Dashboard highlights

Some highlights of the Tectonic dashboard are shown in the following screenshot:

The Tectonic main dashboard

Tectonic is now generally available and the dashboard already has some nice features. As you can see in the following screenshot, we can see a lot of detail about our replication controller, and can even use the GUI to scale up and down with the click of a button:

Tectonic replication controller detail

This graphic is quite large, so it's broken across two pages. The following screenshot continues from the preceding screenshot:

Another nice feature is the Events page. Here, we can watch the events live, pause them, and filter them based on event severity and resource type:

Events stream

A useful feature to browse anywhere in the dashboard system is the Namespace: filtering option. Simply click on the drop-down menu next to the word Namespace: at the top of any page that shows resources, and we can filter our views by namespace. This can be helpful if we want to filter out the Kubernetes system pods, or just look at a particular collection of resources:

Namespace filtering
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