The Kubernetes approach

Kubernetes' approach to networking differs from the Docker's, so let's see how. We can learn about Kubernetes while considering four major topics in cluster scheduling and orchestration:

  • Decoupling container-to-container communication by providing pods, not containers, with an IP address space
  • Pod-to-pod communication and service as the dominant communication paradigm within the Kubernetes networking model
  • Pod-to-service and external-to-service communications, which are provided by the services object

These considerations are a meaningful simplification for the Kubernetes networking model, as there's no dynamic port mapping to track. Again, IP addressing is scoped at the pod level, which means that networking in Kubernetes requires that each pod has its own IP address. This means that all containers in a given pod share that IP address, and are considered to be in the same network namespace. We'll explore how to manage this shared IP resource when we discuss internal and external services later in this chapter. Kubernetes facilitates the pod-to-pod communication by not allowing the use of network address translation (NAT) for container-to-container or container-to-node (minion) traffic. Furthermore, the internal container IP address must match the IP address that is used to communicate with it. This underlines the Kubernetes assumption that all pods are able to communicate with all other pods regardless of the host they've landed on, and that communication then informs routing within pods to a local IP address space that is provided to containers. All containers within a given host can communicate with each other on their reserved ports via localhost. This unNATed, flat IP space simplifies networking changes when you begin scaling to thousands of pods.

These rules keep much of the complexity out of our networking stack and ease the design of the applications. Furthermore, they eliminate the need to redesign network communication in legacy applications that are migrated from existing infrastructure. In greenfield applications, they allow for a greater scale in handling hundreds, or even thousands of services and application communications.

Astute readers may have also noticed that this creates a model that's backwards compatible with VMs and physical hosts that have a similar IP architecture as pods, with a single address per VM or physical host. This means you don't have to change your approach to service discovery, loadbalancing, application configuration, and port management, and can port over your application management workflows when working with Kubernetes.

K8s achieves this pod-wide IP magic using a pod container placeholder. Remember that the pause container that we saw in Chapter 1, Introduction to Kubernetes, in the Services running on the master section, is often referred to as a pod infrastructure container, and it has the important job of reserving the network resources for our application containers that will be started later on. Essentially, the pause container holds the networking namespace and IP address for the entire pod, and can be used by all the containers running within. The pause container joins first and holds the namespace while the subsequent containers in the pod join it when they start up using Docker's --net=container:%ID% function.

If you'd like to look over the code in the pause container, it's right here:

Kubernetes can achieve the preceding feature set using either CNI plugins for production workloads or kubenet networking for simplified cluster communication. Kubernetes can also be used when your cluster is going to rely on logical partioning provided by a cloud service provider's security groups or network access control lists (NACLs). Let's dig into the specific networking options now.

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