© Ted Hagos 2020
T. HagosLearn Android Studio 4https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5937-5_10

10. Navigation

Ted Hagos1 
Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines
What we’ll cover:
  • Review of navigation techniques in Android

  • Navigation components from Jetpack

Navigation Before Architecture Components

In the early days of Android development, most nontrivial apps have more than one screen, and the UI was partitioned across multiple Activities. That meant you needed the skill to navigate from one Activity to another and back. So, during those days, you might have written something that looks like the code in Listing 10-1.
class FirstActivity extends AppCompatActivity
  implements View.OnClickListener {
  public void onClick(View v) {
    Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);
// SecondActivity.java
class SecondActivity extends AppCompatActivity { }
Listing 10-1

How to launch an Activity

If you needed to pass data from one Activity to another, you might have coded it like the code snippet shown in Listing 10-2.
Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);
Intent.putExtra("key", value);
Listing 10-2

How to pass data to another Activity

This kind of screen management has the following advantages:
  • It’s simple to do; just call the startActivity() method from any Activity.

  • The currently running Activity can be closed programmatically by calling the finish() method. The user can also close the Activity by pressing the back button.

  • The back stack is completely managed by the Android Runtime; see Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1

Simple activity workflow

But not all is well; Activity navigation comes with some baggage. The disadvantages are
  • We don’t have a clear idea which Activities are on the back stack—because we don’t manage it; here is an example of a trait being both an advantage and disadvantage at the same time.

  • Each screen requires a new Activity, which drains computing resources.

  • Each Activity was declared on the Android manifest file—which Android Studio does for you automatically each time you create an Activity using the wizards, so it’s not much of an issue; it was an issue before Android Studio came along.

  • It will be difficult for you to use the more modern navigation patterns like bottom navigation bar.

Because of these limitations, another way of screen navigation emerged. Sometime in 2011 when Google released Android 4.0, we got Fragments. We just dealt with Fragments in the previous chapter, so I’m sure it’s still very fresh for you; an Activity is basically a composition unit for the UI, and the Fragment is just a smaller composition unit.

A Fragment, like an Activity, is comprised of two parts—a Java or Kotlin program and a layout file. The idea is basically the same—define the UI in an XML file and then inflate the XML file during runtime so that all the UI in the XML file become actual Java objects.

The idea is to create multiple fragments and contain them in a single Activity. You would generally hide or show a Fragment depending on either a user action, the orientation of the device, or the form factor of the device; and this is usually done with the FragmentManager and FragmentTransaction objects. The code snippet in Listing 10-3 is a typical fragment management code.
FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
Fragment fragment = new FirstFragment();
ft.add(R.id.fragment_container, fragment);
Listing 10-3

Fragment snippet

With Fragments, we know exactly what’s in the navigation stack, unlike when we’re using Activity navigation; but, as you can see in Listing 10-3, it can get cumbersome because we must manually manage the navigation stack.

Thus far, we only had two options for navigation: either we use Activity-based navigation, which was easy and simple to use but we take some performance penalty and we don’t have control over the navigation stack, or we use Fragments which offered us full control of the navigation stack, but the API is cumbersome and prone to error.

Fast forward to 2017 when Google introduced the Navigation components. Now we can use Fragments but without the baggage of the complicated API. With Navigation components, all the codes we’ve written in Listing 10-3 can now be replaced with a single line of code (see Listing 10-4).
  FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();
  FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
  Fragment fragment = new FirstFragment();
  ft.add(R.id.fragment_container, fragment);
Listing 10-4

Navigation component snippet

Navigation Components

Alright, that single line of code reference from the previous section probably got you excited—and relieved. But it’s not the savings of keystrokes that’s the big picture here, it’s the fact that now we can get the best of both Activity-based and Fragment-based navigation. Now, Fragment navigation also has an easy API.

But first, we need to understand a bit about Navigation components. It’s a small part of Architecture components, which is in turn a part of a bigger thing called Android Jetpack—we’re not getting into Jetpack nor Architecture components in detail here; they are large topics, but a brief background can’t hurt.

At Google I/O 2017, Google introduces the Android Architecture components. These libraries are part of a larger collection called Android Jetpack. Together with Architecture components, there were others like Foundation, Behavior, and UI.

Jetpack is a collection of Android software components. It helps us follow the best practices and lets us avoid writing too much boilerplate code. You’ll find the Jetpack codes in the androidx.* package libraries.

