© Ted Hagos 2020
T. HagosLearn Android Studio 4https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5937-5_6

6. Activities and Layouts

Ted Hagos1 
Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines
What we’ll cover:
  • Overview of Android activities

  • Layout files

  • View objects

Most of the apps you will build will have a UI. In the previous chapter, we learned that to create a simple app with UI, we need (1) an Activity class, (2) a layout file for that Activity class, and (3) a manifest file. Thankfully, we get these three things from the project creation wizard.

In this chapter, we will examine the Activity component a lot closer. We will learn more about the constituent parts of an Activity, the Java class, and its related layout file.


The Activity component is responsible for what the user sees on the screen. It’s made up of an Activity class and a layout file (an XML file that contains definitions for UI elements like buttons, text fields, etc.).

Layout File

The layout file is an XML file. It contains definitions of UI elements such as buttons, text fields, drop-downs, labels, and so on. Some people may cringe at the thought of composing UI by hand using only an XML editor, but don’t worry, Android Studio makes it easy to compose user interfaces. You can work with the layout file either in text mode or in design mode (WYSIWYG), as shown in Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-1

Layout file, shown as text mode and in design mode

In Figure 6-1, the picture on the left shows the activity_main layout file as in XML mode (or code mode), and the one on the right shows the layout file in design mode. You can work with the layout file visually (click the “Design” button) or as raw XML code (click the “Code” button). When you change an element by editing the XML, Android Studio automatically updates the design view’s rendition. Similarly, when you make a change in the design view, the XML file gets updated.

Listing 6-1 shows a typical layout file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:text="Hello World!"
    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
Listing 6-1


A layout file generally has two parts: a declaration of a container and the declarations of each UI element inside. In Listing 6-1, the second line, which is also the root of the XML document, is the container’s declaration. The TextView element is declared as a child node of the container. This is how containers and UI elements are arranged in a layout file.

View and ViewGroup Objects

A UI is simply a collection of user interface elements such as text input element, text label, buttons, and so on. In the example code shown in Listing 6-1, we have one UI element, the TextView. This is the element that holds the text “Hello World.” In Android speak, the TextView is called a View object; some people also refer to these as widgets, and some others with web programming background may refer to these as input elements or form elements—we’re in Android world now, so we’ll call them View objects or simply Views.

A View object is a composition unit. You build a UI by arranging one or more View objects alongside each other or sometimes embedded in each other. There are two kinds of views as the Android library defines it, a “View” and a “ViewGroup.” An example of a View object is a button or a text field. These objects are meant to be composed alongside other views, but they are not meant to contain child views; they are intended to stand alone. A ViewGroup, on the other hand, can contain child views—it’s the reason why they’re sometimes called containers.

Figure 6-2 shows the class hierarchy of some of the more common UI elements. Every item in a user interface is a child of the android.view.View class. We can use prebuilt user interface elements in the Android SDK such as TextView, Button, ProgressBars, and so on, or, if need be, we can construct custom controls (widgets or views are sometimes called “controls”) by either (1) subclassing existing elements like TextViews, (2) subclassing the View class itself and ultimately drawing a custom widget from scratch, or (3) subclassing the ViewGroup and embedding other widgets in it; this is known as a composite view —the RadioGroup in Figure 6-2 is an example of such.
Figure 6-2

ViewGroup class hierarchy

Each View object ultimately becomes a Java object at runtime, but we work with them as XML elements during design time. We don’t have to worry about how Android inflates the XML into Java objects because that process is invisible to us. It happens behind the scenes; Figure 6-3 shows the logical representation of the Android compilation process.
Figure 6-3

Android compilation process

The compiler transforms the program source files into Java byte codes. The resulting byte codes are then further converted to a DEX file. A DEX file is a Dalvik Executable; it’s the executable format that the Android Runtime (ART) understands. Before the DEX files and other resources get wrapped into an Android package (APK), it also produces as a side effect a special file named “R.class”. We use the R.class to get a programmatic reference to the UI elements defined in the layout file.


Apart from creating composite views, the ViewGroup class has another use. They form the basis for layout managers. A layout manager is a container responsible for controlling how child views are positioned on the screen, relative to the container and each other. Android comes with a couple of prebuilt layout managers; Table 6-1 shows us some of them.
Table 6-1

Layout managers

Layout manager



Positions the widgets in single row or column, depending on the selected orientation. Each widget can be assigned a weight value which determines the amount of space the widget occupies compared to the other widgets


Arranges the widgets in a grid format of rows and columns


Stacks child views on top of each other. The last entry on the XML layout file is the one on top of the stack


Views are positioned relative to other views and the container by specifying alignments and margins on each view


The ConstraintLayout is the newest layout. It positions widgets relative to each other and the container (like RelativeLayout). But it accomplishes the layout management by using more than just alignments and margins. It introduces the idea of a “constraint” object, which anchors a widget to target. This target could be another widget or a container or another anchor point. This is the layout we will use for most of our examples in this book

Table 6-2

Project information for the Hello app

Project detail


Application name


Company domain

Use your website name



Form factor

Phone and tablet

Minimum SDK

API 29 (Q) Android 10

Type of activity


Activity name


Layout name


There is more to learn about Views, containers, and layouts, but we know enough to create some decent projects. Let’s move on to the Activity class.

