1.4. Sampling from Multivariate Normal Populations

Suppose we have a random sample of size n, say y1, ..., yn, from the p dimensional multivariate normal population Np(μ, Σ). Since y1, ..., yn are independently and identically distributed (iid), their sample mean

is also normally distributed as Np(μ, Σ/n). Thus, is an unbiased estimator of μ. Also, observe that has a dispersion matrix which is a multiple of the original population variance-covariance matrix. These results are straightforward generalizations of the corresponding well known univariate results.

The sample variance of the univariate normal theory is generalized to the sample variance-covariance matrix in the multivariate context. Accordingly, the chi-square distribution is generalized to a matrix distribution known as the Wishart distribution.

The p by p sample variance-covariance matrix is obtained as

The matrix S is an unbiased estimator of Σ. Note that S is a p by p symmetric matrix. Thus, it contains only different random variables.


be the n by p data matrix obtained by stacking y1′, ..., yn′ one atop the other. Let In stand for an n by n identity matrix and 1n be an n by 1 column vector with all elements as 1. Then, in terms of Y, the sample mean can be written as

and the sample variance-covariance matrix can be written as

It is known that (n - 1)S follows a p-(matrix) variate Wishart distribution with (n - 1) degrees of freedom and expectation (n - 1)Σ. We denote this as (n - 1)S ~ Wp(n - 1, Σ). Also, S is an unbiased estimator of Σ (as mentioned earlier, this is always true regardless of the underlying multivariate normality assumption and consequently, without any specific reference to the Wishart distribution).

Since (n - 1)S has a Wishart distribution, the sample variance-covariance matrix S possesses certain other important properties. Many of these properties are used to obtain the distributions of various estimators and test statistics. Some of these properties are listed as follows.

  • (n - 1)sii/σii ~ χ2(n - 1), i = 1, ..., p.

  • Let

S11·2 = S11 - S12S−122S21, Σ11·2 = Σ11 - Σ12 Σ−122Σ21, S22.1 = S22 - S21S−111S12 and Σ22.1 = Σ22 - Σ21Σ−111Σ12, then

(a) (n - 1)S11 ~ Wp1((n - 1), Σ11).

(b) (n - 1)S22 ~ Wp2((n - 1), Σ22).

(c) (n - 1)S11·2 ~ Wp1((n - p + p1 - 1), Σ11·2).

(d) (n - 1)S22.1 ~ Wp2((n - p1 - 1), Σ22.1).

(e) S11 and S22.1 are independently distributed.

(f) S22 and S11·2 are independently distributed.

  • Let sii and σii be the ith diagonal elements of S−1 and Σ−1 respectively, then (n - 1)σii/sii ~ χ2(n - p).

  • Let c ≠ 0 be an arbitrary but fixed vector, then

  • Let H be an arbitrary but fixed k × p matrix (kp), then

    (n - 1)HSH′ ~ Wk (n - 1, HΣH′).

    In principle, k can also be greater than p but in such a case, the matrix (n - 1)HSH′ does not admit a probability density.

As a consequence of the above result, if we take k = p and H = G′ where Σ−1 = GG′, then (n - 1)S* = (n - 1)GSG ~ Wp(n - 1, I).

In the above discussion, we observed that the Wishart distribution arises naturally in the multivariate normal theory as the distribution of the sample variance-covariance matrix (of course, apart from a scaling by (n - 1)). Another distribution which is closely related to the Wishart distribution and is useful in various associated hypothesis testing problems is the matrix variate Beta (Type 1) distribution. For example, if A1 and A2 are two independent random matrices with A1 ~ Wp(n1 - 1, Σ) and A2 ~ Wp(n2, Σ), then B = (A1 + A2)−½A1(A1 + A2)−½ follows a matrix variate Beta Type 1 distribution, denoted by Bp( Type 1). Similarly, B* = A2−½ A1A2−½ follows Bp( Type 2), a matrix variate Beta Type 2 (or a matrix variate F apart from a constant) distribution. The matrices A2−½ and (A1 + A2)−½ respectively are the symmetric "square root" matrices of A−12 and (A1 + A2) in the sense that A−12 = (A2)−½(A2)−½ and (A1 + A2)−1 = (A1 + A2)−½ (A1 + A2)−½. The eigenvalues of the matrices B and B* appear in the expressions of various test statistics used in hypothesis testing problems in multivariate analysis of variance.

Another important fact about the sample mean and the sample variance-covariance matrix S is that they are statistically independent under the multivariate normal sampling theory. This fact plays an important role in constructing test statistics for certain statistical hypotheses. For details, see Kshirsagar (1972), Timm (1975), or Muirhead (1982).

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