Here’s a brief description of the Jetpack components:

  • AppCompat—Lets you write code that degrade gracefully on older versions of Android

  • Android KTX—So you write more concise, idiomatic Kotlin code, if you’re using Kotlin

  • Multidex—Provides support for apps with multiple DEX files

  • Test—A testing framework for unit and runtime UI tests

  • Download manager—Lets you write programs that schedule and manage large downloads

  • Media and playback—Backward-compatible APIs for media playback and routing

  • Notifications—Provide a backward-compatible notification API with support for wear and auto

  • Permissions—Compatibility APIs for checking and requesting app permissions

  • Preferences—Create interactive settings screens

  • Sharing—Provides a share action suitable for an app’s action bar

  • Slices—Create flexible UI elements that can display app data outside the app

  • Animations and transitions—Move widgets and transition between screens.

  • Auto—If you’re working on apps that will run in vehicles’ infotainment consoles, you’ll need this. These are the components that help you build apps for Android Auto.

  • Emoji—Enables an up-to-date emoji font on older platforms.

  • Fragment—All the Fragment codes already moved here.

  • Layout—Layout widgets using different algorithms.

  • Palette—Pulls useful information out of color palettes.

  • TV—Components to help develop apps for Android TV.

  • Wear OS by Google—If you want to work with Android wearables like the watch, this is what you need.

  • Data binding—Declaratively binds observable data to UI elements.

  • Lifecycles—Manage Activity and Fragment lifecycles.

  • LiveData—Notify views when underlying database changes.

  • Paging—Gradually load information on demand from your data source; think when the user is scrolling through a list, this helps you handle the loading of data. It’s coupled with the Recycler view.

  • ViewModel—Manages UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious way.

  • WorkManager—Manages background jobs.

  • Navigation—Implementation of navigation in an app. Passes data between screens. Provides deep links from outside the app.

  • Room—Think ORM for your SQLite database.

There’s a lot to explore in Jetpack, so make sure you check them out.

Going back to our topic, the Navigation components simplify the implementation of, well, navigation between destinations in an app. A destination is any place in your app. It could be an Activity, a fragment inside an Activity, or a custom view; and destinations are managed using a navigation graph.

A navigation graph groups all the destinations and defines the different connections between the destinations; these connections are called actions. The graph is simply an XML resource file which represents all your app’s navigation paths. You can have more than one navigation graph in your app.

Working with Jetpack Navigation

To get a better appreciation of the Navigation components, it’s best if you can work on a small project. So, create a new empty project in Android Studio, as shown in Figure 10-2.
Figure 10-2

New empty project

Next, we need to add the Navigation component dependencies. You can do this in the module-level build.gradle file (shown in Figure 10-3). Mind that there are two build.gradle files; you want the one that says (Module: app).
Figure 10-3

build.gradle file (module level)

Edit this file to match the code in Listing 10-5.
dependencies {
  def nav_version = "2.2.2"
  implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:$nav_version"
  implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui:$nav_version"
  implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
  implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0'
  implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3'
  testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
  androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.1'
  androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.2.0'
Listing 10-5

Add navigation to build.gradle

At the time of writing, the stable release of Navigation components is 2.2.2; there was also a beta release 2.3.0-beta01. By the time you read this, the version may have moved. Make sure to check the official Android Developers website for more up-to-date information: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/navigation.

Next, let’s add a navigation graph to the project. You can create a navigation graph by creating a new resource file; right-click the project’s res folder, then select NewAndroid Resource File, as shown in Figure 10-4.
Figure 10-4

Add a new resource file

On the “New Resource File” dialog, change the resource type to Navigation and supply the filename:
  • Filename—nav_graph

  • Resource typeNavigation (you must click the down arrow to select it)

In the window that follows (shown in Figure 10-5), click OK.
Figure 10-5

New Resource File

When the resource is created, you’ll see a new folder (navigation) and a new file (nav_graph.xml) under the res folder of the project, as shown in Figure 10-6. Android Studio will open the newly created navigation graph in the editor. Figure 10-6 shows the newly created navigation graph—it’s empty, of course.
Figure 10-6

Navigation graph

When you’re using Navigation components, navigation happens as an interaction between destinations. Destinations are what your users can navigate to, and destinations are connected via actions . At the moment, we don’t have any destination yet; so, let’s add one. Click the plus sign on the top panel of the navigation editor, as shown in Figure 10-7, then choose “Create new destination.”
Figure 10-7

Create a new destination

This will show the dialog for creating a new Fragment. In the window that follows (Figure 10-8), choose a blank Fragment.
Figure 10-8

New Android Fragment

In the window that follows, type the name of the Fragment and the name of the layout file and choose the source language, as shown in Figure 10-9.
  • Fragment Name—One

  • Fragment Layout Name—fragment_one

  • Keep the source language as Java

Figure 10-9

New Android Fragment, details

Click Finish to start the creation of the new Fragment; this Fragment will become one of the destinations in your app. Create another destination and make the Fragment’s name “Two.” The navigation editor, by now, should look like Figure 10-10.
Figure 10-10

Navigation editor

Notice also there are two new Java classes (One.java and Two.java) and two new layout files (fragment_one.xml and fragment_two.xml). These files were generated when we created destinations One and Two. Notice in Figure 10-10 that fragment one has the home icon beside it. This is only because we created it first. The home destination or start destination is the first screen that your users will see. You can change the start destination any time by right-clicking any destination and then clicking “Set as start destination”; but for now, we’ll keep one as the start destination.

