geometric biclustering (GBC), 237238

accelerator, optimization of, 244246

combination process, 239241

work flow, 238

Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) scheme, 7374

Global bit lines (GBLs), 120, 122

precharge, 128

Global clocking, 68

Global connectivity

vs. network partitioning, 172

wavelength-routed topologies, 159161

GLVM, see Generalized Laguerre-Volterra model

GMAC scaling, 187

GMR scheme, see Giant magnetoresistance scheme

Goldschmidt divider, QCA, 39

algorithm, 4041

data tag method, 4142

implementation of, 4244

simulation results, 4546

GP-DSP, see General purpose DSP

GPU, see Graphics processing units

Graphics, 2

Graphics Core Next (GCN), 910

Graphics processing units (GPU)

CPU and, 23

as first-class processors, 1112

programming and memory models, 810

system architecture, 78

technology, 56

three-dimensional integration of, 7

Graph Traversal dwarf, 236

GWOR, see Generic wavelength-routed optical router


Half adders, 2931

Hamming, 422

Hardening, SDEs, 306

Hard errors, 421

Hardware identification method, 358

Hardware Multicore Parallel Programming (HMPP), 9

Hash codes, 340

Hash functions, 340

SHA-3, 351353

Hash values, 340

HBM, see High-Bandwidth Memory Interface

Hearing, pathologies of, 391393

Hearing prothesis, pathologies of, 391393

Heterogeneous memory system

architecture for main memory, 419420

cache architecture, 418419

case study of, 415418

nonvolatile memories, see Nonvolatile memories (NVMs)

Heterogeneous multicore platform, 197199

Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA), 10

High-Bandwidth Memory Interface (HBM), 194

Highly reliable cores (SRCs), 443

High-performance computing (HPC), 182184

defined as, 233

requirement for, 232233

High-performance computing (HPC) space

DSPs in, 180

multicore SoC complexity, 199

High-performance embedded-dynamic random access memory, 362364

High-performance very-large-scale integration, 233237

HMC, see Hybrid Memory Cube

HMPP, see Hardware Multicore Parallel Programming

Hough transform (HT), 238

HPC, see High-performance computing

HSA, see Heterogeneous System Architecture

HT, see Hough transform

Hybrid design technique, 230

Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC), 194

“Hybrid spintronics and straintronics” scheme, 69

Hypergraph partitioning method, 246


IDLE/Standby power management, 196

IHCs, see Inner hair cells

ILmax, 161162, 165, 171, 175

Image recovery, nanomagnets, 8489

Inner ear

pathology and cochlear implants, 392

transducing hydraulic waves into electric signals, 391

Inner hair cells (IHCs), 391

Input-output (IO) bandwidth, vs. latency comparison, 195

Insertion loss, relative topology, 161162

Insole pedometer, with piezoelectric energy harvester, 103104

Instruction-level parallelism, 235

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), 10

Instructions per cycle (IPC), of PRAM and STT-MRAM heterogeneous main memories, 418, 419

