© Ted Hagos 2020
T. HagosLearn Android Studio 4https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5937-5_12

12. Debugging

Ted Hagos1 
Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines
What we’ll cover:
  • Kinds of errors you’ll encounter

  • Logging debug statements

  • Using the debugger

All but the most trivial programs are without errors. Dealing with errors will be a big part of your life as a developer. This chapter will discuss the kinds of errors you’ve faced and will still face in the foreseeable future. We will also discuss how you can use Android Studio to ease the difficulty of dealing with these errors.

Types of Errors

The three most common errors you’ll face in programming are
  • Syntax errors

  • Runtime errors

  • Logic errors

Syntax Errors

Syntax errors are exactly what you think they are, errors in the syntax. It happens because you wrote something in the code that’s not allowed in the set of rules of the Java compiler. The compiler doesn’t understand it. The error can be as simple as forgetting to close a parenthesis or a missing pair of a curly brace. It can also be complex like passing the wrong type of argument to a function or a parameterized class when using generics.

You can catch syntax errors with Android Studio with ease. Whenever you see red squiggly lines in on the main editor, like Figure 12-1.
Figure 12-1

Main editor showing error indicators

It means something is syntactically wrong with the code. Android Studio puts the red squiggly lines very near the offending code. If you hover your mouse on the red squiggly line, most of the time, Android Studio can tell you, with a high degree of accuracy, what’s wrong with the code. What’s more, you can quickly fix these kinds of errors using a technique that’s aptly named “quick fix.”

To do a quick fix, bring the cursor anywhere within the red squiggly lines, then press Alt + Enter (if you’re on Windows or Linux) or Option + Enter (if you’re on macOS), and the IDE takes care of the rest; if there’s more than one way to fix the error, the IDE will show you some options.

Runtime Errors

Runtime error happens when your code hits a situation it doesn’t expect. As the name implies, this error happens only when your program is running. It’s not something you’ll see during compilation.

Java has two types of Exceptions, checked and unchecked. Android Studio gives you lots of assistance with checked Exceptions. Figure 12-2 shows what happens in the main editor when you try to call a method that throws a checked Exception; with unchecked Exceptions, however, you’re still on your own.
Figure 12-2

IDE reminder that you need to handle the Exception

There are two ways to resolve the error shown in Figure 12-2; we can enclose the openFileOutput() method call inside a try-catch structure or we add an Exception to the method signature, as shown in Figure 12-3.
Figure 12-3

Quick fix

Listing 12-1 shows how to handle the FileNotFoundException by adding a throws clause to the method signature.
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
void saveData() throws FileNotFoundException {
  String fn = "somefile.txt";
  FileOutputStream out = openFileOutput(fn, Context.MODE_APPEND);
Listing 12-1

FileNotFoundException thrown in saveData()

Listing 12-2 shows the code for handling the same Exception using a try-catch block.
void saveData() {
  String fn = "somefile.txt";
  try {
      FileOutputStream out = openFileOutput(fn, Context.MODE_APPEND);
  } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
  finally {
Listing 12-2

Handling an Exception using try-catch

I would use a try-catch when I want to handle the Exception locally, meaning in the same block of code where the Exception might be thrown. Most of the time, the only things to do are to (1) log the error and (2) try to recover from the error, if at all possible, and let the user try again.

Using a throws clause on the other hand means you don’t want to handle the error on the local block; you’d like the calling method to take care of the error instead. If the calling method also uses a throws clause in its signature, then the error handling is passed along up the call stack.

Logic Errors

Logic errors are the hardest to find. As its name suggests, it’s an error on your logic. When your code is not doing what you thought it should be doing, that’s logic error. There are many ways to cope with it, but in this section, we’ll take a look at two—printing debugging statements in certain places of your code and walking through your code using the debugger.

As you inspect your codes, you will recognize certain areas where you’re pretty sure about what’s going on, and then there are areas where you are not so sure—you can place debugging statements in these areas. It’s like leaving breadcrumbs for you to follow. There are a couple of ways to print debugging statements. You can either use println, Log, or the Logger class.

When you set Logcat’s mode to verbose, info, or debug, you will see all the messages that Android’s runtime generates. If you want to be able to filter our messages, for example, warn or error, you need to use either the Log or the Logger class.

