Say no to the hamster wheel

You might have seen a hamster wheel. It’s a small circular wire cage that rotates around a central axle, much like a tire rotates around the axle of your car, and inside the cage is an energetic hamster. In our usual image of the hamster, he is running furiously, spinning the wheel at high speed.

From the hamster’s point of view, life inside the wheel may actually appear quite normal. The hamster is an energetic animal by nature, and he’s doing what he knows how to do: run like heck. And he’s making real progress too—he can see the blur of spokes flying by him as he runs.

Unfortunately, his position relative to the ground beneath the cage indicates that he’s actually going nowhere. He’s really just expending lots of calories without creating real forward progress, although, as the line goes, he’s making great time.

All too often, the hamster cage is a metaphor for managers. They too run hard, expending lots of calories. Instead of a wheel-shaped cage, though, they move people and resources. And they often feel satisfied that this constant hard work is some form of progress. After all, they can see the spokes flying by them—things are moving.

Real progress, of course, is the movement of the individual and the company relative to their goals. If they can find a way to look outside their cage, they can determine if they are making real progress or simply spinning their wheels.

Establishing goals regularly, and measuring progress relative to those goals, allows you to see outside the cage. It provides you with a big-picture focus on the Vital Few, and it substitutes focus and direction, toward a clear and desired outcome, for frantic activity.

Say no to the hamster wheel. Have clear goals for everyone, establish them regularly, and measure progress relative to those goals all the time.

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