Activity Class

An Activity class must inherit from android.app.Activity, either directly or indirectly, but we usually don’t inherit from this class directly; instead, we extend the AppCompatActivity class to run the app on older versions of Android but still use modern UI elements. The “Compat” in the class name stands for “compatibility.”

While the layout file contains the definitions for the Views (buttons, text fields, etc.), the Activity class is responsible for the behavior; this is where we write the codes when we want something to happen in response to a user action, like a button click. When you create an “empty Activity” project, the Activity class you’ll get looks like the code in Listing 6-2.
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { ❶
  @Override  ❷
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ❸
    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);  ❹
    setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); ➀
Listing 6-2


❶   We inherit from AppCompatActivity, which is a child class of android.app.Activity class. All Activity classes must inherit from android.app.Activity one way or another, but as you can see, the project creation wizard gave us AppCompatActivity. This is the recommended superclass for an Activity

❷   The @Override annotation tells the compiler that we intend to override the method immediately following the annotation.

❸   onCreate() is one of the lifecycle methods of the Activity class. The Android Runtime calls this method right after the user launches the app. This is a good place to write initialization codes.

❹   We call the onCreate() method in the superclass (AppCompatActivity). This is necessary, so we don’t break the chain of calls within the onCreate methods. If we don’t call this method, the codes inside the onCreate of AppCompatActivity (which is our superclass) won’t run; that will result in errors.

➀   The setContentView method selects which View resource to display when the Activity becomes visible to the user. This method is overloaded; you can pass an integer (which points to a resource ID) or an instance of a View object. In this case, we passed a resource ID. You may recall that our layout file is named /res/layout/activity_main.xml. You may also recall that during the compilation process, an “R.class” was generated for our convenience so we can reference UI resources programmatically—R.layout.activity_main points to the file /res/layout/activity_main.xml. In this statement, we are associating MainActivity.java with activity_main.xml.

Hello World

Now that we have some working knowledge about Activities and layouts, let’s explore them in a sample project.

When the project is created, you will see a bunch of files in the project window, but we’re only interested in three. Figure 6-4 shows the location of (1) the main program file, (2) the manifest file, and (3) the main layout file in the project file window.
Figure 6-4

ActivitySample project

The main layout file, named activity_main.xml, is inside the appreslayout folder. All user interface elements are written in an XML layout file.

The main program file, MainActivity.java, is found in appjavapackage name folder (your package name will be different from mine). This Java file is the Activity class. If you want to do something as a reaction to a user action, like clicking a button, this is where we write that program logic.

The manifest file describes the app’s essential information to the Android build tools, Android OS, and Google Play. Looking at Figure 6-4, it appears as if the manifest file is in appmanifestsAndroidManifest.xml. You need to remember that what we’re looking at is the “Android View” of the Project window. It’s a logical representation of the project files; it’s not the literal arrangements of the files with respect to the root folder of the project. If you want to see the actual location of the project files, switch to “Project view,” as shown in Figure 6-5.
Figure 6-5

Project view

We’ve got a pretty good map of where things are. We know the location of the manifest file, the MainActivity (Java) file, and the activity_main (layout) file. Since we’ve already examined the contents of the MainActivity file earlier, let’s explore the activity_main layout file (shown in Listing 6-3).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout  ❶
  <TextView ❷
    android:text="Hello World!"
    app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent" ❸
    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
Listing 6-3

Annotated activity_main

❶   Root node of the layout file, which also declares what kind of layout manager is in effect. In this case, we are using the ConstraintLayout manager.

❷   Declaration of the TextView object. It’s a child node of the layout manager.

❸   Defines one of the constraints of the TextView object. It says, there’s an anchor point to the bottom of the TextView, and it anchored to the bottom of the container.

Try to run the project in an emulator just to make sure that nothing is broken, and then we will make some modifications.

Modifying Hello World

We’ll make some minor changes to both the layout file and the Activity. We’ll do the following:
  1. 1.

    Change the text in the TextView control.

  2. 2.

    Add a Button View to the screen; we’ll place it right below the TextView.

  3. 3.

    Add a function to the Activity. The function, when called, will increment the value of the TextView.

  4. 4.

    We will associate the new function to the Button. Every time we click the button, the value of the TextView will change.

