What data is captured by Azure Application Insights?

The following list is a compilation of the most frequently collected values:

  • Request rates
  • Response times
  • Error rates
  • AJAX calls on web pages (rating, response times, and error rates)
  • Exceptions (server and browser exceptions)
  • Page views
  • Load balancing
  • Number of users
  • Number of sessions
  • Performance counters from your Windows or Linux server (for example, CPU, memory or network usage)
  • Host diagnostics for Azure and/or Docker environments
  • Diagnostic trace logs
  • Custom events or custom metrics (that is, client or server code you write yourself to track business events)

Enough of the theory, let's just take a look at how it works.

Here is a brief demonstration:

  1. Open your Azure management portal at https://portal.azure.com.
  2. In the navigation area of the portal, click on Monitor. 
  3. This opens the Monitor dashboard. In the navigation area of the dashboard, click on Application Insights.
  4. Now, a list of existing Application Insights deployments opens. Find one and click in the Name field of the corresponding row.
  1. The corresponding dashboard of the deployment opens:
  1. Now let's take a look at the selected Application Insights deployment in detail (as a diagram). Click on the Application map button in the navigation area of the dashboard and the diagram opens immediately:
  1. Do you want to examine your data instead? Click on the Metrics Explorer button in the navigation area of the dashboard and you can see your metrics charts:
  1. In addition to the Metrics Explorer, there are two other options for displaying data. The first is Live Metrics Stream and provides a display in real time:
  1. The second is Metrics (preview) and combines with the multiple metrics chart from Azure Monitor:
  1. You want to analyze your data in-depth. Click the Analytics button in the top navigation bar of the dashboard:
  1. This opens the advanced Analytics portal for Azure Application Insights:
As I have already written, this is only a small overview. If you are looking for current information, it can be found here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/tag/application-insights/.
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