Fox demo

We've been spending much of our time in both SpriteKit and here in SceneKit on the boilerplate code that makes up our game logic. As Xcode continues to update, so does the visual design features for iOS game design that don't involve a strong understanding of code. There's always some scripting involved, but one of the key features in game design is, well, the design aspect of it. At the WWDC15 event, the introduction to iOS 9 and Xcode 7 was a great game demo that can not only teach us some of the visual design features that Xcode can do, but also gives us a beautiful start to a platforming game in SceneKit. That demo is named Fox and granted, though it actually stars a red panda and not a fox, we could forgive that mixup for how feature-rich and essential it can be to learn how to develop SceneKit-powered iOS games.

Fox demo

The Fox demo image showing our player character and level assets

There's much more to this demo than we can show here, so it's encouraged to download it for yourself and check out all of the SceneKit features it provides. We will focus on a few topics yet to be covered in either SceneKit or SpriteKit, such as particles, physics, and the scene graph. The Fox demo also makes use of 3D game/art design features, such as skyboxes, ambient occlusion, cubemap lighting, collision meshes, and more. It really is a nice-quality demo to make beautiful games in iOS.

Here is the download link provided by Apple:


At the time of writing, the Fox demo was written only in Objective-C. We have focused on Swift in the entirety of this book, but don't worry too much if some aspects of Objective-C are foreign to you. The goal is to see the visual tools Xcode provides. In a future date, the Fox demo is bound to be available in Swift, be it by Apple themselves or by third-party programmers.

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