
Let's inspect our new namespace a bit more. Run the describe command as follows:

$ kubectl describe namespace/test

The following screenshot is the result of the preceding command:

The describe namespace

Kubernetes allows you to both limit the resources used by individual pods or containers and the resources used by the overall namespace using quotas. You'll note that there are no resource limits or quotas currently set on the test namespace.

Suppose we want to limit the footprint of this new namespace; we can set quotas as shown in the following listing quota.yaml:

apiVersion: v1 
kind: ResourceQuota
name: test-quotas
namespace: test
pods: 3
services: 1
replicationcontrollers: 1


In reality, namespaces would be for larger application communities and would probably never have quotas this low. I am using this for ease of illustration of the capability in this example.

Here, we will create a quota of 3 pods, 1 RC, and 1 service for the test namespace. As you have probably guessed, this is executed once again by our trusty create command, as follows:

$ kubectl create -f quota.yaml

Now that we have that in place, let's use describe on the namespace, as follows:

$ kubectl describe namespace/test

The following screenshot is the result of the preceding command:

The describe namespace after the quota is set

You'll note that we now have some values listed in the quota section, and that the limits section is still blank. We also have a Used column, which lets us know how close to the limits we are at the moment. Let's try to spin up a few pods using the following definition busybox-ns.yaml:

apiVersion: v1 
kind: ReplicationController
name: busybox-ns
namespace: test
name: busybox-ns
replicas: 4
name: busybox-ns
name: busybox-ns
- name: busybox-ns
image: busybox
- sleep
- "3600"

You'll note that we are creating four replicas of this basic pod. After using create to build this RC, run the describe command on the test namespace once more. You'll notice that the Used values for pods and RCs are at their max. However, we asked for four replicas and can only see three pods in use.

Let's see what's happening with our RC. You might attempt to do that with the following command:

kubectl describe rc/busybox-ns

However, if you try, you'll be discouraged by being met with a not found message from the server. This is because we created this RC in a new namespace and kubectl assumes the default namespace if not specified. This means that we need to specify --namepsace=test with every command when we wish to access resources in the test namespace.

We can also set the current namespace by working with the context settings. First, we need to find our current context, which is found with the following command:
$ kubectl config view | grep current-context
Next, we can take that context and set the namespace variable like in the following code:
$ kubectl config set-context <Current Context> --namespace=test
Now, you can run the kubectl command without the need to specify the namespace. Just remember to switch back when you want to look at the resources running in your default namespace.

Run the command with the namespace specified as shown in the following command. If you've set your current namespace as demonstrated in the tip box, you can leave off the --namespace argument:

$ kubectl describe rc/busybox-ns --namespace=test

The following screenshot is the result of the preceding command:

Namespace quotas

As you can see in the preceding image, the first three pods were successfully created, but our final one fails with a Limited to 3 pods error.

This is an easy way to set limits for resources partitioned out at a community scale. It's worth noting that you can also set quotas for CPU, memory, persistent volumes, and secrets. Additionally, limits work in a similar way to quota, but they set the limit for each pod or container within the namespace.

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