Why is knowledge about existing business workloads important to us?

Each of these workloads can have a different usage pattern, and each pattern can vary depending on external circumstances.

For instance, browsing products is likely to be the most commonly performed operation, followed by placing orders. The performance requirements for these operations can peak at certain times of the day and then subside. Also, other circumstances, such as the introduction of a new, emerging product, may cause high demand for resources for a short period of time.

Now we know what workloads we have. The question that arises is what's next? Next, we need to be clear about our performance goals. Clarity about performance goals means:

  • What performance requirements do I need or should strive for?
  • What performance characteristics does the system (the service) offer to meet these requirements?

Unfortunately, the answer to these questions depends on your individual needs, so I cannot go into them further.

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