Integrated charge-boosting flip-flop, 216218

Integrated CPU-GPU cores, case study of, 35

Integrated GPU, benefits of, 23

Integrator topology, 398

Intel Ivy Bridge chip, 45

block diagram of, 6

International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 205

asynchronous circuits, 311, 323

Intrinsic capacitance of relay, 210211

Intrinsic chip ID, 359362

dynamic, see Dynamic intrinsic chip ID

field-tolerant, 374379

retention-based, 364366

security and authentication enhancement for, 381384

Inverters, QCA, 18

Ion testing, 141, 142

ISA, see Instruction Set Architecture

ITRS, see International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors


Karnaugh-map, 77

k-bit decoder, 244

Keccak Hash Function, 351352

Keeper latch, 211212

Keystone Multicore SoC, 197198

Keystone software platform, 199

k1MTM_k2RMT module, SSPPF architecture, 253


Landauer limit, 266

Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation, 8586

Large-area flexible electronics applications

100 V AC Energy Meter, 104106

insole pedometer with piezoelectric energy harvester, 103104

stretchable EMI measurement sheet, 98100

UCLP, 100103

Laser sources, silicon photonics, 152153

Laterally actuated NEM relays, 206

Late-way-select architecture, 113

LBL, see Local bitline

L2 caches, 119

LET, see Linear energy transfer

LFSRs, see Linear Feedback Shift Registers

Linear energy transfer (LET), 115116

Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs), 339

LLG equation, see Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation

Local bitline (LBL), 362364

Local clocking, 68

of magnets, 69

Logical masking, 297

Logic computations, defined as, 262

Logic propagation, nanomagnets, 8084

Logic topologies, wavelength-routed topologies, 160, 166168

Low-k MOX, 51

Low power compensation system architecture, 400

Low-power design, 266268

Low-voltage organic complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuit, 97


Magnetic multilayers, topological kink solitons in, 277278

Magnetic quantum cellular automata, 66

Magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ), 411

Magnetization vector, 8587

Magnetocrystalline anisotropy, 71, 72

Matrix inversion module, SSPPF architecture, 251, 252

MCUs, see Multicell upsets

Mean error (ME), 254, 256

Mean squared error (MSE), 254, 256

Mechanical relays

electrostatically actuated NEM relay devices, 205206

NEM relay devices, 206208


cache, 113

device operation and performance of, 408

eDRAM, 359, 362

energy efficiency in, 194

FB-DRAMs, 49

high-performance embedded-dynamic random access memory, 362364

nanomagnets, 7374

phase-change memory, see Phase-change memory (PRAM)