Figure 6-6 shows the general layout of the project. Currently, we’re looking at activity_main.xml in design mode. While in this mode, we can see the view palette, design surface, and blueprint surface.
Figure 6-6

ActivitySample project shown in design view

To add a Button control, drag and drop the Button from the View palette to the design surface as shown in Figure 6-7—you can also drop it in the blueprint surface, which will work.
Figure 6-7

Drag and drop controls from the View palette

If you try to run the project at this point in the emulator, you’ll see that the button won’t be where you expect it to be. Even if you dragged and dropped the Button right below the TextView, at runtime, any View object that’s not “constrained” will be anchored at the top-left location of the screen, as shown in Figure 6-8.
Figure 6-8

Button View without constraint

The Hello TextView is nicely centered in the screen because it has four anchor points (constraints). The Button appears right below the Hello text in design time, but in runtime, it’s on position 0,0 (top left) of the screen—this is how controls are positioned at runtime when they don’t have constraints.

The Button control doesn’t have any constraint yet because we didn’t put any. Constraints are not automatically added when you add a control to the design surface. The TextView has constraints because that was generated by the wizard when we created the project.

Let’s start fresh. Remove all existing constraints on the design surface. You can do this by selecting all the View objects and clicking “clear constraints” on the design toolbar, as shown in Figure 6-9.
Figure 6-9

TextView with constraints

When all the constraints are removed, reposition the controls on the design surface in the way you would like them to appear during runtime. Next, select all the controls again—you can do this by clicking and dragging the mouse around the controls.

To “magically” add all the constraints for our controls, click “infer constraints” as shown in Figure 6-10. Android Studio will try to best guess the needed constraints for the controls that will match your arrangement in the design surface.
Figure 6-10

Infer constraints

The properties of the controls can be set in the “Attributes” window. We need to change some properties of the TextView and the Button controls. An object’s properties will appear on the Attributes panel when the object is selected in the design surface. The Attributes panel is collapsed by default. To open the Attributes panel, you need to click the panel to open it, as shown in Figure 6-11.
Figure 6-11

Attributes panel, collapsed

To inspect the View object properties in the Attributes panel, select the View object on the Design editor, and then open the Attributes panel. Figure 6-12 shows the properties of the constraint of the TextView object. Make changes to constraint properties of both the Button and the TextView object as you see fit.
Figure 6-12

Attributes panel, open

The Attributes window contains all the properties for the selected View object, but it doesn’t show all of them by default. It shows only the properties we commonly use. To view all the properties, scroll further down on the Attributes panel to see the “All Attributes” button, as shown in Figure 6-13.
Figure 6-13

All attributes

Now that we can move around in the Design editor, we can make some changes. Try to do the following:
  1. 1.

    Change the id property of the TextView object from textView to textHello.

  2. 2.

    Change the textSize property of the TextView object to 36sp.


The View object’s id property is very important because we’ll refer to it later in our code (in the Activity class).

We will also change the Button’s onClick property. Select the Button object, then find its onClick property, and then turn the value to “addNumber,” as shown in Figure 6-14.
Figure 6-14

onClick property

Setting the Button’s onClick property to addNumber associates the Button’s click event to a method called addNumber() in the Activity class. Of course, this method doesn’t exist yet; that’s why we need to implement it next. Open MainActivity.java and make the changes as shown in Listing 6-4.
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    ((TextView) findViewById(R.id.textHello)).setText("1");
  public void addNumber(View v) {
    TextView tv = ((TextView) findViewById(R.id.textHello));
    int currVal = Integer.parseInt(tv.getText().toString());
    tv.setText((++currVal) + "");
Listing 6-4


❶   This code sets the TextView’s text value to “1”. First, we get a reference to the TextView using its id. All View objects can be referenced at runtime using the R.class, so R.id.textHello refers to the instance of the TextView object at runtime. Next, we cast it to a TextView object; then, we call the setText() method .

❷   This is the implementation of the addNumber() method ; it takes a View object as a parameter. When this method is called, the Android Runtime will pass the instance of the Button object as an argument to this method.

❸   This code gets the programmatic reference to the TextView object, the same idea as in ❶, but this time, we assign the object reference to a variable.

❹   tv.getText() gets the current value of TextView. This call returns a CharSequence; that’s why I needed to call the toString() method on it to make it workable for our purpose. The Integer.parseInt() method converts an alphanumeric digit to an integer.

➀   The setText() method sets the value of the TextView. The ++currVal + "" expression increments the current value of the currVal variable and then converts it to a String object; adding an empty String literal to any primitive data type effectively converts it to a String.

When you’re done with the edits, run the application on an emulator. Figure 6-15 shows the project running on an emulator.
Figure 6-15

ActivitySample on the emulator


  • A layout file describes the UI structure in an XML file. You can work with the layout file either in design mode (WYSIWYG) or raw XML mode.

  • Each View element in a layout file is described as an XML node, but the XML file is inflated during runtime. The inflation process produces the object representations of the UI elements.

  • You can reference UI elements programmatically using the R.class.

  • Composite views can be constructed by inheriting from the ViewGroup class.

  • Layout managers provide ways to arrange UI elements on a screen. The Android SDK has plenty of prebuilt managers we can use out of the box.

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