Installing plugins

Log in to your Jenkins server, and from your home dashboard, click on Manage Jenkins

A note for those installing a new Jenkins server: when you first log in to the Jenkins server, it asks you to install plugins. Choose the default ones, or no plugins will be installed!

Then, on the Manage Jenkins page, select Manage Plugins from the list, as follows:

The main dashboard in Jenkins

The credentials plugin is required, but should be installed by default. We can check the Installed tab if in doubt, as shown in the following screenshot:

Installed plugins in Jenkins

Next, let's click on the Available tab. The Kubernetes plugin should be located under Cluster Management and Distributed Build or Misc (cloud). There are many plugins, so you can alternatively search for Kubernetes on the page. Check the box for Kubernetes plugin and click on Install without restart. This will install the Kubernetes plugin and the Durable Task Plugin:

The plugin installation screen in Jenkins

If you wish to install a nonstandard version, or just like to tinker, you can optionally download the plugins. The latest Kubernetes and durable task plugins can be found here:

Next, we can click on the Advanced tab and scroll down to Upload plugin. Navigate to the durable-task.hpi file and click on Upload. You should see a screen that shows an installation progress bar. After a minute or two, it will update to Success.

Finally, install the main Kubernetes plugin. On the left-hand side, click on Manage Plugins and then the Advanced tab once again. This time, upload the kubernetes.hpi file and click on Upload. After a few minutes, the installation should be complete.

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