quantum well floating-body dynamic random-access memory, 5051

Memory array soft errors, 130131

Memory controller, FPGA, 241

Memory model, 10

Memory scrubbing, EDAC, 135136

Memristor-based STDP synaptic device, 334

Memristors, 90, 325326

evaluation of, 327331

Memristor STDP circuit, fundamental unit of, 326

MEMS relays, 205206

Metal-oxide-semiconductor FET (MOSFET), 205

MHAs, see Modified half adders

Micromagnetic calculations, 287291

Micro-multiple ID approach, 385

Microphones, acquisition and amplifier output, 402

Microprocessor, trends of, 12

Middle ear

acoustics to mechanics waves, 390391

pathologies and implants, 392

MINs, see Multistage interconnection networks

MMI tapers, see Multimode interference tapers

Mobile camera sensor, 182, 183

Mobile computing, 181182

Modes of operation, for block ciphers, 339340

Modified half adders (MHAs), 2931

Modular multiplication, 348, 349

Modulators, silicon photonics, 150151

Moore’s Law, 1, 233

MOSFET, see Metal-oxide-semiconductor FET

Most significant bits (MSBs), 349

MSBs, see Most significant bits

MSE, see Mean squared error

MTJ, see Magnetic tunneling junction

MTJ-SAF scheme, 8890

Multibody floating-body-1T-dynamic random-access memory, 5051

Multicell upsets (MCUs), 136

Multicore systems, DSP, single-core vs., 186

Multiferroic nanomagnet, transfer function of, 90

Multilayer “wire” crossing, 19

adder comparisons with, 32

Multimode interference (MMI) tapers, 150, 170, 172, 174

Multi-output Boolean function, 262263

Multipliers, QCA, 3233

comparison of, 39

Wallace multipliers, 3338

Multistage interconnection networks (MINs), 156


Nanoelectromechanical (NEM) relays, 206208

electrostatically actuated, 205206

parameter, definition of, 208

Nanoelectromechanical (NEM) voltage doubler, 216217

Nanomagnet-based computing architectures, 66

Nanomagnetic logic (NML), 66

Bennett clocking in, 67, 68


biaxial anisotropy in, 7173

image reconstruction and pattern recognition, 8489

logic propagation, 8084

neuromorphic computing, 8991

universal logic gates, 7480

NanoWatt Design, 321

Nanowire transisors, 5861

NCV gate library, 265

NCV-4 gate library, 265

NDH, 433435

NEM relay-based digital logic design

intrinsic capacitance of, 210211

performance, energy, and area comparison, 214215

relay-based flop circuits, 212214

relay-based latch circuits, 211212

using charge boosting, performance improvement of, 215218

NEM relay-based memory design

bitcell architectures comparison, 220225

P4RRAM, 218219

Network partitioning

global connectivity vs., 172

logic schemes, 168

wavelength-routed topologies, 166

Neural coding, 232

Neuromorphic computing, 8991

Neurons, 231

Neutron-induced soft errors, 296

NML, see Nanomagnetic logic

NM multilayer scheme, Nonmagnetic multilayer scheme

Node engineering approaches, 431

Nonmagnetic (NM) multilayer scheme, 74

Nonvolatile memories (NVMs), 408

energy and latency comparison, 413415

phase change memory, 409411

reliability of, 420424

spin torque transfer magnetic random-access memory, 411412

Normalized instructions per cycle (IPC), PRAM, 416, 418

NOT gate, 265

N PEs processing, FPGA, 242

N single-bit dual-rail NCL registers, 315, 316

n-type metal-oxide-semiconductor (nMOS) transistors, 96

NULL convention logic circuits, 313319

NVMs, see Nonvolatile memories


OEM, see Original Equipment Manufacturer

OHC, see Outer hair cells

On-chip embedded SRAM, 194

One-time programmable read-only memory (OTPROM), 358

One-transistor and one capacitor (1T1C), 362

ONoCs, see Optical networks-on-chip

On-off keying (OOK) modulation, 394, 395

OOK modulation, see On-off keying modulation

OpenCL, see Open Computing Language

Open Computing Language (OpenCL), 9

Operating system (OS), CPU and GPU, 1112

Optical communication channels, structures for, 150

Optical network interface architecture, 165

Optical networks-on-chip (ONoCs), 148

optical routers for, 151152

Optical ring topology, 164166

vs. filter-based topology, 172175

Optics, 148

Optimization, reversible circuits, 271

Optimized NULL convention logic full adder, 318, 319

Organic transistors, 9697

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), 365366

database, 382

OS, see Operating system

Oscillators, 395397

OTPROM, see One-time programmable read-only memory

Outer ear, acoustics to mechanics waves, 390391

Outer hair cells (OHC), 391

Out-of-plane excursion, 8687, 89


Paging mechanism, CPU, 7

Parallel computing applications, 236

Parallelism exploration

for GBC combination process, 241

for SSPPF, 249250

Parallelism, levels of, 235

Parallel 4R RAM bitcell (P4RRAM), 218219

Parallel 3R RAM bitcell (P3RRAM), 220, 221

Parallel VLSI architecture, for SSPPF, 250

Patent-pending technology, 322

Pathfinding, 153156

Pattern recognition, nanomagnets, 8489

pbm, see Probability based mapping

PCHB circuits, see Precharge half buffers circuits

PDH, 433435

PERFECT program, see Power Efficiency Revolution For Embedded Computing Technologies program

Performance metrics, bitcell architectures, 222

PEs, see Processing elements

Phase-change memory (PRAM), 409411

lifetime of, 416418

reliability of, 420422

Phase lock loop (PLL), 129

Photodetectors, 152

Photonic interconnect technology, 148

Photonic switching elements (PSEs), 151152

Physical gap, 155

Physically Unclonable Function (PUF), 359

Physical topologies, wavelength-routed topologies, 168170

Pipelining, 250

Placement constraints, role of, 158

PLL, see Phase lock loop

pMOS transistor, see p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor

Polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) sheet, 103

Power amplifier, 398399

Power dissipation, radiation hardening, 124

Power Efficiency Revolution For Embedded Computing Technologies (PERFECT) program, 184

