
This chapter has gone into a great deal of this deep and independent game-centric framework. We have first reviewed the basic concepts of entities and components, and how GameplayKit takes advantage of the component-based structuring. We then moved on to a staple of game development, the concept of state machines, and how GameplayKit utilizes them. Then, we have reviewed ways by which we can automatically control components and entities in our games with agents, goals, and behaviors, as well as Pathfinding's navigation graphs that add to this automation. We have learned that MinMaxAI lets us hint future moves to the player or give the computer a smart way of challenging us in various turn-based games. Finally, we have seen how random sources add controllable variety to outcomes in our games, whereas Rule systems can keep transitions of various states from being too finite. There's much more to GameplayKit than we could show here, so it's highly recommended that you read through some of the documentation links provided earlier to get an even better feel for what this framework has to offer. In the next chapter, we move on to the Metal API as well as some other tricks and tips that aid best in making the most out of your game and keeping your games at that all too crucial 60 fps.

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