As mentioned earlier in this chapter, Kubernetes has now made RBAC a central component to authorization within the cluster. Kubernetes offers two levels for this kind of control. First, there is a ClusterRole, which provides cluster-wide authorization to resources. This is handy for enforcing access control across multiple teams, products, or to cluster-wide resources such as the underlying cluster nodes. Second, we have a Role, which simply provides access to resources within a specific namespace.

Once you have a role, you need a way to provide users with membership to that role. These are referred to as Bindings, and again we have ClusterRoleBinding and RoleBinding. As with the roles themselves, the former is meant for cluster-wide access and the latter is meant to apply within a specific namespace.

We will not dive into the details of RBAC in this book, but it is something you'll want to explore as you get ready for production grade deployments. The PodSecurityPolicy discussed in the next section typically utilizes Roles and RoleBindings to control which policies each user has access to.

For more information, please refer to the documentation here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/.

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