Networking options

There are two approaches to the networking model that we have suggested. First, you can use one of the CNI plugins that exist in the ecosystem. This involves solutions that work with native networking layers of AWS, GCP, and Azure. There are also overlay-friendly plugins, which we'll cover in the next section. CNI is meant to be a common plugin architecture for containers. It's currently supported by several orchestration tools such as Kubernetes, Mesos, and CloudFoundry.

Network plugins are considered in alpha and therefore their capabilities, content, and configuration will change rapidly.

If you're looking for a simpler alternative for testing and using smaller clusters, you can use the kubenet plugin, which uses bridge and host-local CNI plugs with a straightforward implementation of cbr0. This plugin is only available on Linux, and doesn't provide any advanced features. As it's often used with the supplementation of a cloud provider's networking stance, it does not handle policies or cross-node networking.

Just as with CPU, memory, and storage, Kubernetes takes advantage of network namespaces, each with their own iptables rules, interfaces, and route tables.  Kubernetes uses iptables and NAT to manage multiple logical addresses that sit behind a single physical address, though you have the option to provide your cluster with multiple physical interfaces (NICs). Most people will find themselves generating multiple logical interfaces and using technologies such as multiplexing, virtual bridges, and hardware switching using SR-IOV in order to create multiple devices.

You can find out more information at

Always refer to the Kubernetes documentation for the latest and full list of supported networking options.

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