Power efficiency, wavelength-routed topologies, 170172

Power-efficient CMO, 200

Power gating, 4

Power management, 67

PRAM, see Phase-change memory

Precharge half buffers (PCHB) circuits, 319320

Predictability-critical optical networks-on-chip topologies, 155156

Primitive memristor, experimental results of, 327, 328

Private key cryptosystem, 338

Probability based mapping (pbm), 267

Processing elements (PEs), 236

architecture of, 242

internal structure of, 244245

number of, 245, 246

Processor-memory communication, custom-tailored solution for, 167

Programming model, 10

Propagation channel, 393

Proton testing, 143

P4RRAM, see Parallel 4R RAM bitcell

P3RRAM-SNR, 220, 221

PSEs, see Photonic switching elements

Pseudorandom keystream, 339

P3RRAM, see Parallel 3R RAM bitcell

p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor (pMOS) transistor, 96, 114, 115, 298

Public-key algorithms, 338

RSA, 347349

Public-key cryptosystem, 338

Public-key encryption, 340

PUF, see Physically Unclonable Function

PVDF sheet, see Polyvinylidene difluoride sheet


QCA, see Quantum-dot cellular automata

QDI, see Quasi-delay-insensitive

Quantum computation, 263266

Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA)

adders, see Adders, QCA

building blocks, 1719

design rules, 20

Goldschmidt divider, see Goldschmidt divider, QCA

multipliers, see Multipliers, QCA

types of, 16

Quantum dot lasers, 153

Quantum gates, universal set of, 265

Quantum well floating-body dynamic random-access memory, 5051

Quasi-delay-insensitive (QDI), 312, 323


RAD750, 112

Radiation hardened by design (RHBD) processors, 112

Radiation-hardened microprocessors, 112

Radiation hardening, by design DMR RFs, 136137

circuit design, 137138

error correction, 138139

physical design, 139, 140

SET testing, 139143

Radiation hardening, Level 1 cache design

cache organization, 119120

circuit design, 120123

hardening features, 124129

performance, 123124, 134135

power dissipation, 124

single event effect (SEE) hardness, 130134

speed and power measurement, 129130

Radio-frequency identifications (RFIDs), 96

Radio frequency link, 393394

Random dopant fluctuation (RDF), 412

RAT, see Read access time

Razor doubling sampling techniques, 439441

Razor II latch, 440, 441

RBL, see Read bitline

RC4 stream cipher, 341343

RDF, see Random dopant fluctuation

Read access time (RAT), 219

Read bitline (RBL), 219

Read word line (RWL) errors, 138

Real-time processing-DSP vs. application processor, 184185

Reduced instruction set computer (RISC), 186

Register files (RFs), 112113

Register-transfer level (RTL) description, 353

Relative topology, comparison of, 161164

Relaxed reliability cores (RRCs), 443

Relay-based flop circuits, 212214

Relay-based latch circuits, 211212

ReRAM-CMOS-hybrid synaptic devices, experimental results, 331334

Retention-based intrinsic chip ID, 364366, 371

probability of uniqueness of, 372

Retention time, A2RAM memory cell, 5556

Reversible circuits

basics on, 262263

circuit lines, 269270

design of, 268269

in design of low-power encoders, 267268

to quantum circuits, mapping, 264266

synthesis, 270271

verification and debugging, 271

RFIDs, see Radio-frequency identifications

RFs, see Register files

RHBD processors, see Radiation hardened by design processors

Ring-oscillator (RO)-based PUFs, 361

Ring topology, layout, 169

RISC, see Reduced instruction set computer

RKKY coupling, see Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida coupling

