
In this chapter, we went over a number of app project structuring and introduction topics. First, we went over the Model-View-Controller paradigm followed by all apps, game or not, and the overall lifecycle of an iOS app that follows this structuring. Next, we reviewed the entry point(s) and pathway of your code in a typical app as well as the upper-level objects used along the way, such as the Application system object, the AppDelegate class, and view controller. Last but not least, we discussed the main topic of the chapter—storyboards, segues, and instructions on how to create a simple game flow structure. From here, we can see how relatively easy and quick it can be to structure various scenes for your game and transition between them with segues. Again, note that although storyboards are recommended, they can simply start as a general guide toward the final product, which gives you, the developer, the ability to visualize your game even if in the end preferring a more code-heavy design choice.

In the next two chapters, we are going to finally get into really coding and designing actual playable games. We will start off with 2D games, and since iOS 7, Apple has given iOS developers it's own framework to handle 2D sprites and game physics. This framework is amply named Spritekit.

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