Updating your game

Games today are almost never a one-shot deal. They tend to be a living application through updates, add-ons, and fixes even after release. Updates to your app will be working to any future iOS updates, adding new game content, or a combination of both. To do this, simply repeat much of the processes from the build string phase starting with the creation of a new version number. Doing so will create a new section in your Builds tab under Prerelease as seen with PikiPop's own page as follows:

Updating your game

You can use TestFlight beta test to test the new build with internal and external testers just as you did before. To make ready the newest version for release, click on the New Version button on the Versions main tab and submit the newest version's number in the popup.

Updating your game

The Versions tab will now be divided into the current version and the new version via easy-to-navigate tabs. Like in the original release, you can fill in various metadata as well as information for the players for what this new update will entail. Submit the version for review and once approved, the newest game update will be in the app store that players will either automatically download or be notified about, based on their device's App Store update settings.

That about does it! If more game frameworks and tools come out in future versions of iOS, you can have them as part of your game with your updates. Making a great game even better is always the right choice for every game developer.

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