What data is collected?

The most frequently collected data includes:

  • Page views
  • Page load times
  • Time spent visiting a page
  • Session traces
  • Client-side environment statistics
  • JavaScript and HTML rendering errors
  • The geographic location of clients
  • Session ID and user ID for each request

While most of these metrics are single values only, the session traces and the client-side environment statistics metrics collect entire collections of data.

Every session trace includes a timeline with entries for all operations included in a session, and all resources used by this session.

These entries include:

  • Information about each loaded asset
  • Information about each AJAX request
  • Logs for all user interactions (such as clicks and scrolls)
  • Logs for all JavaScript events
  • Logs for every exception

The client-side environment statistics situation is a bit more complicated. The client-side code can be run on a variety of different devices and operating systems, such as different versions of Windows, Android, and iOS, as well as accessing a wide selection of browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, or Safari.

You must therefore, at any time, get information about devices, operating systems and selected browser capture, and in any combination.

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