Chapter 6. Building a Web Monitor and Controlling Devices from a Dashboard

In this chapter, we will talk about a very important part of this book, creating a web page that can control different kinds of devices from a dashboard. In an automated home there are different kinds of devices that could be controlled, for example: lamps, doors or windows, washing machines, and so on.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Configuring MySQL database server
  • Installing phpMyAdmin for administrating databases
  • Datalogger with MySQL
  • Dimming a LED
  • Controlling the speed of a DC motor
  • Controlling lights with electrical circuits
  • Controlling door locks
  • Controlling watering plants
  • Remote access from anywhere to your Raspberry Pi Zero
  • Controlling lights and measuring current consumption
  • Controlling and monitoring Arduino, Wi-Fi and Ethernet shields, connected devices, and sensors from the Raspberry Pi Zero

Configuring MySQL database server

In this section, you will learn how to configure MySQL server in order to create a database and integrate everything in your dashboard, for recording data in a database.

Installing MySQL

Our Raspberry Pi Zero is being configured like a web server. In this section, we will install MySQL database server with the following command, so we can receive connections from clients, display data stored in a database, and use queries in SQL:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server
Installing MySQL

In the middle of the process it will ask you for the password of the root user:

Installing MySQL

After the installation is complete, connect to MySQL and type the following command:

mysql -u root -p
Installing MySQL

Type the following command:

show databases;
Installing MySQL

Here we can see databases of the system that are now installed in the server:

Installing MySQL

Installing MySQL driver for PHP

It's important to install our driver to communicate PHP5 with MySQL database server, to do that we will need MySQL driver for PHP to access MySQL database, execute this command to install PHP-MySQL Driver.

sudo apt-get install php5 php5-mysql 

Testing PHP and MySQL

In this section, we will make a simple page to test PHP and MySQL with the following command:

sudo nano /var/www/html/hellodb.php
Testing PHP and MySQL

The following screenshot has the script that has the code to access the database, connect to the server, and get the data from it:

Testing PHP and MySQL

To test the page and connection between PHP and MySQL, type the IP address of your Raspberry Pi: . The page that should similar to the following screenshot:

Testing PHP and MySQL
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