RRCs, see Relaxed reliability cores

RSA asymmetric-key cryptosystem, 347

encryption and decryption algorithms, 347348

implementation of, 348349

RTL description, see Register-transfer level description

Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) coupling, 276, 284

RWL errors, see Read word line errors


SAFs, see Synthetic antiferromagnets

SAM technology, see Self-assembled monolayer technology

S-box RAM, 342

Scalable VLSI architecture, for data-intensive

architecture design, 241243

experimental results, 244246

geometric biclustering, 237241

Scaled systems, optical ring vs. filter-based topology in, 172175

Scaled technologies, energy and latency comparison in, 413415

SCL technology, see Sleep convention logic technology

SDC error, see Silent data corruption error

SDEs, see Soft delay errors

SDPPF, see Steepest decent point process filter

Sea-of transmission-gates (SOTG), 100103

Second generation of A-RAM cell, see A2RAM memory cell

Secret-key algorithms, 338

Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) technology, 96

Semiconductor QCA, 16

SERs, see Soft-error rates

SE soft errors, see Single-event soft errors

SET, see Single event transient

SET-induced peripheral circuit errors, 132

SEU, see Single event upset

SF process, see Slow-Fast process

SHA-3 hash function, 351353

Shape anisotropy, 72, 73

Silent data corruption (SDC) error, 117118

Silicon, 149

Silicon electrooptic modulator, 150

Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) transistor, 49

Silicon photonics, 148

devices, 153, 155

laser sources, 152153

modulators, 150151

optical links, 149150

photonic switching elements and ONoCs optical routers, 151152

SIMD, see Single-instruction multiple data

Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) parameters, 410412

Simulink simulation framework, 162

Single-bit dual-rail register, 315

Single-chip consumer applications, error rate, 298299

Single-core DSP, vs. multicore, 186

Single-cycle Level 1 (L1) caches, 112113, 118119

Single-domain nanomagnet, 66

Single event effect (SEE), 114, 117118

testing, radiation hardening, 139143

Single event effect (SEE) hardness

data array results, 132134

memory array soft errors, 130131

tag peripheral circuit errors, 132

testing, 130

Single-event (SE) soft errors, 296299

Single event transient (SET), 115

Single event upset (SEU), 114, 297

in cache hierarchy, 118119

error checking in periphery circuits, 125129

Single-instruction multiple data (SIMD)

processing unit, 4

VLIW and, 185

Single-precision floating-point operation, 188

Single Spin Logic paradigm, 66

Sleep convention logic (SCL) technology, 321322

Slow-Fast (SF) process, 401

Snake topology, 167, 170

layout, 169

SNM approach, see Static-noise margin approach

SNR, see Storage node refresh

Soft delay effects, 298

Soft delay errors (SDEs), 297298

critical charge for, 302304

Soft-error-aware power optimization, via dynamic threshold techniques, 299305

Soft-error hardened (SEH)

latch, 433435

using DTMOS, 304, 306308

Soft-error mechanisms, 114115

charge collection physics, 115116

circuit cross-section measurements, 116

SRAM SEE, 117118

Soft-error rates (SERs), 298

Soft-error resilient circuit design

BISER, 435437

commercial applications, 444445

confidence-driven computing, 441442

DICE, 430433

probabilistic applications, error resilient system architecture, 442443

razor, 439441

SEH latch, 433435

temporal redundancy techniques, 437439

Soft errors, 429430

single-event, 296299

Software-controlled repair mechanisms, 138139

Software ecosystem, 199200

Software execution platform, SSPPF, 255257

Software reference design, 246

SOI transistor, see Silicon-on-insulator transistor

Soliton mobility

operating margin, 280281

principle, 278280

Soliton-soliton interaction, 283

Soliton stability, 281283

SOTG, see Sea-of transmission-gates

Space-routed torus, 157

Space routing, 151

SPARC AT697, 112

SPICE parameters, see Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis parameters

