Picking what's right

The first and arguably most important step when choosing a cluster is to pick the right hosted platform for your Kubernetes cluster. At a high level, here are the choices you have:

  • Local solutions include the following:
    • Minikube: A single-node Kubernetes cluster
    • Ubuntu on LXD: This uses LXD to deploy a nine-instance cluster of Kubernetes
    • IBM's Cloud Private-CE: This uses VirtualBox to deploy Kubernetes on n+1 instances
    • kubeadm-dind (Docker-in-Docker): This allows for multi-node Kubernetes clusters
  • Hosted solutions include the following:
    • Google Kubernetes Engine
    • Amazon Elastic Container Services
    • Azure Kubernetes Service
    • Stackpoint
    • Openshift online
    • IBM Cloud Kubernetes Services
    • Giant Swarm
  • On all of the aforementioned clouds and more, there are many turnkey solutions that allow you to spin up full clusters with community-maintained scripts

As of this book's publishing, here's a list of projects and solutions:

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