Azure Machine Learning

Azure Machine Learning (Azure ML) is a cloud service that helps you create predictive analytics solutions.

For those who do not have an economics degree, predictive analytics analyzes behavior patterns from the past, based on large amounts of data and creates predictions and forecasts for future events. In short, predictive analytics combines your data with mathematical models. The fields of application for predictive analytics are, for example, insurance, financial services, and commerce. The Azure ML service is, therefore, a tool for mathematicians and statisticians (also known as data scientists) in the analysis departments of companies.

What is included in the offer?

  • The managed Azure ML service
  • An integrated development environment (ML Studio)
  • A collection of Best of Breed algorithms (developed by Microsoft research, the XBox Team and Bing) as built-in
  • Support for custom R code
  • Support for custom Python code
  • Support for Azure ML templates
What are Azure ML Templates? The question is not quite as easy to answer. Therefore, we should first ask ourselves: What is not an Azure ML Template? An Azure ML template is not an Azure ML Sample Experiment. Azure ML Sample Experiments usually provide an insight into individual aspects of Machine Learning, while an Azure ML Template is a reflection of industry best practices and consists of several individual steps (data treatment, data processing, technology, function, training, and deployment) respectively corresponding to Azure ML Experiments.
Each Azure ML Template contains the following elements: 
  • A data schema for the specific domain
  • A collection of preconfigured Azure ML modules
  • A collection of Custom R scripts integrated into the Execute R Script Module
  • Support for several hundred Open Source R Packages
  • A collection of quick start samples
All available quick starts, Azure ML templates, examples and various other material can be found here:
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