The Log class has five static methods; the usage is shown as follows:
Log.v(TAG, message) // verbose
Log.d(TAG, message) // debug
Log.i(TAG, message) // info
Log.w(TAG, message) // warning
Log.e(TAG, message) // error
In each case, TAG is a String literal or variable, typically the name of the class where Log is called. The message is also a String literal or variable which contains what you actually want to see in the log. Listing 12-3 shows a typical use of the Log class in code.
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  private final String TAG = getClass().getName();
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onCreate");
  protected void onStart() {
    Log.d(TAG, "onStart");
  protected void onResume() {
    Log.d(TAG, "onResume");
  private void saveData(String fn) throws IOException {
    try (FileOutputStream fileos = openFileOutput(fn, Context.MODE_APPEND)) {
      Log.d(TAG, "Doing something with the file");
    catch(IOException ioe) {
      Log.e(TAG, ioe.getMessage());
      // you can still re-throw the Exception here
      // or do some recovery
Listing 12-3

Typical use of the Log class

When the app runs, you can see the Log messages in the Logcat window, as shown in Figure 12-4. You can get to the Logcat window either by clicking its tab in the menu strip at the bottom of the IDE or from the main menu bar, ViewTool WindowsLogcat.
Figure 12-4

Logcat tool window


Android Studio includes an interactive debugger which allows you to walk and step through the code while it’s running. With the interactive debugger, you can inspect snapshots of the application—values of variables, running threads, and so on—at specific locations in the code and at specific points in time. These specific locations in the code are called breakpoints ; you get to choose these breakpoints.

To set a breakpoint, choose a line that has an executable statement and then click its line number in the gutter. When you set a breakpoint, there will be a pink circle icon in the gutter, and the whole line is lit in pink—as shown in Figure 12-5.
Figure 12-5

Debugger window

After the breakpoints are set, you have to run the app in debug mode. Stop the app if it is currently running, and then from the main menu bar, click RunDebug App.


Running the app in debug mode isn’t the only way to debug the app. You can also attach the debugger process in a currently running application. There are situations where this second technique is useful; for example, when the bug you are trying to solve occurs on very specific conditions, you may want to run the app for a while, and when you think you are close to the point of error, you can then attach the debugger.

Use the application as usual. When the execution comes to a line where you set a breakpoint, the line turns from pink to blue. This is how you know the code execution is at your breakpoint. At this point, the debugger window opens, the execution stops, and Android Studio gets into interactive debugging mode. While you are here, the state of the application is displayed in the Debug tool window . During this time, you can inspect values of variables and even see the threads running in the app.

You can even add variables or expression in the watch window by clicking the plus sign with the spectacles icon. There will be a text field where you can enter any valid expression. When you press Enter, Android Studio will evaluate the expression and show you the result. To remove a watch expression, select the expression and click the minus sign icon on the watch window.

Single Stepping

Like most debuggers, Android Studio lets you step line by line through your program. When the debugger stops at a breakpoint, you have a couple of tools at your disposal. You’d typically want to know how to do the following:
  • Resume—Resumes execution until you get to the next breakpoint. If there aren’t any more breakpoints, then the program runs like it would in normal execution.

  • Step into—If the next line has a method call, this will jump to the method and pause it at the first line.

  • Step over—Executes whatever happens on the next line and then jumps to the next line.

  • Step out—Executes the remainder of the current method and then pauses at the next statement after the method. It essentially gets out of the method.

You can get to these actions from the main menu bar under the Run menu. You can also get to them from the Debugger toolbar (shown in Figure 12-6).
Figure 12-6

Debugger toolbar

Lastly, you can get the single-step actions via keyboard shortcuts, as shown in Table 12-1.
Table 12-1

Debugger keyboard shortcuts





Shift + F9

Ctrl + D



Command + Option + R

Step into



Step over



Step out

Shift + F8

Shift + F8

You can learn about more keyboard shortcuts (not just for debugging) from the Android Developers website: https://developer.android.com/studio/intro/keyboard-shortcuts.


  • The three kinds of errors you may encounter are compile type or syntax errors, runtime errors, and logic errors.

  • Syntax errors are the easiest to fix; Android Studio itself bends over backward for you so you can quickly spot syntax errors. There are various ways to fix syntax errors with AS3, but most of the time, the quick fix should do it.

  • You can walk through your code line by line by setting breakpoints and using the single-step actions.

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