Spin-transfer torque magnetic random-access memory (STT-MRAM), 411412

reliability of, 423424

scaling rule of, 413, 415

Spintronics, 275277

Sponge function, 352

SRAM, see Static random-access memory

SSPPF, see Stochastic state point process filter

Stability metrics, bitcell architectures, 222

Stack edge effects, 281

Stacked transistor approach, 444

Static-noise margin (SNM) approach, 360, 361

Static random-access memory (SRAM), 112113

SEE, 117118

Steepest decent point process filter (SDPPF), 248

Stochastic state point process filter (SSPPF), 230, 247248

algorithm, 248249

Storage node refresh (SNR), 220, 221

Storage nodes, 433435

Stream cipher, 339

RC4, 341343

Stream generation, by RC4 cipher, 342

STT-MRAM, see Spin-transfer torque magnetic random-access memory

Stuck-SET failure, 422

Submicrometer crystalline silicon waveguides, 150

Suspended gate relays, 206208

Verilog-A model of, 208210

Symmetric-key algorithms, 338

Synthesis approaches, reversible circuits, 270271

Synthetic antiferromagnets (SAFs), 8889

Systemability concern, 155


Tag comparators, 129

Tag peripheral circuit errors, 132

Task-level parallelism, 235

Tclk-Q delay, 214

Temporal masking, 297

Temporal redundancy techniques, 437439

Theseus Logic, 321

TH23 gate, 318, 319

THmn gates, 313, 314

Three-dimensional spintronics

dipolar interaction effect, 284287

magnetic multilayers, 277278

micromagnetic calculations, 287291

soliton mobility, 278281

soliton stability, 281283

Three-relay random access memory (3RRAM), 218, 219

Through-silicon vias (TSV) technologies, 194

TH34w2 Gate, 314

TI 66AK2E05, embedded processing SoCs, 198

TI 66AK2H12, embedded processing SoCs, 198

Tiempo, 321

Time-shift temporal redundancy, 438439

TI TDA2X, embedded processing SoCs, 198

TMR, see Tunneling magnetoresistance

Toffoli gate, 263

mapping, 266, 268

Transition-detection temporal redundancy, 438

Transmission electron microscopy, of A2RAM memory cell, 52


internal analog signal of, 403

layout of, 401

spectrum of, 404

test printed circuit board, 402

Tridimensional A2RAM memory cell, 5861

Tri-Gate transistors, 5861

Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), 343345

Tristate relay flop, 213214

TSV technologies, see Through-silicon vias technologies

Tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR), 411

Two-relay random access memory (2RRAM), 218, 219

Type-B SEH latch, 434435


UCLP, see User customizable logic paper

Ultra-low-power audio communication system, see also Cochlear implant system

architecture, 394395

implementation and experimental results, 401405

specifications, 393394

Unidirectional propagation, soliton stability, 282283

Universal logic gates, nanomagnets, 7480

User customizable logic paper (UCLP), 100103


Van der Waals’ force, 209

Vector processing method, 251

Verilog-A model, of suspended gate relay, 208210

Very-large-scale-integration (VLSIs), 240

high-performance multilevel parallel designs, 234237

in HPC, 233234

Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) implementations, 230

of AES block cipher, 345347

of cryptographic primitives, 339340

of DES block cipher, 343345

of ECC, 349351

of RC4 stream cipher, 341343

in RSA asymmetric-key cryptosystem, 347349

of SHA-3 hash function, 351353

Very long instruction word (VLIW)

core, 4

and SIMD, 185

V gates, 265

V+ gates, 265

VLIW, see Very long instruction word

VLSI/FPGA parallel architectures, 235

VLSIs, see Very-large-scale-integration

Voice activation application, 196

VWL, see Wordline low voltage

VWLH, see Wordline high voltage


Wallace multipliers, for QCA, 3338

Waveguide crossings, 150

Waveguide, optical link, 149150

Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), 150

Wavelength-routed Δ∑-router, 157

Wavelength-routed ONoC (WRONoC) topologies, 151, 155, 156

Wavelength-routed topologies, design space exploration of, 158159

global connectivity, 159161

logic topologies, 166168

network partitioning, global connectivity vs., 172

optical ring topology comparison, 164166

physical topologies, 168170

power efficiency, 170172

relative topology comparison, 161164

Wave Semiconductor, 321, 322

WDM, see Wavelength division multiplexing

Weighted threshold gate, 313314

Window Rule, 368

Wireless microphone design

oscillators, 395397

power amplifier, 398399

process compensation, 400401

Word line (WL), 117118

assertion, 126

Wordline high voltage (VWLH), 361

Wordline low voltage (VWL), 363, 365

Write-back (WB)

cache, 119

error, 140

Write bit line and enable assertion, 128

Write word line (WWL)

checking circuit, 136

error, 140

WRONoC topologies, see Wavelength-routed ONoC topologies

WWL, see Write word line


Zero-temperature macrospin simulations, 278

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