Component-based structuring

We saw in the previous chapters that iOS has imparted much of the component-based structuring paradigm to tackle the unique software/programming requirements that come from game development. Instead of building a tall parent-child structure that we see from an object-oriented design, it builds a structure that does best by growing it's structure in width. Classes, such as GKEntity, GKComponent, and other aspects of GameplayKit, are what let us take advantage of these features. This type of structuring isn't all too new in game development. Component-based structuring has been used by multiplatform game engines, such as Unity and Unreal Engine, and continues to be the way game developers like us make and reuse parts of our games. Expect the future updates to Xcode and iOS to utilize these features even more. In the near future, we will probably see Xcode look and act even more like these game engines but with the benefit of being specifically made for the iOS devices, allowing even deeper, custom integration. Doing all of this directly in Xcode and with iOS frameworks allows instant access to Apple features without the use of paid asset tools or waiting for plugin updates. Developers for the next generation of iOS games will be able to take AI actions, character abilities, HUD animations, and other features made in one game and reuse them almost instantly for a completely different game. Component-based structuring makes it where the developer can build a library of reusable features by placing the design of our games ahead of typical development hurdles.

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