Where can I use autoscaling?

Currently, autoscaling is available as a build-in option for the following services:

  • Azure Cloud Services
  • Azure Service Fabric (scaling of SF clusters)
  • Azure App Services (without Azure Functions)
  • Azure VMs

Azure Functions (actually a part of Azure App Services) does not need the autoscaling build-in option because it scales automatically when needed. The autoscaling build-in option on Azure VMs is a special case because they only work in a so-called VM Scale Set.

A VM Scale Set can, by default, contain up to 100 identical VMs. But if you set the singlePlacementGroup property to false when you create the VM Scale Set, you can use up to 1,000 identical VMs.

With the help of autoscaling, you now have the option to automatically add VMs to your scale set until the limits are reached. The deployment takes place within a few minutes.

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