Our navigation graph doesn’t have a NavHost yet; it needs one. A NavHost acts like a viewport for all our destinations. It’s an empty container where destinations are swapped in and out as the user navigates through the app. The NavHost needs to be in an Activity. We’re going to put the NavHost in our MainActivity.

Open the layout file for our MainActivity, it’s on res/layout/activity_main.xml, then edit in text mode. The default activity_main contains a single TextView object; remove it and replace it with the code snippet shown in Listing 10-6.
  android:id="@+id/nav_container"  ❶
  android:name="androidx.navigation.fragment.NavHostFragment" ❷
  app:navGraph="@navigation/nav_graph" ❸
  app:defaultNavHost="true"   ❹
Listing 10-6

Defining a NavHost in activity_main.xml

It needs an id, just like any other element in the resource file. I just chose nav_container for this one. You can name what you like.

This is the fully qualified name of the NavHostFragment class. This belongs to the Navigation component, and this will be responsible for making our MainActivity the viewport for all our defined destinations.

The app:navGraph attribute tells the runtime which navigation graph we want to host in the MainActivity. Remember that you can have more than one navigation graph in the app; nav_graph is the name we gave to the navigation graph XML resource earlier.

When you set the defaultNavHost to true, this makes sure that the NavHostFragment intercepts the system back button; that way, when the user clicks the back button, Android will show you the previous screen in your app, and not an external app’s screen which happened to be on the back stack.

Now it’s time to connect our two destinations. Open the navigation graph again—it’s on res/navigation/nav_graph.

We want the user to navigate from destination one to destination two. So, hover your mouse over to destination one until a small circle appears on its right side. Click and drag this point over to destination two, so that the two destinations can be connected, as shown in Figure 10-11.
Figure 10-11

Connect one to two

Destination one is now connected to destination two. If you select the connection between one and two, you’ll see that it has attributes you can set, as shown in Figure 10-12. We won’t deal with the attributes; we just want to connect the two destinations.
Figure 10-12

Navigation graph

To test this small app, I needed an object in the start destination that will trigger an action, like a Button (shown in Figure 10-13). I modified the layout of the two fragments as follows:

  • Changed the layout to ConstraintLayout, just because it’s easier to work with this kind of layout. Use the layout that’s appropriate for you.

  • I removed the TextView and replaced it with a button and centered it.

  • Like fragment_one, I also changed the layout to ConstraintLayout.

  • I changed the text of the TextView and centered it.

Figure 10-13

Modified Fragments

Next, we’ll add a click handler to our button, then add the code that will make fragment_one navigate to fragment_two when the button is clicked.

Navigating to a destination is done using a NavController; it’s an object that manages app navigation within a NavHost. Each NavHost has its own corresponding NavController.

A NavController lets you navigate to destinations in two ways: (1) navigate to a destination using an ID, which is what we will use here, and (2) navigate using a URI—which I will leave it up to you to explore.

To add a click handler to our button, open One.java, which contains the Java source file for our One destination, and modify its onCreateView() method to match Listing 10-7.
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                         Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  // Inflate the layout for this fragment
  final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_one, container, false);
  Button btn = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.button);
  btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
    public void onClick(View view) {
  return view;
Listing 10-7

Class One.onCreateView()

The most important line of code in Listing 10-7 is the navigate() method of the NavController object. We simply passed the ID of the action we created in the navigation graph as a parameter to navigate(), and that already did the trick. You can now launch the emulator and test the app.

This chapter merely scratched the surface of Navigation components; there’s a lot to discover in this area, so make sure you check them out.


  • You can still use Activity-based or Fragment-based navigation in your app; just remember their pros and cons.

  • Navigation components combine the best features of Activity-based and Fragment-based navigation; the API is easy to work with, and we have more control on the back stack.

  • Navigation components introduce the concept of destinations. Destinations can be Fragments, Activities, or custom views; they are what your users will navigate to.

  • Destinations are grouped using a navigation graph; it’s an XML resource file that contains all the actions between destinations.

  • Destinations are connected to each other by actions.

  • The basic ideas for navigation are to
    1. 1.

      Create a navigation graph.

    2. 2.

      Create destinations.

    3. 3.

      Connect the destinations; each connection becomes an action.

    4. 4.

      Navigate programmatically from one destination to another using the NavController object. You can navigate using an ID or a URI.

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