1.7. Random Vector and Matrix Generation

For various simulation or power studies, it is often necessary to generate a set of random vectors or random matrices. It is therefore of interest to generate these quantities for the probability distributions which arise naturally in the multivariate normal theory. The following sections consider the most common multivariate probability distributions.

1.7.1. Random Vector Generation from Np(μ, Σ)

To generate a random vector from Np(μ, Σ) use the following steps:

  1. Find a matrix G such that Σ = GG. This is obtained using the Cholesky decomposition of the symmetric matrix Σ. The functions ROOT of Half in PROC IML can perform this decomposition.

  2. Generate p independent standard univariate normal random variables z1, ..., zp and let z = (z1, ..., zp)′.

  3. Let y = μ + Gz.

The resulting vector y is an observation from a Np(μ, Σ) population. To obtain a sample of size n, we repeat the above-mentioned steps n times within a loop.

1.7.2. Generation of Wishart Random Matrix

To generate a matrix A1 ~ Wp(f, Σ), use the following steps:

  1. Find a matrix G such that Σ = GG.

  2. Generate a random sample of size f, say z1, ..., zf from Np(0, I). Let A2 = zizi′.

  3. Define A1 = GA2G.

The generation of Beta matrices can easily be done by first generating two independent Wishart matrices with appropriate degrees of freedom and then forming the appropriate products using these matrices as defined in Section 1.4.


Random Samples from Normal and Wishart Distributions In the following example we will illustrate the use of PROC IML for generating samples from the multivariate normal and Wishart distributions respectively. These programs are respectively given as Program 1.4 and Program 1.5. The corresponding outputs have been omitted to save space.

As an example, suppose we want to generate four vectors from N3(μ, Σ) where

μ =(1 3 0)′


Then save these four vectors as the rows of 4 by 3 matrix Y. It is easy to see that

Also, let G be a matrix such that Σ = GG. This matrix is obtained using the ROOT function which performs the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric matrix.

/* Program 1.4 */

options ls = 64 ps=45 nodate nonumber;
    title1 'Output 1.4';

    /* Generate n random vector from a p dimensional population
    with mean mu and the variance covariance matrix sigma */

    proc iml ;
    seed = 549065467 ;
    n = 4 ;
    sigma = { 4 2 1,
              2 3 1,
              1 1 5 };

    mu = {1, 3, 0};
    p = nrow(sigma);
    m = repeat(mu`,n,1) ;
        g =root(sigma);
    z =normal(repeat(seed,n,p)) ;
    y = z*g + m ;
    print 'Multivariate Normal Sample';
    print y;

We first generate a 4 by 3 random matrix Z, with all its entries distributed as N(0,1). To do this, we use the normal random number generator (NORMAL) repeated for all the entries of Z, through the REPEAT function. Consequently, if we define Y = ZG + M, then the ith row of Y, say yi, can be written in terms of the ith row of Z, say zi′, as

yi = ziG + μ

or when written as a column vector

yi = Gzi + μ.

Consequently, yi, i = 1, ..., n, (=4here) are normally distributed with the mean E(yi) = GE(zi) + μ = μ and the variance covariance matrix D(yi) = GD(zi)G + 0 = GIG = GG = Σ.

Program 1.5 illustrates the generation of n = 4 Wishart matrices from Wp(f, Σ) with f = 7, p = 3, and Σ as given in the previous program. After obtaining the matrix G, as earlier, we generate a 7 by 3 matrix T, for which all the elements are distributed as the standard normal. Consequently, the matrix W = GTTG, (written as X′X, where X = TG) follows W3 (7, Σ) distribution. We have used a DO loop to repeat the process n = 4 times to obtain four such matrices.

/* Program 1.5 */

options ls=64 ps=45 nodate nonumber;
    title1 'Output 1.5';
    /* Generate n Wishart matrices of order p by p
    with degrees of freedom f */

    proc iml;
    n = 4 ;
    f = 7 ;

seed = 4509049 ;
    sigma = {4 2 1,
             2 3 1,
             1 1 5 } ;
        g = root(sigma);
    p = nrow(sigma) ;
    print 'Wishart Random Matrix';
    do i = 1 to n ;
    t = normal(repeat(seed,f,p)) ;
    x = t*g ;
    w = x`*x ;
    print w ;
    end ;

These programs can be easily modified to generate the Beta matrices of either Type 1 or Type 2, as the generation of such matrices essentially amounts to generating the pairs of Wishart matrices with appropriate degrees of freedom and then combining them as per their definitions.

More efficient algorithms, especially for large values of f - p are available in the literature. One such convenient method based on Bartlett's decomposition can be found in Smith and Hocking (1972). Certain other methods are briefly summarized in Kennedy and Gentle (1980, p. 231).

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